Rabbit Ears: The Sum of All Fears


Thomas Keske


9-11, 10-4, Good Buddy, Got your rabbit ears on?
What are the remote-viewing witches brewing?
This is B-Boy calling, repeat, B-Boy from BU..
Weather forecast calls for high pressure and sunny
Breeders are breeding like a bunch of ******* bunnies
It looks like a no-go, repeat no-go for unproductive queers
but NRO satellite photos show unidentified creature with long ears
BpppZzzzzt! seem to be getting some static
Something crazy is happening, and it seems to be dramatic
This is B-Boy calling, repeat, B-Boy from BU..
Calling Boston, I can't hear you...
I think the witches are making a bunny-rabbit stew
Urgent! please respond to this call!
Is anybody still out there !? Anybody at all??

18. rabbit.txt
NSA reports unusually high frequency of the character string
"rabbit" in ... a preventative strike against attack rabbit
network reported to have been


It's nice to think that we could find the rabbit as quickly
as the KGB, but really the story should go like this:

NRO satellite photos show unidentified creature with long ears.
Appears to be eating elongated orange object.
NSA reports unusually high frequency of the character string "rabbit"
in intercepted communications.
High level governmental committee appointed to study the problem
and make recommendations.
State Department tries to get allied support for a preventative
strike against attack rabbit network reported to have been
recently activated.
Delta force rumored to be hunting rabbits in Mojave Desert.
CIA tries to infiltrate agents into target area. But station
chief has cover blown by investigative reporter from
the Iranian newspaper "Hares-bullah Star and Crescent".
6th Fleet sets sail for Middle East on routine training mission,
planned months in advance.
Helicopter assault group gets lost in sandstorm, with heavy
casualties resulting. Rabbits pose with corpses, proclaim
a great victory.
Air Force jets bomb rabbit hutch, hitting nearby chicken coop
instead. Some jets lost to unknown enemy countermeasures,
chicken feathers reported near engines of downed jets.
Rabbit disappears into desert with badly scratched paw.
Decides to become a pacifist and go into pharmaceutical business.
7. Computer Power User Article - Really Remote Control
I almost expected it to have rabbit ears instead of two Wi-Fi
antennas. ... When doing such remote viewing, I found the video
quality was much lower but ...


description: Red isocahedron, platonic solid.
related words:

Current target image will be
revealed at 6:00 PM UTC

Remote View Results

luv2lrn farmland fence rabbit wheat hay
drsc grid map hand green pool Bullseye
daniel monkey face person george washingon
present man children red three diamonds Close
Lapis Lazuli 3 bullets copper mannequin wood
nikki24 rainbow triangle stripes blue center
Lapis Lazuli blue water ski mountain goat
Lapis Lazuli red queen pyramid men tv
Midnight Demon cone horn black afro man
ntSpider mama aunt jemimah syrup
koop triangle stripes jewelry kitten rainbow
future flag semaphores triangles fabric red
seer9 basket water candy triangle wood
purdy ring gold hand fingers
suzinseattle michelangelo creation hand man
Lapis Lazuli feather mask pink sparkles hat

present clock round coins cards spades
6. Ace of Spades HQ
or just tell people to look up that rabbit video from a couple
of days ago ... Why is the Ace of Spades called "the Death Card"?

10. Stingray: A somber anniversary: Jimmy Carter and the Killer Rabbit
Ace of Spades reminds us that today is the 27th anniversary of
the day when President Jimmy Carter was attacked by blood-
thirsty, hissing, swimming rabbit

6. Internet Archive: Details: Jimi Carter, Killer Rabbits and UFO's
President Jimmy Carter was attacked by a killer rabbit while
fishing in a boat. the infamous rabbit attack and the
conspiracies surounding it are explored

29. American Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club
BIS 1/15/05 Murphy's 4H Rabbit Project: Ace of Spades 150 REW
Senior Buck Breeder/Owner: Bruce Ford Best in Show: Southeast
Triple Crown 1/22/05, Perry GA : TTT's Tort Reform

EXCERPT: Ace of Spades by David Matthews

.... which can only mean that the ghost of a freshly dead rabbit
accompanied them to City Hall), ... Here?s what the New York
Times says about Ace of Spades.


