Politics - White House disputes Kyl's account of border talk



White House disputes Kyl's account of border talk

.By CHARLES BABINGTON 2010-06-21T20:18:29ZWASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House on Monday disputed a Republican senator's claim that President Barack Obama refuses to secure the Mexican border until Congress agrees to a wide-ranging overhaul of immigration laws....© 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more about our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

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New member
I believe Kyl. This is the one issue that I cannot understand why President Obama won't address. Does the word Illegal mean anything anymore. I lived in AZ; I got out and I wouldn't fly over it in AirForce One if you paid me.


Active Members
I believe Kyl. This is the one issue that I cannot understand why President Obama won't address. Does the word Illegal mean anything anymore. I lived in AZ; I got out and I wouldn't fly over it in AirForce One if you paid me.
Because like Kyl said, they all know that once the border is secured the libs know they will not get the Republicans to agree to any form of reform that offers some form of amnesty, amnesty is their goal, and anything else, including the safety of the American people is secondary.

I was reading a story yesterday about how several millions of dollars of funding for the INS actually gets redirected to environmental programs, supposedly patrolling the border causes "HARM" to the area and millions of dollars must be spent to 'off set' that harm to the environment.

I didn't see where Kyl said "Obama said this". He was making a general (and truthful) statement... How was anyone lying?

They are trying to spin this one hard, no?



Active Members
I didn't see where Kyl said "Obama said this". He was making a general (and truthful) statement... How was anyone lying?

They are trying to spin this one hard, no?
No he did say what Obama told him:

We have to consider who here has the biggest reason to lie and why.

Obviously looking at the ground on the border we can see ourselves that there is no action by the administration to secure the border, we also know that this is a huge problem and the job fo the Federal Government to secure that border. We also know that Obama has directed the Justice department to find a way to sue Arizona because Obama does not like their actions to try and deal with this problem while Obama resists doing anything substancial to stop the problem so here we have fact after fact proving that Obama does not want to secure the border so using this fact, why?

Why would he "hold back"?

Combine that obvious question with this comment from Kyl and suddenly it all makes sense that Obama wants to use securing the border as a political barganing chip to get amnesty passed for the existing illegals.

Looking at it from the other direction does not make sense, if Obama wanted to secure the border it would already be secured, he has the power, as Kyl pointed out there are already approved measures (like the fence) that can easily be put into effect without new legislation but Obama resists........



Active Members
I posted in another thread a story out today concerning the plans for this administration to offer blanket amnesty in the form of pardons for all illegals in America.

Just incredible.



New member
I posted in another thread a story out today concerning the plans for this administration to offer blanket amnesty in the form of pardons for all illegals in America.

Just incredible.

Never going to happen. It's a bluff to bring Repubs in Congress to the table about immigration reform.



Active Members
I posted in another thread a story out today concerning the plans for this administration to offer blanket amnesty in the form of pardons for all illegals in America.

Just incredible.

Never going to happen. It's a bluff to bring Repubs in Congress to the table about immigration reform.
I will hope your right IWS, but I have to say that most "experts" thought Obama would back down from pushing the healthcare bill after all the polls, even the liberal polls all showed that most Americans did not want that bill to pass.

More often than not Obama seems to not even notice those he is trampling on as long as he can push his agenda through.

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