Puff the Dragon


Thomas Keske


His best friend was a dragon, and the dragon was a male
Jackie kept a pirate lookout, perched on Puff's gigantic tail
It was an innocent friendship, a thing that caused no harm
but through grown-up eyes, it was viewed with much alarm

Adults play meaner games, and blind fools think they're wise
misjudging many questions: What is real and what's disguise?

They assumed the dragon was a thing that they should slay
He looked like a monster, not safe for boys to play

You should not fight a Dragon
but Big Boys think they're tough
when small kids say they'll fight back
Big Boys think that it's a bluff

The bullies teased the dragon,
called it names and pulled its tail
Puff made a cloud of blue smoke
to throw them off his trail

They laughed, and thought it funny
when Puff began to roar
The imaginary dragon was now making real war

Whole cities, crushed like eggshells
and the flames shot to the skies
Millions of grumpy grown-ups
could not believe their eyes

Having thought that God was with them,
the grown-ups were confused
Though they were mean and nasty
they still had innocence left to lose

Now, everyone was crying
and the green scales fell like rain
All enemies united, by indescribable pain

Puff, the Magic Dragon
rose up from the seas
You must deal with dragons
with a bit more honesty

Puff, the Magic Dragon
need not be the enemy
but treat him as an equal
and allow him to be free


.. Urban Dictionary: puff
Singer: Puff the magic dragon lives by the sea, lalalala ... a
man who is gay or is acting really queerly. 1. will young is a

www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=puff [Found on Google]

puff 104 up, 34 down

a magical dragon who lives by the sea

Singer: Puff the magic dragon lives by the sea, lalalala

by Mooseh Nov 11, 2004 email it

2. puff 92 up, 36 down

a man who is gay or is acting really queerly.

1. will young is a puff
2. stop acting like a puff!!!
23. Nuclear Plant Release - New York Times
Sunday, October 8, 2006. Nuclear Plant Release. AP. Published:
March 3, 1988. LEAD: A ''puff'' of tritium escaped from the
Department of Energy's Savannah River plant Tuesday, officials

[Found on Yahoo! Search]
46. The Project On Government Oversight (POGO)
Blog: Nuclear Security

.... least somewhat independent safety oversight
from the National Nuclear ...

When the cover came off, a puff of plutonium escaped. ...
We were excited to see the contract go up for bid for

[Found on MSN Search]



Rate of Fire: Semiautomatic. As fast as you can click.

--Other: Because of the Design of the bullet used, they can hit
something with a fair ammount of physical fource, but not do
much damage to it. Because of the Air Pocket in the bullet, it
disenagrates instantly on impact and leaves no hole, just a puff
of the microscopic fragments from the warhead of it.



Nuclear Reactions

A Physical Science Activity

Fission: Breaking Up is Hard to Do

Fusion: Why Can't We Just Get Together?

Take 2 protons (chocolate puffs), and bring them together. In
the process of fusing, one proton decays into a neutron and
gives off energy. Take 1 proton away and change it into a
neutron and energy by eating the chocolate puff (energy for you!)
and placing a corn puff neutron next to the chocolate puff
proton. This is an isotope of hydrogen called deuterium.

Make another atom of deuterium by the fusion process in step 1.

Each deuterium nucleus now fuses with another proton (add a
chocolate puff to each nuclei). The result is an isotope of
Helium called He-3.

Now fuse the two He-3 nuclei together (you should have 4
protons and 2 neutrons in your model). This is beryllium-6, but
it is unstable and disintegrates into two individual protons and
a He-4 nucleus which has 2 protons and 2 neutrons and is known
as an alpha particle (represented by the Greek letter alpha: a).
Energy in the form of gamma rays (represented by the Greek
letter gamma: g) is also given off in the process.

See if you can demonstrate the whole fusion process to a


OCR for page 133

APPENDIX D 133 GPS Global Positioning System GVN ground
vulnerability number HDBT hard and deeply buried target HOB
height of burst HPAC Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability
(code) ICRP International Commission on Radiological Protection
JDAM Joint Direct Attack Munition KDFOC K-Division Defense
Nuclear Agency Fallout Code LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory
LD50 level of radiation at which 50 percent of the population
would die LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory NCRP U.S.
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
NEWFALL New Fallout Code NGA National Geospatial-Intelligence
Agency NNSA National Nuclear Security Administration NTS Nevada
Test Site OMEGA Operational Multiscale Environment Model with
Grid Adaptivity P II Pershing II (missile) PD probability of
damage PDCALC Probability of Damage Calculator R&D research and
development RIPD Radiation Induced Performance Distribution RNEP

robust nuclear earth penetrator (weapon)
SCIPUFF Second-Order Closure Integrated Puff
SDOB scaled depth of burial SEPW
strategic earth-penetrator weapon SNL Sandia National
Laboratories SNLA Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque SNLL
Sandia National Laboratories Livermore SRBM short-range
ballistic missile SWIFT Stationary Wind Fit and Turbulence UGT
underground nuclear test USSTRATCOM United States Strategic
Command UV ultraviole

4. Harry Loves Draco and Draco Loves Harry.
I swear, if I hear one more word about Harry Poofter... at the
age of twelve, my only bloody heir. ... Malfoy had seen the
dragon. To Harry , there was no mistaking him.


(inner Lucius monologue): AUF! My son is like, SO GAY! I swear,
if I hear one more word about Harry Poofter... at the age of
twelve, my only bloody heir.

Even at this distance, there was no mistaking him. Malfoy had
seen the dragon

To Harry , there was no mistaking him. Hagrid just saw some kid.

HARRY THOUGHTS: My heart beateth ever faster... the moonlight
shineth upon his golden locks... it must be my love. sigh Wish
I could see, cough, the dragon ...

Harry had a dream in which Draco was riding a HUGE DRAGON and he
had to dodge FLAMES coming from it. For Heaven's sake...



Once upon a time there was a wee lassie called Right Raving
Poofter With An Amusing Hair Cut ( or Simon T. for short). He
was hard, damn hard, so hard he spelt it with a capital A.

One day Simon T. and his terrorist chums were going about there
usual business, attacking military convoys and stealing nuclear

Mouldy had come to the conclusion that the hair samples were not
of human origin "SPOOKY".

