Polly Technic


Thomas Keske






Polidentpolydentprecedentgeriatricpresidents Yakkk Graak!

Pollywritereligiouscreedishardtoreadyesindeed SCCCRREEEED!
Prettypollyprettypollytalkthetalkwalkthewalk AWWWWKK!!#$%

Pretty Polly-technic

WRITING censoriously of today's students, John Phillpott
(Evening News, June 10) says:

"I would rather have an opposing view than none at all."

I think today's students are the most intelligent, sober,
smartly-dressed, caring, well-behaved of any generation.
Oh yes... and I'm a green parrot.


From the archive


Dear old Polly Technic. Clearly she has little or no knowledge
of gambler psychology, with her fruit machine comment especially
vapid. I'm not, and never have been one for fruit machines, but
I know enough people who play them to rebut 'yes, it is a
legitimate, and more to the point, eyes open form of
entertainment'. People who play the machines know full well that
the odds are against them (bar the pondlife who lurk in pubs
counting the cycles and dive in when a win is due), but do so
because they enjoy getting into the second or third level games.
That's for them to decide, likewise casino gaming. I regard
casino gambling, fruit machines, the nags etc as far less
iniquitous than the national lottery, where the state truly is
encouraging, rather than merely facilitating gambling. I think
it was Walter Block who noted that state lotteries in the US
give a lower level of payout than numbers 'rackets'. But of
course the state does this all for own good, as it is the Good
Shepherd to we errant sheep.
1996 Ig Nobel Art Prize winner Don Featherstone
(creator of the plastic pink flamingo).

2003 Ig Nobel Biology Prize winner Kees Moeliker
(who documented the first scientifically recorded case of
homosexual necrophilia in the mallard duck)

Frank Wilczek, Nobel Laureate in Physics. TOPIC: Dark Matter
Irene Pepperberg, wizard of parrot-human communications.
TOPIC: Grey Parrots

Francisco-based fashion designers Marilyn Yu, Polly Pandemonium,
and Mai-Lei Pecorari. Hear about Marilyn's clothing line,
Plutonium, Polly's The Moral Minority, Inc., Mai-Lei's upcoming
show at Yerba Buena, and the peculiarities, challenges,
and intrigue of the design world.

.... has been performed with the PARROT module of the Thermo-Calc

.. NIS Trafficking Recent Updates
30 December 2003: Russian News Agency Reports 1993
Theft of Plutonium .....
Fuel Theft Attempt at Khmelnytskyy Nuclear Power Plant
in Ukraine Thwarted ...

The parrot, owned by a retired police officer, reportedly foiled
the break-in after its owner left his flat in Kiev, Ukraine,
for a few minutes.

When he returned he found three men stretched out on the floor
with their hands behind their heads, the Cegodnya newspaper reported.

The thieves, who had believed the man was leaving for the
entire day, later said they had heard a voice say:
"Stop! I'll shoot! On the ground!" when they came into the flat.
The parrot, which had lived with the retired policeman for a year,
had apparently not spoken a word before the incident.


This is an ex parrot!" - John Cleese, Monty Python's Flying Circus
That was just a random quote I thought of, but it fits in nicely
with the whole 'Pavarotti dying' thing. Um, lovely.

Hey hey! I found your blog!

"That's like discovering plutonium by accident!!!"


8. Review: Squawkers McCaw Robot Parrot - GadgetMadness
Review: Squawkers McCaw Robot Parrot. GadgetMadness is the
Latest New and Cool Electronic Gadgets Review Guide.

in the Toys Games , Electronic Pets , Other Electronic Pets
category on eBay

Military nanotechnology: Novel use of polymer nanofibers as filters
for chemical w...
.... a polymer nanofiber membrane to capture chemical warfare
agents such as ... polymer nanofiber membranes for protection
from chemical warfare stimulants"


How in this world there can be two rules, for one they must have
one heir for two hundred years old union, and on the other hand
1300 years old Union must be divided into so many pieces under
robot like sub-contractors. Is it International Justice or
International Terrorism of Pieces?

2. Robot Sex: People of Massachusetts to be Having Sex With Robots
by ...

Dr. Levy goes on to suggest that Massachusetts will be the first
state to contain a .... The day people marry robots is the day
we have flying cars.

16. Science And Supermodels
If Massachusetts wants to be the place where you can marry your cat,
that's their business..You won't be able to marry a robot
2. PLAGAL Memorandum, Issue No. 35: July 10, 1999
I am the president of the Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians
(PLAGAL), ... all of us that no one deserves to be treated as
less than fully human,

4. Gay Robots
A view of the robots of American culture as gay. ... This is the
ONLY page on the ... This robot was a true pioneer, defying many
gay robot stereotypes.

5. Nanofilter suit for chemical warfare
peerreviewed Journal of Applied Polymer Science. ... chemical
warfare suit. The warfare suit included developing a lightweight

18. Taser, iRobot to marry stun gun technology with military robot - ...
Taser, iRobot to marry stun gun technology with military robot ...
his 1950 anthology, "I, Robot" - the namesake of iRobot the


The Dead Parrot Society

the new film is set in the past: 1860s England at the height of
the industrial revolution. But ''Steamboy" is no less frenzied
or technology-obsessed than ''Akira." If anything, it's even
noisier: trains crash, gears clash, and a humongous climactic
battle of future weaponry erupts in central London

More than anything, "Steamboy" is a vessel for Otomo's ongoing
anxieties about nuclear holocaust and the arms race

See, the problem wasn't that radioactive, genetically modified
mosquitos mutated a criminal's DNA, turning him into a 7-foot
bulletproof Mansquito. Suspension of disbelief was busted
because male mosquitos don't drink blood.

The Middle East is full of parallels to this skit, dead-parrot
situations in which denying the obvious wins the day through
sheer persistence and readiness to lie: Yasser Arafat really
wanted peace, terrorism does not actually exist, the Arab-Israel
conflict is the region's most important issue, Saddam Hussein
was an Arab hero, democracies can make deals with radical
Islamists. Denying (or apologising for) Iran's drive to obtain
nuclear weapons is one of the most outstanding "dead parrots" on
the international agenda.

46. Sigh... fell in love today - Quaker Parrots Forum
They were so polite and just sat on my arm looking at me and
making little robot like noises. ... an Amazon, BUT They share
some of the same DNA as Pionus.

Tatakae! Cho Robot Seimeitai TRANSFORMER (Fight! Super Robotic
Lifeform TRANSFORMER) .... Tatakae! Cho Robot Seimeitai

.. Genetic Programming-Based Alife Techniques for Evolving Collective ...
D. Y. Cho and B. T. Zhang. Genetic programming-based alife
techniques for evolving collective robotic intelligence. In M.
Sugisaka, editor, Proceedings 4th ...

