pollution stock scams, yahoo message board, violent crimes



----- Original Message -----
From: "dfte" <steknospam@yahoo.com>
Newsgroups: misc.industry,ca.politics,ny.politics,alt.lawyers,md.general
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 7:12 PM
Subject: Someone help please we are being murdered for big energy

> and coal
> and oil. Forget giant oil profits we are literally killing people too and
> more and more consolidation by news and Big business. Remember the golden
> rule too in stocks and horse racing : the more you put in it the more
> chances it will stop going up and sometimes down (if your short). Why
> because brokerages and hedge funds and others see your money show up and
> its THERE to be played against the problem is they have more money and so
> you lose automatically and nothing is done.More and more your complaints
> mean nothing and more and more site can censure you. Look at the only
> place left that is complete free: newsgroups, many a time service
> providers don't even tell customers of the availability of newsgroups or
> they don't care them. . Before you
> say not I am telling you my breathing shuts down. with moderate
> particulate pollution and yet even with links to damage if news and
> politicians want to ignore you they can. I can name 4 stocks that once my
> money showed up it tanked. I use to follow horse racing bets when they had
> $100 windows and I can tell you which horses would lose based only on how
> much people bet. the more , the more likely it lost ( more complex then
> that but for sake of arugment thats true) People with asthma might
> have it more often but they sure as hell are not told why? Why not?
> Because news stations make money off your illness, thats the sort of
> business and mentality we got. Stocks are often just scams to take your
> money. and believe me they take em fast. They should remove the human
> element but for an unknown reason they would rather they give you
> automated operators who don't understand most words said when you call and
> complain. Your but a digital blueprint. No one cares about you if you live
> in a city with much violence, crime and polluted air and trust me to many
> in control thats more important then being ready to counter the Chinese or
> the Russians. in the future. Our debt is out of control

> people don't care about each other anymore
> Do you think the news will tell you all this that I have written before.
> Please send this post to as many people as you can

Remember when Yahoo use to show the thousands of messageson its message
boards before they took them down and they promised to replace them? Well
they didn't. In cidentally they were able to stop what you just wrote before
you even wrote it, thats how good they were with messages and technology. So
you know if gov is concerned with rado and bad spinanch and health care but
not who is getting harmed or why you know anything else is possible. Huge
charges for interest rates and whatever they can get away with big business
is the new scams business uses.
> How is it that people can do the wrong things in this country so often and
> get away with it? They still say most cases of inside traders get away
> with it and still no new rules to catch the people. Our role models have
> left.
> We don't do anything about violent crime. National politicians are afraid
> at offending someone. Many people need jobs.
> My city had pollution ratings of particulate pollution at 100 today. 3
> good days usually when it rains) out of 40 and no one cares why kids
> don't graduate I can;t breath and or sleep or concentrate.they say move
> instead of finding out why this is allowed to happen.Good
> quality of air has left.literally , and its getting worse, the percentage
> of
> days we get pollution like this keep increasing and nothing is done. . If
> it does not happen in your world it happens here. If it reached good for
> ten minutes they
> sure as hell will tell you the whole day was good and send yu the links
> the epa has defaulted to poisoning people and they get upset cause even
> states want to persue their own anti pollution standards. Imagine that?
> Why can't we arrest these people for fraud? .. The list of damage is
> ignored. Simply ignored by politicians, I weeze automatically at
> moderate..
> let alone at 100 particulate rates. Is it more gases or pollution or both?
> Trust me the gov knows what is
> happening. What hell am I in? Stock losses. health loss, no jobs. but hell
> oil prices can sabotage our economy and the countries get aid too and can
> get weapons too to continue
> to put unreasonable demands on those they are allowed to hate then we
> bring em here by the millions who post and do hateful things once here?
> What is going on in this owrld s . We pay countries who
> hate just because they tell us they are fighting terrorists. How in the
> helll did we default to all this?
> > Stocks! All my stocks go opposite once my money shows and the more money