16. 24th PSYOP Detachment History
Then "Puff-the-Magic Dragon" (later code-named "Spooky" - now
"Spectre") gunships would lace the area ... I told him that it
was mistakenly a case of transposed symbolism, because we Americ

[Found on MSN Search, Yahoo! Search]
17. Am I Right - Song Parodies, Bush The Greedy President
"Puff The Magic Dragon" Based on the performance by Peter Paul
and Mary ... That Saddam is a gay Bush the greedy president
lived in USA

[Found on Google]


Interrogating Psychological and Social Imperatives Through
Freudian Frameworks

A Review of "Puff the Magic Dragon and Jackey Draper"

By Chris Alleyne-Chin

The story of Puff the Magic Dragon and Jackey Draper is one of
social introspect, dealing with the parts of modern society that
plague the lives of the current generation. In the beginning of
this story, three doctors, representing three different views,
make an observation on the state of Jackey Draper. They say
that he neither speaks, nor relates to the outside world in any
way. This clearly autistic child is said to need a miracle to
cure this misunderstood affliction. Two of the doctors "frown
on miracles", showing how the contemporary political regime does
not believe in the municipal support of mental disabilities.
Later, as the little autistic boy is in his room, the Dragon
meets him. The Dragon tries to coerce Jackey--- an obviously
androgynous name, representing the bisexuality lying dormant
within every soul-- to "come out" and talk to him. Puff uses
his "magic", a possible relation to the little known Sex Magik

Puff then uses more of his "magic", he blows a puff of pink
smoke over the boy-- cloaking him in the gender-bending colors
commonly associated with girls-- making a copy of him (possibly
an allusion to the controversial asexual cloning of a human
being, with the side effect of negating the need for gender-
related roles) and allowing the copy to follow the Dragon, and

After entering an alternative dimension, a metaphor for the
disillusion that occurs while hallucinating, the two meet
a giant, fierce pirate. This pirate has a peg leg, which
is meant to bring to mind the issue of euthanasia. This issue
would have meant that the pirate's mother, in the possession of
a criminally insane child, would have the recourse of killing
her child while still a youth. However, the mother cuts off a
limb, and then commits suicide because she can't take the
pressure of killing the rest of him. Puff reveals to Jackey,
using his smoke, that within the pirate lies an effeminate cook,
obviously homosexual in nature. No only does this probably
exhibit the psychological trauma that can be placed on a
seafaring appropriator, but it shows the duality within people,
and how humans put on a super-masculine facade to avoid facing
themselves and revealing their true sexual alignment. This
shows insight into "gay bashing" and such.



There is a special "breed" of soul in the After called a "Theo."

The term comes from "apotheosis," a word which literally means
"to become godlike." You can identify a Theo in the After right
away. For one thing, their links to the memory web are so strong
that they are no longer faint shades of their mortal shelves.
They have substantial bodies, and can manipulate the After to a
certain extent.

Lennon works in subtler ways. A true working class hero, He
influences only through his music and thinks Elvis' methods are
much too flashy. Anywhere in the world, someone might be
listening to a Lennon song. John can pick up on that. He's got
ego radar. So he goes to that particular person and stays with
the person until the song is over. The listener always has a
sense of John's presence, but John would never be so gauche as
to actually appear in front of his fans. That's for silly
insecure dicks who need their daily boost of fame. You know,
people like Elvis and Jesus.

Jesus is probably one of the most insecure Theos in the After.
He must be, since he keeps appearing in strange places just so
he can make sure his fans remember him. He calls these
visitations "testaments to faith," but most other Theos realize
that that's just a cover phrase for "I need more people to
believe in me."

Jesus is a Theo from way back, from a time before the term
"superstar" was created. And wouldn't you know, Jesus was
delighted as all heck when that musical based on his life
premiered? Of course, he had a big part in bringing that about.
He had to be unusually light in his touch when he influenced
Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Then there is Claudius.

He is, like Jesus, an old school Theo. Unlike Jesus, Claudius
never had to appear in the trunk of a tree or in a puff of smoke
in order to make sure his fame was up to acceptable levels.

Claudius, like most other early Roman Emperors, was deified by
mortals. The Roman Senate apotheosized Claudius after his death.
That was the only way to fame in those days. Get declared a god
and you automatically became a Theo. There weren't too many
Theos in the After back then. Jesus was a Theo of course, but at
that time, Jesus wasn't so adamant about appearing in front of
fans. He still had his groupies, the Apostles and their
disciples, to spread his message. Augustus, adopted son of
Julius Caesar and first emperor of Rome, was also deified by
mortals. So he became a Theo as well.

Chapter 4: In Which Claudius is Eaten by a Dragon

The Shrieking Shack is supposedly the most haunted out of the
haunted houses in Britain. No one's really sure what creatures
actually live in the Shack, but passersby often heard inhuman
howls and screams coming from it during the nights of the full
moon, and so wizards were taught to stay away from it.

Harry's stopped actually listening to the man in the toga.
Nonsense, is it? Magic is quite real, thank you.

Claudius keeps droning on. "What I'm trying to say is that there'
s more to your powers than these magical confines. John, create
a dragon for me."

Watson stares at Claudius. "A what? I can't do that! You do it."

Claudius sighs and looks downward. "I need a dragon. Large,
firebreathing, scaly. I can't pull one out of the ether because...
Oh, damn it..."

"Say it," Watson grins, quite amused by this exchange. "Say what
Holmes said."


"Right again, Becca. He's a bit wary of the blatant homoerotic
symbolism in a few of our fan fiction stories, but I know it's
all in imaginative fun."

"Anything to boost power, right?" Becca asked.
.. Dragon's Egg review
He dreams of being a child with a dragon he calls 'Puff'- but the
dreams are taking on increasingly erotic overtones and how does
this relate to the blank

www.forbiddenfruitzine.com/dragon.htm [Found on Google]


Family Reunion?
Today's Deep Thought
The True Story of Jackie Paper
A Story about Roman Catholicism
What is Our Duty to Other People?

By Monday morning's 6:20 flight I was a zombie. I had hoped to
meet Goat in the Cincinnati airport, but he wasn't able to make
it. I ate breakfast, which was a Good Thing. After the next
plane ride I waited for the shuttle to Corvallis. It was a four
hour wait. And I was a zombie. I feel much better now.

A Story about Roman Catholicism

The most insipid tune I know is a cloying little religious ditty
called "Sons of God". It's truly horrible. I was thinking of how
sappy it was, when I remembered these lines:

Eat his body, drink his blood And we'll see the glory of the lord

Somehow, it doesn't seem quite so bad anymore.
Transubstantiation - who needs it? Let's forget the whole scene
and take it as a cannibal anthem.

Today's deep thought

When I was young, my family had a tradition of eating the brains
of deceased relatives. We thought this would make us smarter. We
prayed and sang and made it a festive occasion. Unfortunately,
we ran out of relatives when Uncle Jack ate Grandma, so I never
got any. My turn was next, so you can imagine how disappointed I

The True Story of Jackie Paper
Puff the Magic Dragon lived by the sea
and frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honnalee
Little Jackie Paper he loved that rascal Puff
and brought him string and sealing wax and other fancy stuff

One grey night it happened Jackie Paper came no more

And Puff that mighty dragon he ceased his fearless roar

It's a wistful story of the end of childhood. But we never
learned what happened to Jackie Paper.

He did grow up, it's true. And he left Puff. But he didn't
forget Puff. He never did. But he couldn't play with Puff

As Jackie Paper grew, he started looking around at the world
outside. It wasn't the idyllic world he read about in children's
books. One day he listened to the news and realized that there
were people in the world who didn't have enough to eat, people
without homes, people who were sick, people caught in war zones.
And Jackie Paper began thinking about them more and more.

