Progress, Suggestions and TODO List


Active Members
Since the heavy lifting is done, new software, new styles and broken things fixed it's time to move on to the more subtle changes. I'll try to keep track of everything in this thread.

Go through sticky threads and update/remove them as needed.

Come up with a plan for a contest to get long time members back to the site and posting.

As part of the above incorporate a new member drive into the contest.

If you have any suggestions on what to do to not only bring the members back, but, also bring in new members let me know. If you can think of any new features you'd like to see let me know that too.

I can tell you what sorta happend when it all went down if it helps...

I remember the forum becoming "crowded" in the sense of new members registering, posting one welcome post and than never again saying anything.

At around 2007 there were a few people (Maybe bout 20-30) constant users and some who came on and off but we knew each other.

Plus the spamming got pretty bad, boots registered or logged in and just spam-popped-up threads that havent been opened for several years.

When it comes to bringin the old members back, you can try but don't force it, as far as I know most of us are kind over LP and got hit by reality so not much time for online forums.

The site update itself is awesome, dunno how long you've been working on it all (since I just today logged back in after a few weeks) but it's great.

If help is needed or anything I'm here. :thumbsup:

ps: Oh the banner should be changed :D



Active Members
Yes banner is on the list.

I've have already removed a number of spam posts and am in the process of removing the rest. I been working on the site pretty much 24/7 since I bought it. I'm hoping that some of the older members come back and we get a nice influx of new members. In my research the other big Linkin Park fan site has a steady stream of members joining.

The thing that hurts is registration was turned off for a long time. Any real members would never have been able to register. That in itself was probably the biggest cause of the demise of this community. You always have members leaving and new members joining. This didn't happen here. It's going to be a long road back. I am here for that.

I was thinking about opening some new threads (especially in the games section) starting at least some activity.

So when you start deleting threads we still have some recent ones up and going.

Is that a good idea?



Active Members
I have removed most of the spam so everything that is here now will stay. We are ready for new content.


Active Members
I would remove the LPF Games section or at least hide it for now.

The LPF trader never really worked even during the site's heyday, so it might be worth thinking about removing it as well.

About the banner:

Some of us used to work a lot with photoshop (I still do at times). So maybe for a start if you need something just post it (maybe in the Elite Thread).

I personally have stuff going on but if a week isn't too late I could come up with a new banner and am willing to help if needed :thumbsup:



Active Members
I just wanted to stop in and say that I love all the new changes and updates so far! I still have a few contacts from the old days, I'll reach out see if I can create some buzz around the place. Though, I don't know how many people from back then are still in to LP now, but I do not think that will deter them from coming back now that we have an active owner of the forum. A lot of the frustration in the past was due to our inability to make any changes. The site was abandoned and those who were left, were left with little to no power to make the changes like you are making now. And when the site got overrun with spam, everyone just kind of fell off.

Let me know if there is anything we can do to help!

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