> shows the more insiders can either sell or invest against your investment
> or
> tell hedge funds. If your money is in stock, all of a sudden brokerages
> can
> find information ( don't matter what) and have explanations at hand why
> your
> stock is going down usually once it shows up or up if your short enough.
> They talk about changing factors why your stock loses.. Three times I had
> stocks that went down almost all the way to zero. Stocks use to go up for
> the long haul, now they can go up down and out. Too fast job growth,
> recession, inflation , too slow job growth. Too much revenues without
> profits, ceo made a mistake. Whatever it takes, and shorts usually beofre
> you take you for all your worth? Look at the stock board
> for stkl and see what happened yet no SEC investigation? The stock
> mysterious kept going down and insiders sold and after the stock lost
> close
> to 50 percent they come out with bad news and insiders gained millions..
> After you lose and believe me they can bring it down to however low it
> takes, someone buys and takes it back up without you. The stocks that do
> great are always the ones that were under your radar.
> Big business has a licenese to steal with unreasonble charges and interest
> rates.
>> they have evolved to human manipulation and control
>>> t!
>>> .now Money market guys and insiders and shorts and hedge funds trade
>>> against
>>> you often with information they get and you don't have and who is going
>>> to prove
>>> it? The only cases that go to court is so obvious, the rest get to make
>>> money off your bets or investments.Ps its suicidal to be a day traders,
>>> simply because no matter how good the stock, market makers can know your
>>> history and hold the stock back which is why they lose 90 percent of
>>> time NOT for any other reason
>>> But even worse just investing in stocks can almost assure losses and be
>>> a
>>> set up.
>>> This is way shorter then my other posts
>>>> Stocks in my
>>>>> estimation are set up for insiders and hedge funds and shorts to gain
>>>>> over and over on your investments. Even if thats not always true, what
>>>>> is more true is that after you invest chances are the stock goes
>>>>> opposite your intended wishesespecially if the stock is overloaded
>>>>> with
>>>>> buyers or shorts. When allot and tons of buyers come in, this is when
>>>>> its best to short. except you are the last to know why. . especially
>>>>> the more you invest. Its the
>>>>> most incredible things I have ever seen . They have thousands of
>>>>> reasons
>>>>> why,
>>>>> restated earnings, mistakes in audit, inflation, deflation jobs
>>>>> producing too
>>>>> fast, jobs lost too fast.. You name it when your money shows up they
>>>>> will
>>>>> come out with why the stock went opposite yours. You know how many
>>>>> times
>>>>> my stocks went
>>>>> down over 70 percent! Most! Yep it was just me , not! I did great on
>>>>> paper till my investment went in . They all do great till your big
>>>>> money
>>>>> shows up. I had a dsl stock go bankrupt, I had a Global Crossing go
>>>>> out,
>>>>> (insider trading in both those) I had
>>>>> internet stock, that went to 100 that tanked, I had a advertising
>>>>> company
>>>>> that went fro 100 to 10 (tfsm) ! Seriously, Five times I lost over
>>>>> thousands of dollars.. This last time I picked a stock with great
>>>>> ratings from brokers, never went up or down more then 8 points in 15
>>>>> years, and
>>>>> when I invested it went from 15 to 5 in 6 weeks. This is not lies !
>>>>> or
>>>>> the first
>>>>> time this has happened. And while it may be funny and incite someone
>>>>> to
>>>>> say let me know what you invest in I will short it, , basically thats
>>>>> what the stock market is predicated upon now, decpetion. ! Al this is
>>>>> not an accident This is not an accident You know
>>>>> whats was the changing conditions that often stock holders read about
>>>>> when
>>>>> their money shows up in stocks and lose? YOUR MONEY SHOWING UP is the
>>>>> changing
>>>>> condition . Shorts and brokerages and company officals can have all
>>>>> sorts
>>>>> of reasons why
>>>>> the stocks tanked or went opposite yours, , before even the
>>>>> information
>>>>> came out and they get away
>>>>> We have some very knowledgable and smart people .. This is true but
>>>>> often this knowledge is used to cheat and take unfari advantage. Our
>>>>> role models have left
>>>>> Pollution kills and I have personal knowledge of some of the effects.
>>>>> We
>>>>> have links to damage, and we depend on high oil prices. Yet do sane
>>>>> people try to protect people with the knowledge we attained? at least
>>>>> provide more protection for people most affected / God knows the epa
>>>>> says states can't take more action incredibly enough!
>>>>> Today I have links to damage and I am stating let God be my judge they
>>>>> can prove illness correlated to pollution levels or the amount of
>>>>> clean
>>>>> air people get or the amount of clean air they don't get. People in
>>>>> harms way are not told. This is the meaness of people in control.
>>>>> forget stocks, they can literally take your breath away ..
>>>>> because of political aspirations and rules already made to benefit the
>>>>> top percents. In stocks its set up so they can take your money legally
>>>>> or illegally. For energy they can poison you for however long it takes
>>>>> so pharmacy and news can profit. Does news tell you whats really
>>>>> happening? Of course not. They are too busy consolidating.

> the differences between the poor and rich keep increasing. Of course the
> news people are happy they get paid to act like there are few problems so
> what!
> We need election reform We need election reform badly

We need reporers who will ask the hard questions about this not paid hacks
only shown on major tv.
> >>>>> People write me all the time agreeing with me or saying I am nuts
>>>>> In so many ways we are screwing ourselves and just not doing the right
>>>>> things. We set up an economy with expectation of crime and giant
>>>>> defecits
>>>>> and people exposed to pollution harm and more censureship and fear of
>>>>> violence, and Big business with rules like giant late fees, protection
>>>>> service fees I never ordered, telling you they will give you money to
>>>>> switch
>>>>> to a broker then gives you a horrible price when you make a market
>>>>> trade,
>>>>> people need to talk to automated phones to answer wrong charges from
>>>>> cell
>>>>> phone companies . I provided the links to pollution damages and my
>>>>> lungs constrict and other ominous things happen to people without good
>>>>> air yet politicians don't care. They dont write back even with links.
>>>>> so
>>>>> if they can do , you know they can do anything. You must learn to
>>>>> protect your family. Politicians no longer care.. Violence claims more
>>>>> women then anything. Its the leading cause of death for women in
>>>>> certain
>>>>> age groups ) or close) ( . I am part of the population
>>>>> who
>>>>> see sdysfunction and not many people doing much to stem it.! Our life
>>>>> is
>>>>> about getting into dysfunction and going to courts and jails and
>>>>> laywers. Do we do the things to stem any of this? Our role models take
>>>>> drug enhancment pills or viagra or bet on their own games. Social
>>>>> workers
>>>>> not
>>>>> caring. people not counted, welfare lines,
>>>>> I fear for people who will need help in the future as they retire.
>>>>> The world is messed up and I am not saying its better around the
>>>>> world
>>>>> in
>>>>> most places but we are heading in the direction of control at the
>>>>> expense
>>>>> of
>>>>> better values. Kids coming to schools which need bomb and gun
>>>>> detectors,
>>>>> rising vandalism and hate, our country in debt to the teeth... One
>>>>> wonders
>>>>> why we just didn't do the right things to start.
>>>>> Stocks use to go up for the long haul now they go up and down , allot
>>>>> of
>>>>> times based on how much you invest, or the more you invest , that is
>>>>> often
>>>>> if not always played against. or at least have market makers allowed
>>>>> to
>>>>> take it opposite your big positons.. . when your money shows up-thats
>>>>> the
>>>>> changing
>>>>> conditions brokers talk about for REAL that caused the stock to go
>>>>> opposite
>>>>> way.. Things usually happen after your money shows up.. Thats the
>>>>> reason
>>>>> the ceo and insiders sell before the public knows why like in my
>>>>> present
>>>>> disaster. They said the earnings from previous quarter had to be
>>>>> resubmitted and some control issue causes less earning. Always
>>>>> something
>>>>> comes up to go opposite your position. Of course the lower the price
>>>>> of
>>>>> the stock the more likely this might happen but I suppose that should
>>>>> not
>>>>> then make investing in the more expensive stocks a better option. If
>>>>> they
>>>>> set you up for small stocks they will do it to high rollers even
>>>>> more..
>>>>> They have their own churning mill ready to tell you why your stock
>>>>> went opposite your position, quotes ready for the vulnerable. Don't
>>>>> ever
>>>>> put
>>>>> day trade or put in a stop order, they can hold the stock up ( if
>>>>> your
>>>>> short) or down till you sell , because they know your trading history.
>>>>> The
>>>>> stocks that go up the most are written about after they went up and
>>>>> you
>>>>> and
>>>>> uncle were not in them. They all just missed your radar . When you do
>>>>> get
>>>>> in
>>>>> chances are the stock will take a dead stop. Street coms say get in
>>>>> before
>>>>> market finds out about it, why should market discovering it stop
>>>>> making
>>>>> it
>>>>> to go up? lol Please write me at mscantpollution@yahoo.com