.. Medical News: Virginia Tech Missed 'Clear Warnings' of Shooter's ...

Cho's Virginia Tech classmates remembered a silent young man who
rarely if ever ... to spill my blood," Cho told the camera in an
almost robotic monotone.


Virginia Tech Shootings: Mind Control

It turns out forensics identified a totally different person as
the V-Tech gunman before the official story concealed around the
robotic patsy Cho

The V-Tech massacre - A real-life Manchurian Candidate

Virginia Tech University student eyewitnesses repeatedly recall
the robotic, detached demeanor of the killer, Seung-Hui Cho.

This type behaviour can be construed as indicative of mind
control, and/or advanced behavioural modification through the
use of mechanical devices such as computer micro-chip implants.

Virginia Tech is located in Blacksburg, VA.

Blacksburg, VA houses a US government ABOVE TOP SECRET
underground laboratory (in the side of a local Blacksburg
mountain) that develops in conjunction with DARPA, weapons such
as human robotic mind control programming.

Virginia Tech brings together the best minds in the country who
are interested in technology thereby creating a pool of
potential candidates from which DARPA, the CIA and other
government agencies can actively solicit recruits into their
"brotherhood" ? a campaign to erect a superior "race" of
mechanically engineered beings while simultaneouly reducing
human populations and enslaving humans to serve their future
robot masters.

Researchers into supposed "lone nut" assassinations time and
time again run across evidence pointing to CIA mind control
experimentation. The best example is Sirhan Sirhan, Bobby
Kennedy's assassin.
Computer security jobs? - PC Perspective Forums
Computer security jobs? Networking And Associated Security ...
a good university (California Polly-Technic looks interesting,
Stanford if they'll have me) .



This scientific information product was developed and is
maintained by DOE's Office of Scientific and Technical
Information (OSTI), Office of Science. OSTI ensures stewardship
of and accessibility to the scientific and technical information
(STI) generated and acquired by DOE Programs. Visit OSTI at www.
osti.gov and view other information products and services
dealing with journal literature, preprint literature, and more.

A. Remote Radiation Survey and Analysis System (RRSAS) 7
B. Cask Head Operations (CHO) 9
C. Impact Limiters 11
1. Cylindrical Impact Limiter 14
2. Conical (Tapered Mating) Impact Limiter 16

The Remote Radiation Survey and Analysis System (RRSAS) [7],
completed in August, 1987, locates a half scale cask mock-up
with a stereo vision system, identifies the cask using bar codes
and then performs non-contact radiation and visual surveys,

Cask Head Operations (CHO)

The Cask Head Operations (CHO) project investigates robotic
performance of cask head operations required before and after
fuel unloading. These operations include leak detection,
gas sampling (port cover removal/replacement and coupling/
uncoupling of the sampling apparatus to the port), and boiling a_,
d unbolting operations. "l'heCllOproject has developed a modular
tesl facility for. investigating the impactof various cask
design features on robotic operations. First demonstration of
the CHO robotic system was in September, 1988. Tl;e CHO system
has been used to develop robust algorithms for performing
robotic operations such as mating a torque wrench to the various
boltheads on a cask Figure 2 show the
the CHO system's torque wrench and the cask-head mock-up.
The limited workspace of floor-mounted robots such as that used
in CHO makes access to side features on the cask difficult
10. A Chip Off the Robotic Block -- Cho 2005 (511): 2 -- ScienceNOW
And given the right tools, he says, such modular robots should
be able to adapt to perform any task done by a more specialized
robot--at least in principle.

Untitled Document
Big George's New World Order Clandestine Operatives Manipulate
Cho Seung-hui to go "Nuts" in Virginia Tech "Robot" Murders .

Virginia Tech researcher crafting amoeba-inspired robotic helpers
- Engadget

.... at turning amoebas into helpers, Virginia Tech's Dennis Hong
is hoping that ... RoMeLa, strider, university, virginia tech,
VirginiaTech, vt, Whole Skin ...


BigLickU - Story - Virginia Tech robotics students win awards
around the world

.... from the Virginia Tech College of Engineering's Robotics and
Mechanics ... other types of robotic mechanisms in the Robotics
and Mechanics Laboratory for


10. Virginia Tech Chapter of IEEE - Latest Updates
IEEE VT - IEEE Student Branch at Virginia Tech. ... In second
was Georgia Tech with a slow quad-capacity robot. In third place
was Mississippi State with a

2. Information on Computer Science (Homepage of Biswanath Halder)
Robotics Yellow Ball Robotics Lab at Berkeley
Yellow Ball Robotics Research at USC ...
Biswanath Halder
You are visitor number counter since April 23, 2000. ...

Information on Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence

AI Resources
The WWW Virtual Library
AI Societies and Organizations
Artificial Intelligence at Stanford
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT
Artificial Intelligence at Jet Propulsion Lab
Associazione Italiana per l'Intelligenza Artificile
Artificial Intelligence Center at SRI International
The American Association for Artificial Intelligence
Institut Dalle Molle d'Intelligence Artificielle Perceptive
The European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence

What the Fortune Teller's Parrot Taught Me

I turned in the direction of the subway station.
A dingy sign caught my eye, in a sub-basement window.
Parrot readings. I was puzzled. Surely it should be Tarot.
I knocked, and the sibyl, in Indian saree, greeted me.
She had tarot cards and a parrot, a method of divination
with an ancient lineage in India. She dealt the cards.
The parrot looked at them, then at me, then at the
fortune teller.

Within a week, obeying the promptings of the parrot,
I had booked a flight to New York and a new life.
Ahead of me lay a vast political landscape, seemingly
of infinite richness and possibility. Never for a moment
have I regretted my journey westward. That parrot in Balham
had read the cards correctly. It is probably still alive,
and I'm sure that if I were to return for another consultation,
it would cry out, "I could have told you so", and cackle heartily

I do have a photograph advertising "Kili Joshylam Parrot
Reading Rs. 20/-" which I took in Chennai last year,
which I will be more than happy to give the board of enquiry.


WASHINGTON: A lone gunman who went on a shooting spree in Cleveland's
Case Western Reserve University killing a student and wounding
two others on Friday appears to be a former Indian Army officer.

Biswanath Halder, 52, served in the Indian Army's Corps of
Electrical and Mechanical Engineers as an Officer Cadet and
attended the Officers' Training School in Chennai and the
Indian Military Academy in Dehra Dun, before coming to the
US and earning a management degree after doing a variety of j
obs, according to his resume posted on the Internet.


