Preferred Method...


Active Members
Of writing... Like when you are sitting down writing a story, a poem, a song, or whatever, what do you use? I mean, do you writing it on paper first, or sit a a computer/laptop? I know a lot of people who now can only write when on a computer.. When I was in English class half of my friends would just sit there when we were supposed to be writing, because they said they have to type it first.. I have always been someone who has to sit down with a piece of paper and pen and write out my thoughts.. But one thing I did enjoy using when we had one was a type writer, heh.. I enjoyed using that thing so much, and it was one of those old ones, no electricity, it was amazing..

So, I was just wondering what you do?

(this could probably go in General, but I like it better here)



New member
I sit at the PC and type, I usually have a basic idea where I am going, and I always think out the story, rather then sit here and shoot off. And i never write down my thoughts, that way I can always have flexibility


New member
Mostly on the computer for me. But in english the teacher made us start with a written draft, and i guess i can cope with that as well. But on the computer I often open a tab w/ or sumthing for better vocab xD but i don't know if i'll ever write again... -__- the lack of inspiration and motivation forever pospones creation.


New member
aw comeon! You should get back into writing, i remember some of your poetry, I really liked it! :D

On Topic:

I never liked that whole draft method, i never edited my writing so I always lost grade



New member
Similar - I can use either, but I prefer computer, and I find I am more comforatble with my laptop more than anything. Not just for the thesaurus and spell check etc but I find my fingers work faster on keys than my hand does with a pen - and by the end of a pen to paper session I have to try and decipher my shorthand which resembles lines interspersed by the occasional letter - sort of like morse code! It's truly awful. Same as method of writing, I write best freewriting. Give me an idea and I'm off. Give me something set (like a word limit or format) and I brood and stress and struggle with it.

I am a dreamer, I make things up as I go. I have tried but don't like planning what I write, I find that method too constrictive. Regardless what I write it MUST grow into its own, meaning it has to evolve and trully stand on its own rather than have me try and fumble my way through it or having to rationalise everything - the greatest thrill for me really is to think that other people read what I've writen and believe in it enough to wonder how that story or those characters or that emotion would exist and how it does take on a life of it's own in their mind instead of just mine. That's a kick :D



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I just find that when I type I am more uncomfortable, and am too distracted, but when its just me, a pen, and some paper, the options are limitless, heh..


New member
I remember when I was 14 or 15, not sure how old I was, I bought myself this blank paged book and I wrote a story in it, I think it was a crime story, but it was so long that I had to have another book to write in. I think that's the earliest memory of me writing a story..... I found the story in the holidays back at my parents place :D

Mind me, it was the crappiest story I've ever written, but it was my first story I wrote by pen. And then I remember for my exams last year we had to write a story with pen and paper and I had about 45 minutes left to write it, because there were short answer questions to other English ****. So I managed to write a 12 page story in 45 minutes. Mind me, I do prefer typing because of the user friendly atmosphere it creates for the writer, what I really want to do, call me old-fashioned but I wanna write on a type writer. I mean Tourniquet was just a very small idea at first, I didn't even know what to do with it in the beginning, but I continued on with writing random words in a sentence to make sense eventually.



New member
it depends on what i'm writing.

as for my novel, i have everything down in notebooks first...i am paranoid people will say that they did it and i stole their idea, so i have a hard copy of everything.

as for poems, short stories(some) and fanfics, they are purely on the computer. I'm not as paranoid with them...

some poems i write out first, i like writing pen and paper better than computer, but that's cause i'm old school...i even have a typer-writer!



New member
I handwrite my scripts first, I get more attached to stuff when I handwrite things... But my stories and stuff I type up since for me, I don't get attached to stories unless it's about a certain topic (not zombies believe it or not) that I've had for years and years.
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