Race report on the Baja 500.

El Mamito USMC

Active Members
race report:

Saturday- we stop by my friends house in SD to pick up a skidplate for a racer and he gave us some good pointer on overall strategy and help us change the game plan. after that he took us to "El Chicken" 's house to leave the quad for race prep (the best in Baja, and the finish speaks for it self). we got there and start talking to him about it and having some beers (everything in Baja is over beers) , after that we got to the hotel.

we stayed in Hotel Cortez( www.bajainn.com ) and the location is simply the best out there.. the other riders can testify over it.

Sunday- we wake up a lil later(actually everyday we did, taking things relax) and the guys started the prerun from Piedras Gordas(next to Ojos Negros) to Uruapan. the second section of the race. while prerunning on of the guys master link broke, we can explain why, it just did. so while I was waiting at the end of the section they left the bike and came to the truck for the parts needed, they took everything but one very important part(the wrench to loose the carrier) so it took them like 4hrs to change it .. but that was not the main issue.

while doing that section we notice that one of the riders (I wont mention names for professionalism) was to slow and wayyyy out of shape... he defenetly didn't know what he was getting into.. so we got upset and frustration started to surface. because we had a bike and a team capable of a podium or a top placing and that was not going to happen with him.

but hey it might just be a bad day(it happens to all of us). it was getting really late so we took a ride with a local in a old beat down jeep Cherokee to look for the down bike.. he took us to some nice places and we eventually hit the track and we saw a truck coming, I was "El Pin" from RPM in his prerunner and he told us that the quads were coming. so we just stood by for them and then guide them out . after that back to the Hotel. done for the day..


TRX450 man needed a skid plate cut to be fitted to his quad. and i told him i know people( they probably thought it was me BSING and selling my self as a know it all Baja guy and that people actually knew me, so i took them to TCM Motorsports shop, The same guys that build the BC cars) and they actually saw that people knew me, LOL... they did a great job on modifying the skid plate and it fitted that a glove(just like the OJ Simpson type)..

Mawest wake up sick as a dog, so he stayed back and we went to ride the Mikes (but not before my wife and mom took care of his medical needs) from the Coast side of Vicente Guerrero to the end of Mikes Sky Ranch(great place to stay if you have the chance) I took mawest quad since he was out. we rode and it was silk all over the place, very fast roads and silk again until close to rancho Coyote. just before that ranch all the way to Mikes it was rocks and rocks and rocks. it would have been a KOH trail for sure.. I manage to put a side hole to the SUN F tires and they still hold air all the way out. I highly recommend them. that Mikes section it defenetly what Baja is all about. we got refueled by my wife and mom at Mikes and then head out to the HWY. while leaving the night catch us and one of the riders (the same one that was not prepared to race Baja) didn't have any lights on his quad (how the **** you go to Baja without lights, I have no f*ck!ng idea) and he almost crashed against cows, a ranchers truck and couldn't see the ditches on the road. but eventually he made it out alive.. back to the hotel

Tuesday- I DIDNT ride since I took a day off to go to TJ and pick up my quad from the race prep. the other riders would have to chime in on this.

Wednesday- i decided to take my quad out and prerun my section from Mikes exit to Laguna del Diablo back to Valle Trinidad. the un prepared team member, got mad at me and "chew my ***" for taking the quad out, because if i brake it the entire trip would be over. i was like are you f*ck! ng kidding me .. first its MY quad, second there were 3 more quads(i wouldn't count his as a race worthy) to part out and rebuild mine if anything went bad. so while the rest of the team went to prerun the other half of the coast i went to my section to wait for them. after 3pm i was like , i need to get out and prerun. so i geared up and guess what, i forgot my boots. i was that ****** at the guy telling me i couldn't use my quad that i forgot them..

any ways i went on and just did it on my sneakers. at the end of the Laguna del Diablo( where CP4 was) i started to feel the quad weird and i could tell that something was wrong... so i took it easy back to the HWY where my chaser was waiting on me. i also notice i was skipping gear to much so i keep it on second and slow rolled it out. when i reach my chaser, i notice the crack was sounding(or that what i thought) so we loaded and fly out back to TJ to drop it to El Chicken. i called him to give him a heads up and he said he had one in stock so i was like ufff

we got there around 9ish and we drop it and when he started it the sound it was not from the crank but from the tranny .. he right there said , don't go lets open up the engine and see whats up. when he check it the entire tranny was empty.. all the oil went to the engine side. the retainer that separated both oils was pinched when the engine was assemble. he opened the engine side and oil just poured out. he inspected the tranny and it was just a lil ware down but still would hold the race. and he said , "i got this, pick it up tomorrow" back to the hotel.