Jackie grew. He visited Puff, and played with him and loved him
with a child's pure love, but he began to understand that he
might be able to help other people. There was help he could give.

One day he realized that he would have to leave Honnalee and
Puff. He did his best to prepare Puff for that day. It would be
a hard day.

The day finally came. He was ready.

The sea and sky were grey on the day Jackie Paper left. Jackie
had tried to explain to Puff what he had to do, but Puff didn't

Jackie Paper travels the world helping people. He thinks of Puff
often. He has a hope of someday returning to Honnalee and
showing Puff all the good he's done, hoping Puff will understand.
But that's not as important to him as all the help he's given
and can give to people. And so he continues to travel, giving
what help he can along the way.

Jackie didn't give up his childhood. He kept the best of his
heart: his generosity and compassion.

What is Our Duty to Other People?

If you knew someone was doing something self-destructive, what
should you do? What if the person's actions affected other

I know someone who runs a support group for people who are
struggling with homosexuality and religion. He's "ex-gay" and
married to a woman. He is intelligent and has good intentions.
His struggle between Christianity and homosexuality has been
long and difficult.

I am afraid that he's the wrong person to be running a support
group. He's already made a choice, denying his homosexuality and
deciding to be a Christian by act of will. He's hardly what one
would call an unbiased observer.

Imagine someone who is confused, upset, and vulnerable coming to
this group. The message is that homosexuality is something to be
overcome, something to be denied. Even if the person is wise
enough to leave, the impression that will be left is of people
who spend a major chunk of their lives fighting who they are.
This is not healthy behavior. What a waste! And it all came
about because the leader of the group believed that
homosexuality was unacceptable to God. Now that belief will be
spread to others, people who are seeking a light in their

If you were confused about something, wouldn't you want to hear
several opinions before you made up your mind?

But I can't tell him all this. It wouldn't help him, I don't
think; it would just make me feel better at his expense. So
instead I write about it here.

This all came up again because the Cult Awareness Network, a
clearinghouse for objective information about cults and their
practices, has just been bought by a Scientologist. If there
were some kind of truth in advertising law for organizations
like that, they'd be breaking the law so hard it would make your
head spin.
7. Puff the magic dragon: how our understanding of fallout,

Puff the magic dragon: how our understanding of fallout,
residual and induced radiation evolved over fifty years of
nuclear weapons testing. Roff SR.

[Found on Google]

PMID: 9633267 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Artist Peter, Paul & Mary
Album A Song Will Rise

You talk like a mad man, a man with no skill
Two years I've been waiting against my own will
Now I'm determined to have my own way
And I'm going to be married next Monday mornin'

And next Monday mornin' the bells they will ring
And my true love will buy me a gay gold ring
Also he'll buy me a new pretty gown
To wear at my wedding next Monday mornin'



This Week on Subversity, KUCI, 88.9 FM
Stay tuned for another edition of Subversity each Monday,
from 9-10 a.m.

Subversity's host Dan Tsang is the 2000 winner of the Media
Award from Orange County Cultural Pride, the group that sponsors
the gay festival in Irvine in August.

On our September 12 show, in the wake of the Orange Unified
School District vote allowing gay/support groups to meet, we
wondered what is it like being an openly gay teacher in South
Orange County? We chatted with Luis Torres, co-chair of GLSEN-OC.
See press release.

On our September 19, 2000, we chatted with openly gay Jason Fasi,
a 17-year-old athlete and activist. See press release.

On our May 1, 2001 show, we commemorated May Day, a day
celebrated in China, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Cuba, and by the
proletariat everywhere. We chattted with labor historian Dana
Frank and brought you a feature from National Radio Project. See
press release.

On our May 15, 2001 show, we chatted with Tim Bui, director of
Green Dragon, a dramatic film feature about first wave of
Vietnamese refugees in April 1975 at Camp Pendleton. It's the
opening night film at the Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film & Video
Festival May 17. And on May 22, 2001 we chatted with Quentin Lee,
director of a new gay film, Drift, and also a new novel. See our
press release

On our April 17, 2001 show, we chatted with Marissa Nuncio of
Sweatshopwatch. See press release

On our April 24, 2001 show, we featured the events of the past
weekend in Quebec, with a report from Subversity's own foreign
corresondent based in Toronto. See press release

On our May 1, 2001 show, we commemorated May Day, a day
celebrated in China, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Cuba, and by the
proletariat everywhere. We chattted with labor historian Dana
Frank and brought you a feature from National Radio Project. See
press release.

A new book has come out on the Asian American movement. Asian
Americans: The Movement and the Moment, edited by Steve Louie
and Glenn Omatsu (Los Angeles: UCLA Asian American Studies
Center Press, 2001). Show host Dan Tsang has a chapter in it on
his early days in Hong Kong and the beginnings of a gay Asian
movement in the U.S. He participates in a one-day UCLA teach-in
September 29 on the new book. Check out the information on the
new book; it is also available as a pdf brochure; it gives a
table of contents, brief bios and also info. on how to order.

On our May 8 show, during KUCI's fund drive, we chatted with
some anarchists who were witnesses to police brutality in Long
Beach during May Day. The real scoop on a violent day (by the
cops)! We also discussed the growing police paranoia, prospect
of grand juries, and prisoner solidarity. See our press release.

On our July 13, 2001 show, we chatted with Stuart Timmons, a
screenwriter for a new documentary on Harry Hay, a founder of
the modern gay movement. We talk about Hay's independent stance,
against assimilationist politics of the current gay
establishment, and in support of lowering the age of consent.
Read the press release. To hear the show on RealAudio, please
click on . If you want to download it to your own PC, move your
mouse over audiofile, right click on the mouse, and click on
"save link as". You should be able to save it to your hard drive.

On our August 3, 2001 show, we chatted with Ramsey Kanaan, a co-
founder of the radical collective, AK Press, on anarchism, and
on the politics and economics of radical book distribution. See
press release. Coincidentally, the Los Angeles Times the same
day ran a feature on "The Anarchists Next Door". To hear the
show on RealAudio, please click on . If you want to download it
to your own PC, move your mouse over audiofile, right click on
the mouse, and click on "save link as". You should be able to
save it to your hard drive.

On our August 10, 2001 show, with a guest interviewer Stefano
Sensi, we chatted with Chuck Munson, anarchist librarian. See
press release. The interview is excerpted [Title: "Washington"]
in an Italian left magazine, Carta.

On our Septmber 21, 2001 show, we chatted with anti-nuke
activist and reporter Harvey Wasserman about the dangers of San
Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in the wake of September 11's
terrorist attacks. See press release.

