Polltion causes close to 40 percent of all deaths in the world



Here's one small reason to join the save-the-environment cause: new
> research indicates that some 40 percent of deaths worldwide are a
> direct effect of air, water, and soil pollution. Dirty air contributes
> to cancer and birth defects; unclean water accounts for 80 percent of
> all infectious diseases; and contaminated soil passes toxics to
> unwitting humans through direct contact or via food. According to
> researchers' review of data from more than 120 published papers,
> pollution combined with population growth contributes to
> malnourishment and disease susceptibility in 3.7 billion people, or
> about 57 percent of the world population. In 1950, when a mere 2.5
> billion humans roamed the earth, only 20 percent of the population was
> malnourished. Says lead researcher David Pimentel, "We have serious
> environmental resource problems of water, land, and energy, and these
> are now coming to bear on food production, malnutrition, and the
> incidence of diseases."
> straight to the source: Science Daily, 14 Aug 2007
> straight to the source: The Ithaca Journal, Topher Sanders, 13 Aug
> 2007
> see also, in Grist: An interview with David Pimentel

It is one of the most not talked about issues that cause harm in history. If
they wanted to show cause and affect in 1000s of ways all they had to do is
be truthful and show the comparisons. 100s of issues from walks for cancer,
to asthma and respiratory disease to quality of life is affected.
Politicians and tv news ignores it all, the same for violent crime.
real billboards around our highways
Can you sell sand to camels?
In something more out of a twilight zone.. A dead city of violence and
horrific air quality daily.. every day.. the same hell.. fears of violence
and lost health resound. Doctors and hospitals and satelite hospitals for
test and cancer clinics and three heart and lung centers.

.. A gov based on two societies rich and poor. Untill America votes out the
republicans and rich people who don't care about average americans we will
be coopted by more bad people like Bush. who has allowed cities like mine to
breed people who get literally no clean air for months. thanks politicians
for defaulting to harming people to protect corporate powers and energy
companies. Reporters who are coopted by takeovers don't give a shi about
freedom or reporting of truth.

>>>>People in the US don't care about others. Its the wild west in many
>>>>communities where poor people, poverty and pollution collide and still
>>>>illegals and crime and pollution and its affects are totally ignored
>>> You don't know **** about pollution.

>>and a one and two
>>what don't I know about pollution that you know?

> Above, I wrote my first thought..........
> Do you know of, remember, appreciate, what the killer fogs of London in
> the early
> fifties were made of?

whats the point? The important part about pollution is to determine harm
now. If cig smoke killed more people 30 years ago and less people smoke now,
that doesn't negate the damage from cig smoke.

> Do you know of, remember, appreciate, that the Cuyahoga River last caught
> fire in
> 1967?
> Do you know of, remember, appreciate, that many American waterways used to
> be so
> foul that there were no fish in them, and now are pristine?

Pristine? there are more beach closings in the US now then ever .Do a
search on Google.

> Do you know of, remember, appreciate, that in the early sixties the Thames
> River in
> London could only support mudworms and now is home to all kinds of fish
> and
> wildlife?

Some waterways are clean and some are not. To negate the damage from
pollution by comparing how polluted it use to be is not a good analogy.
Why because as I speak millions of people are breathin air that might not be
as bad as 50 years ago, but its making people sicker faster and killen
faster. so shouldn't that be a more important concern? Its amazin how the
people who refuse to see the damages now rationalize. Incidentally in some
ways its worse now but then again, I start playing your game to demphasize
damage now by saying how bad it was then to now.
> Do you know of, remember, appreciate, that at one time part of the morning
> news in
> America was the Strontium 90 count of the milk for children?
> Have you ever lived in a city where steel smelting was going on 24/7 and
> everything
> within a coupla miles would be covered with a black sticky grime in a day?

I live in a city where people are meanspirited, where there are thousands of
shootings a year (thats thousands), there are over 50,000 prescriptions for
respitatory medications and we have the worse asthma and asthma related
deaths then every city in the US. We have more days without good air then
practically most of the people in the US, . Look up our air now , go to epa
website. We had good air for 2 full days out of 60. Do you know the
ramifications for disability and lives lost for people who live here who
have to pay for health care and their overall health compared to people who
get clean air? Do you? Have you ever compared the quality of life of people
who lived in clean air to those that don't? If we cleaned our air now in
some regions only to have more people suffer in others, whats the point? /We
are not doing enough now , and in fact we are literally killing kids . I
don't think it I know it .