They were both working for Sargent Shriver at the Office of
Equal Opportunity. Shriver had joked to my father that despite
Robin's marked fecundity and the occasion of their marriage (my
pop is still hazy about which situation arose first, which can
only mean that the ghost of a freshly dead rabbit accompanied
them to City Hall), "there would be only one raise allocated per

On the night of their wedding, my maternal grandfather - who had
refused to attend the civil ceremony- called my father to express,
in the sincerest of terms, how untenable an alliance between him
and his daughter would be. My father said, I didn't marry you,
and hung up on him. It was my mother and father against the

Cinematic Intelligence Agency

Rabbit-proof fence
Threat advisory: High - High risk of entertaining activities
Movie propaganda

The true story of three aboriginal girls, Molly (Everlyn Sampi),
Daisy (Tianna Sansbury) and Gracie (Laura Mongahan), who are
forcibly taken from their outback families in 1931 to be trained
as domestic servants as part of an official Western Australian
government policy. They escape and embark on an epic 1,500 mile
(2,500 km) journey to get back home, with the authorities
chasing them all the way.

Of all the plagues introduced into Australia the rabbit was by
far the most devastating and destructive
24. Eigenschaften, Kaufen Speed- & Thrash-Metal: St. Anger,
Rabbit Don`t ...

Come for You All, Move, Double Live Annihilator, Ace of Spades,
Rabbit Don T Come Easy +1, Act III, Rage of the Armada, Act III
[Vinyl LP],

musicde.net/speed-und-thrash-metal/61.html [Found on Ask.com]

.. Rabbit anti-NCOA5 (CIA) AbVantage Pack Polyclonal Antibody ...
Rabbit anti-NCOA5 CIA AbVantage Pack Polyclonal Antibody
Unconjugated from Bethyl Laboratories.

17. CleanLaugh #39 - LAPD, FBI, CIA, and rabbit
Another hilarious, free, funny, bitmap, jpeg, picture on the
CleanLaugh site. ... a rabbit into a forest and each of them has
to catch it. The CIA goes in. ...

52. Goss in the Cold: A Scandal Skedaddle?
Porter Goss's sudden announcement of his departure from the CIA
is puzzling. ... Posted by JACK RABBIT 05/05/2006 @ 6:12pm |
ignore this person

25. Witty Comics - John Rabbit, agente de la CIA
Make your own comic strips ... John Rabbit, agente de la CIA by
GuerraEterna on 10-17-2006

30. CIA M4 Robotic Bunny Rabbit /main/ -JfZ
.... top secret updated ... CIA M4 Robotic Bunny Rabbit ...
49. Red Rabbit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jack Ryan, CIA, helps with transporting a Russian defector and
his family to the ... Red Rabbit. Publishers Weekly (July 29,
2002). Retrieved on 2006-10-23.


Bacterium infected 3 at BU biolab. "Three Boston University
researchers became ill last year after being exposed in a
laboratory to a potentially lethal bacterium called tularemia."

IN RESPONSE to the laboratory outbreak of tularemia at Boston
University Medical School in 2004, the Boston Public Health
Commission has recently proposed an extensive set of laboratory
regulations for the city. Questions can be raised as to whether
these regulations are strong enough and whether they ensure
sufficiently independent oversight, but the commission is to be
commended for keeping in place longstanding regulations
governing laboratories in Boston.

The disasters that could result if super versions of already
lethal bugs were accidentally released in the city of Boston
need no elaboration.

The anthrax mailings of 2001 highlight the additional
possibility of deliberate release by a disturbed, disgruntled,
or extremist laboratory worker. The mailings underscore the fact
that threats may come from ''insiders" and can be difficult to

The 1994 ban on this dangerous research is relevant now as
Boston University plans to build a BSL-4 laboratory in the South
End. Given that recombinant DNA techniques are essential tools
for research in modern biology, how can the facility conduct
scientific work that does not violate the 1994 Public Health
Commission ban?