;;;;; CS 395 Behavior-Based Robotics
;;;;; Fall 2000 Assignment 1

;;;; Left-distance, right-distance, and center-distance are each numbers
;;;; that range from 0-100. They tell how much freespace is in each
;;;; direction. However, they are not calibrated or linear measures.

(define-signal polly
(color-polly-pipeline 'smoothing-factor 3 'edge-threshold 20))
(define-signal left-distance
(polly-left-distance polly))
(define-signal right-distance
(polly-right-distance polly))
(define-signal center-distance
(polly-center-distance polly))

;;;; You can tune the numbers here.

(define-signal stopping-distance 33)
(define-signal freespace-follower-gains
(rt-vector 100 200))
(define-signal orientation-error
(- left-distance right-distance))
(define-signal distance-error
(- center-distance stopping-distance))

(define-signal freespace-policy
( (rt-vector orientation-error
The demo will be graded based on the number of Bad Things
that happen during your demo.

The official list of Bad Things is:

Collisions (-3 points)

Sudden jerks in the robot's motion (-1 point)

Anything else that Aaron or Ian find potentially dangerous

Sitting motionless for more than 5 seconds (-1 point)
8. Classifying Human-Robot Interaction: An Updated Taxonomy
.... contain different types of robots or ... person directing
a bomb-disposal robot. ...

At the other end of the spectrum are robots with full
autonomy. Examples of this type of control can be found
in robots that give tours and delivery robots. Polly [13]
gave tours of the 7th floor of MIT's Artificial Intelligence
Howstuffworks "Will robots get married?"
Robot weddings between a human and a robot could be possible by
the year 2050. ... that by 2050, robots and humans will be able
to marry legally in the United States.


Polly wants a cracker!". Its tongue darts out but misses the
****roach scurring across the porch floor. The green bullfrog
doesn't miss. He curls his prey up to his nostrils, snorts flames
from the two holes and takes a drag off of the roach.

The ****roach sits in a little pilot seat on top of a track-ball,
where its movements make the knee-high robot, move. A trackball
works like a computer mouse, when the ****roach moves, the ball,
spins, and electronics translate this into wheel movement. The
Giant Madagascan hissing ****roach is about eight centimetres
long, has no wings, and moves relatively slowly. They are native
to the forests of Madagascar and live for about two years. When
they are agitated they make a loud hissing noise out of
specially modified breathing slits in their abdomen. Hertz can
tell the ****roach isn't scared or in pain when using the robot
because it doesn't hiss. These ****roaches can't fly, jump, or
bite, and they are so clean that they find people dirty. After
crawling over a human hand, they tend to spend time cleaning
their feet of the oily residue from your skin. Hertz is a
graduate student of Arts, Computing and Engineering at the
University of California, Irvine. As well as giving the
****roach operator control of a robot tricycle, the ****roach
also has electronic feedback from a circle of lights sitting
around the pilot seat. If the infrared sensors detect an
obstacle ahead, the lights flash to warn the ****roach to back
away, which moves the robot away. ****roaches don't like bright
lights. Outside of this extra sense, the ****roach operator is
in full control, and sometimes it will ignore the warnings and
choose to ram the robot into a wall, anyway, just for fun. Hertz
has deliberately designed the system without any computers or
"microcontrollers" at all, there is a just a timer chip, four
infrared sensors, some lights and transistors and resistors. It
could all be done with nineteen-forties technology. The
****roach is the CPU. ****roaches don't actually have a brain,
instead they have clumps of nerve cells called "ganglia" that
are distributed around their body. Computer scientists have been
very interested in modelling these distributed nerve clusters
and how they make common-sense decisions about survival and
navigation. Hertz was directly inspired by the remote-controlled
****roach work at Professor Isao Shimoyama's Lab at the
University of Tokyo. Signals from a radio remote control unit
were received by the ****roach's backpack computer and used to
control the ****roach's movement by electrodes implanted in
their antennae. The Japanese team used the smaller American
****roach, which only lives a few months. They remove the wings.
They are able to attach tiny microphones and cameras to turn the
****roach into a remotely controlled bugged bug!

To Hertz's dismay, the US Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency DARPA, has ongoing funding for his rivals to build
several hybrid ****roach/robot systems for more war-like
Los Alamos lab staff vents frustration on blog

The home of Douglas Roberts is a noisy island in the desert quiet
of Nambe, N.M., filled as it is with 14 parrots that Roberts
and his wife, Ingrun, have adopted from families who tired of
the birds chatter.

But its a tranquil place next to Roberts home on the Internet,
a one-of-a-kind Web log where outsiders can catch the water-cooler
talk inside a secret, federal nuclear-weapons laboratory.

.. Ig Nobel recipients - The Boston Globe
(Moeliker tried but failed to secure the goldfinch
that Rob Lowe accidentally slew with a golf ball last June.)
He mentions a celebrated parrot named Alex, ...
2. Barnes Ignoble [leftwinglaughs.blog-city.com]
being gay. You know, if there is a culture war going on,
their side is losing. ... Rail against gays,
drop to your knees to do more than pray. ...

3. Ignoble Savage March 4, 2003
selected articles by Signorile > Ignoble Savage.
Ignoble Savage ... Savage makes Fox?s Bill O?Reilly,
to quote Cathy Renna at the Gay & Lesbian Alliance ...
From the people who brought you the first gay necrophiliac duck
and all manner of ... Featuring: Marc Abrahams, Kees Moeliker,
Pek van Andel, John Hoyland, ...

4. Dead Duck **** -- Towleroad for modern gay men,
Kees Moeliker's observations of a male mallard, whose
"rape flight attempt" of another male ...
You have a thing for gay ducks? I know this psychologist. ...
Gay parades: Weapons of mass destruction
November 18th, 2007
Investigator Bessel Mangols alerts us to what he or she describes
as "a wonderfully perplexing news report, with an equally perplexing
photo, about the 2007 Ig Nobel Peace Prize, I think." The report is
from Interfax, dated October 9, 2007. Here are excerpts:
Orthodox human rights activist: gay-parades should be equated
with weapons of mass destruction
Moscow, October 9, Interfax - Roman Silantyev, director the
World Russian People's Council's human rights center, compared
gay-parades to weapons of mass destruction.