extremely glad that i decided to test the quad because this would have defenetly be the end of the quad on race day.. (ahhh but i couldn't test my own quad, LMAO)

Thursday- another easy day for me , the guys went to do some stuff and i prerunned the start in my wifes jeep Cherokee and then want back to TJ to pick up the quad. once i got it back. 3 riders started to work on it to swap the handle bars. we installed Mawest Flexx bars, and footpegs from the other rider. the 4th rider was nowhere to be found(figures..) after we swap everything we were done..

Friday- contingency day- we got up a lil late.. and went on the back to get the helmets and quad inspected, my wife was riding the quad to the inspection, and that same rider complain to one of the racers, how i was so irresponsible letting my wife ride the race quad(she rides it many times) besides if i let HIM ride it(which was way more riskier) almost anyone could ride it .

after the inpection were coming back to the hotel and one of the racers cousin said why we didn't went on the main line to get inspected and to get up on the stage and be interviewed. i personally didn't care but the other guys were like heck yeah... so we did the main line and got to mingle with the fans (yes, we have fans, a bunch and i got pics to prive it) got on stage, got interviewed, did that and off we go back to the hotel.

Saturday- race day- we all wake up about 3am and started to get ready. i went my my self to the staring point and the other riders left for their sections. i mingle with the other riders until flag droped and off we go..

i got lost twice first i turn right instead of left at an intersection and i lost maybe 3-7 mins. then second time same thing but now it was me and 2 other quads. the pass me going the other way and i was like WTF !!! i thought i skip some course and i jump ahead of them but no... we all got lost on the same section. eventually found the course and off we go, maybe lost 5 mins. got to Piedras Gordas to pass it to the second rider and off he went. after that we called the other guys letting them know he was off. and i went back to the end of mikes to chill for a few hrs.

when the second rider got to his swap in Uruapan(this is been told by the other racers not me, since i wasn't there) he was riding the Baja NOT, racing it, besides he had a flat. they swap the flat and mawest went out to the course( he must give his input on that part) . He gave it to trx450 man and he took off like flash... he was doing a mile per minute.. 30 miles in about 30mins (according to the SPOT tracker)... he defently is a PRO level guy.(he needs to give his input on that part), we waited for him at the end of Mikes and when he got there the kill switch was gone(he pulled it out, don't know why but didn't stand by to ask) the quad starting system was damage again(burned starter and solenoid) so no E-start(don't stop the engine, LOL)

i took off for my section and i was flying since i knew the TT were behind me.. and i was flying , you could follow me buy the smell of the **** i was having just thinking about them on my a$$. the first one was Menzies down at CP4, i got a sick video of it.. then i was like Turbooooo and i was only pass by 2 more while going back to the Hwy... on the HWy i was passed by 4 TT only and still flying low.... i made it to the second part of the arroyo and i took a deferent line than them so the 2-3 TT that passed me they were far from me...

i filled up in Baja Pits (highly recommend their services if you guys EVER want to do a Baja race) and took off to give it up in Valle T to the other RIDER (notice i didn't say racer). he took off for the goat trail and we move to the end of the section to wait for him..

it took him over 3hrs to a 1hr section( don't ask since i cant be politically correct to type it) he was going so slow that when he got to our spot for the change , we didn't hear the bike coming until he was there... yeahh that slow...

i installed the extra lights and TRX450 man took off like bat out of he11.. we went to Ojos Negros for the last rider change. when he got there the header was loose and fire was coming out(to the point that ir burned the wrapping) , he kick the headers in and off i went..

i stopped at the next Baja Pits and told Carlos(the owner) that i needed repairs. i spend maybe 15-20 mins there but it was needed. there no way i would risk a race in the last 40miles in 3hrs, just by not sealing the exhaust. they improvised and temporally fix it and off i went... i got lost twice since i didn't prerun that inbound course and it was night time.. i would say i put 20mins on it but still manage to find my way back to the course and slow rolled it in... once i started to see the bong fires of people, i knew i was home.. just asked local the way and they guide me in. and once i hit pavement i was 100 sure ill make it... and i made it to the finish line in 17:16:44.. way sufficient time to ensure a finish.

the END...

