Project "Let's find Manny some friends"


Phantom Z

Dev and I are stickin to our original plan that we want this place to be as multi-manufacturer as possible. Any you guys have friends riding zuki's, yami's, kawi's, you name it, be sure to invite them over here!!

We are working on getting some more tech info for those guys as well.
Well it wasnt listed in the original post and there is no ktm section. I think the mods might have something against the orange bikes. Mines coming along pretty nicely with the new 570 build. Maybe I could post it up if we had a section for that stuff hint hint......
Well it wasnt listed in the original post and there is no ktm section. I think the mods might have something against the orange bikes. Mines coming along pretty nicely with the new 570 build. Maybe I could post it up if we had a section for that stuff hint hint......
I asked already. They said it can be place with,"other quads" lol
If we see an abundance of a certain make that doesn't have a section we have no issues adding more sections but we'd like to see a need before adding more content to an already crowded home page. Please do post it up, orange is one of my favorite colors :icon_lol:
lol i have a ski-doo citation safari. 250 single free air. threw a duster primary on it and race it in cross country and 100 mile iron man races. lol fun as hell. also just picked up an 03 F7. lake runner ;)
lmao.... that's too funny!

Them citations were fun as hell. the tracks i had was pretty worn but that ****er would plow through anything. Even, it was sunked in a lake when the ice broke. When i had it pulled out, i let it sit for a weekend before i started that thing. When i pulled the cord, it took 10 pulls before it fired up! Of course that was after putting in new plugs and fresh gas lol