Pre-launch Windows 8 usage doubles that of OS X Mountain Lion


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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Since Microsoft released its <a href="">Windows 8 Consumer Preview</a> in February, millions of users have downloaded the software giant’s latest operating system, which looks to carefully blend its existing mobile and desktop experiences into one. According to research from ad network Chitika, the Windows 8 CP adoption rate in the U.S. and Canada has doubled that of OS X Mountain Lion, Apple’s upcoming operating system. Of course Microsoft’s Windows 8 preview is publicly available for free while Apple’s Mountain Lion preview is available only to those with paid developer accounts. Chitika’s research was conducted from April 13th to April 19th and it analyzed hundreds of millions of impressions across the Chitika ad network. The Consumer Preview makes up .1% of all Windows traffic and exhibits traffic levels more than three times the peak level that the Windows 8 Developer Preview produced. The increased level of activity is a good sign for Microsoft, which will reportedly <a href="">complete work on Windows 8 this summer</a>. According to rumors, the first wave of PCs and tablets powered by the new platform are slated to launch in October.<span id="more-137174"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report