Proof of the Qur'an


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2005
Simplified: Proof of the Qur'an

It follows that since the Creator(Allah) has created man, life and the universe, there must have been a purpose for the creation and a means, i.e. systems, by which to achieve it.
The obvious questions that proceed are:

How does man receive the purpose, rules and regulations, given by the Creator, by which he is to govern and understand his life?

In what form are these rules and regulations received by man?

Clearly, either man communicates with the Creator or that the Creator communicates with us to explain our existence. Man, however, is limited and unable to comprehend or perceive the unlimited and as such cannot communicate with the Creator. This obvious fact therefore, means that the communication had to come from the Creator.

Throughout history, there have been messengers and prophets, men sent from the Creator, bringing laws or revelation on how man should conduct his life. They were given miracles which proved to mankind that they were bringing revelation. A miracle is something which goes against the laws of nature. For example prophet Musa (Moses) had a stick which parted the Red Sea. Prophet Isa (Jesus) had the ability to cure the sick by just touching them.

But how do we know if these messengers existed? The miracles performed by the above prophets were only miracles for that specific period of time. But how do we know that they were not just legends or fables? They are not proof for us. So what miracle do we have right now to convince us and guide us through our lives?

There are many texts available today claiming divine status from God. But is the guidance contained in them in its original form and is it applicable to all situations at all times? Any text claiming to be divine must not contain contradictions, discrepancies or adulterations, since this would question the perfection of God and the validity of the text.

If we apply this acid test to these

Do you actually believe this dribble you write or do you just like to talk to yourself?

Your statements are so riddled with holes it's truly mind-boggling.

Let's just take the first one:

It follows that since the Creator(Allah) has created man, life and the universe, there must have been a purpose for the creation and a means, i.e. systems, by which to achieve it

To make such a profound blanket statement you would need to prove...

1. There is a Creator (Allah).

2. It created "man, life and the universe".

3. It had a purpose for creation.

4. It had a means and/or system by which to achieve this creation.

You offer no proof for any of the above, nor will you be able to offer any proof with anything other than circular logic, so clearly anything that you claim "follows" is just smoke and mirrors.

I highly doubt that you came up with this dribble on your own. It sounds too much like dogma.

Shall I Google? Yes, I shall...

Oops. Look, here it is...

Just as I suspected. Circular logic dogma.

You really need to try harder.

Oh and you edited out the best part of your plagiarism...

"Therefore, the Quran, Allah
That's one of the problems with Muslims that I have seen that is actually kind of irritating.

"AIG" you showed that you are susceptible to trained logic and reasoning from a book.

The qur'an DOES NOT have all the answers, it is NOT perfect..

Oh one would like to believe that it is, after all, if its your faith, why would you judge it ?? This would bring your own inner spirituality down if the book COULD be questioned.

And C.E.S. is 100% correct... ITS DOGMA !!

The quran has been proven to be written as a separate interpretation of Christianity(don't forget, Christianity is Sumerian BTW), it was simply a religion carried over into a different region and given its own interpretation.

A very good comparison would be like Catholicism and Lutherans.

While it is common knowledge that Lutherans follow a different bible then catholics, the BASE TEACHINGS come from Catholicism.

Islam is no different, its just not accepted by its followers that the teachings are just a hand me down of other cultured religions, rehashed into something believable.

Here is some nice reading for you from an acceptable GF .EDU site on the origins of Qur'an :
Proving the Qu'ran wouldn't be easily done. You would need to prove every sentence.
Though I am unsure of fallacies in the Qu'ran (keep in mind, I do not know it all,) I do know of things that it has tought that are scientifically proven.
Off the top of my head, the development of a human. The Qu'ran talks about the stages of a fetus, and each one is correct - down to the average time.
It also says that a baby is not alive in the first part of the pregnancy, which is entirely true - no heart no brain, no existance.

It's the little things that matter.
Suppose you can't prove it wrong, theoretically you can't prove it right either. We aren't sure if science is right, either. So, theoretically, things in the Qu'ran could be wrong to modern knowledge, but maybe in 10, 20, 100, or even 1,000 years, we find out that WE were wrong. Science simply isn't solid enough to prove any book.
Any seasoned agnostic would tear the first few premises of your post apart, like CEG demonstrated, only I see much more potential.

