Problem updating Microsoft Security Essentials



I´m still using Microsoft security essentials since 1º Beta.
But with Microsoft Security Essentials 2.1 and 4.0 Beta the first problem is that the Definition updates are shown as opcional. So, they aren´t installed automatically.
My Windows Update is configured to install updates automatically, but MSE definitions aren´t installed.
Every day when I open WU, I see the definitions for MSE and install them.
Or I open the MSE window and use the button UPDATE.

The other thing of MSE 4 Beta is that last week was realized an update for Microsoft Security Essentials (KB2646709).
But I can´t install the update. I tried to install the update several times since it was published, but all the time I get the following Error.

Faild to install update. Error code 80070643.
I tried to install in secure mode but it didn´t work too.
How do I install this update and what can I do to update the definitions automaticaaly.
Thanks for a help.

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