Racial Profiling....


New member
With all that is happening in the world today concerning terrorism, would it be considered wrong to racially profile when looking for suspects in a terrorist case?

the racial makeup of terrorists is overwhelmingly male, arabs muslims.... Is it not smart to pay a little more attention first to this particular group in a terrorist case, or is racial profiling wrong ALWAYS?

It seems to me that good police work is following the most likely lead first, in these cases Arab males, and eliminate that group first before moving on to other less likely groups like female Irish or something...

I will agree that not all terrorist attacks are done by muslims... Timothy McVie leaps to mind as an almost knee-jerk reaction whenever someone talks about racial profiling and terrorism. Yes it is true that two white Xtians perpetrated that crime... But that is the exception to the rule, don't you think...

But see, Racial profiling doesn't always hunt the same type of people... Do you think the Brits were looking for Black Americans when there pubs were bombed? I think not... They looked at the most obviouse group first! Irish males with ties to the NRA... In that case, and I would contend in all cases, that searching the most obviouse group first would either yield the fastest results, or save you embarrasing press conferences when the most obviouse group was targeted a distant second or third, while police effort and money was wasted on less likely perps!

Al Sharpton has almost single handedly made racial profiling a bad word... But that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist...

If a white man and a black man walk down a dark alley, I would bet money that the white man would be more likely to get robbed based on the racial profile that white men make more money... And that would be a correct SPOT assumption... Doesn't make it absolutely true, but when making very quick choices, our brains don't get hampered by PC, or secondary thoughts... It's pure instinct...

But when we start putting this PC baggage on board with our police work, the system slows down... Our reaction time grinds almost to a halt. This is not the time to complain about being questioned because you're wearing a muslim garb... These Extremists are crafty and QUICK! We have the immence task of being QUICKER... Let's drop the solid steal body and go with the carbon fiber!

Look at how fast the Brits have moved in thier terror investigations after 7/7... People all over England are watching muslims like hawks... Uncomfortable for the innocent muslims, yes... But EXTREMELY un-nerving for the muslim terrorists!

Terrorist thrive on anonymity... If you take that away, it's like taking the wood away from termites! Untill the muslims bring them out of hiding, they are, and should be, all suspect!



New member
Thing is, if you start mainly profiling Arabs, that'll give other people changes to mess things up. Though the majority of publicized terrorism is Arab, that doesn't mean we are the only ones.

Besides, if I shaved my beard and cut my hair I look like an American, "Middle-Easter" is a very weak description. Sudan is part of the middle east, and they're as black as night, so they don't seem to fit the general sterotype. Literally, to check all Middle Easterns, it'd be virtually any Non-White male. I don't see why they don't just install X-Rays on larger subways, or at subway entrances to check for bombs.



New member
Another point to be made here, is its not really RACIAL profiling Jaffer, it's ETHNIC profiling. In America, if one wants a fairly accurate equal description, it would be calling all Latin Americans "MEXICANS". When in fact, this is a generalization profile of lets say the illegals crossing our borders.

Lets say for arguments sake, we said, NO MORE MEXICANS, they all had some contagious disease... BUT, The Guatemalan, Belize, Hondurans, and South Americans were allowed. Anybody caught crossing the border immediately will get the distinction of being classified as a MEXICAN first. And there is a MAJOR problem... well how the **** are we supposed to know who's a **** Mexican, and who's a Honduran ??

Your basically put in a situation where you need to check this persons background for FEAR of being contagious, not because you have any PERSONAL grievance about this person in general.

Sure maybe this **** could fly back in the 1950's where people were just being ignorant about another race like BLACKS by segregation, beatings, etc, etc... but our society has evolved since those type of racial profiling, stereotyping... although, we evolved only slightly, we are still at a point where a justification of SAFETY to the innocent majority is met by using such measures as ethnic profiling.

The American news media now states that most Muslims surveyed worldwide have denounced taking ones own life and killing others, though we have extremist, the moderate majority do not consider there alleged martyrdom valid or justified. And that is MORE THEN FANTASTIC...BUT... You even said it yourself, these people are uneducated. This only reaffirms my belief that in order to exterminate the extremist scum from the earth, will require ISLAMIC FOLLOWERS to do it, not big bad Bush or Blair. These impressionable youth need to be led to the moderate islamic side before the extremist factions entice and motivate them.

Sure, we are well aware someone like say YOU would not do stupid **** like kill people for religion, you are EDUCATED PEOPLE.

Even HERE at GF, the scourage of the bunch are the uneducated idiots who pass on by, register a name, and post some stupid ****.

If anything, I noticed the number one thing that ****** EVERY member off, is blatant stupidity, the terrorist have no valid arguement on anything, and I think that needs to be reinforced among followers of Islam, and even to people like YOU Jaffer, who are a devoted, yet less then moderate follower.

Educate your fellow man, and spread the education around... you stop people from doing stupid ****.

After all, isn't that pretty much what the Bible,Qur'an, Torah, etc are all for ??

To educate us to not do stupid **** to our fellow man ??





New member
I think you're absolutely right Phreak... It is ETHNIC profiling really... and ethnic profiling is used all the time to catch criminals... EG, chances are, if the police are looking for a serial killer, they are going to search 20-40 years old white men first.... That fact is that 96% of ALL serial killers fit that profile... of course that's racial profiling, but it's also **** fine police work!

I can't believe more people don't see profiling for what it is... a way to rule out suspects, reliably, and without prejudice...

I wonder why it seems to be that you can profile a case, as long as it doesn't point at a minority group? If it's good for one group, certainly it's just as valid for another... All men are created equal, no?

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