Boston University has recognized this dilemma. In a July 2004
statement, Dr. Mark Klempner, associate provost for research at
Boston University Medical School and the principal investigator
at the BSL-4 facility, wrote: ''The regulation prohibits
attempts to efficiently make fully virulent risk Level 4
organisms more virulent and more dangerous. It was not intended,
in spirit or letter, to deter legitimate research." In short, he
has declared that the recombinant DNA research to be performed
in the Boston University lab will be ''legitimate research" and
has asserted that, as ''legitimate research," it will be exempt
from regulation.

Klempner's position is without basis. The wording of the 1994
Public Health Commission ban is concise and straightforward:
recombinant DNA ''requiring containment defined by the [NIH]
guidelines as 'BL4' [today known as BSL-4] shall not be
permitted in the City of Boston."
.. Boston.com / News / Local / Mass. / BU fires back at biolab ...
.... or are deliberately introduced through bioterrorism," BU
said in a statement. ... The BU lab, as well as a new one in
Galveston, Texas,

22. BU Fire arts classes are on Mondays now - New England Fire Drums ...
Just so everyone knows, the BU fire arts (free, indoor) class is
on Monday evening starting at 6:30. Below is the general
announcement info.

9. Frequent BU fire alarms usually false - News
Frequent BU fire alarms usually false, ... Frequent BU fire
alarms usually false. Lindsey Parietti and Danny Lauridsen.
Issue date: 2/4/05 Section: News
1. The Harvard Crimson :: News :: 2 Die in BU Fire, Candles Blamed
2 Die in BU Fire, Candles Blamed. Published On Tuesday, February
27, 2007 3:25 AM. By JAMISON A HILL. Crimson Staff Writer .


Candle Making Factsheet

Nuclear energy nearing revival (Glass jar for candle making)
Ritual Candles - Dressing Them, and More



Candle burning is one of most simple forms of magic. It can be
performed most anywhere and candles are really easy to purchase.
The basic principles are to concentrate, visualize and focusing
(willpower) on the candle as a symbol.

Candle magic can be used for overcoming bad habits, attracting
things, settling disturbing atmospheres, protection, regaining
health, developing psychic powers, etc...
.. Candle Healings
Before any candle ritual, do not eat or engage in negative
activities. A "cleansing" bath is also ... Pluto rules over the
underworld, the spirits of the departed and nuclear power.



The demonic bunny

One of the most eerie and unnerving moments in Rabbits occurs
twice, almost identically. I think of it as the summoning of a
demon, but of course that is open to some interpretation.

First, Suzie leaves the room though the archway in the back.

Then, with a momentary crackle, the lights in the room go out.
Lights and/or electricity have the most consistent and
unambiguous meaning in David Lynch's films: electricity and
light are good, the failure or absence of same are bad. So when
the lights go out in any Lynch movie, you might as well imagine
it as a neon sign saying: "Warning: Something Bad Is About To

A deep ominous rumble is heard on the soundtrack, and a red glow
appears. Suzie enters the room, holding aloft a burning candle
in each hand.

present rusty yellow sphere planet candle
daniel flame machine metal flying round
1000names hummingbird dragonfly insect butterfly moth
suzinseattle flying wings dragonfly bee flower
seer9 fence pink frogice dragonfly
22. Dragonfly shadow candle holders

Knitting Needle Guide Taiwan China Asian B2B Commerce! Tools ,
Machine , Equipments,HT,Hand Tools, Dragonfly shadow candle
holders ,KN Dragonfly .

28. The Magic Dragonfly Pendant
The dragonfly encourages us to live by the motto, 'Let There Be
Light' ... Ritual Wands | Voodoo Doll Kits | Incense, Oils &
Powders | Candle Holders


We can't even begin to imagine what they have now:

The CIA once built a mechanical dragonfly to carry a listening
device but found small gusts of wind knocked it off course so it
was never used in a spy operation.

The Emergence of Bio Warfare Script Kiddies :.

This is how the world ends, not with a bang, but with a gene

Boston University Community's Weekly Newspaper
B.U. Bridge

curious-looking denizens, a winged creature resembling a
dragonfly, begins flapping around the room when visitors
indicate it with the wand. The flapping sound effect follows it
through the surround speakers as it completes its circuit.

In addition to BU, the exhibition's participating artists and
developers represent such schools as the Rhode Island School of
Design, the Massachusetts College of Art, and the School of the
Museum of Fine Arts. The opportunity to utilize BU's high-
performance equipment, Bresnahan says, is a rare and important
one for the artists involved.

