Politics - Obama spill panel big on policy, not engineering



Obama spill panel big on policy, not engineering
.By SETH BORENSTEIN 2010-06-19T14:26:00ZWASHINGTON (AP) -- The panel appointed by President Barack Obama to investigate the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is short on technical expertise but long on talking publicly about "America's addiction to oil." One member has blogged about it regularly....© 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more about our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

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Just like everything this President does. Big on egg-head do nothings, almost devoid of those who actually do.


That's exactly how you end up with an administration that sits around talking about what to do with a multi-state ecological disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and nearly 2 months into it, decides to organize a panel to sit around and do more nothing.
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