I would like to know which Qu'ranic versus describe the division of gametes, etc. The only thing I've read about is the description of the visual appearance of the various stages of the embryo, and this could easily be obtained by cracking open animals in various stages of pregnancy or talking to someone who has.

Many sayings Mohammed presents appear to be wise, but they also look alot like sayings one would find in a Bible. Seeing as he was at least a century after it, and was obviously aware of it, who is to say that he didn't just put it into his own words?

Doesn't Mohammed say that Ishmael recieved God's blessing instead of Isaac? If so, why were all of the prophets Israelites (sons of Isaac) before Mohammed, who was an Arab (son of Ishamel)? Doesn't this seem more than a little inconsistant?

EDIT: Corrected.

And if these prophets were proven by miracles, what are Mohammed's miracles?
'Oh and you edited out the best part of your plagiarism...'
Course I didn't write it.I just felt you should read it,coz it explains more than I could ever explain.
I believe the Qu'ran is the truth coz well,frankly I'm fascinated by it every single time I open it.Each verse I read seems new and fresh,as though i've never come across it before.And this shows me that no human could have written it,coz human written books can't compare.

The quran has been proven to be written as a separate interpretation of Christianity(don't forget, Christianity is Sumerian BTW), it was simply a religion carried over into a different region and given its own interpretation.
Yeah,christianity came before Islam.The Injeel(Gospel) & Torah came before the Qu'ran.
The Injeel and Torah were tampered with,so Allah sent down the Qu'ran as His last word/testament and to confirm what the Injeel and Torah said(before).Why do you use this argument everytime? Allah didn't need to copy what He created.

Doesn't Mohammed say that Ishmael recieved God's blessing instead of Isaac? If so, why were all of the prophets Israelites (sons of Isaac) before Mohammed, who was an Arab (son of Ishamel)? Doesn't this seem more than a little inconsistant?

My answer to this would be that all the other prophets were sent to the Israelis.They were the hardest people to guide coz they persecuted and killed the Prophets.Muhammed(pbuh) was sent to warn the whole of mankind,to lead all of us to our Lord.
But this is just my opinion.Only Allah knows what He truly intended by it.
But why does it matter if he was arab or not? All the prophets were a blessing from Allah(God).He wanted to give us some guidance through them.

'And if these prophets were proven by miracles, what are Mohammed's miracles?'

The Qu'ran itself.

But if you insist,there is a mention of one that I know of in the Qu'ran:

''The Hour has drawn near,and the moon has been cleft asunder(the people of Makkah requested Prophet Muhammed(pbuh) to show them a miracle,so he showed them the splitting of the moon).''

''And if they see a sign,they turn away and say:''This is continuous magic.'' 54:1-2

The people denied each and every miracle given to all the prophets by saying,''it's magic'',or,''we are bewitched''. Miracles and signs from God hardly made a difference to most of them.But when the Qu'ran was revealed they all admitted it was amazing and incomparable,but still felt the need to defy the Prophet(pbuh). They didn't really deny the Qu'ran but they hated the simple fact that Allah chose a men from amongst them to guide them.

''That was because there came to them their Messangers with clear proofs,but they said:''Shall mere men guide us?'' So they disbelieved and turned away.But Allah was not in need (of them).And Allah is Rich(free of all needs),Worthy of all praise.'' 64:6

Yeah,christianity came before Islam.The Injeel(Gospel) & Torah came before the Qu'ran.
The Injeel and Torah were tampered with,so Allah sent down the Qu'ran as His last word/testament and to confirm what the Injeel and Torah said(before).Why do you use this argument everytime? Allah didn't need to copy what He created.

How were the Torah and the Bible tampered with? Tell me. And tell me how you know the Qu'ran wasn't tampered with if God's word can be tampered with :)

Why do you use this argument everytime? Allah didn't need to copy what He created.