>>incidentally I need a job
>> . The moral of the
>>>> stories is many things are fixed against you. Stay sane and try to do
>>>> the
>>>> best things to be good to people anyway and promote the right things
>>>> anyway! I hope and pray people don't lose
>>>> their hard earned dollars in the stock market. I did and additionally I
>>>> find it hard to get a job. Discrimination is real or there is just not
>>>> enough jobs. . You have an opportunity of putting your money away for
>>>> savings somewhere else where you can't get manipulation legally to take
>>>> it.
>>>> This is the sad state of affairs in America including set up for asthma
>>>> based on pollution and dependence on big oil ,but is not talked
>>>> about.and
>>>> only the rich get elected to
>>>> public office and more rules for big business to take you if your not
>>>> aware.
>>>> charges that are on your credit card and cell phone bills and are built
>>>> in
>>>> ,
>>>> that no matter what you do big business will find a way to charge you
>>>> false
>>>> charges and get away with it a certain percentage of times.Thats why
>>>> they
>>>> do it. They got rules allowed to charge you more interest rates or late
>>>> fees then the actual balance multiplied over and over. How long do you
>>>> want to talk to automated phone systems that seldom recognize what you
>>>> said.How many bills and papers do you need to save yourself from big
>>>> business corruption and overcharging from interest rates? >>>>
>>>>> Please save someone the heartache from losses that often generate from
>>>>> stock trading that go to insiders or hedge funds before regular
>>>>> traders
>>>>> have a chance.
>>>>>tell others don't make the same mistaks.

> http://s140.photobucket.com/albums/r31/mlarry51/?action=view&current=filter2.jpg>>>>>>>>
> need someone to listen to care, Our people are being murdered,>>>>>>>>
> being>>>>>>>> poisoned by coal and exhaust conditions without more being
> down.>>>>>>>> How>>>>>>>> do>>>>>>>> I>>>>>>>> know? My lungs constrict
> everyday in it and when I am not in that>>>>>>>> type>>>>>>>> of air I
> don't have>>>>> constricted lungs.>>>>> My air filters turn>>>>> black in
> less then>>>>> 30 days>>>>> I >>> seriously have tried to do the best in
> my life and now I am>>>>> thinking>>>>>>>> there>>>>>>>> were things I
> couldnt' get past and people are being unfairly not>>>>>>>>
> protected>>>>>>>> from refinery and industry pollution and auto exhausts
> and so many>>>>>>>> days>>>>>>>> without clean air.>>>>>>>> Warmer
> temperatures where If you remember our past winters, this is>>>>>>>>
> like>>>>>>>> the twilightzone. so should we not complain when someone like
> me>>>>>>>> sees>>>>>>>> all this happening? Temperatures are often ten
> degrees warmer. We>>>>>>>> are>>>>>>>> getting>>>>>>>> most depression and
> respiratory disease with commercials for>>>>>>>> allergy>>>>>>>>
> and>>>>>>>> respiratory meds and inhalers without a news or big
> business>>>>>>>> telling>>>>>>>> you>>>>>>>> why>>>>>>>> we need Our
> teams seldom win, American Idol was in>>>>>>>>seriously>>>>>>>> think we
> need>>>>>>>> a>>>>>>>> great lawyer to show how the most days without
> clean air, affected>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>> people here. The most incredible
> poisoning that is allowed to>>>>>>>> continue>>>>>>>> for>>>>>>>> years .
> Most days without good air. A very violent city , A very>>>>>>>>
> depressed>>>>>>>> city, more cancers and heart disease. Number one in
> asthma and>>>>>>>> respiratory>>>>>>>> disease and its all ignored. God
> help --\>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>
> We>>>>>>>> need to get lawyers to stop this pollution now and>>>>>>>> stop
> the dirty coal now not in 2020, to change our percent of>>>>>>>>
> gasoline,>>>>>>>> to>>>>>>>> innovate ways to immediate help kids not harm
> families.Please read>>>>>>>> on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071228/ap_on_re_us/aging_west>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> as long as your sitting ducks for asthma and lung institutes and>>>>>>>>>
> cancer>>>>>>>>> hospitals and more and more hospital annexes and directly
> in path>>>>>>>>> of>>>>>>>>> coal>>>>>>>>> pollution, oil refineries and
> concentrated exhausts with a city>>>>>>>>> prettty>>>>>>>>> much>>>>>>>>>
> in denial about how to remedy it or to not even care about>>>>>>>>>
> worsening>>>>>>>>> traffic conditions to maybe improve>>>>>>>>> things. I
> see the exact same things this is the link to air pollution and danger in
> exercising in it.>>>>>>>>>