This comparison was prompted by the award given recently to the
developers of a project for a "gay bomb", a hormone weapon which
turns an enemy's troops into homosexuals. The authors were awarded
the "peace prize" given by the so-called Shnobel Prize for the
most dubious scientific achievements.
According to the project authors, special pheromones contained in
a "gay bomb" dropped on an enemy's territory would radically raise
soldiers' sexual attraction to each other.
[Patriarch Alexy] told the agency that all structures concerned
"should pay attention to the American know-how and consider ranking
gay-parades among weapons of mass destruction with a consequent
introduction of moratorium

Polly sat, hands folded in her lap, on a stone sill below a tall,
paned window. She was alone in a corridor on the topmost floor
of the Palace of Correction. No one guarded her; she had been
told to wait until she was called, and she would obey.
While she waited she examined the stone floor with mild interest.
Occasionally a tear slipped out of the corner of her eye.

Nothing moved in the corridor except a ****roach; to judge from
the profound silence, nothing more moved in the rest of the
building. It was so quiet that Polly could hear the rustle of

her own dress as she breathed. That tiny noise and -- others.
There were the faintest of clicks, the weakest of rasping scrapes,
and the tiniest of slaps as it might be of a palm clutching a
sooty cornice far, far away. Gradually these tiny noises grew
until they were clear above the rustle of her breathing, until
an especially audible click frightened the ****roach and it ran
into a crack. At last the sounds became unmistakeably those of
someone climbing through the darkness outside the window --
although if Polly heard them at all, she paid no attention.

Hatred (of Gays) Unites Jerusalem's Feuding Faiths

For some of their followers, the issue is worth spilling blood
over: An unknown extremist Jewish group pasted up signs
announcing a $500 "reward" for every gay man or woman killed
during the parade, which is scheduled for Nov. 10. Several ultra-
orthodox rabbis have vowed to mobilize more than 100,000
protesters to shut down Jerusalem on the day of the parade, and
police warn that some groups plan to pelt the marchers with
apples jagged with razor blades.

22. Comment #5932 by Jenna on November 11, 2006 at 11:17 pm

Dear johnc,

Okay, why should religious sensibilities trump the right of free
speech? They shouldn't, but for many people they trump much more
than that. If you examine the beliefs of orthodox Jews and
Muslims, there really is not much difference, and yet many of
them on both sides are willing to die for slight variations on
how to worship the "Overseer in the Sky". I agree that it is at
best silly, at worst it will end in the destruction of every
creature (except maybe the **** roaches!) on this planet.


They fought for the Cardinal or the King, and each
loved a high-born demoiselle who was a ward of the King or the
Cardinal, and with feminine perversity, always of whichever
one her young man was fighting. With people who had never
read Guizot's "History of France," my books were popular,
and for me made a great deal of money. This was fortunate,
for my parents had left me nothing save expensive tastes.

It was at this depressing period in my career that I received
a letter from Fairharbor, Massachusetts, signed Fletcher Farrell.
The letter was written on the business paper of the Farrell Cotton
Mills, and asked if I were related to the Farrells of Duncannon,
of the County Wexford, who emigrated to Massachusetts in 186o.

I was annoyed, but also interested.
The words "something to your advantage" always possess a
certain charm. So, when the elevator boy telephoned that
Mr. and Mrs. Farrell were calling, I told him to bring them up.

In her lovely eyes was an expression of mingled doubt and
indignation and in her hand freshly torn from the papers
in which I had wrapped it, was "The Log of the JOLLY POLLY."
In action Miss Briggs was as direct as a submarine. At sight
of me she attacked. "Did you send me this?" she asked.

I lowered my bag to the sidewalk and prepared for battle.
"I didn't think of your going to the post-office," I said.
"I planned you'd get it to-morrow after I'd left.
When I sent it, I thought I would never see you again."

"Then you did send it!" exclaimed Miss Briggs. As though the book
were a hot plate she dropped it into my hand.
She looked straight at me, but her expression suggested
she was removing a caterpillar from her pet rosebush.

When the tastes became habits, the public left me. It turned to
white-slave and crook plays, and to novels true to life;
so true to life that one felt the author must at one time have
been a masseur in a Turkish bath.

Twice before I had given offense and I was determined if it
lay with me, it would not happen again. I did not hope to interest
Miss Briggs in myself, nor did I let it appear how tremendously
I was interested in her. For the moment I was only a stranger
in a strange land making a social call. I asked Miss Briggs about
New Bedford and the whaling, about the books she sold, and the
books she liked. It was she who talked. When I found we looked
at things in the same way and that the same things gave us
pleasure I did not comment on that astonishing fact, but as an
asset more precious than gold, stored it away. When I returned to
the hotel I found that concerning Miss Briggs I had made important
discoveries. I had learned that her name was Polly, that the
JOLLY POLLY had been christened after her grandmother, that she
was an orphan, that there were relatives with whom she did not
"hit it off," that she was very well read, possessed of a most
charming sense of humor, and that I found her the most attractive
girl I had ever met.
15. Pretty Polly
The Autumn Breeders' Foal Plate at Manchester
was next on Pretty Polly's agenda.

.... was oppressively hot, and Pretty Polly was
obviously uncomfortable, ...

Pretty Polly was a working girl compared to her more glamorous

Pretty Polly proved that her brilliant victory was not an anomaly

Sent north to Liverpool, Pretty Polly took the measure of a
solitary opponent in the Mersey Stakes at Liverpool.

Horn Head served to set the pace, and Pretty Polly and
Bachelor's Button raced behind.

The third daughter of Pretty Polly, POLLY FLINDERS
(1918, by Polymelus), produced nine daughters.

TUDOR KING was Pretty Polly's lastborn son

But, as in her expedition to France, things started
to conspire against her.
16. Deploying Complex Applications in Unfriendly Distributed Systems
with Parrot ((PRE...

National Institute for Nuclear and High Energy Physics,
Netherlands ... To solve this problem, we present Parrot, an

2. Liberal Elite: Polly Ethylene
Polly Ethylene. The point is, ideology is dead and political
labels are increasingly meaningless. I wrote these words in
the first ever post on this blog, ...




Polyethylene microencapsulation physically homogenizes and
incorporates mixed waste particles within a molten polymer matrix,
forming a solidified final waste form upon cooling. Each individual
particle of waste is embedded within the polymer block and is
surrounded by a durable, leach-resistant coating. The process has
been successfully applied for the treatment of a broad range of
mixed wastes, including evaporator concentrate salts, soil, sludges,
incinerator ash, off-gas blowdown solutions, decontamination
solutions, molten salt oxidation process residuals, ion exchange resins,
granular activated carbon, shredded dry active waste, spill clean-up
residuals, depleted uranium powders, and failed grout waste forms.

