Popularity Contest?

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So a few people might have noticed that Victim deleted a few posts in Azem's congratulatory thread there. These posts were from Clogz and me replying (and agreeing) with him.

His post stated that the only reason Az got to be a mod is because he is a popular member of the boards, and perhaps not the best person suited for the job.

Admittedly that was probably the wrong place to start a discussion about this, and I apologise for that, but I do agree with what he was saying.

I'm not sure how many of the admins/mods/elites have experience or whatever doing this type of job so I can't really just say it's all bullshit, but it seems that majority of the people around here with the power have never modded another website.

This might seem a bit picky and pointless to some people, but for someone like me who is a moderator on a site that is around 4 times larger than this one, I can see a fair few different ways this place could be improved. But it seems that the current mods don't want to change anything at all. It's not that there's anything wrong with how the place is now, but it could be a lot more easy to navigate and user-friendly with a few changes here and there.

So I guess what I'm asking you all is, do you agree that the modship status is only given to people who are currently popular within the LPF community?

And do you think that these people should have prior modding experience?

(again I don't know if anyone has any experience so if the mods could answer that it'd be nice)

And before you all come in and flame me for stating my opinion, just take a little time to think about your reply before you post. There's really no point coming in and having a huge rant at me cause I only want to hear from the intelligent part of LPF.



New member
well its kinda hard ATM to choose mods on LPF cause unlike back in the days we dont have many active members who are MOD worthy... and lol i love reading old stuff on lpf and i just went through the 2005 year where the mods REALLY abused power to ban everyone in their way (not that the people banned didnt do something wrong)

so its rather hard to find a good mod that will stick around

cause we have a few mods who arnt really around anymore

now about choosing mods the best way is that the admins observe throughout the year and then the people who they think are the best and who actually does things like report spam and keep the peace become mods.

sadly our admins are not all that active so that plan is rather foiled...

i dont know really its rather a hard one

EDIT* and i would love to see this place grow, its kinda in a stand still position atm and i know its fun not having too much members but its also not fun having too few members..

and some of our best members e.g Di doesent have alot of time to sit and post anymore cause they have to work and study.



New member
"So I guess what I'm asking you all is, do you agree that the modship status is only given to people who are currently popular within the LPF community?"

First, let me get this out of the way - I wasn't chosen because I was popular. I was indeed popular at the time, but I was constantly posting LP news like crazy to the site and was contributing a lot. That's how I got it.

It doesn't apply to everyone, but I do think it somewhat applies to azem.



Active Members
I'm not sure how many of the admins/mods/elites have experience or whatever doing this type of job so I can't really just say it's all bullshit, but it seems that majority of the people around here with the power have never modded another website.
Yes, I do (currently) and have in the past, modded other websites.

I can see a fair few different ways this place could be improved. But it seems that the current mods don't want to change anything at all. It's not that there's anything wrong with how the place is now, but it could be a lot more easy to navigate and user-friendly with a few changes here and there.
Its not that we won't.. Its we can't.. We have very limited powers here.. Do you guys think I am kidding when I say, "All I can do is ban, change sigs/avys, and stick and lock threads" That is all I can do.

So I guess what I'm asking you all is, do you agree that the modship status is only given to people who are currently popular within the LPF community?

And do you think that these people should have prior modding experience?

(again I don't know if anyone has any experience so if the mods could answer that it'd be nice)
No, I don't think it is given to popular members all the time.. When I became a mod, a lot of people didn't know who the **** I even was.. I became wayyy after I became a mod.. The only reason people know who I am, is because I started my Sig thread and started talking to other people.. and that is the honest truth.. because before I would just lurk and delete threads, I didn't even post much.

I can honestly say that I didn't whole heartedly agree to Azems mod, and if you bothered to read anything, you will see that this is just a trail, it has not been decided to make it permanent

I honestly don't know how I feel about this..
Yes, I do think he deserves it.. And yes I do think he has the ability to help the site, but i also think he has the ability to do it as a regular member. The only difference between him and us is, we have the power to close and stick threads.. and how will that help him? I think for us to make him a mod, he has to prove that he is ready.. and you might say he has already done that, or what can he do to prove it.. Well, i don't know.. I just feel that promoting him, wouldn't do any good

But I also don't see where it would do any harm.. So, in the end, I wouldn't mind him becoming a mod, because to be honest, i don't think it would make much of an impact, either which way..