> Have you ever driven into a higher altitude city and seen the upper
> stories of
> buildings obscured by pink smog on early summer mornings?
> Have you ever had a car finish ruined by acid rain?

Have you ever seen babies cry more in polluted cities compared to unpolluted
cities. or people having less sleep or having to consume and pay for asthma
meds thru no fault of themselves? Have you ever seen people grasp for
breath solely because of the air pollution and if people get sick and die
faster in pollution , ever see any person or politician in areas more
affected care to correlate the point this is happening more and do
something about it? Ever see a population get sick more often and not have
reporters ever report it or politicians not care to answer your concerns? -
And get this the people who suffered from it don't know why often because
its not reported? There are millions of people who don't know why believe
it or not because of people like you who actually mitigate the harm by not
looking for stats and comparisons to people with clean air now, to show
harm now and instead give worthless information about past pollution.
Unless you can show harm based on comparisons with people who get clean air
your sentimental look back in the past is meaningless.This is today and we
have more co2, cars and congestion and we have ways to measure the pollution
but of course not accurate ways to judge harm unfortunately .The people who
actually get pollution based on epa own measurements which measure the
pollution , are not a concern to most of US press.

I can tell you the outlook for teens and families who have kids who get
their exercise in dirty air like ours has to be studied and followed up
From the parts we already know from damages the consequences seem to be
ominous. These are real billboards on our nations highways.. I swear to you.
this is
now the mentality of corporate America: control , based on being
able to sell no matter what it is or to who

> its one thing propoganda, its another to give kids no clean air, set them
> up
> for dysfunction, then complain its their lazy ass for the cause. I call it
> murder. they have legitimized murder
> It seems like silence is the best answer to real problems, that protect
> the
> rich . The rich don't have to pay attention to real issues from you and me
> because, they often control the choices for the answers.
> I don't want to get into the religious angle but as for control and power
> ,
> more power for credit card companies to come after ya, more power for
> polluters to kill ya if they want, and they do, more power for tv stations
> to not have to care one iota of what you think or answer your concerns and
> more power to rich politicians who after all control who gets elected. .
> The
> sad parts are, we set poor role models and eventually undermind people
> wanting to do the best and good things. We might have made great mouse
> traps
> but someone better will come along and do it better one day. Our role
> models
> could care less about human suffering in the us, or crime , immigration or
> the costs of pollution , just let someone else pay for it down the line.I
> never saw so many people not care about those that are not like them.
> Selfish heartless souls arguing points based on control not facts or
> reasoning. Can we have more written about Paris Hilton please?

We have signs on our highways: If you can sell ice to Eskimos we need you
If you can sell sand to camels.. we need you. Sales.com or something to that
These are our role models deception for control . deception over truth or

> "Branson Hunter" <bh2322@netzero.net> wrote in message
> news:1186625195.390127.149100@l70g2000hse.googlegroups.com...
>> On Aug 8, 4:46 am, "Kurt Brown" <sbrown...@comcast.net> wrote:
>>> So, you are unhappy with filthy rich daddy's boy who inherited an oil
>>> fortune?
>>> The regime is injecting and torturing the poor. I say applaud when they
>>> are
>>> hit with huge weapons. They are the inhumane and have been attacked by
>>> the
>>> humane but they are too big. Let us hope for a true global war and
>>> support
>>> the execution of the world's true terrorists.
>>> They hate us, we hate them. Sincerely, a forced injections and tortured
>>> former bank examiner and veteran who was naive enough to believe in
>>> their
>>> lies. Kurt brown-- Saint Ram Bone
>>> Support their executions and the removal of the American dictatorship
>>> built
>>> upon foreigners aggressions. 911 was the first touch, now for the
>>> strike.
>>> Mobile Audit Club,
>>> http://www.angelfire.com/zine2/democracyordeath/index.html
>>> "Branson Hunter" <bh2...@netzero.net> wrote in message
>>> news:1186529914.830660.10980@w3g2000hsg.googlegroups.com...
>>> > Aug 7, 5:20 AM
>>> > Research aimed at disputing the scientific consensus on global warming
>>> > is part of a huge public misinformation campaign funded by some of the
>>> > world's largest carbon polluters, former Vice President Al Gore said
>>> > Tuesday.
>>> > There has been an organized campaign, financed to the tune of about
>>> > $10 million a year from some of the largest carbon polluters, to
>>> > create the impression that there is disagreement in the scientific
>>> > community.
>>> > "This is one of the strongest of scientific consensus views in the
>>> > history of science," Gore said. "We live in a world where what used to
>>> > be called propaganda now has a major role to play in shaping public
>>> > opinion."
>>> > Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM), the world's largest publicly traded oil
>>> > company, is one of the major fuel companies involved in attempting to
>>> > mislead the public about global warming.
>>> > British and American science advocacy groups accused ExxonMobil of
>>> > funding groups that undermine the scientific consensus on climate
>>> > change.
>>> >http://apnews.myway.com/article/20070807/D8QS3JEO0.html- Hide quoted
>>> >text -
>>> - Show quoted text -