You wear your stereo goggles and you interact with the wand. The
figures are full-size, five or six feet tall, and they're right
there in your face. It's a little creepy."

The first thing I wanted to do was sneak up on somebody, say
'Boo!', and watch them jump."

7. Dead Witch Walking
His dragonfly wings turned red as he laughed and his circulation
increased. ... security spells to steal the monkeys, selling
them to an underground biolab.


And apparently pixies were the best they'd let me take out since
the frog incident. I would have sworn fairies were too big to
fit into their mouths.

Mr. One Eyebrow's leer vanished and his face went ashen.

My ancestors had immigrated to the good old US of A in the
1800s. Somehow through the generations, the women all managed
to retain the distinct red hair and green eyes of our Irish

As I stood in the narrow foyer shaking off the damp, I ran my
gaze over the typical Irish bar crap: long-stemmed pipes stuck
to the walls, green-beer signs, black vinyl seats, and a tiny
stage where a wannabe-star was setting up his dulcimers and
bagpipes amid a tower of amps.

His dragonfly wings turned red as he laughed and his circulation
increased. Dressed in black silk with a red bandanna, he looked
like a miniature Peter Pan posing as an inner city gang member.
Four inches of blond bothersome annoyance and quick temper.

It had been me who single handedly tracked down and apprehended
the circle of dark witches who had been circumventing the
Cincinnati Zoo's security spells to steal the monkeys, selling
them to an underground biolab

3. Weddingbee
Mrs. Dragonfly, Boston About: Mrs. Dragonfly is a special
correspondent bee that scours the net for the best bios of the
week every Wednesday


March 7th, 2007 @ 3:23 pm by Mrs. Dragonfly

Knottie Bios of the Week

I just want to thank all you ladies for supporting me with my
postings of bios. This will probably be my last bio post since I
have decided not to post them anymore. Mrs Bird of Paradise also
posts them, so please check her out. It was great experience,
but I will be busy moving to my new place and planning a
vacation and whatnot.

Here is the site I go to surf bios. Also, if any of you come
across helpful, creative and beautiful bios, please email them
to Mrs. Bee at bee@weddingbee.com.

Wedding Flowers Ireland
Award Winning Irish Wedding Florist Stunning Wedding Arrangements

by Yevgeniy Petrovich Sulyga

I was sweating at the Kabul Distribution Point expecting for my
fate to be decided.

Most people gathered where movies were being shown. A couple of
times they ran old Soviet films "Chapayev" and "Battleship

And the capital of Byelarus risen from the ruin, gave home to
Lee Harvey Oswald. Regrettably, so it was.

We walked along the paths of the cemetery reading tombstone
inscriptions and looking at the pictures of the deceased framed
by cold granite. We stopped for some time at the resting place
of the Byelorussian bards Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas, then
entered the temple and placed candles for the repose of the
souls of all the dead in wars. We stood in silence at the foot
of a crucifix before returning to bustling worldly life. On the
other side of the cemetery fence, trams were thundering; people
were waiting in a crowded line to buy vodka. We were walking
along the hot, July, streets of Minsk, yesterday's enemies and
today's friends. Now believing strongly that no force in the
world will ever make us look at each other through weapon sights,
or sweat at a Saigon, or a Kabul.

We are not rabbits any more; life has taught us to move our ears.

34. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit -

Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia

.... at Wikipedia have an article about Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. ...
4.2 Was the CIA Complicit in the Assassination of Oswald Rabbit?
5 Oswald Rabbit's Legacy

In context

But in spite of all this, there's a lot of corruption too. Quite
a few people in NSA are into illegal activities of one kind or
another. It's taken to be one of the fringe benefits of the job.
You know, enhancing your pocketbook. Practically everybody is
into some kind of smuggling. I didn't see any heroin dealings or
anything like that, like I later saw among CIA people when I got
to Nam, but most of us, me included, did some kind of smuggling
on the side.

