Pullout complete - Now what?


New member
NETZARIM, Gaza (CNN) -- Jewish settlers sang, danced and prayed with Israeli soldiers Monday before residents emptied Netzarim, the last settlement in Gaza to be evacuated.

CNN's Paula Hancocks, Shira Medding and John Vause contributed to this report.


Well... Here it is... The long awaited pullout of Gaza is complete! But the question looms... What is the next move?

After such an extensive gesture by the Jews toward peace, I would say that the next move is clearly saddled on the Palestinians. But does anyone here really think that they can reciprocate?

I think you all know what my position is... I believe that the terror attacks will start up again after only a few short weeks of relative peace. After all, The UN funded memorabilia that instigated that Gaza was only the beginning and their destiny was to topple Jerusalem.

"Jewish groups reacted with fury to banners, mugs, bumper stickers and T-shirts bearing the slogan "Today Gaza, Tomorrow the West Bank and Jerusalem," which bore the U.N. Development Program (UNDP) logo."

I invite all of you to be a time portal for a few... Tell the rest of us what you think will happen in the coming year! Whether it is good or bad.. brave or cowardice... Where is this **** leading all of us?


Mr X

New member
I invite all of you to be a time portal for a few... Tell the rest of us what you think will happen in the coming year! Whether it is good or bad.. brave or cowardice... Where is this **** leading all of us?

Ok heres my take on the situation

I think it will actually quiet down as mahmoud abbass has gotten this pull out...I think he will genuinely crack down on Islamic jihad/hamas/al aqsa m/brigade.I don't think he wants to give the israeli's any reason to come back..I've noticed that also these groups have become strangely quiet...(I take this as tacit approval from them)...probably some of them a heading to iraq to kill marines..as this has become a great leaverage tool on the west and Israel.

I think it's cowadice on the part of ariel sharon....he should tell bush to "shove it"....this is only appeasing these groups...and when you appease..they press for more.

Israel should have not given up the sinai as well

If they were real jews/Israelis they would have put their faith in *** and drive the palestinians in to the sea....but they seem to be afraid of men.You have to read the old testament to understand this.

I'm sure if the israeli's asked the xtian folk(not govt) in the west to fight for them...you will get an overwhelming response.Since muslims volunteer as mujahideen in jihads...xtians should volunteer for israel(a bit like the french foreign legion)...hmmmm.

what do you make of this?



Mr X

New member
...If Israel wants to go down this road...then they deserve not be called Israeli's/Jews and might as well surrender and leave.

Mr X

New member
Out of the hundreds of possible news corporations you chose CNN.
Do you enjoy reading censored bullshit?

HAHAHAHA I generally take western reporting with a grain of salt.

I don't watch CNN...I don't have sky tv.


Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
"Pullout complete - Now what?"

Blast it in her face while saying "Yeah *****!", zip up your pants, toss the $20 on the bed, grab your smokes, and leave. :cool:

NazzNegg would agree with me.


Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
In all seriousness now, the current events in Israel are merely the prelude to eventual all out war.

Politically, Israel has never been moderate but rather has swung violently from far right to far left and back and forth again. As one political viewpoint falls out of favor, the exact opposite political viewpoint becomes the new message of the day. Couple this with the coalition type government the Knesset really is and it is a recipe for eventual disaster.

The Palestinians on the other hand, (I loath that term because it is an outright lie of which the world seems ****-bent to swallow but that is another topic altogether), are lying murderous cowards. They want everything and contribute nothing. Yesterday they were terrorists and today somehow magically, they are statesmen? Please, where do I barf?

The real crux of the matter is that Gaza is just the beginning of the organized destruction of Israel. The camel jockeys will not stop until they have the West Bank, Jerusalem, and whatever rest of the country they can steal.

Israel will back down and back down and then as sure as the wind changes, politics will shift abruptly and the Israeli tanks and soldiers will roll in again. The problem will be that the Palestinians will have had time to fortify their military presence and therefore Israel will fight a campaign of destruction rather than re-securing arab capitulation. Don't believe me; reread your history of the Six Days War. The capitals of each of the three countries (Egypt, Syria, and Jordan) were threatened (Israeli troops were less than 100 km from Cairo and less than 50 km from Damascus and Amman. The next time, I'm quite convinced that they will not stop short.


Mr X

New member
"Pullout complete - Now what?"
Blast it in her face while saying "Yeah *****!", zip up your pants, toss the $20 on the bed, grab your smokes, and leave. :cool:

NazzNegg would agree with me.

CES that basically sums up Israel playing the harlot..... :eek:


Mr X

New member
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you know what you are talking about here...
So, just exactly how has Israel played the harlot here?
hmmm I'll find it easier if I answer your question with a question

What is happening with Israels inheritance?