I had these envisions of what I would do to make the site better if I ever became a mod.. Then when I did, I realized, you can't do it all with a yellow name.. You need more than that, and I don't think he realizes that.. I think he thinks that if he gets the yellow powers, he is getting more then we have..

But, i think he can do good for this site, with, or without a yellow name.. So, what ever the staff's final decision on this is, I agree.. Just because, like I said, I don't think it will make much of a difference, whether he has a green name, or a yellow name.
^ my post when Jeezy asked if we should make Azem a mod.


And I stand by what I said.. Azem has paid his dues here.. He has been around for 3 plus years.. and so, you want to sit there and say there are no more loyal members, well what is he.. Ohh he is just popular, well who gives a ****.. because he has been here for 3 YEARS, and has put up with all the bull-**** LPF has gone through. So if anyone knows how to bring this place out of the rut that it is in, its him. I think he could do it with a green, blue, red, purple, yellow name, it doesn't matter, but if it will help him get this place going, to give him a yellow name, that it was the best decision LPF has made in years.



I agree with this thread, and I think somethings need to be said here.. I would like for everyone to really post their opinions, whatever they may be.. Just please keep things under control, or this thread will be locked real quick.

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what did clogz say? I mean I don't always agree with the guy but he's not one to make pointless stupid posts that have no meaning.

but yeah...denemy I agree with what you're saying. and while this place can be nice, it can also be tyrannic, and full of ****. there are many nice members but there are also people who I wouldn't miss for a second.



Active Members
I agree with what Hailey said...

Mods on here don't really have that much power.

The powerfull people are the admins....I think.

and I don't know about that popularity thing.

Maybe it's true...especially in my case because I got it through the awards.

I never asked for it.

But I still think that Azem somehow deserved it.



New member
I didnt see anyone complaining when Jeezy became a mod. Wasnt that because he won the title on the LPF Awards (according to some, the biggest popularity contest ever)? So why are some of you displeased with Azem's modship when the mods actually decided upon it as has always been the case? Its true, at first I though, what the ****? Azem? However, when I thought about how much he has done for the place and that yes, hes always stuck around and been very active over the past few years, that yeah, he really does diserve it. Now like Hailey said, I think he could do just as much good for the place with or without mod abilities, but we could use the extra set of eyes, so why not? He became popular around here because he does do good things for the place and although this may influence peoples opinion of him, it made no difference to us whether or not he would become a good mod.

Anyway, theres my two cents. Continued discussion is welcome as Azem's admin is still only a trial. We do care what you think, but please keep everything respectful.

Oh, and as far as the admins having the real power, Im sure the other admins have it, but I cant necessicarily say the same for me. Im not positive but I believe that when Vash and I became admins that we still remained locked out of most if not all of the admin powers. :confused:



New member
well to be honest, i didnt even notice azem was a mod til this thread....

dont think things are too bad, its not exactly tyrranical, i mean, thats only because iv probably seen worse, Jeezys one may have been a popularity vote, but in all honesty, **** the guy deserves it for everything hes done, and still doing, the same can be said of azem, sure you might not always agree with him, but as far as iv known, he hasnt done anything stupid or abused his powers.

and while Denemy does put up some good points, it probably coulda been solved with a msg to the mods and admin asking why this and why that first up,it mighta saved them having to question whether or not admin and mods have any expierience first up, and pointing out that they find it hard to navigate around here, but hey, from where im sitting, LPF is good, i spose my only qualm is Sten literally dominating the Other Artists section, but thats purely because alot of us dont really go there that often xD

Imma say yes and no

its kinda difficult I guess bc there are a few people who become mods or whatever and are popular but then again there are a few who are popular but dont become anything. and than again I persnonally think I rather have someone as a mod I think know then some guy or girl who gets on once a year and I just know like his or her username. plus if you look at it at one point you gotta start somewhere with your "mod experiance" so I kinda dont think someone should have to have that before but i also gotta admit that if a mod without experiance is just doin **** around the forum then he or she doesnt deserve to be a mod anymore.



New member
I don't mind Azem being a mod. I think that he has contributed a lot to LPF. IMO I don't think it was too much on the popularity side, like UM0 said he gained popularity from his posts and help and the other good ****...? I think he's a pretty constructive person with a flair for the fun side. Which is good, because I think it's better for Authority/Members relationship if we can feel more comfortable with the other body of members. And really since his mod status is on a trial thing, if he proves himself unworthy of a mod, then he'll be removed of that status. I think it's fair that earns this chance to prove himself worthy (or unworthy) as a mod.