In part two of that show, we also discussed with Prof. Michel
Chossudovsky the CIA training in Afghanistan of "freedom
fighters" like Osama Bin Laden. Prof. Chossudovsky believes the
CIA is still "hosting" bin Laden.
8. Big Gay Dragon: Illustration Friday ~ Trouble
.... Big Gay Dragon. The abstract inner workings of my mind,
rants, lists and whatever else I feel like

[Found on Yahoo! Search]
4. Dragoncastle's Gay Asia - Gay Thailand's Leading Website
Gay Thailand's leading web site. ... Taipei - Gay activists are
urging teachers to have a better understanding of gays. more

dragoncastle.net/ [Found on Google, MSN Search]



The boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival are traditional
customs to attempts to rescue the patriotic poet Chu Yuan. Chu
Yuan drowned on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in
277 B.C.

The celebration's is a time for protection from evil and disease
for the rest of the year. It is done so by different practices
such as hanging healthy herbs on the front door, drinking
nutritious concoctions, and displaying portraits of evil's
nemesis, Chung Kuei. If one manages to stand an egg on it's end
at exactly 12:00 noon, the following year will be a lucky one.


Dragon Boat Club of Boston - DrachenFurie Grand
Dragon Boat Club of Boston - Wake Riders 1st Place
Harvard Dudley - Team 1 2nd Place
Liason International 3rd Place

Dragon Boat Club of Boston - DrachenFurie Grand
Dragon Boat Club of Boston - Wake Riders 1st Place
Harvard Dudley - Team 1 2nd Place
Liason International 3rd Place
Metro Athletic Dragons - Team 1 1st Place
Fleet of Foote 2nd Place
Flying Phoenix - Red 3rd Place

Sckuykill Dragons 1st Place
Flying Phoenix - Red 2nd Place
Dragon Fire 3rd Place
DragonHeart Vermont - BCS 1st Place
Flying Phoenix - Orange 2nd Place

The Boat for Kids Who Don't Paddle Good 1st Place
Harvard Dudley - Team 2 2nd Place
Boston Scientific Ninth Dragons 3rd Place
CNN Cold War - Spotlight: Lucky Dragon
The Lucky Dragon Unlucky fishing boat became a symbol of
Japanese nuclear dread. By Bruce Kennedy. CNN Interactive In the
pre-dawn hours of March 1, 1954, the 23-man crew of the Japanese

[Found on MSN Search, Yahoo! Search


Oh, I like it," said the knight, happily. "The prostration's
good over there! You know, we went to No. 1 in Japan at one
stage back in the eighties. We were called 'Gay Dragon Boys.' "

The king inquired, "Who made that decision?"

"That's how it was translated into Japanese."

"It's such a nightmare," the king groused, empathically. "In
France, they tried calling Closer 'Between Consenting Adults.'

Spamalot- known in full possessive as Monty Python's Spamalot, or
roughly translated to Japanese as Gay Dragon Boys' Spamalot



Welcome to the webpage of DRAGON, the Detector of Recoils And
Gammas Of Nuclear reactions.

Located in the ISAC facility at TRIUMF in Vancouver, British
Columbia, DRAGON is an apparatus designed to measure the rates
of nuclear reactions important in astrophysics. Of particular
interest are the reactions that made the elements around us; the
nucleosynthesis reactions which occur in the explosive
environments of novae, supernovae and x-ray bursters.

Reactor accidents

In this type of accident a reactor or other critical assembly
releases far more fission power than was expected, or at the
wrong moment in time it becomes critical. The series of examples
of such events include one in an experimental facility in Buenos
Aires, Argentina, on September 23, 1983 (one death)[41] and
during the Manhattan project several people were irradiated (one
fatally {Louis Slotin}) during the "tickling the dragon's tail"


She calls herself Kiddofspeed (which is probably a mis-
translation of "Child of Speed") and says her Dad's a nuclear
physicist. She grew up in Chernobyl and remembers the day the
town died. I wish I'd had access to this photojournal when I
was writing Dragon!. I think I actually got a lot of things
right--the eeriness, the sense of forlorn loss--but Kiddofspeed
drops in details I would have killed for back then. Like the
fact that it's least radioactive in the centre of the road, two
to three times less than at the edge; and that a meter off the
road it's four or five times worse.


Our Paranormal Chernobyl: The Summary

Maggie Thorin, New Orleans hero, brilliant geneticist, and
possibly the smartest person on the planet, is invited by Goran
Vrlick to help him on a project that he believes will reveal the
source of metahuman abilities.

At first it seems that none of the homeless have survived their
transformations. The police find a porcupine man killed by his
own poisonous quills; a density-increased woman suffocated by
her own weight; and a hulk-like man killed by his own
contracting muscles. Sometimes the cause of death is unknown, as
in the case of the "dragon" found dead at the top of the Art
Institute of Chicago. The police investigation, led by Detective
Hammersmith and his assistant Detective Waters, has discovered
that each victim was injected with two pelllets: one that
carried dual chemical agents, and one that was a tracking device.

PRIMUS agent Laura Pender is sent to Chicago to investigate the
Chernobyl, and to become acting Silver Avenger of Chicago (a
PRIMUS post) because the current Silver Avenger, Raj Pirhu, has
gone missing. The understaffed Chicago station is swamped by all
the appearances of new metas, and their resources are further
drained because two other PRIMUS field agents besides Pirhu are
also missing.
.... Pagan Temple, the home of Source Coven of the Blue Dragon
and The Hermit, the Coven's High Priest ... feeling the flames,
smelling the smoke, hearing the roar of the crowds

[Found on Yahoo! Search]
20. Dragon Tea - A Mystical Brew of Classes,
Information & Various Intrigues - DragonT

DragonTea.net. MEDITATION & OTHER CLASSES. Weekly classes are
held every Thursday night. at. 7pm-9pm in south Round Rock.
Check "below for. calendar information or send us an email!

44. deviantART: Dragon tea by ~LordessUcchan
I like what the girl is wearing and the dragon.
Very nice work I'd say.


"So I speak to you in riddles, cause my words get in my way. I
smoke the whole thing to my head and feel it wash away, cause I
can't take anymore of this. I want to come apart or dig myself a
little hole inside your precious heart."


46. Dragon Teapot & Mugs
How do you make a dragon smoke? Add Tea! Check out our stoneware
Dragon Teapot and coordinating mugs. Hand crafted in the UK;
food safe and quite sturdy... Add hot liquid and enjoy the

www.mayhemltd.com/feast-drgnmugs.htm [Found on Yahoo! Search]


Food safe Dragon Teapot and/or Mugs. A delightful way to serve
and enjoy afternoon tea! Imported from the UK; handcrafted
stoneware. Add hot liquid and enjoy the 'smoke' wafting from
the dragons mouth.

Teapot- 6Set and/or mugs are available in Cobalt Blue (shown),



St. Andrew's Lodge, while not the wealthiest Lodge of Boston,
could well be termed the most active. It was headed by a famous
surgeon, Joseph Warren, an intimate friend of Franklin and a man
whose intellectual renown and political influence had spread
throughout the Colonies. Here belonged Paul Revere and John
Hancock. St. Andrew's Lodge held its meetings at a tavern called
"The Green Dragon, or the Arms of Freemasonry". The Green Dragon
also was the meeting place for others who damned the English and
denounced tile new tax which had just been imposed upon tea
imported into the Colonies.