Mr X

New member
I don't understand your question. Please clarify it.
The land is been traded for the notions of peace....under the threat of war/terrorism.In the old testament..there are stories where Israels has been in this situation(s) before..being outnumbered 10 to 1 and they have overcome there enemies with victory(provided they listened to *** via his prophets or lack of).

The knesset is being run by a majority of liberal Jewish secularists who are pushing for comprises...and those at the top want to satisfy them to keep their jobs and also there is external pressure with western foreign policy(I won't name names) that have strings attached to the relationships...strings which can be traced indirectly to Saudi Arabia.This really is a recipie for disaster....short term gains(illusions) with long term consequences(reality).

Call me old fashioned...but transport these secularist jews through the old testament...how do think Jehovah would have viewed them and the leaders of Israel as a whole?

Ok maybe the analogy comparison was a little overboard....hmmm what do think CES?


Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
Well, I said it earlier but here it is again...

In all seriousness now, the current events in Israel are merely the prelude to eventual all out war.
Politically, Israel has never been moderate but rather has swung violently from far right to far left and back and forth again. As one political viewpoint falls out of favor, the exact opposite political viewpoint becomes the new message of the day. Couple this with the coalition type government the Knesset really is and it is a recipe for eventual disaster.

The Palestinians on the other hand, (I loath that term because it is an outright lie of which the world seems ****-bent to swallow but that is another topic altogether), are lying murderous cowards. They want everything and contribute nothing. Yesterday they were terrorists and today somehow magically, they are statesmen? Please, where do I barf?

The real crux of the matter is that Gaza is just the beginning of the organized destruction of Israel. The camel jockeys will not stop until they have the West Bank, Jerusalem, and whatever rest of the country they can steal.

Israel will back down and back down and then as sure as the wind changes, politics will shift abruptly and the Israeli tanks and soldiers will roll in again. The problem will be that the Palestinians will have had time to fortify their military presence and therefore Israel will fight a campaign of destruction rather than re-securing arab capitulation. Don't believe me; reread your history of the Six Days War. The capitals of each of the three countries (Egypt, Syria, and Jordan) were threatened (Israeli troops were less than 100 km from Cairo and less than 50 km from Damascus and Amman. The next time, I'm quite convinced that they will not stop short.
I think that the political pendulum will begin swinging yet again, but this time, I feel a war comming out of it. A very large war.



New member
Well, I said it earlier but here it is again...

I think that the political pendulum will begin swinging yet again, but this time, I feel a war comming out of it. A very large war.

Quite possibly, a war without end. Or, the war that will end it all.


Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
Quite possibly, a war without end. Or, the war that will end it all.
It is illogical to think that Israel will simply roll over again and again when faced with hostilities from Arabs. This is definitely not supported by their military history of the modern state of Israel.

For the moment, the current political climate is one of "land for peace" but this has been proven again and again throughout history to be to be a false promise of hope; I believe that in this case, it will again be proven as such.

Even the most reserved individual will eventually explode at you and most likely beat the living **** out of you if you insist on continuing a constant and never-ending nose tweaking and rib jabbing.



New member
The Palestinians on the other hand, (I loath that term because it is an outright lie of which the world seems ****-bent to swallow but that is another topic altogether), are lying murderous cowards.
Is that right?

Learn something new everyday.

Israel, presumably, is the epitome of philanthropy and moderation, trying to develop a sustainable peace in the middle east by diplomacy and peaceful negotiations?

They're showing their altruistic nature by withdrawing their settlements on land they should never have been built upon. Good guys all round.

They're even building a big wall for Palestinian children to play ball against. Its not like the Berlin Wall, though. No. This one is for...er...national security.


Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
Is that right?
Learn something new everyday.

Israel, presumably, is the epitome of philanthropy and moderation, trying to develop a sustainable peace in the middle east by diplomacy and peaceful negotiations?

They're showing their altruistic nature by withdrawing their settlements on land they should never have been built upon. Good guys all round.

They're even building a big wall for Palestinian children to play ball against. Its not like the Berlin Wall, though. No. This one is for...er...national security.
Although your attempt at sarcasm is interesting, it hardly adds weight to your position.

Although you claim...

Oh, just so's ya know, winkydink, I dont answer anyone's questions.
Regardless, I shall give you the courtesy of addressing yours.

As a matter of fact Israel has tried since it's inception to engage in peaceful relations with its Arab neighbors. It has never sought out territorial conquests as a means of simply enlarging its holdings.

The so called "occupied lands" were won as a result of the Six Days War, which was Israel



New member
Although your attempt at sarcasm is interesting, it hardly adds weight to your position.
As a matter of fact Israel has tried since it's inception to engage in peaceful relations with its Arab neighbors. It has never sought out territorial conquests as a means of simply enlarging its holdings.

The so called "occupied lands" were won as a result of the Six Days War, which was Israel
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