Political Prisoner Freed From Bush's Gulag - Court Orders Release of Ex-Governor From Prison


Peter Principle

In another scathing judicial rebuke of the Bush boobs and their merry band
of neo-conmen and incompetent corporate cronies, the 11th U.S. Circuit Court
of Appeals has ruled that Don Seigelamn, former Gov of AL, should be
released immediately from prison.

Seigelman, you may remember, was the target of a purely political
prosecution masterminded by none other than Karl Rove.

In ruling to grant Seigelman bail, the court concluded that Seigelman's
appeal raised, "...substantial questions of law or fact."

That's judge speak for, "This prosecution was a huge, steaming pile of
bullshit from the beginning."


Court Orders Release of Ex-Governor From Prison

Published: March 27, 2008

I support long prison sentences for any
politician caught smoking the wrong
cigarette as long as smoking the same
cigarette is illegal for me.

In a case where politicians conspired
to put an innocent behind bars because
they didn't think they could win an
election on their own merit...

I support execution!

There is no reason for Rove, Cheney,
and Bush to continue breathing if they
in fact did this outrageous act against
our legal system. This case is way beyond
the scope of anything that can be tolerated
in a free nation, or even any nation such
as America that even only pretends to be
a free nation.

But bank on this...
Republicans in America (all of them) will
support the idea of putting innocents behind
bars if it proves to be the only way they can
win an election. And you can also bet that
right now, even as I type this, Rush Limbaugh
is busy trying to think up tomorrows talking
points about why the democrat should still
be behind bars even if he is innocent, and
why Rove did the right thing to put an innocent
behind bars.

Damn straight!