political (warning warning) this administration is the most corrupt since Nixon


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
San Diego CA
Summed up perfectly, we have a cover up that cost American patriots/hero's lives. I was willing to give this admin a chance (did not vote for him) but this is out of control. What has happened to American journalists, they turn a blind eye because of their love of the first African-American President. Where is 60 minutes???


America has become a land of self serving idiots. Idiocracy isnt just a movie, its predicting the future.

Sooner or later thier lies will cause it to come crashing down, just hope Im dead by then.
America has become a land of self serving idiots. Idiocracy isnt just a movie, its predicting the future.

Sooner or later thier lies will cause it to come crashing down, just hope Im dead by then.

could not agree more, I tell people all the time about that movie, and how true it is.

What gets me is this cover up is all about modeling perception of the public through "changing the narrative" this PC crap is ruining this country.

Lives are lost because we do not want to admit we have a real problem with the people in the middle east that want to destroy us because of our freedoms
Oh we will never admit that theres a problem, the politicians prefer to just look the other way and carry on whatever agenda they want. Most of it is to keep them in office to justify the bs laws they pass that do nothing.

In the end we are in a world of **** and its getting flushed down the crapper.
Our government has been ****ed since Nixon. The last decent president that was around in my lifetime was Bill Clinton, and I'm a republican but i still say old Bill. GW Bush was by far the worst. Obama is on his way to continuing to ruin this nation. The issue now is that candidates are so luke warm they don't even know what side they want to represent. If you voted for Romney you should know that he would have been even worse. THat was the problem with this last election was....who is worse? Romney is about as democratic as any republican could ever be.
From our prespective your government is ****ed..


Pretty much, but they sugarcoat it to make it seem like they dont.

We can thank the idiots in power for that one, civil war was the beginning of the end. War about slavery my ass, it was about industrializing the nation and against the souths will.