On Thursday afternoon, December 16th, 1773, the members of St.
Andrew's Lodge proceeded to the Green Dragon for their regular
communication, but the minutes show that they must have been
busy elsewhere. Suddenly, out of the Tavern appeared a band of
redskins strangely masked and shabbily clad. Rushing to the
docks they boarded some sloops, proceeded to three English
Merchantmen in the harbor, threw overboard 342 cases of tea;
returned to the sloops; regained the docks, marched to the Green
Dragon with song and hurray, and entered the Tavern. But,
strangely, no redskins were thereafter reported to have left.
History has never disproved that Joseph Warren was the host of
the Boston Tea Party.

M. de Voltaire was the hero of the French public. He had spent
his whole life battling error and had won the acclaim of the
nation. From Royalty to tavern waiters ? they worshipped him. He
was the realized idol of everyone of them; of all Frenchmen, the
most French.

It was in this Lodge of the Nine Sisters Voltaire was initiated
under the direction of Franklin. At the close of the initiation
these two great men, overcome with emotion, embraced each other.
This made such a profound impression that its story was on every
tongue and wherever they appeared together they were requested
to embrace again.
86. Gay Outdoors Forums - Boston Dragon Boat
Racing Seeks Men And Women!

Topic: Boston Dragon Boat Racing Seeks Men And Women! psynch.
Living Root Dragon Boat, a Boston dragon boat club, seeks men,
women, high school and college students to race at Boston, Montr

[Found on Yahoo! Search]
5. NEA-1726: IRPhE-DRAGON-DPR, OECD High Temperature Reactor Dragon ...
The DRAGON Reactor Experiment (DRE): The first demonstration
High temperature ... Europe''s Nuclear Power Experiment: History
of the OECD Dragon Project.

[Found on Google, Yahoo! Search]


IRPhE-DRAGON-DPR, OECD High Temperature Reactor Dragon Project,
Primary Documents
27. The dragon awakens
News stories from the Gay People's Chronicle. JOIN OUR MAILING
LIST. Join. Remove. DISCUSSION. DID YOU KNOW? ... eyelids of the
dragon are the formation of Equality Ohio and the election of

[Found on Yahoo! Search]
36. "The Gay Cavalier" Dragon's Heart (1957)
Dragon's Heart - Cast, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary, Comments,
Discussion, Taglines, Trailers, Posters, Photos, Showtimes, Link
to Official Site, Fan Sites

www.imdb.com/title/tt0585943/ [Found on Google]
18. DOE Document - Dragon reactor safety philosophy changes
Abstract not provided Dragon reactor safety philosophy changes
[Found on Yahoo! Search]

Proceedings on safety aspects of high temperature reactor
systems; 24 Nov 1971; Paris, France; Safety aspects of high
temperature reactor systems

N77900 --Reactors--Reactor Safety & Environmental Aspects;N77300 --
Reactors--Power Reactors, Non-breeding, Graphite Moderated;
220900 --Nuclear Reactor Technology--Reactor Safety; DRAGON
5. Dragon Rouge : Ordo Draconis et Atri Adamantis
Philosophy. The philosophy of Dragon Rouge consists of the left
hand path and its ideology. The left hand path is based on a
philosophy which defines two main spiritual paths. One is the ri

[Found on Yahoo! Search]


The philosophy of Dragon Rouge consists of the left hand path
and its ideology. The left hand path is based on a philosophy
which defines two main spiritual paths. One is the right hand
path. It has influenced most forms of religion and mass
movements. Its method is the light magic and its goal is the
annihilation of the individual and to become one with God. The
other path is the left hand path. It denotes the unique, the
deviant and the exclusive. Its method is the dark magic and
antinomianism (to go against the grain). The dark magical goal
is to become a god.

The left hand path and dark magic is not a path of salvation
that anyone can accomplish. For most people the established
religions are more suitable. The left hand path is a demanding
path that takes for granted that the adept is prepared to be
disciplined, patient, responsible and courageous. We are
strongly dissuading psychically unstable persons from taking
this path. The same goes for people who are interpreting the
philosophy as if we are now already gods and able to do our free
will. To reach a free will and thus become like a god is a goal.
We are not gods. We can become gods. In this aspect Dragon Rouge
differs from many esoterists, new age ideologists and satanists
who believe that we are already gods and do just have to realize
it. We believe that we are carrying the divine inside us like a
potential, but that we can only awake and develop this side
through hard initiatoric training.
40. Enter the red dragon - the future of gay culture in China
and Hong Kong

'Enter the red dragon - the future of gay culture in China and
Hong Kong' from Advocate, The in News & Society provided free by
LookSmart Find Articles

[Found on Google]


none of the major Chinese religions consider homosexuality as a
sin as many Christian churches do. Compared to sin in Christian
culture, the list of sinful deeds in the codex of Confucianism
does not include homosexuality. As long as a man does his duty
and sires children, it is his private affair to have other male

This is also true in Taoism. Although each man is regarded as
yang (masculine), every man also has some yin (feminine) in him.
Some men can have much yin in them. So the presence of some
feminine behavior is not viewed as unnatural for men. In this
view, homosexuals can even be regarded as something very natural,
according to the natural balance of yin and yang.

Homosexuality went underground after the formation of the People'
s Republic of China. The Communist regime persecuted homosexuals,
especially during the Cultural Revolution, when many homosexuals
were punished with long prison terms and sometimes execution.
Social tolerance of homosexuality declined.

Since the policy of Reform and Opening Up in 1979, the communist
party has been loosening its control over this kind of behavior.
But the practice of homosexuality is still labeled as a
"moldering life style of capitalism".

Terminology in China

Among gay university students, the neologism "datong" is
becoming popular.

In the old days, terms for homosexuality included "the passion
of the cut sleeve" (Mandarin, Pinyin duanxiu zhi pi) and "the
bitten peach" (py fentao) Other, less obscure terms have
included "male trend" (py nafang) "allied brothers"
(py xianghuo xiongdi) and "masculine-dragon preference"



- Bruce Lee: Enter the Dragon

Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup You put water
into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put water into a
teapot, and it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can
crash! Be water, my friend.
25. UNSW Chess Club
.... 14.5 13-15 Croatia 14 Parramatta B 14 FAST 14 16-19 St.
George Dragon Queens 13.5 Parramatta C 13.5 Killer Tomatos 13.5
Mixed Bag 13.5 20 Norths 12.5 21


52. The Dragons
.... Ghwenfar is one of the Dragon Queens. She loves the company
of children and the Faeries

[Found on Yahoo! Search]

55. EPI
One hot hour of performance, film, video and music collisions
between Dragon Queens and Kings, Dirty Dykes on Motor-Cross
Bikes, Punk-Rock Trannys, Artsy-Fartsy Fairies, Holistic Homos,

www.epiarts.org/comevents.cfm [Found on MSN Search]
Dungeons and Drag Queens (In 3 Measures)
(Continued) by Holy Molar: Song Music Dow.