this is the link to air pollution and danger in exercising in it.
>>>>> http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=healthcheck&id=5653450
>>>>> http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070914/ap_on_sc/smog_study;_ylt=Aivfwa5A9fYk4.Q4F5tPYP2s0NUE
>>>>> http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070918/hl_afp/ushealthvirusclimate
>>>>> http://www.wsws.org/articles/2007/jul2007/clim-j19.shtml
>>>>> http://www.megaportal.us/newsa/Avril.php?ArticleID=X3uu1Y3x2v1xG1Y1Z2k383e3
>>>>>> http://www.kait8.com/Global/story.asp?S=4935559
>>>>> us life expectency falls to 42nd
>>>>> http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,,2147617,00.html
>>>>> now heart disease worsens because of it.
>>>>> http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/heart_pollution_dc
>>>>> pollution and heart disease
>>>>> http://www.ionizers.org/Heart-Disease.html
>>>>> parituclate pollution dangers
>>>>> Ultra-fine particulate matter has been linked with premature death,
>>>>> cardiovascular disease and respiratory illness, according to the
>>>>> California
>>>>> Air Resources Board. Though it takes Americans an average of 25
>>>>> minutes
>>>>> to
>>>>> drive to work, according to 2005 U.S. Census Bureau figures, the board
>>>>> estimates that over 50% of a person's daily exposure to ultra-fine
>>>>> particles
>>>>> can occur during a commute.
>>>>> Likewise, a 2005 study by researchers at the University of Southern
>>>>> California's Keck School of Medicine showed that long-term exposure to
>>>>> ambient particulate matter may contribute to atherosclerosis, the
>>>>> hardening
>>>>> and narrowing of the arteries.
>>>>> "Particle pollution kills people, whether they're breathing it in over
>>>>> a
>>>>> short period or day in and day out for a year," Nolen says. "It's not
>>>>> like
>>>>> being hit by a car, but it shortens the lives of people by months to
>>>>> years."
>>>>> Even if you live in a city with low pollution levels, don't kid
>>>>> yourself;
>>>>> that doesn't necessarily mean your commute is healthy. A 2007 report
>>>>> by
>>>>> the
>>>>> Clean Air Task Force that investigated diesel exhaust levels during
>>>>> commutes
>>>>> in New York, Boston, Austin, Texas, and Columbus, Ohio, documented
>>>>> diesel
>>>>> particle levels four to eight times higher inside commuter cars, buses
>>>>> and
>>>>> trains than in those cities' ambient outdoor air.
>>>>> The only commutes found to be low in diesel exposure were those on
>>>>> electric-powered subways and commuter trains, buses running on
>>>>> alternative
>>>>> fuels or retrofitted with diesel particulate filters, and in cars
>>>>> traveling
>>>>> with little truck traffic
>>>>> Exercising in polluted air causes harm
>>>>> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-rock-positano/exercising-outdoors-in-ma_b_66171.html
>>>>> DEATHS caused by pollution
>>>>> Dying For a Change -
>>>>> Here's one small reason to join the save-the-environment cause: new
>>>>> research indicates that some 40 percent of deaths worldwide are a
>>>>> direct effect of air, water, and soil pollution. Dirty air contributes
>>>>> to cancer and birth defects; unclean water accounts for 80 percent of
>>>>> all infectious diseases; and contaminated soil passes toxics to
>>>>> unwitting humans through direct contact or via food. According to
>>>>> researchers' review of data from more than 120 published papers,
>>>>> pollution combined with population growth contributes to
>>>>> malnourishment and disease susceptibility in 3.7 billion people, or
>>>>> about 57 percent of the world population. In 1950, when a mere 2.5
>>>>> billion humans roamed the earth, only 20 percent of the population was
>>>>> malnourished. Says lead researcher David Pimentel, "We have serious
>>>>> environmental resource problems of water, land, and energy, and these
>>>>> are now coming to bear on food production, malnutrition, and the
>>>>> incidence of diseases."
>>>>> straight to the source: Science Daily, 14 Aug 2007
>>>>> straight to the source: The Ithaca Journal, Topher Sanders, 13 Aug
>>>>> 2007
>>>>> assume people walk for a cure while not possibly realizing or caring
>>>>> they
>>>>> are doing more harm possibly by taking long walks and living in
>>>>> polluted
>>>>> air
>>>>> , or not worrying about their diet then worrying about a drugs and
>>>>> hospitals looking for a cure i. Maybe they don't need to give medical
>>>>> centers more money , because I can't think of a single drug that will
>>>>> reverse asthma or probably other cancers once they get it from the
>>>>> environment (if that can be proven). Since
>>>>> The
>>>>> biggest differences in quality of health when everything else is the
>>>>> same
>>>>> like diet and bad habits is the differences between people who live
>>>>> and
>>>>> work in polluted air near coal and industry and refineries the most
>>>>> time
>>>>> and those that don't. , People who wait in long traffic lines and live
>>>>> near
>>>>> crowded malls or work in heavy traffic are much much more prone ot
>>>>> lives
>>>>> of
>>>>> devastation from illness and yet they are rarely connected to the
>>>>> pollution
>>>>> levels and this is in fact on purpose. What I have seen in the last
>>>>> twenty
>>>>> years is babies crying more often , people who sleep less, people who
>>>>> get
>>>>> more depression , asthma and respiratory illness often at exactly no
>>>>> fault
>>>>> of their own and politicians and newsmakers completely in together in
>>>>> ignoring the implications. The most incredible indifference to human
>>>>> suffering I have ever seen in my life. continues... so help me
>>>>> god.well
>>>>> what
>>>>> if its a multiple choice of reasons. Face it some people were born
>>>>> too sensitive or different but I can't prove it. What I think I have
>>>>> done
>>>>> greatly is alerted as many people as possible about the dangers of
>>>>> pollution
>>>>> (coal , transportation exhausts) , global warming and subsequent ill
>>>>> effects
>>>>> ignored for the most part by the people who have the ability to lessen
>>>>> them.. Whats that say about this world? I had to scream every day and
>>>>> tell
>>>>> people I can't breathe which I couldn't before someone did some things
>>>>> but
>>>>> the percentage of time people get good air is still too few. That
>>>>> wouldn't
>>>>> be so bad had it not been the case they are cheated out of good health
>>>>> and
>>>>> still are and not told. Why should I care If they don't? It says the
>>>>> world
>>>>> is a very depressing place to live if we default to harming people and
>>>>> when
>>>>> people complain , make a timeline for 2020 to fix it while the people
>>>>> who
>>>>> profit by it get to keep doing it. . what kind of role models do we
>>>>> get
>>>>> for
>>>>> allowing this to happen.
Yahoo was able to stop message you posted even before you posted I meant to
say, and meant say gov is concerned about radon, not rado...instead of
"tfsl" <nospm@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:V%Ioj.65$M71.29@trnddc08...
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "dfte" <steknospam@yahoo.com>
> Newsgroups: misc.industry,ca.politics,ny.politics,alt.lawyers,md.general
> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 7:12 PM
> Subject: Someone help please we are being murdered for big energy
>> and coal
>> and oil. Forget giant oil profits we are literally killing people too and
>> more and more consolidation by news and Big business. Remember the golden
>> rule too in stocks and horse racing : the more you put in it the more
>> chances it will stop going up and sometimes down (if your short). Why
>> because brokerages and hedge funds and others see your money show up and
>> its THERE to be played against the problem is they have more money and so
>> you lose automatically and nothing is done.More and more your complaints
>> mean nothing and more and more site can censure you. Look at the only
>> place left that is complete free: newsgroups, many a time service
>> providers don't even tell customers of the availability of newsgroups or
>> they don't care them. . Before you
>> say not I am telling you my breathing shuts down. with moderate
>> particulate pollution and yet even with links to damage if news and
>> politicians want to ignore you they can. I can name 4 stocks that once my
>> money showed up it tanked. I use to follow horse racing bets when they
>> had $100 windows and I can tell you which horses would lose based only on
>> how much people bet. the more , the more likely it lost ( more complex
>> then that but for sake of arugment thats true) People with asthma might
>> have it more often but they sure as hell are not told why? Why not?
>> Because news stations make money off your illness, thats the sort of
>> business and mentality we got. Stocks are often just scams to take your
>> money. and believe me they take em fast. They should remove the human
>> element but for an unknown reason they would rather they give you
>> automated operators who don't understand most words said when you call
>> and complain. Your but a digital blueprint. No one cares about you if you
>> live in a city with much violence, crime and polluted air and trust me to
>> many in control thats more important then being ready to counter the
>> Chinese or the Russians. in the future. Our debt is out of control

