Politics - Group will sue McDonald's over Happy Meal toys

Give me a break! Maybe parents should grow some balls and learn to tell their kids no!
Still, some may accuse the group of extremism, arguing that it's the parents' responsibility to monitor what their children eat, not the restaurant's.

These people are right.

"At some point parents get worn down," Jacobson says. "They don't always want to be saying no to their children. We feel like an awful lot of parents would be relieved if this one pressure was removed from them."

This guy is a moron and a cat. If he's a parent, his kids will be the ones shooting up schools because he has no self discipline, and his kids have no discipline...

edit: I said _pussy... and this thing changed it to cat... so we'll go with cat...
are the kids eating the toys?

edited to add:
Many McDonalds have play places, excellent for burning off energy and getting the kiddo's some exercise. my guess is that many of these parents don't want to be bothered with the time it takes to let their kids play, and that likely isn't just at meal times...
Unless the Happy Meal toys are driving peoples kids to McDonald's and buying them fast food without their knowledge, the judge should wad the lawsuit up into a tight little ball and shove it up the parents' ass.
Unless the Happy Meal toys are driving peoples kids to McDonald's and buying them fast food without their knowledge, the judge should wad the lawsuit up into a tight little ball and shove it up the parents' ass.

and then ask: "Would you like fries with that?"