Low-density polyethylene is not susceptible to growth of
microbial organisms, a fact that is evidenced by the lack of
plastics decomposition in municipal waste landfills.
When exposed to gamma-radiation at total doses of up to lo8 rad,
additional cross-linking of the polymer occurs,
resulting in increased strength and lower leachability.
39. Polyshot News | Products and Projects
.... has announced it is using a new plate fusion technology,
developed in-house, to join the multiple plates of its hot ...
37. Saddle Fusion
Bushes to d63 can be assembled on a standard Tecnodue
poly fusion machine. ... a normal Tecnodue poly fusion tool
with the correct sizes of ...
1. Butt Fusion hot plates
Fusion weld plastic pipe, sheets Standard or custom up to 72 inches
Sponsored by: www.wenesco.com/

Name: a. 'The Gowans sae gay,' b. 'Aye as the Gowans grow gay'

13 Up then and spoke the pretty parrot:
'May Colven, where have you been?
What has become of false Sir John,
That woo'd you so late the streen?

14 'He woo'd you butt, he woo'd you ben,
He woo'd you in the ha,
Until he got your own consent
For to mount and gang awa.

15 '0 hold your tongue my pretty parrot,
Lay not the blame upon me;
Your cup shall be of the flowered gold,
Your cage of the root of the tree.'

16 Up then spake the king himself,
In the bed-chamber where he lay:
'What ails the pretty parrot,
That prattles so long or day?'


They shut up a parrot in the same cage with a crow. The parrot was
affronted at his ugly look, and said: "What an odious visage
is this, a hideous figure; what an accursed appearance, and
ungracious demeanor! Would to God, O raven of the desert!
We were wide apart as the east is from the west:

The serenity of his peaceful day would change into the gloom of night,
who on issuing forth in the morning might cross thy aspect.
An ill-conditioned wretch like thyself should be thy companion;
but where could we find such another in the world?" But what is
more strange, the crow was also out of all patience, and vexed
to the soul at the society of the parrot. Bewailing his misfortune,
he was railing at the revolutions of the skies; and, wringing t
he hands of chagrin, was lamenting his condition, and saying:
"What an unpropitious fate is this; what ill-luck, and untoward
fortune! Could they any way suit the dignity of me, who would
in my day strut with my fellow-crows along the wall of a garden.
---It were durance sufficient for a good and holy man that
he should be made the companion of the wicked.---What sin have
I committed that my stars in retribution of it have linked me
in the chain of companionship, and immured me in the dungeon
of calamity, with a conceited blockhead, and
good-for-nothing babbler?---

Nobody will approach the foot of a wall on which they have painted
thy portrait; wert thou to get a residence in paradise,
others would go in preference to hell." I have introduced this
parable to show that however much learned men despise the
ignorant, these are a hundredfold more scornful of the learned.---
A zahid, or holy man, fell in company with some wandering minstrels.
One of them, a charmer of Balkh, said to him: "If thou art
displeased with us, do not look sour, for thou art already
sufficiently offensive. ---An assemblage is formed of roses
and tulips, and thou art stuck up amidst them like a withered
stalk; like an opposing storm, and a chilling winter blast;
like a ball of snow, or lump of ice."


As any city dweller can tell you, it is not the meek who shall
inherit the Earth, but the ****roaches. These ubiquitous pests
can fight off some of the strongest insecticides and withstand a
dose of radiation 50 times that which would kill a human.
Impressive as that sounds, though, researchers are just
beginning to understand how hardy roaches really are. It appears
they have an immune system that is comparable to a mammal's in
its sophistication.
38. In the land of NARNIA Sunday Mirror

****roach-like insects the size of sparrows scuttle up the tree
trunks. ... your hirecar windscreen wipers in the time it takes
to say polly wants a cracker. ...
http://www.geocities.com/matalzi/priests14.html#A Glance At

A Glance At Polly Technic

"A collection of the most splendid productions of nature and art
ever exhibited in Newcastle," this, the first Polytechnic
Exhibition, was opened April 6th, 1840. It had a threefold
object--to raise funds for the North of England Fine Arts
Society, The Newcastle Mechanics' institute, and the Gateshead
Mechanics' Institute. The Polytechnic closed with upwards of
L.1, 500 as a clear surplus to divide amongst the three
institutions. It was here that John Watson, the brother of the
author of "Thumpin' Luck." exhibited specimens of his beautiful
engravings on glass. (See Life of William Watson. page 205)

Aw've traveled East as weel as West,
At Carlisle and the sea aw've been,
And i' maw time aw think the myest
Of a' the marvels here aw've seen.

At Grainger's warks aw've wonder'd sair,
Aw've stared at a' the feats o' steam,
But at the 'Sociation mair--
Till now of a' that's grand the cream.

But this is all a bagay tyel,
For now the seet just torns maw brain,
Sin' Polly Technic cam hersel
Wiv a' her wonders in her train.

She's gyen an' ransack'd iv'ry pairt,
For rarities of iv'ry kind,
As weel of Natur as of Airt,
The pith o' mony a maister-mind.

Aw glower'd aboot the Pictur Place,
Aw ax'd for Judy o' the Hutch,
But Judy's fyece aw cudn't trace-
The want o' Judy vex'd me much.

There's Belted Will the Border chief,
If he wad speak, could thraw some leet
On where se rankly prowled the thief
That honest men war bad te meet.

And here's maw horny-letteer'd frien',
the corner-styen of a' wor lare,
It is the finest thing aw've seen-
O dear! aw's glad te see it there.

Some feuls may giggle at the nyem
O' byeth the Hornbuick and Tom Thumb;
But where is it if not frae them
That a' yor Polly Technics come?

The "branks", a kind o' brake, is here,
Wor faithers, when a' else was vain,
Compell'd the noisy jades te weer
Whene'er their clappers ran amain.

Eh! "nick-sticks! nick-sticks!" what are they?
O! now aw hae'd:-they're used at hyem,
And when kept decently in play
The branks was but an empty nyem.

And here's wor hatless Minstrel tee,
That roam'd aboot wor canny city,
And charm'd the guzzlers o' the Quay
wi' mony a simple hyem-spun ditty.

Aw think aw hear him fiddlin' still,
And on Sur Maffa sweet strummin,
Which help'd away wi' mony a gill
'Mang fuddlin' men and queerish women.

But aw mun end maw simple tyel-
It's now ower lang, aw sadly fear;
Te Polly praise there's nyen can fyel-
Wor bairns will praise her mony a year.

Minstrel= Blind Willie
'Sociation = The British Association's visit to Newcastle, 1838.
The "wise week" was crowded with meetings lectures, exhibitions,

-T. Wilson, 1843


With robotic bugs, larger ethical questions
Advances affect ties of human, machine

By Colin Nickerson
Globe Staff / November 16, 2007

Here's a first: Bug-size robots have been used to coax
****roaches into unnatural acts.

