Question about Youtube


New member
Finally I got the programme which allows me to download the videos from you tube and I got a programme called Total video converter(version 3) but I dunno how to use it =/,is there any other programme that is a bit easier than the one I mentioned? =/

Btw,does any1 know what kind of file are the videos from you tube bcuz I need to know in order to do the conversion into an avi file is possible

Thanx in advance :thumbsup:

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New member
I found out that you tube videos format are FL so what I would need now some programme which includes that format in order to convert it into avi or some other video format.


New member
i suggest just get the latest flash, and then go to, u can get flv's form there, u put em in flash, then you save it as a WMV.

Then you put it into a converter, i think even windows movie maker could work it, then you save it as watever you want, ...apart form that i cant help you at all!



New member
Personal Message Untitled (my brother) he knows' date=' he has some kind of program for downloading that vids 2[/quote']
yeh i know :D , use riva flv encoder, browse the file, change the output from .flv to .mpg, change the video size to whatever you want and convert, very easy to use

Dizzla Dan

New member
for some reason youtube wont upload my vids anymore , it says its an invalid format but its the same format as all of my other videos i used to upload


New member
Thanx Peterdea and untitled!I´ll try both of them :thumbsup:
what i forget to mention is that the only way this will work is that you have to download the vid with the firefox extension and save it as a .flv file, otherwise you can't convert it :)

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