Problem with IP resolving




I have a problem and i hope that someone can help me.

I work in a network with two domain servers, for example "" and

"minnie.local" (with the same ip class).

I have some computers with windows vista in the goofy's domain with a link

to a program that run on the server minnie. Now, if I try to ping, from one

of these pc, "minnie" or his IP address, there isn't problems, but if i try

to access to server minnie goig to start->execute and writing \\192.168.1.xx

(the ip address of minnie) it works, but if i write \\minnie it doesn't work.

If i try the same experiment with windows xp, there isn't any kind of

problem. How can i resolv it?

p.s. excuse me for my not very good good english style_emoticons/

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