M-A Sportsman Quad ATV

103A Greg Delgado Chino, CA HON 1 11:23:14.146

*2 109A Juan Dominguez Yuma, AZ HON 1 12:38:11.640

*3 140A Don Higbee Casper, WY POL 1 13:31:31.537

*4 106A Sain Yadala Spring Valley, CA YAM 1 13:34:40.609

*5 107A Richard Epperson Tucson, AZ HON 1 14:26:05.413

*6 112A Oscar Ruiz El Centro, CA HON 1 14:29:16.166

*7 115A Guillermo BerengueMexicali, BC HON 1 14:31:48.724

8 123A Waldemar Ortiz Las Cruces, NM HON 1 17:16:44.380

DNF 111A Fidel Gonzalez Mexicali, BC HON 0 00:00:00.000

DNF 121A Zachary Hayward Lemon Grove, CA HON 0 00:00:00.000

DNF 130A Jorge Martinez HON 0 00:00:00.000

DNF 158A Adam Parks New Lowell, ON SUZ 0 00:00:00.000

DNF 110A Gabriel Valencia San Diego, CA HON 0 00:00:00.000

opinons? questions?

I want to give many thanks to ALL of our sponsors, your parts were KEY to our victory and a special recognition to "El Chicken" from TJ for doing a great race prep and mechanical work on it. definitely without him , we wouldn't have made it to the end...

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Here is my 0.02 on the race and my section!!!

Mamaito: Great write up!! Overall I think that you included everything that needed be said. For my section from Uruapan (race mile 70) to V. Guerrero (race mile 175). By the time I got the the quad. The lead quad was roughly 90 minutes ahead of us and the last time we saw a quad was roughly 30 minutes. I was able to pass 3 quads one of which passed me back up and we battled the last 15 miles. Going into V. Guerrero he had about a 20 second lead on me.

One thing that really slowed me down is Baja pits had moved their pit that was supposed to be at race mile 98 to race mile 128. I kept pulling over and asking people where the pit was. Finally the guys from Checkers Pit told me they had moved it to race mile 128. I asked them why they moved it and of course, they didn't have an answer for me. According to the chase truck I finished my section in 2 hours 10 minutes. That's an average speed of 45MPH. Not the best but I was happy with it. Had I not had to stop and ask where the pits were I would have either beat the chase truck there or we would have pulled up at the same time. I probably wasted 10 minutes looking for baja pits.

I honestly believe that we could have finished about 4 hours 30 minutes earlier had we had the right team put together. We were slowed down like NO freaking other. 3 hours 10 minutes to do 40 miles?!? If I do my math correct that = 12 MPH!! Really??!!?? Part of me thinks he was trying to sabotage the team. But like it was said WE FINISHED! It's one thing to race Baja but it's another to finish!! I look forward to going back but with better results.

Mamito's bike ran flawless!!! excluding the starter. You can leave that bike in 4th gear the whole time, maybe down to 3rd. When you slow down and it will pull like a beast and get up and go. At one point I was doing 80+!! EL Chicken did a great job getting that bike Baja race ready.

If any of you guys need some new tires let me know. Those SUN F tires proved them selves for a full week of baja torture. I am so glad that we were able to put my FLEXX bars on the race quad. I believed they helped everyone not get arm pump or limit the arm pump.



New member
What model of SUN F tires did you use? and from? I'm in the market for a set of rear tires with wheels.

El Mamito USMC

Active Members
What model of SUN F tires did you use? and from? I'm in the market for a set of rear tires with wheels.

Here is the deal. After I made my post, I received a sponsorship from GPS off-road products. I did not run my STI's but took them for a back up. I ended up using the front STI's for part of the time.With that said... If I were you guys I would bag the STI's and go through ATV and Side By Side Offroad Tires

These tires are amazing!!!! I am not saying this because I am sponsored by them either. You want to slide into a corner and be able to rip out of that corner? Want traction when you need it? Want tires that can with stand some of the toughest, roughest, unforgiving terrain in the world?

These are Baja 500 proven. They have been used in the Vegas to Reno race many times.

I have these for rear: SunF A027 Rear

and these for fronts:: SunF A027F Front

We put these tires through **** and back! They still look great. I would run another Baja 500 on them and then continue to use them on the weekends.

