Putin to run for Russian presidency in 2012 (AP)


Active Member
Jul 31, 2011
<p><a href="http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/topstories/*http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110924/ap_on_re_eu/eu_russia_putin"><img src="http://d.yimg.com/a/p/ap/20110924/capt.24d22cc9c9f34209bad2bd894b645e92-24d22cc9c9f34209bad2bd894b645e92-0.jpg?x=86&y=130&q=85&sig=6kJUw0L3eteMl9wS1JPSeQ--" align="left" height="130" width="86" alt="Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin speaking at a United Russia party congress in Moscow, Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011. Russia's dominant political party on Saturday nominated Vladimir Putin for president, almost certainly ensuring his return to the office he held for eight years, and approved Putin's proposal that current president Dmitry Medvedev swap places and become prime minister. (AP Photo/RIA Novosti, Alexei Druzhinin, Pool)" border="0" /></a>AP - Vladimir Putin's decision to reclaim the presidency next year sets up the possibility that he could rule Russia until 2024 and foreshadows a continuation of the strongman rule that many in the West have called a retreat from democracy.</p><br clear="all"/>