After this first phase in Texas, I went to a couple of Air Force
bases here in California and learned how to jump out of planes,
and then up to Washington state to survival school. This was
three weeks and no fun at all. It was cold as hell. I guess so
we could learn to survive in the jungle. Never did figure that
one out. We did things like getting dropped in the mountains in
defense teams and learn E&E -- that's the process of escape and
evasion. You divide the three-man team up into certain functions --
one guy scrounges for food, the other tires to learn the lay of
the land, that sort of thing. We were out for two days with half
a parachute and a knife between us. Strangely enough, we did
manage to build a snare and catch a rabbit. We cooked it over a
fire we built with some matches we'd smuggled. it was awful.
27. Reader Caption Competition
.... as the NSA requires all new employees to wear "rabbit ear
antennae", hoping to ... sure be glad when they fix this headset
so I can stop wearing these bunny ears!




Boston was only the beginning. With so many biodefense labs
being built across the country, you can expect to see more news
like the weekend's revelation that three Boston University lab
workers were infected with tularemia, or rabbit fever


Boston University
Washington Journalism Center

WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 -- A highly-suspect air sample in Washington
was held for four days at the end of September before government
officials determined it contained fragments of microbes causing
a rare but treatable form of pneumonia and notified state and
local public health officials.

While the bacteria that causes the disease, Tularemia, is
considered a potential biological terror weapon, the sample did
not meet the standards required to set off an immediate alert,
or was not "BioWatch positive," as one Department of Homeland
Security official put it.

The Tularemia incident has raised the question of when the
government should notify state and local public health officials
of potential bioterrorism attacks, especially if the material in
question is in low concentrations and tests show it appears
probable but unconfirmed.

DNA fragments of Francisella tularensis - a naturally-occurring
bacteria, but one that is also considered a potential weapon of
bioterrorism along with Anthrax and Smallpox - were found in the
air in very low concentrations in the areas of the National Mall,
Lincoln Memorial, Judiciary Square and Fort McNair on Sept.24,
according to published reports. About 250 people from Maine were
in Washington that day attending an antiwar protest. Another 140
veterans from Maine also were in the area visiting the World War
II Memorial.

The Week The Nation Went Down
The 9-11 Rabbit Hole
by Les Jamieson

We have to be sensitive to the fact that as many of our fellow
citizens slide into the rabbit hole where we've been they'll
have difficulty grappling with the notion that our own
government was responsible for the massacre of 3,000 of our own
people, albeit they represent 84 different countries. There's no
shielding the nave from the fact that hundreds of thousands of
our soldiers were exposed to Agent Orange during the Viet Nam
War. Hundreds of thousands more were exposed to Depleted Uranium
during Gulf War I, the Balkan War, and the current invasion of
Iraq. Again, hundreds of thousands of our citizens who live and
work in lower Manhattan were told the toxic air was safe to
breathe in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. We have to
objectively conclude that if our own Joint Chiefs of Staff were
willing to sacrifice our own citizens back in 1962 in the plot
known as Operation Northwoods as a pretext to invade Cuba, our
current government would sacrifice 3,000 of our people to
justify their agenda to solidify superpower status as outlined
by The Project For A New American Century's policy paper,
Rebuilding America's Defenses through an aggressive military
strategy. This could only be supported out by an enraged,
traumatized, fear-ridden public.


Boston Port's Low Risk Rating
By Meghna Chakrabarti

Boston - October 11, 2006 - Democrats Edward Markey and Stephen
Lynch sent a strongly worded letter to Homeland Security
Secretary Michael Chertoff questioning the low risk rating the
Department gave the Port of Boston.

Lynch says Boston is not a low risk target. It is the only port
with a liquified natural gas facility near a densely populated
urban area, and could be a target for terrorists.

The rankings are used as a guideline for Federal port security
grants. Highest risk ports will get upwards of $11 million.
Boston is slated to get just over $147,000.

The annual ratings are assigned according to a tier system. Tier
1 is highest risk. Tier 4 is lowest risk. The latest rankings
were part of a September 2006 DHS review of port security.
.. Chertoff means "devil" in Russian
gay marriage hypocrisy. Watergate: a right wing coup. October
Surprises 1980 & 2004 ... summer of 2001, Michael Chertoff
was the Assistant Attorney General


Americans still haven't gotten the full story about what
happened on September 11, 2001, particularly with regard to the
role played by Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff.