Have I ever used this argument? What if I assume Mohammed copied it and "Allah" had nothing to do with it?

My answer to this would be that all the other prophets were sent to the Israelis.They were the hardest people to guide coz they persecuted and killed the Prophets.Muhammed(pbuh) was sent to warn the whole of mankind,to lead all of us to our Lord.
But this is just my opinion.Only Allah knows what He truly intended by it.
But why does it matter if he was arab or not? All the prophets were a blessing from Allah(God).He wanted to give us some guidance through them.

So I must assume the Israelites were the hardest people to contend with, because they killed the prophets? Hah! Why didn't God send them elsewhere? Like to the suffering among His chosen people (according to Mohammed), the Arabs? Why waste time with the rowdy Isrealites? The really bad cultures were usually taken out, so if the Israelites were so bad, why weren't they taken out? Why were they given such special treatment? Why is their nation in their hands again this very day, when all of their contemporaries have gone to dust? Why do so much for them?

And it matters that he was an Arab because he reversed the idea that the Israelites were the chosen people, and decided to make his people the chosen people when all of our records of the prophets state the opposite. This would seem a clear indication of bias.
And this shows me that no human could have written it,coz human written books can't compare.


Well, I don't think you've ever read...

The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Illiad or Odyssey
Plato's Dialogues
Moby Dick
Picture of Dorian Grey
Tale of Two Cities
Count of Monte Cristo
Les Miserables
Divine Comedy
Red Badge of Courage
Lord of the Flies
War and Peace
Rime of the Ancient Mariner
The Raven
Julius Caesar
etc. etc. etc.

Oh, and about a thousand other fantastic literary works throughout the ages which are true masterpieces of human written achievement.

Your devotion to your dogma is commendable yet it blinds you so. I feel sorry for you.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:

Well, I don't think you've ever read...

The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Illiad or Odyssey
Plato's Dialogues
Moby Dick
Picture of Dorian Grey
Tale of Two Cities
Count of Monte Cristo
Les Miserables
Divine Comedy
Red Badge of Courage
Lord of the Flies
War and Peace
Rime of the Ancient Mariner
The Raven
Julius Caesar
etc. etc. etc.

Oh, and about a thousand other fantastic literary works throughout the ages which are true masterpieces of human written achievement.

Your devotion to your dogma is commendable yet it blinds you so. I feel sorry for you.

well i've read some of them,and I never want to read them again.I think i've said it before,''I hate literature''. Macbeth was the worst in school.I swear I fell asleep half way through the read!
well i've read some of them,and I never want to read them again.I think i've said it before,''I hate literature''. Macbeth was the worst in school.I swear I fell asleep half way through the read!
Macbeth was probably one of the best I have ever read. I've read it five times, seen it performed three times. And would do it again! There is no comparison.
angie said:
Macbeth was probably one of the best I have ever read. I've read it five times, seen it performed three times. And would do it again! There is no comparison.

He ****ed that king up bad with that damn dagger..."MACBETH!!!" And then he stabbed that dude BRUTALLY. Reminds me of Hamlet...
You and I both know that ain't true spleefy! :rolleyes:

but please tell me you clicked the link! :D

I love it....Super Mario meets the matrix!

It's classic man! Or maybe I was just really bored!
Spleefman said:
but please tell me you clicked the link! :D

I love it....Super Mario meets the matrix!

It's classic man! Or maybe I was just really bored!

That was awful!! How bored were you exactly? :D
I wish I never clicked it or wasted my precious time by lettin' it load.
You'll pay spleeeef!
Outlaw2747 said:
He ****ed that king up bad with that damn dagger..."MACBETH!!!" And then he stabbed that dude BRUTALLY. Reminds me of Hamlet...

He stabbed the dude?? :eek: Damn! just when it got interesting I fell asleep!!
So there was some kind of ghost right?
He stabbed the dude?? :eek: Damn! just when it got interesting I fell asleep!!
So there was some kind of ghost right?

I think you should just read it and find out yourself. See? You should've been patient. You missed all the good stuff! If you want I will lend you one of my copies, lol.