Pretentious Flaky People


Sep 7, 2005
I can't stand those people you run into on occasion who feel the need to impress people in every waking moment. :mad:

I've only seen these pretentious people you speak of on TV.

lives in a popculture and social box
Know what else I hate? People who have no real thoughts to contribute who start pathetic one-liner "threads" and accept others to do their work for them.
Silver_dragon87 said:
Know what else I hate? People who have no real thoughts to contribute who start pathetic one-liner "threads" and accept others to do their work for them.

Why because you spent so much time creating your OH so long winded version of this same topic?
nolodon said:
I can't stand those people you run into on occasion who feel the need to impress people in every waking moment. :mad:


nolodon, you're not alone.

Everyone I've EVER known has been a flake in some way or another.
Tizz, you poor, simple-minded idiot. Just because a lot of different topics can be related to one another or to a different one doesn't mean every discussion is the same. The themes and patterns of the world are not linear. And I quote when I add, "aDUUUUUUUUUHHH!" ;)
Silver_dragon87 said:
Tizz, you poor, simple-minded idiot. Just because a lot of different topics can be related to one another or to a different one doesn't mean every discussion is the same. The themes and patterns of the world are not linear. And I quote when I add, "aDUUUUUUUUUHHH!" ;)

UH DUHH so you NEVER posted a thread about pretentious people and the fifty cent word list? You may have displayed more of a touch of the verbal diarea with yours, but you said the same thing.
The pretentious and the flaky are two different groups of people. That aside, I had an arguement, a clear reason for posting, and quotations to back up my position. Any topic is reasonable as long as there is grammar, thought, and evidence, if appropriate.

PS: I misinterpreted what Tizz said here and do apologize for it, though she is still a weak-minded fool ;)
I'm sorry but I'm still laughing that Silver can start a thread about pretentious language and then use 'linear' in a post having nothing to do with math.

and by the way is the 87 the year you were born Silver??

If so then that would explain alot !!!
Lethalfind said:
I'm sorry but I'm still laughing that Silver can start a thread about pretentious language and then use 'linear' in a post having nothing to do with math.

and by the way is the 87 the year you were born Silver??

If so then that would explain alot !!!

Yeah... she's a young grasshopper.

If she is not pretentious, I will eat my hat.
Lethal, I've already had the age debate with most people on this site and I do not wish to have it again. Dig up the thread if you want to see what I would say to you.

Royal, I may sometimes be a bit arrogant--honestly because sometimes I believe people ARE morons--but I am not pretentious. I type at a 'higher level' than I speak because I'm more comfortable with the written word than I am with saying, well, anything. I use the language I do to be as clear as possible, and yes, sometimes I make the rednecks pick up a dictionary. I am not ever pretentious. Linear is a perfectly valid and apt word--balderdash from the teenie bopper is pretentious. I'm sorry you haven't read enough to see the distinction for yourself.
I know I ask this a lot but what the **** is wrong with you guys that you actually convert threads into arguments about the way people talk???

Anyway, yeah, pretentious people. They suck, I hate them. Frankly, I don't give a flying **** that you just bought five Gucci bags or that Daddy gave you a shiny pink Corvette just like Barbie's. I don't want to hear about how many times you had sex last weekend. And believe it or not, yes, it looks very stupid when you and your 15 "bff"s come to school wearing the same ****ing thing.

And who gives a **** if the first post was a one liner? Did it ever occur to you, SD, that not everyone needs to write two pages or more to say what they wanted to say?
ParasiteGod said:
Did it ever occur to you, SD, that not everyone needs to write two pages or more to say what they wanted to say?
I like to lovingly call SD87 "Johanna Lindsey".
Silver_dragon87 said:
I type at a 'higher level' than I speak because I'm more comfortable with the written word than I am with saying, well, anything. I use the language I do to be as clear as possible, and yes, sometimes I make the rednecks pick up a dictionary.

Silver_dragon87 said:
who start pathetic one-liner "threads" and accept others to do their work for them

Well not to go off topic but... Let us drop a few ego points my dear. Yes we all make mistakes but you must make absolutly none to back up that sort of arrogence. Regardless this is just more SD bashing which seems to happen alot around here (Probably just trying to humble you) :rolleyes:
Silver_dragon87 said:
Royal, I may sometimes be a bit arrogant--honestly because sometimes I believe people ARE morons--but I am not pretentious. I type at a 'higher level' than I speak because I'm more comfortable with the written word than I am with saying, well, anything. I use the language I do to be as clear as possible, and yes, sometimes I make the rednecks pick up a dictionary. I am not ever pretentious. Linear is a perfectly valid and apt word--balderdash from the teenie bopper is pretentious. I'm sorry you haven't read enough to see the distinction for yourself.

Perhaps, my dear SiliconeDragqueen, I'd read more into your posts if they weren't so goddamn ****in' pretentious.