power band shifted after rebuild. any ideas why?

El Mamito USMC

Active Members
Ok guys the ony things that were added or replaced from my previous build was: new crank, new berings, CP piston 12:5:1 , CRF 450 clutch and CR500 springs.

The bike has a lot of power, response and torque , its just that not it doesn't have that "snaping " pull that it used to. The mec said that the clucth its a very smooth engaging one. There's no slipping or nothing. The bike its a lil easier to ride now, like a lil more civilized quad. For begginer purposes.

I just would like to know if this has happpened to any one else? Just a dubt , I'm still very happy with it and ready for battle this 4th july weekend



New member
Possible jetting issue? Never heard of this sorta thing unless you change a cam or go up alot in compression on the piston.

I will say that my 400ex when I added a 04-05 450R carb and I went to 426 on it caused me to shift my power around. Bigbore+better carb imho. I had to go for more speed on my back sprocket (drop teeth) b/c 1st and 2nd and to a degree 3rd came to quick.

Is the above whats going on mamito?


El Mamito USMC

Active Members
Possible jetting issue? Never heard of this sorta thing unless you change a cam or go up alot in compression on the piston.
I will say that my 400ex when I added a 04-05 450R carb and I went to 426 on it caused me to shift my power around. Bigbore+better carb imho. I had to go for more speed on my back sprocket (drop teeth) b/c 1st and 2nd and to a degree 3rd came to quick.

Is the above whats going on mamito?
not at all.. all the contrary.. i need to down shift more often but again i havent riden it exept for a moment to "test " the new power band.. ill get better info as soon as i race it..


Immortal ATV

Active Members
Only thing I can think is you are losing compression or the rings are still seating.....other than that maybe add a tooth to the rear.
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