>> people don't care about each other anymore
>> Do you think the news will tell you all this that I have written before.
>> Please send this post to as many people as you can

> Remember when Yahoo use to show the thousands of messageson its message
> boards before they took them down and they promised to replace them? Well
> they didn't. In cidentally they were able to stop what you just wrote
> before you even wrote it, thats how good they were with messages and
> technology. So you know if gov is concerned with rado and bad spinanch and
> health care but not who is getting harmed or why you know anything else is
> possible. Huge charges for interest rates and whatever they can get away
> with big business is the new scams business uses.
>> How is it that people can do the wrong things in this country so often
>> and
>> get away with it? They still say most cases of inside traders get away
>> with it and still no new rules to catch the people. Our role models have
>> left.
>> We don't do anything about violent crime. National politicians are afraid
>> at offending someone. Many people need jobs.
>> My city had pollution ratings of particulate pollution at 100 today. 3
>> good days usually when it rains) out of 40 and no one cares why kids
>> don't graduate I can;t breath and or sleep or concentrate.they say move
>> instead of finding out why this is allowed to happen.Good
>> quality of air has left.literally , and its getting worse, the percentage
>> of
>> days we get pollution like this keep increasing and nothing is done. . If
>> it does not happen in your world it happens here. If it reached good for
>> ten minutes they
>> sure as hell will tell you the whole day was good and send yu the links
>> the epa has defaulted to poisoning people and they get upset cause even
>> states want to persue their own anti pollution standards. Imagine that?
>> Why can't we arrest these people for fraud? .. The list of damage is
>> ignored. Simply ignored by politicians, I weeze automatically at
>> moderate..
>> let alone at 100 particulate rates. Is it more gases or pollution or
>> both? Trust me the gov knows what is
>> happening. What hell am I in? Stock losses. health loss, no jobs. but
>> hell
>> oil prices can sabotage our economy and the countries get aid too and
>> can get weapons too to continue
>> to put unreasonable demands on those they are allowed to hate then we
>> bring em here by the millions who post and do hateful things once here?
>> What is going on in this owrld s . We pay countries who
>> hate just because they tell us they are fighting terrorists. How in the
>> helll did we default to all this?
>> > Stocks! All my stocks go opposite once my money shows and the more
>> > money

