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As the Progressives get more and more desperate and feel cornered they can never turn to their record so more often than not, when a progressive gets cornered they turn to avoiding the questions and attacking those who ask the questions or represent their difficulty in being forced do defend their actions.
Case in point, Bill Maher appeared on the O‘Reilly "factor" show last night and tried to claim that the only reason the President's approval ratings are low is because Americans are racists.... When O‘Reilly asked him how much of the unfavorable view of Obama was due to race, Maher said "almost all of it".
This is interesting to me because even our own resident Progressive (Bender) has also said the same thing, that any opposition to Obama is mostly due to his race, and not his policies. But I also remember that bender said that some of the more radical Progressives are turning away from Obama because he is not pushing enough socialist agendas like failing to get the single payer healthcare plan passed.
So are they racists too?
At this point the Progressives have overused the race card to the point voters see 'the little boy who cried wolf'. There is no race element in the opposition to government takeover of healthcare, there is no racist element to the opposition to cap-and-tax, there is no race element to the opposition to out of control spending in Washington for things like the "stimulus". When the Progressives intentionally lie and say the only reason people are against these policies is they are racists, the people know the Progressives are full of **** and tune them out.
Case in point, Bill Maher appeared on the O‘Reilly "factor" show last night and tried to claim that the only reason the President's approval ratings are low is because Americans are racists.... When O‘Reilly asked him how much of the unfavorable view of Obama was due to race, Maher said "almost all of it".
This is interesting to me because even our own resident Progressive (Bender) has also said the same thing, that any opposition to Obama is mostly due to his race, and not his policies. But I also remember that bender said that some of the more radical Progressives are turning away from Obama because he is not pushing enough socialist agendas like failing to get the single payer healthcare plan passed.
So are they racists too?
At this point the Progressives have overused the race card to the point voters see 'the little boy who cried wolf'. There is no race element in the opposition to government takeover of healthcare, there is no racist element to the opposition to cap-and-tax, there is no race element to the opposition to out of control spending in Washington for things like the "stimulus". When the Progressives intentionally lie and say the only reason people are against these policies is they are racists, the people know the Progressives are full of **** and tune them out.