Using behavioral modification methods, the whirring, partly-
disguised faux insects were able to induce the real creepy-
crawlies to follow their lead in seeking shelter in bright
spaces. Bent behavior, indeed, for critters famous for lurking
in dark, moist cracks.

Already, Asian countries that represent the gold standard in
robotic research are pondering unprecedented new laws that would
regulate how much independence robots should be given by
programmers and even what "rights" should be accorded the clever

By midcentury, Levy predicts, robots will have become so
humanlike that there will be a political groundswell in liberal,
secular democracies to accord them rights and legally-protected
dignity. "I expect Massachusetts . . . will be the first
jurisdiction to legalize marriages [of humans] with robots," he
wrote in an e-mail.

Colin Nickerson can be reached at nickerson@globe.com

The researchers discovered that roach society is leaderless.
They move as a team, mostly.

Geez, give me that grant money. Once I left a slice of pizza on
the apartment counter when I went to bed. News flash!
****roaches move as a team. Until you turn the light on, and
then it's every roach for him or herself. (Hey, that's not in
the research! I want my MacArthur Foundation "genius fellowship"

Here's the earth-shattering discovery of the savvy scientists
who made robot roaches:

When given the choice of sheltering in a dark place or a light
place, 75 percent of ****roaches will choose a dark place. The
robotic ****roaches showed an 85 percent preference for the dark

When re-programmed to prefer the light place, the robotic
****roaches still wanted to cluster in the dark place (sue me if
I misquote the stats, but I think it was around 40 percent of
the robots programmed to prefer light.)


Robot Cannon Goes Nuts, Kills 9
Saturday, October 20th, 2007

Sources say it was a software error.

Covert Spy Bugs
Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

One or the conspiracy junkies - Are there spy bugs tracking your
every move when you are at a public protest?

Agency spokesman George Little said he could not talk about what
the CIA may have done since [the Seventies]. The Office of the
Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Homeland
Security and the Secret Service also declined to discuss the

The concept of an insect-sized is great but does have its pitfalls



I got the inspiration for the babbling robotic parrot poem
from a newspaper article "With robotic bugs, larger ethical
questions", Colin Nickerson, Boston Globe, 11/16/2007.

I did not take kindly to a remark by London-based artificial
intelligence researcher Dayid Levy's comment, ".. I expect
that Massachusetts will be the first jurisdiction to legalize
marriages of humans and robots."

Ironically, I do not get the impression that Levy himself is an
anti-gay bigot. He seems to be chattering as mindlessly as
a parrot, himself.

However, he does show the same mechanized firings
of neural connections that seem to be burned into the brains
of a majority heterosexuals: "Gay" is apparently in a category
with "non-human".

I am sure that he would huff that he "didn't mean anything"
that we hypersensitive homosexuals should not be so touchy.
I'm sure that his brain was as light and frothy as
ginger-ale fizz when he said what he said, but just because
the callous dehumanization in his imagery is invisible to him, doesn't
mean that I need to take it as lightly as he does.
He might not "mean anything", but he is clearly
revealing something.


Like most heterosexuals, he would probably see himself as being
terribly abused by political correctness. He would complain
about words "taken out of context".

He would imagine this only because he has almost no
sense of the social and historical context.

The newspapers that run articles like this one often bypass
more socially relevant stories that could have provided a
better context,

The context is a Supreme Court Justice who wants gays
recriminalized as a class of people, saying that this
is an "easy question" because it was "a crime in all
50 states for 200 years."

The context is African clergy talking openly about
wanting to send gays to an island to die.

Gays see dehumanizing attitudes,routinely. We are compared
to diseases like cancer and alcoholism. We have been
compared to farm animals, pigs and dogs, monkeys,
tarantulas and flies. We are routinely called "evil",
"demonic" and "Satanic" by religious and family groups that
continue to get treated by media and politicians as being
perfectly respectable.

When gay marriage passed in Massachusetts, radio host
Howie Carr referred to the gay and lesbian citizens
of the state as "sodomites", and claimed that they would
next "want to satisfy their appetite for sex with animals".

The "Massachusetts Family Institute" echoed this same
kind of hate rhetoric, about "sex with animals" -
a transparent attempt at dehumanization from an organization
that has whined "how unfair" it is that anyone thinks that
they are bigoted.

The mental associations are clear enough- "sex with animals"
because they ARE animals, less than human.

In my entire life, I have never met a single gay person
who ever said a single word about sex with animals- or children,
for that matter, but these hate-comedians, hate-journalists
and family-hate groups are peddling their poison to
a population that will believe almost anything. It is roughly on
a level of "Jews are drinking the blood of Christian children."


Carr has been cute for decades, blowing an antique car horn
when talking about a gay man, or making a wolf-whistle sound
when referring to a lesbian.

A right-wing pundit by the name of Don Feder, who had been
a fellow columnist with Carr at the Boston Herald, once
said at a conservative convention in Virginia that
"tolerance was very overrated" toward gays, and that
The ancient Jews did not tolerate the wicked Canaanites-
They wiped them out". When he said "wiped out", he
got a positive response from the audience.

This is the kind of thing that has gone nearly unnoticed and
without concern in Boston. Feder continued to be treated
as a respectable journalist, without so much as a whimper
of protest. Howie Carr rakes in $700,000 per year for
his antics and has a contract worth some $7 million.

THe Boston Herald has made a small crusade to whip up
hysteria about pedophiles, trying to convince parents
in every neighborhood that there is a pedophile lurking
in every playground, and living right next door.

They don't need to try to smear gays as being child
molesters- they know that most straights have that
propaganda already drummed into them. They just need
to play to the fear, like a Southern, white-owned newspaper
trying to kill sympathy for black civil rights and
political power, by dramatizing and highlighting every
case of black-on-white rape, to push the primal buttons.

When I read the Boston Globe article about "robot ****roaches",
there were a number of slyly gay-tinged choices of words.
A reference to "unnatural acts", a reference to "bent"
behavior, and to robots demanding "rights".

I debate sometimes- is this mere, unthinking insensitivity,
or is it a more sinister, fully conscious, deliberate
attempt to generate a drumbeat of propaganda for the
purpose of dehumanizing gays?

I guess that I don't really care - it is an attitude
that needs adjusting, by whatever it takes to adjust it.

Gays need to see that they are scapegoat not just for hate,
but for sleazy profit. Ann Coulter tops the best-seller
lists with her cute hate. Michael Savage is on 351 radio
stations thanks to statements like "gays want to rape
your sons".

It sells newspapers. It wins elections. They have a
vested interest in promoting hate.