Chertoff--described as being "as cold-blooded as they come"--

When Chertoff was named by Bush to head the Justice Department's
Criminal Division--partly because he was a skilled political
hitman, who'd also raised a ton of money as financial vice-chair
of Bush's Garden State campaign in 2000-- it's an open secret in
Jersey that he squelched an indictment of Torricelli as a reward
for The Torch's support of key Bush legislation the Democratic
Party leadership opposed, including tax cuts for corporations
and the very rich. (Many of the fat-cats Chertoff shook down for
Bush had also been huge givers to The Torch.)

Long active in the Federalist Society--a conspiratorial
brotherhood of legal reactionaries--Chertoff, at Justice, helped
to write the civil liberties-shredding Patriot Act. He was John
Ashcroft's honcho in the indiscriminate grilling of over 5000
Arab-Americans after 9/11, cooked up the use of "material
witness" warrants to lock up people of Middle Eastern descent
and hold them indefinitely without trial

P.S. NO ROOM AT THE INN: Just before Christmas, New York Law
Prof. Art Leonard wrote in his Gay City News legal column,
Chertoff rendered a lethal anti-gay decision in which he denied
asylum to a Jamaican gay man who had been outed by an
inflammatory newspsper article, assaulted by neighborhood anti-
gay gangs, and forced to seek political asylum in the U.S. to
save his life--and in doing so over-ruled an immigration judge
who had found the man's life was at risk and that he deserved
asylum from Jamaica's notoriously homophobic culture. To read
about this cold and mean Chertoff decision, click here. (Thanks
to Art's GCN colleague Andy Humm for bringing this to my
28. www.myspace.com/rigorousintuition
Sort of ; Michael Chertoff and the Sabotage of the Ptech
Investigation ... and Gray (Part Two) The Red, White and Gray
(Part One) The Devil ... I have fallen down the rabbit hole and


In this special report, Michael Kane recounts the personal story
of JP Morgan IT professional, Indira Singh, a heroic 9/11
whistleblower who was fired, harrassed, and physically
threatened for exposing the Saudi/terrorist-linked origins of
one of the government's most pervasive software systems, and
thereby offering the 9/11 Commission more truth than it ever
wanted to know. - Editor

"Ptech had all the markings," said Indira Singh. All the
markings of a CIA front company.

"I think there is a CIA within the CIA," Indira told From the
Wilderness (FTW). "I think there is a Shadow CIA that does the
Iran-Contra type of things--they get funding from illicit
methods--and that the Saudi's are in on it. They might have
trained some operatives, and later it backfired - it was
blowback within blowback, perhaps."

57. DC Indymedia: Why is the Federal Government destroying National Security?
.... through a little start-up company known as Ptech, in Quincy,
Massachusetts. ... It's frightening to finally see how deep the
rabbit hole goes isn't it.


29. Spike Lee: I Made A Katrina Documentary
Because "I Just Couldn't Believe This Was ...

Lindorff shows how Michael Chertoff made a deal with John Walker ...
advisability of giving up on Bush and his Crusader Rabbit
genocide against Islam.

3. Boozy: The Life, Death, and Subsequent Vilification of Le ...
Not content with the live rabbits conceit, the conceptual team
(Juliet Chia, ... also introduces a filmed scene in which
rabbits dressed up as Mussolini,

2. Alessandra Mussolini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Alessandra Mussolini is the daughter of Anna Maria Scicolone and
Romano ... that has been roughly translated as "It is better to
be a fascist than a faggot.

3. AlterNet: MediaCulture: Ann Coulter's 'Faggot' Remark Smears Mitt

Shortly after the faggot remark, when responding to questions,
Coulter said said that "Romney is the best candidate we have."
She said Rudy Giuliani is too

2. Coulter and Fascism
Coulter and Fascism. I got a letter from a certain "S. D. W."
which read in part: ... In Coulter's worship of Bush we can see
similar fascist tendencies.


Live poets

Dmitri Lineton

Once upon a time in a land far away, there were two fascist
bunnyrabbits who fell in love with themselves because they felt
sure that they were going to breed like, well, rabbits.

