Premiums Answer Me This


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
I want to upgrade to the newest version of vbulletin. In doing so I would lose one of the premium features, webmail. After trying for the last few days to hack the email scripts to integrate with vbulletin 3.5 I have been unsucessful. The last attempt took the site down last night for a couple hours. The scripts we use, Hivemail, is server intensive by itself and the changes I need to make made it even more unstable than it is.
Even though you as paying members would lose webmail, by upgrading you would gain a couple other features. You would gain access to a photo gallery and your own blog.
So I need to know if you would be ok with the tradeoff. No webmail until I can hack a replacement for a gallery and blog.
If you use your Off Topic Forum webmail address I can setup a POP account for you to use until I get a replacement in place. This would allow you to send and receive email using Outlook Express or any other email client that you prefer. These would have to setup manually so the transistion would take a few days.

Let me know what you, as a site supporter, want.

So you know we will be using PhotoPost as gallery and either Wordpress hacked to work with vbulletin 3.5 or a modified journal hack. More than likely the latter as far as the blog goes.
I can't speak for other members, but I personally have no use for a Off Topic Forum email address. Heck, if I have one, I didn't even know I did!

I trust that you'll do what's best for this site :)
Good luck!

(and hey, the blog and photogallery thing sound a lot more appetizing and useful than an email address)
me either. I used my email once...and thats because a place wouldnt accept my yahoo one....which i check like once a month anyhow...

i wouldnt mind loosing it myself...
All I use it for is so members can contact me, of course all I ever get in it, is SPAM and members reporting bad posts (A.K.A. being a crybaby) which I just ignore anyway.

Yeah, I thought about using it once...then I put down the bong and got a yahoo address. Get rid of the Email. Photo thing and blog sound better.
Never used the email. I Like using the PM here and there, but no email needed.

Love the idea of other upgrades.

I've never used nor needed webmail. I have two email addresses anyway.
Like Fullauto I think the photo gallary would be of much use of the bandwith.
Well, I'd say it's unanimous, now get your butt in gear and get it installed ALREADY!!! I'm starting to get annoyed by all the offers for windows xp and office 2003 at a huge discount, not to mention, I'm almost thinking of trying one of the viagra links. TURN OFF MY E-MAIL !!

Good ****!
Email is a little much anyways, apparently everyone has one so who needs another. Photos are great idea!
phreakwars said:
Well, I'd say it's unanimous, now get your butt in gear and get it installed ALREADY!!! I'm starting to get annoyed by all the offers for windows xp and office 2003 at a huge discount, not to mention, I'm almost thinking of trying one of the viagra links. TURN OFF MY E-MAIL !!

Photopost is purchased, journal hack is modified to my liking, everything is up and running on the dev server. All I need is time to get it transfered over.
I'm not going to put an exact date on it, but, I expect it to be done very soon.
The upgrade was going to happen tonight. Unfortunately, vbadvanced which I use on the homepage is down for maintenance.
I still might upgrade and put up a link to the forums until they are back up. In any case you all will like the new features. I've had a chance to play with them for a while now. They should keep you all busy.
I even added a feature where you can shutoff forums you don't want to see. Make them invisible.