>> For the record, it appeared I wrote some of your text in your reply
>> since you left my name at the end. That said, this post is about
>> global warming and corporation's huge propaganda campaign to hoodwink
>> Americans -- and the World -- that gobal warming is a sham and based
>> upon faulty science. Of course we all know different because it's
>> likely the most important crises humankind is facing.
>> Though your post was OT, I took a look at your webpage link and agree
>> in principal but don't think the solution is to "excute" culpable
>> politicans or fat cats.
>> Branson Hunter
>> The Founding Fathers would be ashamed of us for not taking advantage
>> of the Declaration of Independence. Like Benjamin Franklin said -- we
>> give you a democratic republic if you can hold it. Well.... we've lost
>> it.
>> In something more out of a twilight zone.. A dead city of violence and

horrific air quality daily.. every day.. the same hell.. fears of violence
and lost health resound. Doctors and hospitals and satelite hospitals for
test and cancer clinics and three heart and lung centers.. A city of a
walking dead.

"Dragonfly" <snow_fires@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> On Aug 5, 6:05 pm, "beav" <theb...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> <cuts>
>> I just want to know the extent of damage I am living under thats rarely
>> gone
>> over , give me the damage risks, thats all I ask. the news media is
>> sssssssssssssssssssilent..unbelievable except for an occasional true
>> piece
>> that will rarely reach the places that have most particulates especially
>> on
>> the tv news. Makes one think there is a conspiracy

> The problem is not a conspiracy (oh god save us from such
> paranoia....).

a conspiracy is not important to you if your not affected. I say people are
being affected and losing their health to particulate pollution. Why more
isn't being done is because its not even reported that which is important. .
I can see ten reports on tummy tucks and not one on our city having the most
asthma or people needing respiratory meds the most then every city in the
nation. or which city gets clean air the least.. another potential link that
proves damages if they wanted to. That isn't a complete conspiracy but the
damaging affects are effectively kept from people who don't read the
> Seriously? You CAN get your air quality tested. There are also many
> things you can do, easily and cheaply, to vastly improve the air
> quality in your house and car.

I go to epa website and have determined they are fairly accurate.. I have my
air filter from intake vent to show anyone proof of my contentions.I invite
people to see and compare how many of us need health care and at what age
and how many doctors and hospitals we have in use compared to people in good
air. I dont' have any doubt what the results would be if comparisins
medically were had. I already know we have more cancers and heart disease,
and asthma and respiratory disease and this before we had so many days
without good air. so now what. What if we are really being exposed to toxic
air and kids are set up for disease. you think people care? We are living in
heartless society and for reasons because of some of the things I mentioned.
Gov knows all this is happening which is why politicians don't answer.
> The government isn't responsible for this. The media isn't
> responsible either, and even less responsible to report on such
> things... It is somewhat insane to think that the news media is
> "deficient" for not covering this

no its not, I can't think of anything more important then people losing
their health years faster then other people.

.. And this is coming from a semi-pro
> journalist who's worked for a few major news outlets. The news media
> reports on things that are a- going to interest their readers/viewers
> in continuing to read/listen to their particular news outlet, or b-
> will make the news agency look good or c- will encourage the
> advertizers to want to spend more of their advertizing budget on their
> particular news agency.

the news makes what is important. they keep taking over each other and
peoples opinions and concerns are seldom addressed. rich people make the
issues that people will be concerned about. We have more murders in the US
then amercians dying in Iraq.. We could see pennies from space in the 60s,
we can't find terrorists without a comjmunication system? We know the
consequences from pollution but why do anything if we need energy and keep
the rich from having to pay to clean up their mess. You have to be virtually
a millionare to get elected to Most Senate and Congressional seats. There
are tons of issues that news doesn't go over and so I beg to differ. The
major tv stations all have the same stories and headlines.. rarely caring or
looking into what I think is important like objectivity. Paris hilton is
important to public not the alternative energy , not because people don't
care, its because the news makes people interested in what the news wants
them to care about. Pollution and its affects especially in places that get
consistent amounts of pollution without good air has shown time and again to
cause harm yet they rarely report it. Kids are told to exercise yet
exercising in bad air can do more harm then good and I am here to verify
that. I can go on and on. If you think people can live well and be happy in
bad air our city is proof its hard. We are losing population and have
thousands of people shooting each other and the highest asthma and murder
rates. I have been in clean air cities and for the most part the level of
participation in sports and positive activity is attainable compared to here
where literally its not.