What would it take to extinguish the sadistic glee
that shines in the eye of someone like Howier Carr?
If you could put a tear there, it would be probably
like wee tear in the eye of hate-obsessed
Captain Ahab -containing the all wealth of the oceans.

Would settle for just shutting the jerk up, but clearly
something is needed when this state of affairs.

Acceptings gays as "normal" is not poison of our society-
it is the normalization of this kind of anti-gay hatred,
as something "natural", "understandable", "inevitable".

It is like living in a world where Christian radio
hosts say out loud that Jews are Christ-killers and
God doesn't hear their prayers, or white newspaper
columnists say that blacks are criminals who are
destroying our cities, and should go back to Africa
- and hardly anyone seems to have a reaction.


When I read about the robot roaches, it reminded
me of the descriptions of the Virginia Tech shootings-
how he was "robotic", "mechanical".

I could imagine that one of the next waves of social
phenomena- like "road rage" or "drive-by shootings"
or "going postal"- terms that younger people might
not realize have not always been part of the lexicon -
will be newspaper-and-radio mass shootings, much like
the school shootings. Over this very kind of thing,
I could imagine, if it doesn't change in a major way.

The floor will not be red from the carpet that
was rolled out for the returning bigot-hero.

In addition to "media-shootings" as a next wave,
I can also envision "media hijackings".

That would involve people who think that their side
of a story has been short-changed and censored,
taking hostages, presenting articles and manifestos,
and demanding that they be printed.

I could imagine such incidents merely substituting
the conventional, official, establishment propaganda
for the losing side's propaganda, but I could also
imagine that the overall balance of truth in the
world might actually be improved this way, as much
as I would hate to say that.

Similar to the way that someone can turn an
airplane into a weapon, could someone turn an instrument
of propaganda into an instrument of truth?

Americans are adorable in their insistence that
already have "freedom of the press". Freedom most
for the Rupert Murdochs or Pat Purcells, but I think
that Americans are never quite so clever and free
as they like to imagine. Perhaps a hijacked paper
could articulate what is wrong with American media,
if given the chance, and why it is not really quite
so free.

I am not just talking about gays, here. I am talking
about "conspiracy theorists", Muslims, many potential
groups who have long alleged that the real biases
are in the favor of America's dominant religions and
political power-brokers.


I can imagine another twist: not supplying articles
to be printed, but "assignments" given to specific
journalists, writing to try to save the life of a
hostage, like some bigotry-spewing priest who was
now being held by the throat, with gun pointed
to his temple.

Simple proposition: Write an article. Tell me
about the history of gays and the Catholic Church.

That is it. The only instruction. Up to them
to figure out what is needed to be said.

Or, "Tell me about the origins of AIDS. Anything
slightly puzzling about the official stories?"

Or, if it were a Muslim- "Tell me, what you think
are the historical reasons that make us angry?
What are the most major, most basic facts that have
not been adequately mentioned by the media?"

Or, for anyone: "Tell me why YOU think this is
happening, here today. Why it came to a hostage situation?
Where, if in anything, do YOU think that the newspapers
have failed in their reporting mission?"

If the article is insightful enough, complete enough,
honest enough, the hostage will walk away, unharmed.

What is intriguing about that possibility is that for
once in the life of a journalist, they cannot simply
their own ideological axes to grind,
their own passions and agendas. They would be forced,
for once in their life, to try to see the world through
through the eyes of someone that they otherwise
can freely ignore.

Could they do it? Could they break out their
arrogance long enough?

It is a hellish idea, but almost interesting for
the above consideration, alone.


Actually, I am surprised that such things have not
already happened.

I have had a knack for anticipating events,
or so it would seem, not even so much from logic
or analysis, but from intuition.

I talk out loud in my car, alone very often.
I would never talk to myself, though. I am confident
that I have been followed and watched for years
by my government. They seemed to want to make that
known to me.

By now, I assure you, they would be derelict in their
duties if they were not watching and listening.
I had once produced material anticipating the Russian
coup, before it took place. I had talked about a hijacked
commercial airliner crashing into the Pentagon, in
July-Aug of 2001.

I was accurate enough about that particular, intuitive
vision of a hijacking.

I have meant to talk about the idea of "media hijacking",
for years, now, and just have not gotten around to it.

Years ago, when the NRA was having a convention in
Colorado, I said out loud that these right-wingers
chose Colorado out of anti-gay hate, to reward the
state for "Colorado Amendment 2". I made an off-the-cuff
remark that I hoped there would be a major shooting
in Colorado, to embarrass the NRA. Didn't really mean
it - or did I? Not really sure, just a chance remark.

Shortly after was the Columbine incident, which was
indeed an embarrassment to the NRA. I read recently
a right-wing conspiracy blog which was sure that this
could not be a coincidence, that the government must
have planned it, as a prelude to confiscating guns.

I have long thought that the best reply to the kinds of
gun-nuts who say things like "They will have to pry
the gun from my cold, stiff, dead fingers", would be
a bright, cheerful, agreeable, enthusiastic,
almost-being-helpful, simple, "OK!".

Sometimes, I think that someone needs to go on a
shooting rampage at a gun show or NRA convention,
shouting, surrealistically, 'Oh, WHEN will this
senseless gun violence ever END?" Someone who ever
lost a sibling, child, or friend.

Maybe I shouldn't say that. I have to watch
what I think.

I have thought many times about the chance remark,
and have come to wonder if I am taking a chance
whenever I make a remark, for fear that some cosmic
prankster will make it come true.

More has happened. In 2003, I was angered by some
extremely homophobic remarks in an alumni newsletter
from university. I forget exactly what it was- something
to the effect that the school should not worry about the
grievances and problems of perverts and degenerates.
Gays had been harassed and accosted, on campus.

I sent a "Letter to the Editor" to the alumni newsletter.
I said in the letter that maybe if events led someday to a
Columbine-style shooting at the university, then
maybe the issue would seem more important.

When I received the next newsletter, I had not even filed
it away, yet, when a shooting took place at the university-
Biswanath Halder, a former student from India, charged.

Halder had a connection at one time with University of
Massachusetts, it turned out. A fellow who had once been
his roommate - I believe- sat for a time, diagonally across
from me, at work.

There is a reference to him, above, as being military-trained
in Chennai, followed by a article about a prophetic parrot
in that city. By coincidence, I stopped in that city just
last February, on a tour of southern India. Too bad that
I had not known about the prophet-parrot,there.

The group was lead by someone with family ties to
the history of the American nuclear program. Probably
causes some hearburn for the government, if they were
not the ones setting it up by invisible string-pulling.

