Putin: Russia Wets Pants in Fear of America's Power


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Putin Blasts U.S. for Its Use of Force
NewsMax.com Wires Saturday, Feb. 10, 2007

MUNICH, Germany -- Russian President Vladimir Putin blasted the United
States Saturday for the "almost uncontained" use of force in the world, and
for encouraging other countries to acquire nuclear weapons.

In what his spokesman acknowledged were his harshest attacks on the U.S.
since taking office in 2000, Putin also criticized U.S. plans for missile
defense systems and NATO's expansion.

Putin told a security forum attracting top officials that "we are witnessing
an almost uncontained hyper use of force in international relations" and
that "one state, the United States, has overstepped its national borders in
every way.

"This is very dangerous, nobody feels secure anymore because nobody can hide
behind international law," Putin told the gathering.

Putin did not elaborate on specifics and did not mention the wars in Iraq or

But he voiced concern about U.S. plans to build a missile defense system in
eastern Europe - likely in Poland and the Czech Republic - and the expansion
of NATO as possible challenges to Russia.

On the missile defense system, Putin said: "I don't want to accuse anyone of
being aggressive" but suggested it would seriously change the balance of
power and could provoke an unspecified response.

"That balance will be upset completely and one side will have a feeling of
complete security and given a free hand in local, and probably in global,
conflicts..." he said. "We need to respond to this."

Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., said the charge that the U.S. "aspired to
get unipolar power or acted unilaterally is just not borne out by the

"Even our involvement in Iraq, certainly Afghanistan, is pursuant to United
Nations resolutions," Lieberman said at the conference. "So that was
provocative and wrong."

Asked if he had any reaction to Putin's charges, Defense Secretary Robert
Gates just shook his head and said no.

Putin's spokesman Dimitry Peskov said the Russian leader did not intend to
be confrontational, but acknowledged it was his harshest criticism of the
United States since he was elected in March 2000.

Putin also criticized NATO expansion.

"The process of NATO expansion has nothing to do with modernization of the
alliance or with ensuring security in Europe," Putin said. "On the contrary,
it is a serious factor provoking reduction of mutual trust."

Putin's comments to a weekend forum attended by 250 officials, including
Iranian nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani, came after German Chancellor Angela
Merkel said that the international community is determined to prevent Iran
from obtaining nuclear weapons.

Merkel said Tehran needed to accept demands made by the U.N. and the
International Atomic Energy Agency.

"There is no way around this," Merkel said. "What we are talking about here
is a very, very sensitive technology, and for that reason we need a high
degree of transparency, which Iran has failed to provide, and if Iran does
not do so then the alternative for Iran is to slip further into isolation."

Merkel, whose country holds the rotating European Union presidency,
emphasized the international community's support for Israel and said there
was a unified resolve to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

"We are determined to prevent the threat posed by an Iranian military
nuclear program," she said.

The annual Munich Conference on Security Policy, now in its 43rd year, is
often used as an opportunity for officials to conduct diplomacy in an
informal setting.

Some 3,500 police were on hand to provide tight security for the conference
and kept the usual throng of demonstrators away. This year, several thousand
protesters were expected, protest organizers said.

Heading in to the conference, Larijani, who is scheduled to speak on Sunday,
said he planned to use the conference as an opportunity to talk about Iran's
nuclear program. Those would be the first talks with Western officials since
limited U.N. sanctions were imposed on the country in December, which fell
short of harsher measures sought by the United States.

Larijani was expected to meet with German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter
Steinmeier and Javier Solana, the EU's chief foreign policy envoy.

At the opening dinner on Friday, Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni urged
international solidarity in putting pressure on Iran to prevent it from
producing a nuclear weapon.

"It is a regime that mocks the Holocaust while threatening the world with a
new one, while trying to develop a weapon to do so," she said. "Iran is a
threat not only to Israel ... but to the world. The international community
cannot show any hesitation ... Any hesitation on our part is being perceived
as weakness."

The conference this year focuses on "Global Crises - Global
Responsibilities," looking at NATO's changing role, the Middle East peace
process, the West's relations with Russia and the fight against terrorism.

Merkel opened the conference telling the delegates that one of the major
threats facing the world today is global warming, urging a combined effort
to combat it.

"Global warming is one of the major medium- to long-term threats that could
have a dramatic effect," Merkel said.

Gates, who planned to talk Sunday on trans-Atlantic relations, was expected
to press allies for more troops and aid for a spring offensive in

He delivered the message Friday to a NATO defense minister's meeting in
Seville, Spain, but got a lukewarm response.

France and Germany are questioning the wisdom of sending more soldiers,
while Spain, Italy and Turkey have also been wary of providing more troops.