.... Dungeons and Drag Queens (In 3 Measures) (Continued ... at
this time no downloads have been found for "Dungeons and Drag
Queens (In 3 Measures) (Continued)" on album The Whole

[Found on Yahoo! Search, Ask.com]
2. Schneier on Security: Security Risks of Dungeons and Dragons
The Israeli army gives lower security clearance to people that
play D&D. ... Microsoft and Internet Explorer ? NSA Warrantless
Wiretapping and Total

[Found on Google, Yahoo! Search]

44. deviantART: Pfeekin: Journal
Chroid's my gay dragon [the rather effeminate one at that].
Everybody luffs Chroid! Chroid has a deep and loving friendship
with Sayaku, who he sees as a

pfeekin.deviantart.com/journal/ [Found on Google]
.. UK Gay News - Enter the Pink Dragon!
UK : IMPORTANT NOTE. The evening concert at the Millennium
Stadium has now been cancelled (added Sept 7)

[Found on MSN Search]
57. Chp3: Instability in Nuclear Reactors, "Comments on Nuclear Power"
.... They tell us "a nuclear reactor can't blow up like a bomb ...
the first set of experiments, called "teasing the dragon," from
a physicist who had worked on the atomic

[Found on Yahoo! Search]
33. DragoncastlesGayAsia - Travel Packages
Packages and Cruises. All types Adventure Travel Cruise cruise
gay only Cruise, Gay Destination Travel Event Travel Gay Cruise
Group Holiday Travel Land and Rivercruise Men Only Travel Prid.

[Found on MSN Search


COLEMAN, Texas -- A Texas farmer may have found what some would
call a "chupacabra," a legendary animal known for sucking the
blood out of goats

Using a technique called X-ray fluorescence, a team of
researchers at Cornell University has revealed ancient
inscriptions carved into stone that had faded away over the

Scientists fired high-energy X-ray beams at the 2,000-year-old
inscriptions using Cornell University's synchrotron, exposing
trace elements left over from paint that dried up and faded away
centuries ago. Concentrations of those elements can then be
mapped along the outline of the letters, making them readable to
the naked eye.

On June 22, 2004, the photographer went to Tibet's Amdo region
to attend the Qinghai-to-Xizang Railroad laying ceremony, and
then took a plane from Lhasa to fly back inland. When flying
over the Himalayas, he accidentally caught these two "dragons"
in a picture that he took. He called these two objects "the
Tibet dragons."

Looking at the photo, these two objects appear to have the
characteristics of crawling creatures: The bodies seem to be
covered by scales, the backs have spine-like protuberances, and
also they have gradually thinning rear ends. Although the photo
caught only a portion of the entire scene, it was sufficient to
create the appearance of two gigantic dragons flying in the
10. Amazon.com: Dragon Queens Revenge
(Wizards and Warriors and You ...

Amazon.com: Dragon Queens Revenge (Wizards and Warriors and You,
No. 9): Books: Eric Affabee by Eric Affabee.

[Found on Google]



The Beast with Seven Heads

And the dragon stood upon the sand of the sea, and I saw a beast
rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and
upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of
blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, and his
feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a
lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great
authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to
death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world
wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which
gave power to the beast: and they worshipped the beast saying,
who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him? And
there was given to him a mouth speaking great things and
blasphemies; and power was given to him to continue forty and
two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to
blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell
therein. (Revelation 13: 1-6)

The Lamb That Speaks Like a Dragon.

Since 2001 we have clearly shown that we have passed this phase
in our new persecution laws and the change in our attitude
towards torture. We have also shown our intention to remove the
rights of minorities based on Christian interpretation of
morality. While attempts such as a secret meeting to pass a
constitutional amendment against certain marriages may appeal to
conservative Christians, one wonders what other infractions of
Christian interpretation of a moral society are they willing to
legislate in secret.

Dragon: The Last Super Power.

This second "beast" (America) is predicted to eventually
exercise the power of the first beast

As of 1991, it began this dragon phase. It is in this phase that
it becomes one with the church. Since the end of communism (1989-
91), it has exercised its political power at will around the
world. In addition, its transition to the dragon phase came at
the same time that it conquered Iraq, the old Babylon in 1991.
It became Babylon the Great. Here are the highlights of this

Pope Benedict XVI. Joseph Ratzinger, the cardinal who would
become the next pope became the head of the "Congregation for
the Doctrine of the Faith" on November 25, 1981. This is the new
name for the old office of Inquisition which defended the church
from heresy. Even his small stature reminds us of "the little
horn" that will rule the world. He was called the "panzer
cardinal" and the "pope's rottweiler" because of his brutal
defense of church doctrine against heresy, even burning books.
He said that Catholicism was the only true religion. He thought
that the recent pedophile priest scandal was overblown by the
media! At a service to start the conclave, he gave a stern
warning about "the dictatorship of relativism that questions the
doctrines of the church". His choice of a name may signal his
ecumenical and evangelistic goals. Saint Benedict is credited
with evangelizing Europe. Therefore, their show of unity and
dialogue is only a one way communication. Rome has not changed
its beliefs. It has solidified them. It is Protestants that will

How close are we to persecution? Some groups might say that they
are already victims. There is nothing legal that now prevents
them from declaring your group a threat that puts you in this
place where there is no civilized law that will protect you. And
there is nothing about their reckless treatment of the law that
does not guarantee that at any time we could suddenly be under
an oppressive religious law that has secretly been put in place.
Just put yourself in the place of minorities who are losing
their rights and see how quickly the process is executed.
Substitute the words "gay marriage" for "Sunday laws" and
"Muslim fanatics" for "Adventist fanatics" and see how the same
rhetoric and arguments apply to you in their attempt to "protect
the family" and build a righteous nation.
31. All AgitProp, all the Time...: On Gay Marriage
On Gay Marriage. As I mentioned a couple of days ago , I have
been ... be able to quietly live together without being harassed
or persecuted ... Maybe it would be instructive to look at cou.

fim.ondragonswing.com/archives/003191.html [Found on MSN Search]

The groupe d'analyse nucleaire

The nuclear analysis group was created in 1981 by Ecole
Polytechnique in order to develop a nuclear analysis capability
to support the continued technical requirements of nuclear plant
operations at the Gentilly-2 station

DRAGON: this cell and assembly calculation software is used to
solve the neutron transport equation using the collision
probability or characteristics methods. This code compares
favorably with other similar codes used worldwide. It can read
different nuclear cross section data libraries. Completely
developped at GAN, this code possesses unique features such as 3-
D supercell transport calculation capabilities and can use
sophisticated leakage models. Furthermore, the code allows the
recovery of consistent nuclear properties for reactor
calculations with Cartesian or hexagonal lattices.
3. Babylon, Iraq
Babylon, Iraq. The most famous ancient city in the whole World, ...
The dragon here is a composite animal with the physical
attributes of snake,