I will recommend going to the 22X7X11 instead of the 10's.

If I could I would put my own 100% guarantee money back on them. They are light weight unlike the Razors or Holeshots.

I can only give you guys input to a certain point. After that it's up to you guys to trust me and the others that use them.

You can buy 2 sets for what you're going to spend on "name brand" tires. WHY???

Want more information?? Hit me up. I am willing to help you guys out.



New member
ah thank you mamito!

Think i'll give em a try. Some reason on their website i cant see it in my shopping cart :/ But the price range on the page seems acceptable!



Active Members
BVET: I think the best thing to do is call Juan at GPS off-road products. He is awesome and will get you exactly what you need. i do want to point out on thing with the SUN F tires. If you usually run the 23X7X10 go up ONE size 23X7X11 or not matter what size you run go up a size.

I did talk with Juan and they are doing some updating and adding products to their website so that may be the issue. If I can assust you you in any way let me know!!

Thanks Mark



Active Members
@ Burke: In my comments I meant to refer to the rear tires. Thanks for pointing that out. They do make an 11 but I am not sure why you'd want to go that way.

How about with the rear tires go up to the 22X11X9 instead of the 22X10X9. I just ordered the 22X11X9. I will post a picture of the difference when I get them mounted. With the 10's the sidewall does not stick out past the rim very far. If that makes sense...



Active Members
ahh gotcha... makes sense now. Yes, they do make an 11" rear as that is stock for the TRX700XX, but a very popular mod is to put Rancher hubs (I think) on them to get a 4x110 bolt pattern instead of the stock 4x144.


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lol that's too bad.. the world of competative riding is such a step up from backyard riding with family and friends. Definitly humbling when you go and ride the same track as the pros haha.


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Wow left out quit a bit out but its ok you need all the help to make yourself look good.. I will fill in people with my side of what happen.

Yes i was slower than the three of you.. I race XC so the first day I was learning how to ride in the desert I told everyone that before we headed out, and you and I also talked about it in the truck on the way down. I was hanging back so i was not in a constant dust cloud from the other 4 riders. Last time I check pre running was not a timed event and saw no need to break the quad or prove myself or anyone for that matter.

As far as the lights on my quad.. Yep no lights. I told you this and asked if I needed to get some the quote from you was " no need to get them we will be done per running before you will ever need them" taking the advice of the "expert" I didn't bother to get any. I would have got some if I had known that we would not go out and pre run before noon (the earliest day we got out) and I was told that we would be picked up at mikes or I would have not spent over an hr looking around I would have got on my way and been fine. One of many times I was told something and well turns out not what I was told by the “leader”

As far as my quad not being ready for Baja, lets just say I sent stuff out to be worked on by a "Sponsor" and our leader “had my back and it would be all good” So after having the part for 3 weeks he finally looks at it and has to send it back to me after doing nothing. He did what he could but it was too late for me to do anything when I get the part back. (Also stumping the manufacturer as well)

Also I would like to point out that out of the 5 quads that were taken mine did 400 miles and the only problem that developed with it was a wheel bearing staring to go out. (Thought I had a trans problem but it was just low on oil) Marks bike was the only other bike with no problems (that I know of) the other three all had catastrophic failure, (including the " podium contender")

Now on Wen, I road the 90 miles to Mikes, getting my desert legs under me and not stalling, getting stuck, or having to "dig out" or pulled out of any of the silt beds, I know of two times the other two riders were not so lucky, I remember having to stop and wait for them a few times.. (I could be wrong but I am not..lol)

As far as Thursday.. After we got back and I was talking with the “our leader “and told him I needed to eat. (Not eating all day but a 2 tacos before we took off) I was hungry I was told to go get some food and relax (so I went around the corner to get some food) when I came back everyone was working on this or that and looked at me like I was crazy but I was told we were doing that in the morning.. (I basically did what I was told to by you, but you didn't tell anyone what you told me)

As far as you pre-running your quad, all I told you is not to push it, take it easy and know that if you crash we are done.. (I was not the only one that thought this just the only one on the "team" to say something.. We went into this that your quad was a "podium contender" as is stood as most would agree it was not! As far as you forgetting your boots, that’s funny that you blame me, I might think blaming, you not ever being completely with the team as your entire family that was with us and it felt like we were joining you on a family vacation could have something to do with it.

