Poll: 1 in 4 younger U.S. Muslims support suicide bombings



Poll: 1 in 4 younger U.S. Muslims support suicide bombings

(New York - AP, May 23, 2007) - One in four younger U.S. Muslims said
in a poll that suicide bombings to defend their religion are
acceptable at least in some circumstances, though most Muslim
Americans overwhelmingly reject the tactic and are critical of Islamic
extremism and al-Qaida.

The survey by the Pew Research Center, one of the most exhaustive ever
of the country's Muslims, revealed a community that in many ways
blends comfortably into society. Its largely mainstream members
express nearly as much happiness with their lives and communities as
the general public does, show a broad willingness to adopt American
customs, and have income and education levels similar to others in the
Even so, the survey revealed noteworthy pockets of discontent.

While nearly 80 percent of U.S. Muslims say suicide bombings of
civilians to defend Islam can not be justified, 13 percent say they
can be, at least rarely.

That sentiment is strongest among those younger than 30. Two percent
of them say it can often be justified, 13 percent say sometimes and 11
percent say rarely.

"It is a hair-raising number," said Radwan Masmoudi, president of the
Washington-based Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy, which
promotes the compatibility of Islam with democracy.

He said most supporters of the attacks likely assumed the context was
a fight against occupation - a term Muslims often use to describe the
conflict with Israel.

U.S. Muslims have growing Internet and television access to extreme
ideologies, he said, adding: "People, especially younger people, are
susceptible to these ideas."

Federal officials have warned the U.S. must guard against homegrown
terrorism, as the British suffered with the London transit bombings of

Even so, U.S. Muslims are far less accepting of suicide attacks than
Muslims in many other nations. In Pew surveys last year, support in
some Muslim countries exceeded 50 percent, while it was considered
justifiable by about one in four Muslims in Britain and Spain, and one
in three in France.

"We have crazies just like other faiths have them," said Eide Alawan,
who directs interfaith outreach at the Islamic Center of America in
Dearborn, Mich., one of the nation's largest mosques. He said killing
innocent people contradicts Islam.

Andrew Kohut, Pew director, said in an interview that support for the
attacks represented "one of the few trouble spots" in the survey.

The poll briefly describes the rationales for and against "suicide
bombing and other forms of violence against civilian targets" and then
asks, "Do you personally feel that this kind of violence is often
justified to defend Islam, sometimes justified, rarely justified, or
never justified?"

The question did not specify where a suicide attack might occur, who
might carry it out or what was meant by using a bombing to "defend

Those of all ages backing at least some suicide attacks were about
evenly divided between men and women, with support stronger from those
who were U.S.-born and less educated, and those who attend mosques at
least weekly.

In other findings:

Only 5 percent of U.S. Muslims expressed favorable views of the
terrorist group al-Qaida, though about a fourth did not express an

Most said they are concerned about a rise in Islamic extremism in the
U.S. and around the world.

Only 40 percent said they believe Arab men carried out the attacks of
Sept. 11, 2001.

By six to one, they say the U.S. was wrong to invade Iraq, while a
third say the same about Afghanistan - far deeper than the opposition
expressed by the general U.S. public.

Just over half said it has been harder being a U.S. Muslim since the
9/11 attacks. Nearly a third of those who flew in the past year say
they underwent extra screening because they are Muslim.

Forty-seven percent said they consider themselves Muslim first, rather
than American. Forty-two percent of Christians and 62 percent of white
evangelical Protestants identified themselves primarily by their
religion in earlier surveys.

By six-to-one, they favor the Democratic Party over the Republican
Party, and by five-to-one say they voted for Democratic Sen. John
Kerry over President Bush in 2004.
The survey estimates there are roughly 2.35 million Muslim Americans.
Among adults, two-thirds are from abroad while a fifth are U.S.-born

By law, the Census Bureau does not ask about people's religions.

Telephone interviews were conducted with 1,050 Muslim adults from
January through April, including in Arabic, Urdu and Farsi. Subjects
were chosen at random, from a separate list of households including
some with Muslim-sounding names, and from Muslim households that had
answered previous surveys.

The margin of sampling error was plus or minus 5 percentage points.
"Witnesses watched as more than 60 Palestinian shops were bulldozed to
the ground this week in one West Bank village, while the owners stood
by and watch helplessly. But not one American in ten saw or heard
about this in the US press. An educated American pro-life activist was
surprised to disbelief when I told him that the Israeli death losses
run about one-fourth the number or Palestinians killed by Israelis. He
thought the statistics were reversed, having never heard or seen a
count in the US press, he has been brain scrubbed. Misinformation by
the US press is not excusable in the Internet age. So Israel has
provided an Orwellian propaganda filter called the Israeli Ministry of
Foreign Affairs (IMFA) that makes it all possible. It provides the
convenient excuse the US press needs to look the other way and print
abridged stories, keeping most of us ignorant. The propaganda arm of
the Israeli military has once again been caught purposefully lying
about the death count among its forces. We believe their purpose in
doing this is to condition Americans into accepting Israel's use of
American-made weapons of mass destruction against the vulnerable
civilian population in Gaza and the West Bank. Israel's willing
facilitator is the US Media, which spreads their distorted stories in
the USA. This same pattern of misrepresentation is repeated again and
again, proving how important and routine propaganda is to Israel. On
December 5th, the IMFA released an account of two suspected sacrifice
bombers (wrongly called suicide bombers ) who allegedly killed 22
persons and wounded more than 100. But the press release failed to
mention that there were also Israeli military casualties in the raid.
Furthermore, their account omitted the fact that a female army
sergeant was among the killed. The omission is significant. It fits
perfectly into the predictable pattern of how the IMFA deceives
Americans almost daily. This practice repeatedly uses almost every
report of Israeli deaths to distort the facts of their conflict with
the Palestinians. We will now teach you how to read between the lies
and know when the story is distorted.