[Found on Google, MSN Search, Yahoo! Search, Ask.com]

Ishtar Gate, in a depression a little short way off the Street
of Processions, still has some of its old wall decorations of
bulls, symbol of Adad, god of storms, and dragons, symbol of
Marduk, the chief god. The dragon here is a composite animal
with the physical attributes of snake, lion and eagle. These
brick relieves are not glazed, as the beautiful glazed-brick
panels figuring bulls, and dragons and lions (symbol of Ishtar)
which decorated the Gate, the Palace and the Street of
Processions were all taken, prior to World War I, to Berlin by
the German expedition which excavated Babylon then. Along the
Street, on the left a brick column is seen, which may have had a
statue standing on it.
2. Ishtar (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Its high-profile disastrous performance at the box office is
part of the film's enduring bad reputation. Ishtar was nominated
for Worst Picture in the 1987 Golden Raspberry Awards .

2. The Razzies: Worst Films of 2005 (washingtonpost.com)
"Ishtar" was one of the worst films of all time. Bush and
Rumsfeld deserve their worst actor and worst supporting actor
nods from you this year.

[Found on Google, Yahoo! Search]


The Ishtar Sheraton Hotel, a haunt of journalists and
contractors, took rocket fire but there were no casualties. A
rocket landed in the US coalition HQ, wounding a "contract
employee." It adds, "Also on Wednesday, a local police chief was
shot dead on his way to work in the southern province of Babil
and an Iraqi translator working for Time magazine was in
critical condition after being shot in Baghdad.
.. Peter's Successors
Mary & the Saints. Faith & Science. Morality & Ethics.
Sacraments ... Gay Marriage. The Da Vinci Code.
Liturgical Abuses. Endless Jihad ...

The blessed apostles [Peter and Paul],
having fou...

44. Gay Republican castigates party over marriage vote

.... SFGate News Web by. Gay Republican castigates party over
marriage vote ... Insisting that "Peter and Paul cannot be
mothers, and Mary and Jane cannot be fathers," DeLay argued in an



It is sung with a sigh and a tear in the eye
for it tells of a righted wrong-o
It's a song of a merry maid once so gay
who turned on her heal and tripped away

He jumps into the sea because it is green
He jumps into the sea to visit the queen

Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sails
Jackie kept a lookout perched on Puff's gigantic tail
Noble kings and princes would bow when ere they came
Pirate ships would low'r their flag when PUFF roared out his name

.. Sea beast of Revelation 13 identified
.... while or just before John watched the beast come up from the
sea. The text of Revelation is in blocks that generally do not
follow in sequence. Such is the case here. In 14:12 we saw th

[Found on MSN Search, Yahoo! Search]
.. Revelation, Apocalypse, Dragon, Beasts, Messiah, Church, Satan

THRONE AND POWER. Revelation 13:1-3 - Then, as I stood on the
sand of the sea-shore, there rose out of the sea before

[Found on MSN Search, Yahoo! Search]


Navy stubbed its toe on the Dragon -- and chose to cover it up --
the moral equivalent of shooting a patient in the spleen to
avoid telling him he has cancer.

Becker left DC Dec. 7 for his Adirondack retreat near Lowville,
NY. There the newspaper said the Power Authority of the State of
NY (PASNY) planned a 765 kv powerline just a few miles from his

Powerline Politics

The same year Wertheimer began her study, farmers in New York
and Minnesota were fighting construction of a new generation of
powerlines. Utilities needed bigger transmission lines for their
bigger -- often nuclear -- power plants, so they proposed lines
to carry 765,000 volts.

2. Navy Nuclear Weapons Association
All rights reserved worldwide by the Navy Nuclear Weapons
Association. The term 'Keepers of the Dragon' and all references
thereto may not be used or

[Found on Google, Yahoo! Search, Ask.com]


PRICE: $7.00



Reproduction of popular Fashion Avenue ensemble featuring the
"Poet's Blouse". Skirt and boots are suedecloth. Vest is made
from lightweight denim/chambray, and long sleeved blouse is
white cotton. This outfit also comes with a black suedecloth
beret, not shown in this picture. I did not make the matching
shoulder bag but can do so if customer desires.

Note: Picture on the left shows a Malibu Barbie wearing the
real Fashion Avenue ensemble. The Dragon repro is on the Repro
TNT doll to the right.

"Poet" lends itself well to variations! Bottom left is "Purple
Passion Poet" featuring boots, skirt, and beret in panne velvet,
and bottom right is "Pink Pleather Poet". I never seem to make
this outfit the same way twice.

27. About Dragon Dream
Calling on the spirit of the powerful and mystical dragon,
Lilith ... They came together in 1995 with the intention to ...
of a place where people live their dreams. Where they are in

www.dragondream.com/about_dd.htm [Found on MSN Search]

28. Dragons of Justice
Study and share teachings about DRAGONS, that will lead to
personal development or spiritual enlightenment. ... Assist to a
free LIVE audio classroom, listen to ... The philosophy. The

www.dragonsofjustice.org/ [Found on Yahoo! Search]


When I first started this, I was not thinking of the
Peter, Paul and Mary song. I first thing that I saw
was an article about the Boston Dragon-Boat race.
For some inexplicable reason, it fascinated me.

Being an End-Times poet, I thought that maybe I could
do something with a "dragon" theme, but at first I wasn't
sure. I almost gave it up. It seemed too easy, too hokey.

Only later, did I see why it would have been a pity to
give up the theme. I almost considered the poem to
be nearly done and ready to post, before Peter, Paul
and Mary entered the scene, and I decided to change the
theme to be specifically "Puff" the dragon, not just
a generic dragon.

I had that theme ready, yesterday, then got a copy
of Bay Windows, the Boston gay paper, today. In it was
an article describing our our Governor Romney is delaying
an "anti-bullying guide" for schools, because it deals
with prevention of bullying of gay youth. Romney, because
of his immense ego and shameless pandering to gay-haters,
wants absolutely no association with anything that so much
as mentions the word "gay", not even if it concerns
gay kids who are taunted, beaten, or bullied.

I will dedicate the poem and its vision to Romney.

By some fascinating conjuncture of sun, moon and stars,
the article talked about Peter Yarrow of the folk trio,
having been involved in the production of the guide.

Very strange- then I walked into a drugstore, today,
and over the speakers came "Blowing in the Wind"
by the trio. I have not heard their stuff, in years.

This was not the only coincidence of interest to me.

Not having been someone who ever went to Church as a kid,
and not someone who spends time reading the Bible,
I was not aware when starting the poem that Revelations
said anything about a dragon. That was certainly a
revelation to me, as I was doing the poem, but it somewhat
validated the blind instinct. I still want to check to see
if it actually uses the word "dragon", because I am
still not sure if I can believe it.