>> shows the more insiders can either sell or invest against your investment
>> or
>> tell hedge funds. If your money is in stock, all of a sudden brokerages
>> can
>> find information ( don't matter what) and have explanations at hand why
>> your
>> stock is going down usually once it shows up or up if your short enough.
>> They talk about changing factors why your stock loses.. Three times I had
>> stocks that went down almost all the way to zero. Stocks use to go up for
>> the long haul, now they can go up down and out. Too fast job growth,
>> recession, inflation , too slow job growth. Too much revenues without
>> profits, ceo made a mistake. Whatever it takes, and shorts usually beofre
>> you take you for all your worth? Look at the stock board
>> for stkl and see what happened yet no SEC investigation? The stock
>> mysterious kept going down and insiders sold and after the stock lost
>> close
>> to 50 percent they come out with bad news and insiders gained millions..
>> After you lose and believe me they can bring it down to however low it
>> takes, someone buys and takes it back up without you. The stocks that do
>> great are always the ones that were under your radar.
>> Big business has a licenese to steal with unreasonble charges and
>> interest
>> rates.
>>> they have evolved to human manipulation and control
>>>> t!
>>>> .now Money market guys and insiders and shorts and hedge funds trade
>>>> against
>>>> you often with information they get and you don't have and who is
>>>> going
>>>> to prove
>>>> it? The only cases that go to court is so obvious, the rest get to make
>>>> money off your bets or investments.Ps its suicidal to be a day traders,
>>>> simply because no matter how good the stock, market makers can know
>>>> your
>>>> history and hold the stock back which is why they lose 90 percent of
>>>> time NOT for any other reason
>>>> But even worse just investing in stocks can almost assure losses and be
>>>> a
>>>> set up.
>>>> This is way shorter then my other posts
>>>>> Stocks in my
>>>>>> estimation are set up for insiders and hedge funds and shorts to gain
>>>>>> over and over on your investments. Even if thats not always true,
>>>>>> what
>>>>>> is more true is that after you invest chances are the stock goes
>>>>>> opposite your intended wishesespecially if the stock is overloaded
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> buyers or shorts. When allot and tons of buyers come in, this is when
>>>>>> its best to short. except you are the last to know why. . especially
>>>>>> the more you invest. Its the
>>>>>> most incredible things I have ever seen . They have thousands of
>>>>>> reasons
>>>>>> why,
>>>>>> restated earnings, mistakes in audit, inflation, deflation jobs
>>>>>> producing too
>>>>>> fast, jobs lost too fast.. You name it when your money shows up they
>>>>>> will
>>>>>> come out with why the stock went opposite yours. You know how many
>>>>>> times
>>>>>> my stocks went
>>>>>> down over 70 percent! Most! Yep it was just me , not! I did great
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> paper till my investment went in . They all do great till your big
>>>>>> money
>>>>>> shows up. I had a dsl stock go bankrupt, I had a Global Crossing go
>>>>>> out,
>>>>>> (insider trading in both those) I had
>>>>>> internet stock, that went to 100 that tanked, I had a advertising
>>>>>> company
>>>>>> that went fro 100 to 10 (tfsm) ! Seriously, Five times I lost over
>>>>>> thousands of dollars.. This last time I picked a stock with great
>>>>>> ratings from brokers, never went up or down more then 8 points in 15
>>>>>> years, and
>>>>>> when I invested it went from 15 to 5 in 6 weeks. This is not lies !
>>>>>> or
>>>>>> the first
>>>>>> time this has happened. And while it may be funny and incite someone
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> say let me know what you invest in I will short it, , basically
>>>>>> thats
>>>>>> what the stock market is predicated upon now, decpetion. ! Al this is
>>>>>> not an accident This is not an accident You know
>>>>>> whats was the changing conditions that often stock holders read about
>>>>>> when
>>>>>> their money shows up in stocks and lose? YOUR MONEY SHOWING UP is the
>>>>>> changing
>>>>>> condition . Shorts and brokerages and company officals can have all
>>>>>> sorts
>>>>>> of reasons why
>>>>>> the stocks tanked or went opposite yours, , before even the
>>>>>> information
>>>>>> came out and they get away
>>>>>> We have some very knowledgable and smart people .. This is true but
>>>>>> often this knowledge is used to cheat and take unfari advantage. Our
>>>>>> role models have left
>>>>>> Pollution kills and I have personal knowledge of some of the effects.
>>>>>> We
>>>>>> have links to damage, and we depend on high oil prices. Yet do sane
>>>>>> people try to protect people with the knowledge we attained? at least
>>>>>> provide more protection for people most affected / God knows the epa
>>>>>> says states can't take more action incredibly enough!
>>>>>> Today I have links to damage and I am stating let God be my judge
>>>>>> they
>>>>>> can prove illness correlated to pollution levels or the amount of
>>>>>> clean
>>>>>> air people get or the amount of clean air they don't get. People in
>>>>>> harms way are not told. This is the meaness of people in control.
>>>>>> forget stocks, they can literally take your breath away ..
>>>>>> because of political aspirations and rules already made to benefit
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> top percents. In stocks its set up so they can take your money
>>>>>> legally
>>>>>> or illegally. For energy they can poison you for however long it
>>>>>> takes
>>>>>> so pharmacy and news can profit. Does news tell you whats really
>>>>>> happening? Of course not. They are too busy consolidating.

>> the differences between the poor and rich keep increasing. Of course the
>> news people are happy they get paid to act like there are few problems so
>> what!
>> We need election reform We need election reform badly

> We need reporers who will ask the hard questions about this not paid hacks
> only shown on major tv.
>> >>>>> People write me all the time agreeing with me or saying I am nuts
>>>>>> In so many ways we are screwing ourselves and just not doing the
>>>>>> right
>>>>>> things. We set up an economy with expectation of crime and giant
>>>>>> defecits
>>>>>> and people exposed to pollution harm and more censureship and fear of
>>>>>> violence, and Big business with rules like giant late fees,
>>>>>> protection
>>>>>> service fees I never ordered, telling you they will give you money to
>>>>>> switch
>>>>>> to a broker then gives you a horrible price when you make a market
>>>>>> trade,
>>>>>> people need to talk to automated phones to answer wrong charges from
>>>>>> cell
>>>>>> phone companies . I provided the links to pollution damages and my
>>>>>> lungs constrict and other ominous things happen to people without
>>>>>> good
>>>>>> air yet politicians don't care. They dont write back even with links.
>>>>>> so
>>>>>> if they can do , you know they can do anything. You must learn to
>>>>>> protect your family. Politicians no longer care.. Violence claims
>>>>>> more
>>>>>> women then anything. Its the leading cause of death for women in
>>>>>> certain
>>>>>> age groups ) or close) ( . I am part of the population
>>>>>> who
>>>>>> see sdysfunction and not many people doing much to stem it.! Our life
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> about getting into dysfunction and going to courts and jails and
>>>>>> laywers. Do we do the things to stem any of this? Our role models
>>>>>> take
>>>>>> drug enhancment pills or viagra or bet on their own games. Social
>>>>>> workers
>>>>>> not
>>>>>> caring. people not counted, welfare lines,
>>>>>> I fear for people who will need help in the future as they retire.
>>>>>> The world is messed up and I am not saying its better around the
>>>>>> world
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> most places but we are heading in the direction of control at the
>>>>>> expense
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> better values. Kids coming to schools which need bomb and gun
>>>>>> detectors,
>>>>>> rising vandalism and hate, our country in debt to the teeth... One
>>>>>> wonders
>>>>>> why we just didn't do the right things to start.
>>>>>> Stocks use to go up for the long haul now they go up and down , allot
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> times based on how much you invest, or the more you invest , that is
>>>>>> often
>>>>>> if not always played against. or at least have market makers allowed
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> take it opposite your big positons.. . when your money shows up-thats
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> changing
>>>>>> conditions brokers talk about for REAL that caused the stock to go
>>>>>> opposite
>>>>>> way.. Things usually happen after your money shows up.. Thats the
>>>>>> reason
>>>>>> the ceo and insiders sell before the public knows why like in my
>>>>>> present
>>>>>> disaster. They said the earnings from previous quarter had to be
>>>>>> resubmitted and some control issue causes less earning. Always
>>>>>> something
>>>>>> comes up to go opposite your position. Of course the lower the price
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> the stock the more likely this might happen but I suppose that should
>>>>>> not
>>>>>> then make investing in the more expensive stocks a better option. If
>>>>>> they
>>>>>> set you up for small stocks they will do it to high rollers even
>>>>>> more..
>>>>>> They have their own churning mill ready to tell you why your stock
>>>>>> went opposite your position, quotes ready for the vulnerable. Don't
>>>>>> ever
>>>>>> put
>>>>>> day trade or put in a stop order, they can hold the stock up ( if
>>>>>> your
>>>>>> short) or down till you sell , because they know your trading
>>>>>> history.
>>>>>> The
>>>>>> stocks that go up the most are written about after they went up and
>>>>>> you
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> uncle were not in them. They all just missed your radar . When you do
>>>>>> get
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> chances are the stock will take a dead stop. Street coms say get in
>>>>>> before
>>>>>> market finds out about it, why should market discovering it stop
>>>>>> making
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> to go up? lol Please write me at mscantpollution@yahoo.com
>>>incidentally I need a job
>>> . The moral of the
>>>>> stories is many things are fixed against you. Stay sane and try to do
>>>>> the
>>>>> best things to be good to people anyway and promote the right things
>>>>> anyway! I hope and pray people don't lose
>>>>> their hard earned dollars in the stock market. I did and additionally
>>>>> I
>>>>> find it hard to get a job. Discrimination is real or there is just not
>>>>> enough jobs. . You have an opportunity of putting your money away for
>>>>> savings somewhere else where you can't get manipulation legally to
>>>>> take
>>>>> it.
>>>>> This is the sad state of affairs in America including set up for
>>>>> asthma
>>>>> based on pollution and dependence on big oil ,but is not talked
>>>>> about.and
>>>>> only the rich get elected to
>>>>> public office and more rules for big business to take you if your not
>>>>> aware.
>>>>> charges that are on your credit card and cell phone bills and are
>>>>> built
>>>>> in
>>>>> ,
>>>>> that no matter what you do big business will find a way to charge you
>>>>> false
>>>>> charges and get away with it a certain percentage of times.Thats why
>>>>> they
>>>>> do it. They got rules allowed to charge you more interest rates or
>>>>> late
>>>>> fees then the actual balance multiplied over and over. How long do you
>>>>> want to talk to automated phone systems that seldom recognize what you
>>>>> said.How many bills and papers do you need to save yourself from big
>>>>> business corruption and overcharging from interest rates? >>>>
>>>>>> Please save someone the heartache from losses that often generate
>>>>>> from
>>>>>> stock trading that go to insiders or hedge funds before regular
>>>>>> traders
>>>>>> have a chance.
>>>>>>tell others don't make the same mistaks.

