

New member
I just had a good conversation with someone that some people would call fat...

and it got me to thinking about how shallow I was when I was in highschool... But as I've gootn older, I have changed my opinion a bit and was wondering if any one else felt the same way I do....

I would like to know just what people would rather have, or more acurately, which aspect of someones attractiveness people find more appealing....

The choices are simple....

#1 Physically hot, but bad smile, attitude, and sense of appreciation

#2 Physically not so hot, but great smile, attitude, and very appreciative

I will say that I would MUCH rather have the second... for a few reasons....

1.. They are all pink in the middle... and if they know what they are doing, it's better than a skinny ***** with no clue

2.. Smiles are very important to me... I find that they are more important to me than a hot ***

3.. There is just NO SUBSTITUTE for a good attitude... ever been with a TOTAL *****? than you know what I mean...

4.. I have to feel appreciated... like I'm valuable, and If I don't get that, I don't really care how hot the ***** is, I'm just not going to stick around...



New member
honestly.....those who are drastically good looking are something i stay away from. They can get whatever they want and never seem to be happy with what they have.

Look at the stars (or the ones we are supposed to look up to) their marriages never last and they move on quicker than my pop tart can rise from my toaster.

People who are so goodlooking that everyone wants them are trouble....and always will be. They know they can get what they want at any time they want...

why would you want that?

however..........for one night....take it...but kick it aside before it ruins you!

a combination of looks, intelligence, humor, and compromise are the way to go! even if you have a mediocre mix of them will be much happier. Magazines that say whats hot really only means "whats hot for those much hotter than you".....**** THAT.....if you can have sexual feelings for someone even if they arent up to brad pitt/angelina jolies looks then have hit the jackpot!

yes i prolly spelled thier names wrong...but i feel no need to look up how to spell them because their lives have ZERO impact on mine....and i could care less if they adopot a baby from the bla bla bla rainforest or cheat on whomever spouse they are with.......their lives make nothing but a big heap of **** on my door step. They are nothing.......other than they might be pretty and a good actor/actress.......thats as far as their impact goes



New member
Vorty, I have to agree with you about the stunners. Waaaaaaaay more trouble than the pleasure of having one on your arm.

I'm more of a common interest "shopper".

a) Does their Dad have a big boat?

b) Do they enjoy long days in a boat?

c) Can they catch fish?

d) Can they drive a boat?

and, most importantly........... do they have a sense of humour?




New member

The consensus seems to be that attractive people are ugly on the inside and ugly people are attractive on the inside...

I have found that many unattractive people have bad attitudes. Mainly due to a lack of confidence. They tend to have a chip on their shoulders and often try to compensate for what they lack physically with an 'I'm a bad ***' attitude. Haven't you noticed that those most likely to go into law enforcement are those who were 'picked on' in school? They are control/power freaks. They tend to take things far too seriously. They are resentful of those with confidence.

Attractive people tend to be more confident. They tend to have a better sense of humor than those without confidence, and are more personable. Their attitude usually gets them farther in life.

I think a confident average person is much more attractive than an unconfident supermodel. Attitude makes all the difference in the world, but for the most part confidence is held by those who are more attractive.

That being said I would choose 2 if those were the last two choices on earth, but since they are not



New member
So where are all the men that fit that descrption. I let the last one go and he up and got married and had a kid on me LOL


New member
Definitely option 2.

Every "hot" guy I have dated has turned out to be a ****.

My boyfriend is average. Not ugly, not hot. But he is my perfect match, and that to me is the most attractive thing in the world.



New member
I just want to clear one thing up...

We are talking about relationship rather than one-night-stand, right? That would change the whole dynamics.



New member
??The consensus seems to be that attractive people are ugly on the inside and ugly people are attractive on the inside...

I have found that many unattractive people have bad attitudes. Mainly due to a lack of confidence. They tend to have a chip on their shoulders and often try to compensate for what they lack physically with an 'I'm a bad ***' attitude. Haven't you noticed that those most likely to go into law enforcement are those who were 'picked on' in school? They are control/power freaks. They tend to take things far too seriously. They are resentful of those with confidence.

Attractive people tend to be more confident. They tend to have a better sense of humor than those without confidence, and are more personable. Their attitude usually gets them farther in life.

I think a confident average person is much more attractive than an unconfident supermodel. Attitude makes all the difference in the world, but for the most part confidence is held by those who are more attractive.

That being said I would choose 2 if those were the last two choices on earth, but since they are not


New member
This poll is a hard choice for me. Dose she have no teeth for the bad smile part? Cause that is a major plus! :D


New member
I think most people will say they would prefer personality over looks, but most of them are full of ****. Sure, they'll lose the hottie in the end, but they DO try for him or her. If you saw an ugly person standing beside a hot one, you'd go for the hot one. No one wants to take the time to get to know any of the ugly people. My proof? I know scores of not so attractive yet fantastic people and none of them were ever asked out in all the time I knew them--except for total creeps (who wanted ***, you know how it is) who thought they'd be desperate. Some of them were. At any rate, we all say we don't care but most of us do. You can take my word for it; I know ;) No one looks twice at me and frankly, I don't care.


Take heart, homely but good people--being unattractive is a good filtering system. You know anyone who's your friend or who asks you out is on the level.



New member
Maybe it's just a highschool thing, but there are tons of hot girls at my school, and not so many hot guys. Generally, though a hot girl has a great and caring personality, she WILL not date a guy who isn't so hot, even though he has a great personality.
For some people, a great personality only extends as far as not having to date an "ugly" person.

P.S. <3 you, you-know-who. :)
Yeah, it's a high school thing. Most of the 'hot' girls get fat around 19 or 20 (maybe childbearing), while the average guys mature into 'hot' guys around this same age.



New member
Guys don't reach their FULL potential for looks until around 35 (right when women really begin to loose some of theirs) **** between the looks and the *** drive thing, there is a **** small window of compatibility there LOL)
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