Unfortunately, near their rabbit hole there was a wicked wolf,
who felt angry and hungry cos he hadn't had any sex for a long
time. He was a special kind of wolf cos he had telepathy and
could hear the rabbits' thoughts? they were scheming in their
burrow? the she-rabbit said to the he-rabbit, "If we breed
enough rabbits we will have an army of rabbits. We will be able
to take over the country and start a dictatorship."

"Good idea lady rabbit," said the he-rabbit

"I am determined to sell my life dearly, with the heroic courage
of Benito Mussolini," squealed the he-rabbit, and bit the wino's
thumb. Wringing the he-rabbit's neck with feline grace, the wino
quoth, "Ouch you little *******, you'll die like a randy rabbit
and nothing more besides."

"Please wait," implored the she-rabbit, with a certain tragic
grace. "Before I die I would have you know that I am in fact the
reincarnation of Lady Macbeth; that is why I am such a power-
tripping fascist."

And so the scene was set... The fascist she-rabbit/reincarnation
of Lady Macbeth walked proudly as an icy wind, blue from the
north, ruffling her noble ears regally, as the vulgar mob/crowd
of merry prostitutes shouted insults, among the choicest of
which was "Die whore, slut-breeding heifer of Benito Mussolini!!!"
Pneumonic Tularemia. Q Fever. SEB Inhalation. Ricin Inhalation.
Mustard ... Tularemia was recognized in Japan in the early 1800's
and in Russia in 1926.


Ibrahim Khan, Rashid Chotani, Ulrich Laaser
Emerging Infections and the Level of
Preparedness in the European Region
Bibliographische Information Der Deutschen Bibliothek
Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen
Nationalbibliographie; detaillierte Daten sind im Internet

Tularemia is a zoonosis
tularensis is so infective that examining an
open culture plate can cause infection

A former Soviet Union biological
weapons scientist, Ken Alibeck, has suggested that tularemia
outbreaks affecting tens of thousands of Soviet and German
soldiers on the eastern European front during World War II may
have been the result of intentional use
1. deep cleveland - levy lives!
.... fellow writer and publisher of black rabbit books including
books by levy. ... We were going to make Cleveland famous. He
worked deep into the night in

46. levy chronology
Cleveland Community Relations Board formed to promote racial
harmony. ... U.S. conducting tests of A-Bomb; suspected Russian
spies the ... William Styron's Set this House on Fire , John Upd.


17. Ohio Dept of Corrections Coaches Prisoners In How To Murder :
Cleveland IMC (((i))...
who cut off his pet rabbits' heads and cooked them for dinner,
telling him they were chicken. ... Russian police stopped the.


Sipping his tea, Justin also keeps seeing Lance out of the
corner of his eye. But every time he turns to look, to examine,
to say something, Lance is gone, only the shadow of his curved
lips remaining.

The white rabbit makes an appearance too. Of course, it has his
face, his hair from around the No Strings Attached tour -- only
Justin remembers clearly, in the dream, thinking that NSA never
happened, and the person he was following aimlessly, the Justin
in floppy ears with a tail stuck to his jeans, he doesn't exist,
he never did.

Around every corner, Lance's smile follows behind, and as Justin
the rabbit puts his fingers to his lips and says, "sssshhhhh,"
Justin wakes up in fright.

There is terror in his chest, of course, and he wakes up in a
cold sweat, terrified like he hasn't been since he was a small
child and had nightmares daily. He has terror in his chest, and
his heart is pounding painfully.


I am not a crook. I am not a terrorist.
Goodness, gracious no. I am like the Catholic Church.

I am an Errorist. I just make mistakes. Lots of mistakes.
It is terribly prejudicial of you to hold against me the
mistakes that I made centuries ago. Such meanness only shows
what anti-Errorist bigots and hypocrites you really are.

Perhaps this poem is just such a mistake, but I really do not
think that it is your place to be questioning the sacred
and dogmatic proclamations of the Pope of Poets,
or to besmirch his Church.

I deeply regret each and every Error, over the centuries,
over the millennia. As I repeatedly make Errors, I repeatedly
regret them. Do I not?

So get off my case, you hateful person.

Similarly, I cannot be held responsible for any Errors
that I make right now, today, or the Errors that I will continue
to make, tomorrow, and long into the future.