The "dragon" is supposed to be "Satan", which raised for
me the question: "Could the religious nuts actually
know anything? Am I under the spell of Satan, without
knowing it?"

Let me state my position on that question.

After centuries of bloodshed in religion's name, I do
not see why religion - Christian, Muslim, or Jewish-
should have any particular credibility in lecturing us
in terms of what is good, and what is evil.

Considering some of the ugly blood-libels and nonsensical
statements in the Bible- suggestions that Jews might
be evil, or that slaves should be nice to their masters
and be good slaves, or that unruly sons should
be put to death - I do not see how Scriptures themselves
should be viewed as uncorrupted things of great credibility.

I do strongly suspect that there are aspects of reality
that are beyond our understanding- including a genuine
basis for such notions as occasionally having awareness
of the future, or direct, telepathic connections between
human minds.

The problem is, it takes only a little bit of "magic"
to make people go off the deep end, and let their
imaginations get carried away, and start filling the
gaps with superstitions and fairy tales, as if they
know everything.

Suppose that a nuclear scientist visited a small
island full of superstitious natives, who routinely
made human sacrifices to a volcano, and committed
other cruel atrocities. Becoming frustrated in
trying to reason with the superstitious fools,
the scientist decides to set off a nuclear explosion
and convince them that God is angry with their
false ways.

The natives witness something beyond their understanding-
nuclear physics. Do you suppose that they would
leave their imperfect understanding at that? Or do you
think that they would weave many charming, superstitious
tales about gods and devils?

The scientist might be thought a messiah, if he predicted
the "Great Fire". He might be thought a devil, if the
tribal elder discovered that he could slay this "god",
the scientist, with a spear, in spite of his great
magic power.

There is a story, yes, something amazing that they
witnessed, yes- just a very twisted version of it.

Why should I be particularly impressed, even if Biblical
prophets did see bits of the future? I think that ordinary
people sometimes get flashes from the future, including
sometimes their own deaths.

I don't regard that yet as scientific fact, but it is
something that I tend to believe from observation of
life. I would welcome scientific investigation.

I have had glimpses of future, also. Before the coup
in Russia, I went to great lengths in talking about
an imminent coup. Before Sept 11, in July and August,
I had talked at length of a vision concerning a
hijacked, commercial airliner crashing into the Pentagon.

That is pretty specific, pretty well timed. Could it
be just a fantastic coincidence? Of course. But I tend
to believe that there is more to it, just something that
is not understandable by everyday notions of reality.

What, though, should I think of stories of Biblical
prophets? Probably, if I were like L. Ron Hubbard
of the Church of Scientology, I could try to build my
own cult, if people were aware of the genuine glimpses
of future. I try to keep the humility to say that
would be an obnoxious thing to do. I would not
want to be like Hubbard, and would not want to be
as obnoxious as a Pope who proclaims that he is
"infallible'. Whether seeing the future, or not,
I am sure that I could make mistakes.

According to the Muslims, all the Christian crosses
will be broken after Armageddon, and the entire
world will be Islamic. How many Christians believe that?

Obviously, somebody's religion does not have the
real story straight.

It is my contention that nobody's religion really
has the story straight. Bits of truths, mixed with
nonsense that becomes preposterous, and lies that
become outrageous.

Suppose that we had a devastating nuclear war,
and then asked a Christian, Muslim, and Jew
all the same questions: "Who was responsible
for this? Who prevailed, who was right,
who was wrong?"

Do you think that even after the fact, looking
back at the same, factual record of actual historical
events, that you would have agreement?

Perhaps the "dragon" has as much claim on representing
truth, as any of the other parties.

What I want for gays is have committed and caring
relationships. I want for them to get away
from the drugs, from the anonymous encounters.
I want for them to be responsible in protecting
their own health and partner's health. I want to
see them have relationships with people their own
age, not with people who are too young.

What do Christian Reconstructions want? No one
takes the Bible more literally or more seriously
than they do.

They want for gays to be put to death, according
to Biblical passages.

Now, I ask you: considering the hatefullness and
madness of it all, should I seriously believe that
the Christian Bible has great credibility in
knowing the good guys from the bad guys?

Part of its lack of credibility is its very
penchant for sorting things into pigeon-holes,
ignoring the shades of grey in the real world.

When Israel was formed, their military burned villages,
lined up young Palestinians of military age against walls
and shot them, and drove a half-million people from
their homes. Would this be an insignificant sin
in the view of a God who considered these his "chosen people",
and yet a gay man who one indiscreet act of sex should
get a death sentence?

Religious perspectives tend to be self-serving nonsense.
What exists in the real world is people abusing each
other in all permutations, none of them exactly "evil",
none of them really behaving much better than the rest.

Are anti-gay, death-mongering Christians any better than
Islamic fanatics, or ultra-right Jewish fanatics
who demonize their own victims? If the Scriptures
are things of such wisdom and beauty, then why
do their most fierce adherents so frequently
manage to number among the most ugly and irresponsible?

I risk fueling propaganda, to write the poem.
I recall how Peter, Paul, and Mary were accused
of promoting marijuana in the song's symbolism.

Right-wingers would probably want to accuse
me of promoting "pedophilia". Actually, the
poem is talking exactly about people like them,
who see all gays as "corrupters of youth", and
who are completely unable to conceive of any
innocence or love, in any gay relationship.

One of the folk trio was scandalized by a
relationship with a 15 year-old girl. Although
I am sure that he meant well and was probably,
excruciatingly sensitive in his relationship,
that is not the kind of thing of which I approve
or am promoting, here. A 15 year-old does not
have mature judgement in forming a relationship
with someone older, most of the time.

If that were not my real position, I would
certainly state the real position,here, because I
do not care to avoid controversy, as I hope to
make clear in the next paragraph.

The poem is a fantasy of gays responding to
global oppression by going after nuclear weapons,
just like Al Quaeda, only using them to force
nations that mistreat us- nations like Iran, that
have death penalty- to change their ways.

No other minority- not Jews, not Palestinians,
not blacks, not Irish Catholics- faces that level
of institutionalized oppression in the world,
today. It would be another matter, if the world
responded with conscience, if the United Nations
were addressing it, but there is almost universal

The Bush family has close ties with the Saudi
royal family- a country where gays are put
to death. Because of his personal war in
Iraq, gays are now hunted by death squads, there.

Does anyone seriously think for a minute that
he or his administration would care the less?

I am not personally involved in pursuing
nuclear weapons, but do not apologize for
saying that such a strategy would be justifiable
under present conditions.

If it any of this eventually comes true,
it will not be for conspiracy, or for "Satan".
I can see why people might want to see it that
way, but their own hate and apathy have the
real responsibility, not a minority that they
have been kicking around for 3000 years, and not
any nonsense about "Satan".

Perhaps, it would be a predictable and natural
consequence of conditions, or perhaps it would
be coming from one of those aspects of reality
that is beyond our understanding.

Tom Keske