I imagine that these coincidences catch the eye of
investigators, but they lead nowhere, because there is
nowhere for them to lead, in any literal sense.
Yet, I cannot help but to feel that that there is
something less humanly understandable, connecting events.

I have previously described a similar coincidence of time and place,
concerning Virginia Tech, where I was outraged about graduates
of Liberty University getting placed in the "Justice" Department,
and wanting to recriminalize gays. I had made an offhand remark
about needing a university shooting.

It is only mental activity, no role of any kind,
but as an outlook I stand by it. If I had my way,
there would be no violence in this world so long as
there were no recalcitrant dehumanizing attitude
getting parroted in the political establishment and
the supposedly-respectable media.

Many more coincidences - I cannot tell them all at once.


I ponder multiple theories, one being that coincidences, no
matter how frequent and how wild, are exactly that.

Another theory is what I mentioned before, that it relates
not to "witchcraft", per se, but to something real is the
basis for the legends of such things as witchcraft, and
also "prayer". Another time, I explain from a perspective
of physics, what I think might be going on.

Yet another theory- I keep reading allegations that "Cho" was
controlled, a "Manchurian Candidate" of some kind.

I don't know if it is true, but I take it seriously as a

I think that my parrot-like chattering might also be controlled-
I don't know how, or by who. Some 15-20 years ago, I first
alleged publicly that I thought I was being used in some kind
of experiment, somehow manipulated. Our government has been
known to exploit marginal people, before. I was a person
both marginal and provocative, who came to their attention,
long ago.

You might want to read, "In Search of the Manchurian Candidate",
by John Marks. I did not get any impressionable ideas by reading
such books - I had read NO book and never heard of such programs.
Other way around- I was led to the discovery of the book, in
searching to understand my own experiences. To me, it came as a
dramatic and unexpected confirmation of what I already suspected.

I wonder- am I connected to 3 different school shootings,
or have no connection whatsoever, other than random events?

You do not need to worry about me becoming a shooter, for a
simple-enough reason. I am not a "lonely loser" type like all
of the diseased young persons who threw away their lives. I am
a married man, at least in Massachusetts, living a responsible
married life for someone else's well-being.

You do not need to worry about me doing anything, but I didn't
say that you didn't need to worry. I have never needed to do
anything. Things just happen, like magic, like mind control,
like what, I do not know. I would swear things have sometimes
happened simply because I thought about them happening, and
wanted for something like that to happen.

Whoever becomes the next school shooter, or media-shooter,
or hijacker - it will be not be me, and not anyone that
I know. It is possible though, that I am sharing some kind
of mental connection with total strangers, and articulating
the roots of alienation that need to be eliminated in order
to prevent such things from occuring.

All of these incidents are ugly, but I am not sure that I
would undo them, even if I could- not until things changed.
They would almost surely get infinitely more destructive,
if it were matter of will and projections from the heart.

I do not believe in the right of human existence to continue,
if things do not change.

If anyone ever asked, "How could you be so inhuman?
How could not respect our humanity?", I would say-
"You did not respect our humanity. You dehumanized us
constantly, in little ways, in major ways, sometimes denying
that you were doing it, sometimes openly making a
clever and sadistic, comedic art-form of doing it.
I was just mirroring back what I had experienced."


Funny thing about the Ig Nobel awards. I had a gay
friend who told me how hilarious they were, and I had
tried to get tickets. I cannot recall if he mentioned
the "gay necrophiliac duck" and claimed that it was
not homophobic. I had asked a straight friend who
had gone to MIT about attending.

Another funny thing about robot insects: like a
robot parrot, I prattle about everything, and had
long ago made suggestions about imitating insects
to create robots both for spying and assassination.
The articles seemed so eerily similiar to what I had
said, I wonder if the government is getting some its
ideas from me, and actually taking it seriously.

I have some interest in pursuing robotics,
in retirement. One of these days, I will probably
try to create an interactive, poetry-spouting program.


In my rage against religious bigotry, I have sometimes
wondered- "Could I really kill someone?". Probably,
most people secretly wonder such things, at times.

I recall a comment made by some observer who had
watched both sides of the Massachusettts "gay marriage"
opponents- I forget where I read this - but he had
said "It is like they want to kill each other."

I thought it one of the more insightful comments.

When first out of college, I had a promising career
ahead, but didn't start with any money of my own, or
take any from parents. I had a low-budget aparment
in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, D.C, that was
called by locals "Roach Heaven". They were everywhere.

I really detested them. You would swat one off the wall
at dinner, sit down, and find another in your food.
You would take off your coat, and find a roach there.
They would crawl on you, as you slept.

Didn't stay there very long. They made life almost
as miserable as the Religious Right tries to make
for gays. At least the roaches, you could move and
get away from them, so they did not dominate your life.

I recall one that scurried across the kitchen
stove. I saw my opportunity, and flipped on the
burner. He jumped in the air, did a somersault,
and promptly died.

I must admit- it felt nasty, and not good, but
yet, it seemed like a deserved and almost comic death.

I contemplate to this day, the nuances of my
feelings and the ethical considerations of the
entire situation.

Funny that the paper should mention ****roaches.
Privately, off the record, I have been struck
frequently that the Nazis-level haters of the
Christian Right seem like something less than
****roaches, themselves. To watch Jimmy Swaggart,
bellowing that "Gays are spreading AIDS like flies",
than bawling after he gets caught with a
prostitute, "I have sinned (snivel,sniff,sob)!".

To watch Senator Larry Craig, who has a website
with hate-statistics, claiming that the average
gay man has 500 sexual partners in a year,
then to read of him, crawling around in toilets.

I may have killed a ****roach, but never actually
hated one. They are simple biological mechanisms,
just trying to live. They do not make your life
miserable intentinally, for the sake of satisfying
some sadistic instinct, or for political profit,
or a fast buck.

Not like human beings do so often, which literally
makes them seem like something even less.
What a sad commentary.


When I started writing about the robot-parrot, at first I
forgotten why I was using a parrot,and not a roach, which was
the main subject of the article that got me started.

I couldn't find a reference to "parrot" anymore, when
scanning the article. I wasn't sure where I had seen
it tied in any way to the "****roach" article.

I thought that I could not tie these two things together
very well. I was on the edge of tossing the whole "parrot"
theme out, and starting over.

When I saw today's "Ig Nobel" article, with the ugly
reference to "homosexual necrophiliac mallard" - ha ha-
at first, I did not notice "parrot" in that article, either,
then at the last minute, there is was "... parrot named Alex..".

Sorry about the loss of the parrot. Maybe I can help to
take the place- I am a parrot, too. Sometimes, parrots
prattle prophecies. For you own well-being, it is
presumably imperative that you at least pretend to hear
the message.