To Err is human, to forgive Divine.
Ter-ror is human. We are ALL sinners.

All of my errors are based on sincerely held beliefs.
It my deeply held belief that I cannot possibly be wrong
in any of the Errors that I might happen to believe.

There comes a tipping point where the fine line becomes
blurred, between Terrorism and Good Citizenship.

I will give you a second to digest that thought. Ok, enough.

No, seriously. Terror can be good for you, like Hell.
The fear of consequences is all that makes you moral.
Without consequences, you would become monsters, because
that is in your nature.

Terror, sometimes, is God's way of convincing you to do
what is for your own good, anyway. Like not putting a
Level 4 biolab in a major population center, just because
there is lots of money to be made. The 4th level of
the 9th Circle of Hell is reserved for such
irresponsible characters.

Remember that a little bit of cold sweat, a little
bit of raw terror, simply as a state of mind, as a mere
thought, does not harm you.

An escaping, weird virus that wipes out a city-
Now, THAT can harm you. The kinder-and-gentler,
only-psychological terrorist, dealing merely in concepts
that happen to be perfectly true, engineering nightmares
that are like revelatory visions, is merely helping
you to see that.

Not content with destroying a building or two, the
right-wing thugs who are running the country have taken
lately to destroying entire cities, like New Orleans.
Incompetence and negligence are every bit as dangerous
to our well-being as terrorism.

Judging from Jeb Bush's hate-laced "jokes", it sounds
like the city of San Francisco is on the right-wing
hit-list, and apparently, so is the city of Boston.

It is bad enough to have a Level 4 biolab being put
in your backyard, but also "Homeland Security" made
the mind-boggling decision to rate Boston as "low risk",
to reduce its funding for security. No matter that the
Sept 11 terrorists flew planes that were out of Boston.

Even more incredibly, there has been almost no follow-up
in the local media, concerning that outrage. The liberal
press is too timid to dare suggest that this action might
have been motivated by the same kind of pure hate that
Jeb Bush showed to the city of San Francisco (or for that
matter, that Richard Nixon showed to the city of San Francisco,
or Pat Robertson, or every right-wing mouthpiece, at one time
or another, almost as a sacred duty).

Probably, in the mind of a Bush administration thug
like Mike Chertoff, the overriding concerns, related
to the thought of nukes getting smuggled into a port
city like Boston, are things like "gay marriage"
and "Massachusetts liberals". If the city in question were,
say, Houston, then the overriding concern would be
"thousands killed".

Almost every decision that the Right makes
is hate-based, in some form, and on some level.

It is just a matter of which particular group that they hate,
on any given issue, and how much they hate them.
But hate, of one kind or another, is the underlying thread
for almost everything that they think, say, or do.

When will the country wake up to the fact that these men
are not protecting us from enemies- they are the enemy.
Their fantastic irresponsibility will sink the country,
faster than religious terrorists ever could.

Indulging freely in hatred and in warfare seem to go
naturally hand-in-hand. We have seen before, how those
most eager to launch into aggressive war are also those
who display the most contempt for minorities.
A fundamental lack of human empathy, a certain
degree of superior feeling, is the common thread.

Conservatives do not in general seem quite to understand
why it is a virtue to refrain from spreading hate against
vulnerable minorities.

Conservatives, if you are listening...

It is not simply because the minorities are vulnerable.
It is because YOU are vulnerable. Everyone is vulnerable,
in the extreme, in the realities of these times.

It is not just because we do not want for people to hate
the poor minorities. You do not want for the minorities
to learn to hate poor YOU.

The strange smoke and tularemia at Boston University
should not be regarded as anything suspicious.
Rather, these things should be seen as omens
that are probably most auspicious.
Merely convenient coincidences, to cause us to pause and ponder,
how we should put aside our hatreds and let our hearts grow fonder.

1. auspicious coincidence: dreams Archives

Please, oh please, don't let this be a prophetic dream. ...
pellets were rat poison, even though they looked more like
rabbit food or something like that.

3. Metaphysical Mystery School
Omens are signs and symbols, usually of prophetic significance. ...
same time that I was thinking about this and I knew that this
was an auspicious omen.