> The way a story gets chosen to either be run, or to be put aside is in
> most cases ultimately based on the goals of the enws agency and on the
> financial base of the company (ie. the advertizing agencies that buy
> ad-space from that particular news agency).

at the expense of truth or what the people want, Its easier to accept ads
for health care then to telll people why they need it.

> So. With that understanding of just what influences the stories that
> a news agency selects to run, does it make sense now why such a thing
> as an individual's in-home air quality and the specifics on potential
> damages and risk of disease and/or damage from unhealthy in-hone air
> quality is not often reported on?
> So, given this understanding, now a few suggestions on just where to
> find the information you seem to be wanting:
> Try either emailing or writing a letter to the various governmental or
> private organizations who are involved in the specific health issues
> you are concerned about regarding air quality; the American lung
> Association comes immediately to mind, but there are others

Many people are concerned since I started writting , its just that this gov
is doing very little and news organization could care less who is affected
and I swear to god peopel are losing their life only because where they
live. years of life ..gov don't have any responsible to protect or warn
people ? polluters dont' have any responsibilty to clean up what kills

.. Also,
> contact the government's national public health department and ask
> them about this and specifically ask for any studies they may have
> related to this topic. Another place would be four-year universities
> who offer undergrad and postgrad degrees in related fields (public
> health and safety, nurse/veterinary science, life sciences in general,
> and lots of others!)

I have! this gov does not care about people! they won't even answer you!
I asked countless times politicians and gov officials to correlate the
damages from particulate pollution and I get no answer!

> Finally, if you are very concerned, which you do sound like you really
> are, joking aside, look into companies who offer air quality testing
> and find out how much it would cost to have your home air quality
> tested. I've no idea at all of what companies do this or what price
> range you'd be looking at, but what I DO know is that there are
> companies that exist that do these kinds of tests.
> Another thing that might be of interest is to connect with people
> working on enhancing air quality in the workplace, in factories, in
> industrial settings. They might have some suggestions of not only
> where to look for this information, but possibly also what things you
> could do yourself on a smaller scale.
> Finally, the one thing that I know of that for sure will help your in-
> home air quality improve is to have a fair number of green growing
> plants in every room of your house. Again, this is something you will
> want to research a bit, but I (being a biological sciences student)
> know that there are specific plants that are highly effective in
> taking in air-born toxins and increasing the purity of the air around
> them.

Yah know plants can't hurt but its not going to stop an attack . Particulate
pollution kills . One study I didn't need to know what I already know. The
point is at what point is it harming and how many and when.. When they
compare and do the tests you tell me about gov not needing to protect

> Hope this helps at least point you towards some solutions for your
> lack of knowledge! Let me know if you get confused by something I
> posted, or need more help refining just where to get the info you want
> and how to go about getting the results you're after. Good luck!
> Dragonfly

>Likewise, a 2005 study by researchers at the University of Southern

California's Keck School of Medicine showed that long-term exposure to
ambient particulate matter may contribute to atherosclerosis, the hardening
and narrowing of the arteries.

"Particle pollution kills people, whether they're breathing it in over a
short period or day in and day out for a year," Nolen says. "It's not like
being hit by a car, but it shortens the lives of people by months to years."

Even if you live in a city with low pollution levels, don't kid yourself;
that doesn't necessarily mean your commute is healthy. A 2007 report by the
Clean Air Task Force that investigated diesel exhaust levels during commutes
in New York, Boston, Austin, Texas, and Columbus, Ohio, documented diesel
particle levels four to eight times higher inside commuter cars, buses and
trains than in those cities' ambient outdoor air.

The only commutes found to be low in diesel exposure were those on
electric-powered subways and commuter trains, buses running on alternative
fuels or retrofitted with diesel particulate filters, and in cars traveling
with little truck traffic.

walking dead.