As far as Friday, I didn't say that and you should have come to me about what I said. it was Why is she ridding it like that (a little reckless for me with all the people and kids around) and thought we should push it in.(if you recall that is what they made us do the last block up to the street to get to inspection) Still not sure why you wanted to go in the back way.. no big deal for me whatever. After everyone put there stuff up and (I was watching the quad) I went to put my stuff up and go to the bathroom the "team left" and it took me 45 mins to find out where you everyone went (as the team had gone back and going through like you should have the first time)

Now for Sat the race day, I believe we took off 2nd off the line. You say it was just a few moments loss due to getting lost, but explain to me why you pulled into the pits 2nd to last (the quad in last place broke and went back to start to get fixed) . I purchased a GPS and had the current map on all you had to do was follow the line on it. My guess taking time to learn how to use it would have cut into the family time. But still not a good reason to fall from 2nd to basically last in the first 30 miles (for a pro racer such as yourself)

Now my first section with less than 5 miles in, I had to stop and pump up the front right tire due to a flat. After another 4 miles it was flat once more but this time due to riding on a flat the sidewall was punctured so 20+ miles on a right flat front tire. As far as riding not racing Baja, I did slow down due to the flat I did not want to trash the bike due to a flat with the bike pulling to the right at ever bump and rock. I only had one bike pass me the whole time in this section, Doing hill climbs in silt with only one tire in front as not a easy thing to do and would love to see you do it. I did stop and check on a quad guy that was lying beside his quad to make sure he was ok (sorry I am going to stop and ask if someone is ok but that was all of 30 seconds or so)

On my 2nd leg, the "podium contender" had suffered a starting failure prior to me getting it (problem it also had just a week out from leaving for Baja) Just under 1/2 way through the leg I had a TT come up and as I was getting out of his way stalled the quad. I was just over 2 miles from a road crossing per the gps, So after a few tries of pushing starting it (alone) I unpacked my gear to see if I could fix the problem but with no wire to jump the starter, off I go on a hike to find help after walking for 1.5 miles I found a family that took me back let me gear up and pulled the quad with the truck to get it started. So ya after a 2hrs delay I was back on the bike..

Now as to my ridding abilities. 5 yrs of XC racing and last year I finished 4 out of 15 in my over 40b. The year before I was 5th out of 18. So I am not just some guy ridding around the backyard, XC is much deferent then the dessert stuff, and ya it took me a day or two to get the hang of it.

I left a open invitation to the whole team to come out and race a XC race with me (lets see how you do in the mud, trees, drop in, and 90 degree hills climbs.) its a little deferent then the "highways" the dessert tracks have running wide open.

Question for the “pro race leader” How long have you been racing and what are you end of year rankings for the past two yrs? As well as You are so well known around Baja, Why have you not gotten on a team (as you know everyone why not jump on with them?) After talking to a few of the other teams I can tell you but I will let you try and figure that out on your own.

Now lets talk about the “pro racer team leader” finale section. This was what 30 miles or so? And how long did it take for him to run it? Anyone? I will give you it was dark, so a little slower is ok. (Mark this question is for you) why is it ok for the leader to take almost 4 hrs to do the 30 miles (with no breakdowns) but not me with a brake down? I had gone into the score and asked how far out he was when I got to the start/finish line. The first tracking showed him 20 miles out and going 9 miles an hr. (he had been on the road for over an hr and covered less then a third of the way back) I sat in with score for about 20 min talking with them tracking him the whole time the (basically every 2 min getting updates) the fastest he got in that time was 11mph.

Now lets talk about the days after the race, I was going to let it go but due to the personal attacks that have been made on me by the “leader” but hey lets open it and let all see what happen here.

So Sunday rolls around, We all get up shower and start packing well all but I get packed up and get things put on the trailer its about 11 so we go eat (and I am thinking we will be on the road after that.) Nope we wait around 6 hrs. Why I was told it was to get the pictures, but with all the shopping and playing around It was easy to see that the family was just hanging out at the street party thing that was going on. Besides who waits 6 hrs for a dvd of pictures! Oh and didn’t even work!

So we are on the road now and I am told we might need to spend longer in Mexicali to get the AC fixed (well one night was expected due to some family dinner that was going to happen) but leaving at almost 6 how was a dinner even going to happen? The way into Mexicali it got pushed back to we will leave soon as the truck was fixed, I might be late Monday which turned into Tuesday sometime (also the problems went from the AC, to the clutch, to the transmission, to getting the axles changed out.. It was to the point I had called around to rent a truck so I could put my stuff in it and get on the road. I needed to get home to take care of my family and not just tag along on his family vacation.