>> http://s140.photobucket.com/albums/r31/mlarry51/?action=view&current=filter2.jpg>>>>>>>>
>> need someone to listen to care, Our people are being murdered,>>>>>>>>
>> being>>>>>>>> poisoned by coal and exhaust conditions without more being
>> down.>>>>>>>> How>>>>>>>> do>>>>>>>> I>>>>>>>> know? My lungs constrict
>> everyday in it and when I am not in that>>>>>>>> type>>>>>>>> of air I
>> don't have>>>>> constricted lungs.>>>>> My air filters turn>>>>> black in
>> less then>>>>> 30 days>>>>> I >>> seriously have tried to do the best in
>> my life and now I am>>>>> thinking>>>>>>>> there>>>>>>>> were things I
>> couldnt' get past and people are being unfairly not>>>>>>>>
>> protected>>>>>>>> from refinery and industry pollution and auto exhausts
>> and so many>>>>>>>> days>>>>>>>> without clean air.>>>>>>>> Warmer
>> temperatures where If you remember our past winters, this is>>>>>>>>
>> like>>>>>>>> the twilightzone. so should we not complain when someone
>> like me>>>>>>>> sees>>>>>>>> all this happening? Temperatures are often
>> ten degrees warmer. We>>>>>>>> are>>>>>>>> getting>>>>>>>> most
>> depression and respiratory disease with commercials for>>>>>>>>
>> allergy>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>> respiratory meds and inhalers without a news
>> or big business>>>>>>>> telling>>>>>>>> you>>>>>>>> why>>>>>>>> we need
>> Our teams seldom win, American Idol was in>>>>>>>>seriously>>>>>>>>
>> think we need>>>>>>>> a>>>>>>>> great lawyer to show how the most days
>> without clean air, affected>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>> people here. The most
>> incredible poisoning that is allowed to>>>>>>>> continue>>>>>>>>
>> for>>>>>>>> years . Most days without good air. A very violent city , A
>> very>>>>>>>> depressed>>>>>>>> city, more cancers and heart disease.
>> Number one in asthma and>>>>>>>> respiratory>>>>>>>> disease and its all
>> ignored. God
>> help --\>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>
>> We>>>>>>>> need to get lawyers to stop this pollution now and>>>>>>>>
>> stop the dirty coal now not in 2020, to change our percent of>>>>>>>>
>> gasoline,>>>>>>>> to>>>>>>>> innovate ways to immediate help kids not
>> harm families.Please read>>>>>>>> on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>> http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071228/ap_on_re_us/aging_west>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>> as long as your sitting ducks for asthma and lung institutes and>>>>>>>>>
>> cancer>>>>>>>>> hospitals and more and more hospital annexes and directly
>> in path>>>>>>>>> of>>>>>>>>> coal>>>>>>>>> pollution, oil refineries and
>> concentrated exhausts with a city>>>>>>>>> prettty>>>>>>>>> much>>>>>>>>>
>> in denial about how to remedy it or to not even care about>>>>>>>>>
>> worsening>>>>>>>>> traffic conditions to maybe improve>>>>>>>>> things. I
>> see the exact same things this is the link to air pollution and danger
>> in exercising in it.>>>>>>>>>