I feel the pain of the mods when they have this really flashy name color and not much real power so I'm not complaining. Cuz I would love to see this place develop and stuff, but maybe when LPF turns to something big there will be people who wished that LPF was the way it was before. We won't know.



New member
These kinda threads **** me off.... it's the ****** internet, get over it! Caring about who's popular and who's not over t'internet is kinda lame, Azem got modship cause they thought he could be up to the job and it's not even a definite thing yet...... I cba ranting so I'm just gonna stop now.


New member
These kinda threads **** me off.... it's the ****** internet, get over it! Caring about who's popular and who's not over t'internet is kinda lame, Azem got modship cause they thought he could be up to the job and it's not even a definite thing yet...... I cba ranting so I'm just gonna stop now.
haha Alison kinda points out a good point here, In an upfront and Honest way,

but this also concerns not reall yany of us...Cause thats really up to the "STAFF"

We're not staff, who throw decisions here and there...The staff are the ones who decide the stuff around here,

I'm Know my role here and could care-less about anything here.

Well my point of view is That Azem has been here long, he has good point of views.

I think an upfront person who is cool should deserve a chance at modding around here.

My point of view is I know my role here on LPF I'm a "MEMBER" and I'lll act like one by,

Going with what the staffs decisions.

*SPAM* I fogot to Give congratz to Azem for becomming apart of the staff.

Congratz man you deserve it.

and Alison +rep for your Honest Opinion.



New member
So, I guess my view counts to right?

Ok, so I'm popular but it's only because I have been here for a while. I don't really talk to anyone outside the forums besides Xrockinfreak who hardly ever posts on here and then sometimes Jeezy, Reflectionist, and Breakdown but it's usually either LPF related or music related. So, in retrospect if I joined like 5 days ago would I really be that popular person? No. How many lpf cliques are around? And think about how many I am apart of? Last time I did that stuff was when Treeves, Snipervirus, and Vero were big on this site. Since then I've relatively kept to myself in the sense of making friends. So I wouldn't say I'm really popular. I'm just known. People know who I am and they know I do a lot of stuff for lpf. And I think they respect that.

I do feel as though I earned my way to something like this. I've always tried to get life pumping in these forums. Sometimes, I've succeeded and sometimes I haven't. No matter what I've done on this site my intentions have always been for the good. I wanted to be a mod, not so I can feel cool or anything, but I think it could help my cause. When things do come up, in the sense of competitions or games it makes it easier for me to set stuff up without having to rely on a mod to help me out.

It is a trial period, and I do have to earn this position. I hope I get it. I think in the long run the site might benefit from it, but it really isn't my call. I have had moderator experience. I was a moderator at Lpprojekt.com when it was Fort Minor World for a while until I stepped down, because I just liked the vibe in this site better and I didn't want to have to focus all my attention on that site.

I appreciate people like Clogz and Denemy expressing the opinions because I mean, it's better they say it out in the open and get out their opinion rather than just stay upset about it for so long but I mean I did find it kind of disrespectful to just come all out on my congratulatory thread, there are others ways of saying what you have to say (like this thread.)

I don't know, when Vash got Admin I wasn't exactly thrilled either( even though I eventually got over it) so I can't lash out at people who oppose me, but I guess I got to ask for a chance. That's all I can do, and maybe I'll do a horrible job maybe I'll do a great one.

That's all I have to really say on this.

I think Azem is fine for a mod, and aint it just a trial? I mean from what Ive seen he makes decent posts about subjects, and is fairly active. I honestly stopped caring about status at these forums. As long as mod/admins do their job, and don't let ****** useless threads and posts go unnoticed. So yea, I don't find it a big problem.. :confused:


New member
These kinda threads **** me off.... it's the ****** internet, get over it! Caring about who's popular and who's not over t'internet is kinda lame, Azem got modship cause they thought he could be up to the job and it's not even a definite thing yet...... I cba ranting so I'm just gonna stop now.
firstly, yes! secondly, i dont see whats wrong with it even if i was just a popularity contest because surely a mod should be some one who's liked by all and on good terms with all?



New member

Even though the conversation is over, i still like to add my 5 cents.

I personally think that over the years that we have been active members he has made quite alot of contributions as well as staying active as often as he can.

ie, threads, signatures,member interviews, music and other things.

Because i don't know if you guys remember the times that ATLien was concerned that lpf is dying.

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