Vlady, I have to say you are an outstanding rider, and all around good guy. You brought two quads that were not quit done we worked on them almost every day but you stood up and admitted you were not ready I was a little frustrated working on them so much but I get it work comes first. The only one of the team that was willing to give me pointers on how to ride the deserter stuff as well.

Alex, **** of a good guy as well. Always willing to help and do what needed to be done to keep the team rolling.

Mark I wish I could say something about you, nothing real negative to say but nothing positive to say as well I will just say nice to meet you and leave it at that. (FYI and I also had someone take $60 out of my wallet the day after you in the room)

Waldemar, your right Lessons learn just keep in mind character is everything I will let people judge you on your by your post and how you are acting on here.


El Mamito USMC

Active Members
@ Chris: what was said was not an exaggeration of what took place. If during PRE RUNNING (not racing) we have to sit for long periods of time (10+ minutes) after only going 10 to 15 miles. that is unacceptable!!! Or if it takes ANYONE 3 hours 10 minutes to go 40 miles during a race that is unacceptable!!!!
When "this rider" was given the quad at the begging of his trail we were only 7 miles or roughly 15 minutes behind the next closest quad. By the time he was done with that section, every quad that was left on the course had finished!!! They finished well before he finished his section too.

So to put this into perspective.... they (quad in front of us) did 106 miles, 90+ minutes quicker than he did 40 miles.

Dose anyone else see a problem with this or is just our team that sees the problem?!!?
^^ do I need to type anything else... ?

thank you Stinky for your side of the story..

the only things im going to say about this , is that IM NOT A PRO LEVEL RACER. SportMan to the end. my average speed would be 30-40ish.. not as Dofo or Robles ...

and why I don't run on other teams , its very obvious, this is expensive as he!!, but im be planning a lil more on the future. and if people do know me in Baja.. I think that was proven since day one that we got there...

good luck if you do the San Felipe next year...

Mamito's bike ran flawless!!! excluding the starter. You can leave that bike in 4th gear when you slow down and it will pull like a beast and get up and go. At one point I was doing 80+!! EL chicken did a great job getting that bike Baja race ready.

If any of you guys need some new tires let me know. Those SUN F tires proved them selves for a full week of baja torture. I am so glad that we were able to put my FLEXX bars on the race quad. I believed they helped everyone not get arm pump or limit the arm pump.
ill quote this about my "podium contender" quad.... and sorry if it doesn't match your reply, but when you have one of the Top 3 race prep/mechanics guy in the entire Baja tells you , that you have a quad running to have podium chance, you take it to heart..

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After we got the bike back, yes it could have been on the podium. I rode that bike pretty hard none stop for 100+ miles. It held up great!!

Chris your bike would not have lasted as long as his did.

Chris, how many other quads were caught by TT?? How many of them kept a RACE speed? How many of the other riders would stand up to ride? Especially when hitting a whoop section?

Yes you're correct pre running is NOT timed event. But a rider should take the time to learn that section. He should ride it faster than 2 or 3 gear. He should be hitting race speed so he's better prepared come race day. If you're not comfortable pre running at slower speeds how is anyone going to be more comfortable come race day RACING at race speed.

Do you really think all the other teams went out there and putted around? **** NO!!! After per running for a week one would think a rider would be comfortable racing desert. Just my thought though.

Manitos speed was not okay BUT there was a big difference for when you were riding and he was riding. First thing is you had sun light! He was riding at night. Tons more trophy trucks were catching him than you. You thought it was scetchy during the day?

Had you been with the team you would have known that the head pipe was pretty much off the bike when Mamito took it over.

I could go on and on and on. I'll spare those reading this.

One last thing I want to say is your attitude sucked!!! It sucked from the minute you got in my truck in San Diego. It suck the entire time down there and it was you that made the team want to quit. Like you were told many time "you ask a lot of questions". Next time take those to the source not everyone else. Not everyone wants to hear your complaints non stop.

Next time try being with the team. Don't you think we were hungry and tired too???

Your character isn't that great either so you should probably do a self evaluation before you start in on that.

Sorry to come across as a total **** but I like to out things how they are.

Live and learn is correct. Hopefully to everyone that followed our journey.

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