> this is the link to air pollution and danger in exercising in it.
>>>>>> http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=healthcheck&id=5653450
>>>>>> http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070914/ap_on_sc/smog_study;_ylt=Aivfwa5A9fYk4.Q4F5tPYP2s0NUE
>>>>>> http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070918/hl_afp/ushealthvirusclimate
>>>>>> http://www.wsws.org/articles/2007/jul2007/clim-j19.shtml
>>>>>> http://www.megaportal.us/newsa/Avril.php?ArticleID=X3uu1Y3x2v1xG1Y1Z2k383e3
>>>>>>> http://www.kait8.com/Global/story.asp?S=4935559
>>>>>> us life expectency falls to 42nd
>>>>>> http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,,2147617,00.html
>>>>>> now heart disease worsens because of it.
>>>>>> http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/heart_pollution_dc
>>>>>> pollution and heart disease
>>>>>> http://www.ionizers.org/Heart-Disease.html
>>>>>> parituclate pollution dangers
>>>>>> Ultra-fine particulate matter has been linked with premature death,
>>>>>> cardiovascular disease and respiratory illness, according to the
>>>>>> California
>>>>>> Air Resources Board. Though it takes Americans an average of 25
>>>>>> minutes
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> drive to work, according to 2005 U.S. Census Bureau figures, the
>>>>>> board
>>>>>> estimates that over 50% of a person's daily exposure to ultra-fine
>>>>>> particles
>>>>>> can occur during a commute.
>>>>>> Likewise, a 2005 study by researchers at the University of Southern
>>>>>> California's Keck School of Medicine showed that long-term exposure
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> ambient particulate matter may contribute to atherosclerosis, the
>>>>>> hardening
>>>>>> and narrowing of the arteries.
>>>>>> "Particle pollution kills people, whether they're breathing it in
>>>>>> over
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> short period or day in and day out for a year," Nolen says. "It's not
>>>>>> like
>>>>>> being hit by a car, but it shortens the lives of people by months to
>>>>>> years."
>>>>>> Even if you live in a city with low pollution levels, don't kid
>>>>>> yourself;
>>>>>> that doesn't necessarily mean your commute is healthy. A 2007 report
>>>>>> by
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> Clean Air Task Force that investigated diesel exhaust levels during
>>>>>> commutes
>>>>>> in New York, Boston, Austin, Texas, and Columbus, Ohio, documented
>>>>>> diesel
>>>>>> particle levels four to eight times higher inside commuter cars,
>>>>>> buses
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> trains than in those cities' ambient outdoor air.
>>>>>> The only commutes found to be low in diesel exposure were those on
>>>>>> electric-powered subways and commuter trains, buses running on
>>>>>> alternative
>>>>>> fuels or retrofitted with diesel particulate filters, and in cars
>>>>>> traveling
>>>>>> with little truck traffic
>>>>>> Exercising in polluted air causes harm
>>>>>> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-rock-positano/exercising-outdoors-in-ma_b_66171.html
>>>>>> DEATHS caused by pollution
>>>>>> Dying For a Change -
>>>>>> Here's one small reason to join the save-the-environment cause: new
>>>>>> research indicates that some 40 percent of deaths worldwide are a
>>>>>> direct effect of air, water, and soil pollution. Dirty air
>>>>>> contributes
>>>>>> to cancer and birth defects; unclean water accounts for 80 percent of
>>>>>> all infectious diseases; and contaminated soil passes toxics to
>>>>>> unwitting humans through direct contact or via food. According to
>>>>>> researchers' review of data from more than 120 published papers,
>>>>>> pollution combined with population growth contributes to
>>>>>> malnourishment and disease susceptibility in 3.7 billion people, or
>>>>>> about 57 percent of the world population. In 1950, when a mere 2.5
>>>>>> billion humans roamed the earth, only 20 percent of the population
>>>>>> was
>>>>>> malnourished. Says lead researcher David Pimentel, "We have serious
>>>>>> environmental resource problems of water, land, and energy, and these
>>>>>> are now coming to bear on food production, malnutrition, and the
>>>>>> incidence of diseases."
>>>>>> straight to the source: Science Daily, 14 Aug 2007
>>>>>> straight to the source: The Ithaca Journal, Topher Sanders, 13 Aug
>>>>>> 2007
>>>>>> assume people walk for a cure while not possibly realizing or caring
>>>>>> they
>>>>>> are doing more harm possibly by taking long walks and living in
>>>>>> polluted
>>>>>> air
>>>>>> , or not worrying about their diet then worrying about a drugs and
>>>>>> hospitals looking for a cure i. Maybe they don't need to give medical
>>>>>> centers more money , because I can't think of a single drug that will
>>>>>> reverse asthma or probably other cancers once they get it from the
>>>>>> environment (if that can be proven). Since
>>>>>> The
>>>>>> biggest differences in quality of health when everything else is the
>>>>>> same
>>>>>> like diet and bad habits is the differences between people who live
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> work in polluted air near coal and industry and refineries the most
>>>>>> time
>>>>>> and those that don't. , People who wait in long traffic lines and
>>>>>> live
>>>>>> near
>>>>>> crowded malls or work in heavy traffic are much much more prone ot
>>>>>> lives
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> devastation from illness and yet they are rarely connected to the
>>>>>> pollution
>>>>>> levels and this is in fact on purpose. What I have seen in the last
>>>>>> twenty
>>>>>> years is babies crying more often , people who sleep less, people who
>>>>>> get
>>>>>> more depression , asthma and respiratory illness often at exactly no
>>>>>> fault
>>>>>> of their own and politicians and newsmakers completely in together in
>>>>>> ignoring the implications. The most incredible indifference to human
>>>>>> suffering I have ever seen in my life. continues... so help me
>>>>>> god.well
>>>>>> what
>>>>>> if its a multiple choice of reasons. Face it some people were born
>>>>>> too sensitive or different but I can't prove it. What I think I have
>>>>>> done
>>>>>> greatly is alerted as many people as possible about the dangers of
>>>>>> pollution
>>>>>> (coal , transportation exhausts) , global warming and subsequent ill
>>>>>> effects
>>>>>> ignored for the most part by the people who have the ability to
>>>>>> lessen
>>>>>> them.. Whats that say about this world? I had to scream every day and
>>>>>> tell
>>>>>> people I can't breathe which I couldn't before someone did some
>>>>>> things
>>>>>> but
>>>>>> the percentage of time people get good air is still too few. That
>>>>>> wouldn't
>>>>>> be so bad had it not been the case they are cheated out of good
>>>>>> health
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> still are and not told. Why should I care If they don't? It says the
>>>>>> world
>>>>>> is a very depressing place to live if we default to harming people
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> when
>>>>>> people complain , make a timeline for 2020 to fix it while the people
>>>>>> who
>>>>>> profit by it get to keep doing it. . what kind of role models do we
>>>>>> get
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> allowing this to happen.