On November 19, 2002, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IMFA)
re-manufactured a similar story about a Palestinian sacrifice raid on
a military target. Twelve Israeli soldiers and paramilitary fighting
men were killed and there was no collateral damage (civilians dead).
The propagandists changed the "facts" to call the raid a "Massacre of
innocent (Israeli) civilians," as the story was carried in the US
press. It is a total and complete bald-faced lie which We Hold These
Truths alone corrected it in our article: U. S. Media, Caught Lying...
Again http://www.whtt.org/articles/021224.htm

This writer put the facts together from the Israeli military's own
documents one month after the event was misreported. Do you, dear
reader, know how to recognize such lies for yourself so you don't have
to wait for us to unravel it for you? To do this one must first
understand the quaint language of the IMFA. We call these lies
"z-facts" (short for Zionist facts) meaning lies that are couched in
official, narrative sounding language but are indeed untrue. Here is
how the Hebron report was distorted by z- facts, which the Media
reported as rear facts. The first release from the IMFA read:


Z-facts differ from bald-faced lies because they do not state outright
all the killed or wounded are civilians, but it is clearly implied.
(In those rare cases where everyone killed are indeed civilian, the
IMFA says so and saves its lies for a later day.) The truth is told
only if it suits the teller. By calling an attack on an armed military
unit a "terror attack" on "Jewish worshipers" and "claiming 12 lives,"
the z-facts leave the a clear impression that those killed were
civilians. Any honest account would have called it "an attack on
Israeli military unit by Palestinian guerillas" etc. In our previous
article we explained the procedure as follows: "The Israeli Ministry
of Foreign Affairs is a propaganda arm of the Israeli Defense Force
(IDF). --They are the first to know who is killed. But they cause the
story to be circulated that all killed were civilians because it
serves their purpose. Then, once the misinformation has reached the
American public, the corrected story is allowed to surface in Israel,
though the false images are never corrected in the eyes of the
American public." http://www.whtt.org/articles/021224.htm (please
forgive us for quoting ourselves, but we are the best source)

In January 5th story Israel did it again. This time every one of our
readers should have detected the lie without being told. The press in
both countries used the same predictable, deceptive language. Each
stated "22 Israelis" had been killed and many more wounded. Had all
those killed or wounded had been non-military the report would most
likely have called them "civilians." The generic term "Israelis"
suggest to us that the IMFA is hiding something, not wanting to
identify who was really killed. They were.

Later the same day, a sad corrected story was carried with the names
of those killed. The IMFA stated that all of the victims had been
identified and included Staff Sgt. Mazal Orkobi of Azor. Ha'aretz
subsequently revealed in an obituary that Sgt. Orkobi was a 20 year-
old female who was on her first day of active duty with the Israeli
Defense Forces. But this part of the story never reached the USA. Nor
can we find a disclosure as to how many of the 120 wounded were
military. As usual, the IMFA did not disclose those who were in the
active reserves but not on duty at the time of death...

But because military were killed and possibly wounded, no
one can conclude they targeted civilians. In all but a few sacrifice
bombings military are killed or wounded. The IMFA had two reasons for
keeping Sergeant Orkobi's name out of the print. They can garner
sympathy for their air raids if the American public believes the
sacrifice bombers are targeting civilians only. Israel kills
Palestinian civilians by the dozens and do not even bother to

The second reason Israel keeps Sergeant Orkobi's name out of
American's minds is that most do not know that Israeli's draft their
girls and puts them in harms way. If American Christians knew about
the mistreatment of Israeli women, including the use of Military-paid
abortion as a birth control method, many would wonder about their
unquestioned support of the Israeli war machine.

Christian Israeli Patriots such as Pat Robertson, Franklin Graham and
Jerry Falwell, who Ariel Sharon calls the Christian Zionists, might be
embarrassed to explain their undying devotion to a regime which drafts
women into combat, marches them hip to hip with men, and provides free
abortions for the resulting problems. Some might wake up and actually
wonder if boys and girls are conditioned to kill and torture
Palestinian including children. Israel and a complicit US Media solve
these twin problems by doctoring press releases with false statements
that omit the loss of military personnel in guerilla raids. Female
names are never associated with the military even though they make up
about 1/3 of the total draftees.

("Suicide bomber:" Suicide is the act of taking ones one life for
the purpose of ending it. Sacrifice bombers have never been shown to
have a desire to stop living; their motive is to find and destroy
enemy personal regardless of the cost. Thus the term "sacrifice
bombers" is more accurate in describing them. The former is an Israeli
propaganda label. )

REFERENCES LITERATURE FROM WHTT: Israel's policy of abusing its own
women is detailed in two previous articles by this author. "THE
Carlson (http://www.whtt.org/articles/020607.htm ) and "ISRAEL'S