Racial Riots in Australia


Jan 8, 2005
Inside the fire (or Oz)
Hey. Been following this on the news and it's disturbed me enough to want to post something about it.

For those of you that don't know for the last week or so there's been riots here in Australia between two main factions; white folk and people of middle-eastern persusion. It originally started after repeated flare ups on Sydeny beach of Cronulla where locals claimed to have been harrassed and beaten without provocation by so-called "Lebo's" (Lebonese people, and not the language I use but what they referred to) over some sort of territorial dispute along this stretch of land. Frustrated the locals retaliated and the riots blew up. They're spreading across Sydney and retaliation attacks are likely. People have been stabbed and beaten and entire streets ransacked and vandalised. People are burning the flag in protest - I'm sick to the stomach at this crap these so-called 'White Supremacists' are doing to "Save our country."

The images flooding our media here are distressing. Our country is tearing itself apart over this crap - and it's apparently having an effect on our appearance on the global front too. Other countries may think that we are all racist when the small percentage that are doing this is casting the rest of us in a very bad and undesirable light. I thought in this age of Globalisation that we were a better nation than this. I'm actually ashamed to call myself Australian and I never thought I'd say that. What did our diggers die for? I hope these bastards are ashamed for what they're doing - on both sides. :(

Just wanted to know what the rest of the planet thought - if anything.
yeah in sydney, i keep hearing it on the news.

haha great time for me to go to, sydney ey,*btw i am tomro*

Is this just in Sydney? Or are there riots in more cities?

So if I get this right, some streets are basically war zones right now?

I'm just...shocked, I really don't know what to say
good luck everyone.
hate to say this, but if I was there, Id be on the damn frontlines owning some folks :O

australia is one of the countries I respect the MOST. their government is amazing. they dont put up with any middle eastern bullshit. I felt terrible about the australian that was executed in indonesia :( stupid indonesians.

the foiled plan in Aussie that was like 9/11 - amazing. the government was great.
Im an australian, and I havent been home for the past 2 or 3 days, so I came home late last night and turned on the news and I was like Woah. I was shocked. Watching so many people, tearing up the streets, rioting, demolishing everything, injurying so many, and the poor police officers and ambulance officers were being ATTACKED, thats ****ing disgraceful. What idiots would do such a thing. We as Australians, are a multi-cultural society, and idiotic racist activity like this is just giving us a bad name and making people NOT want to come here. Shame on the people involved in these activities, there are far better ways to sort out these problems other then rioting :mad:

Im also worried as 4 girls im very close with, flew down to sydney this morning, so I hope they will be ok.
it is such a shame, australia is knows to accept all raices (sp??) and now we have men calling girls (all girls women & children) sluts and whores for wearing bikini's and stuff to the beach.
Lifeguards have been beaten up, which is absouloutly discusting. and so now all the australians and people who are sick of whats happening there are after all the "lebs" (which is what everyone is reffering them 2).

The "lebs" went to another beach in sydney durring the night and smashed everyones cars which were parked @ the beach, while the people were inside sleeping.

this is just bad, and it has go to stop.
im going there next month, so hopefully it all gets better by then

but im just so pissed and shocked by whats going on at the moment
this is ssooo not us!!
im not just pissed at the middle eastern people, even though they've been sending text messages to one another to destroy everything, im also pissed at the 'White Supremacists' people, i mean, who are there people!! :mad:

Racism is such a **** word, i hate it
but as hard as i and everyone else try to get away from it, it will always be there, and that is a sad, sad fact
If they dont want to live by the australian way, they they souldnt be living in australia.

on the news just now, there is a lady talking about earlyer today she was driving home with her two children and stoped @ traffic lights and 5 men started calling her an australian slut, and were telling her that they were going to rape her and stuff
:mad: :mad:
Friðbjörn said:

Is this just in Sydney? Or are there riots in more cities?

So if I get this right, some streets are basically war zones right now?

I'm just...shocked, I really don't know what to say
It was - but as of tonight it has sparked 'copycats' around other states. People are just losing the plot and it doesn't matter where they are. There's people dragging muslims out of their Mosques for pete's sake and flogging in to them with iron bars and stuff. Taxi drivers have been attacked as well as shop owners, police officers, lifeguards, ambulance personnel, in fact anyone is a potential target. A man was beaten last night in front of his ten year old son as they were taking out the garbage. It's just random acts of senseless violence - by both parties.

Today the Lebonese biker gangs and white 'gangs' of the Cronulla area where this all started have initiated peace talks. Lets hope something good, honest and real comes of this - and soon.
They're still rioting now. It's on TV. Jesus, I'm glad I'm not in Sydney... but still... it is spreading... It's f*cking pathetic. I'm disgusted and ashamed. All the guilty parties, white and other, should automatically be extradited. Ban them from our shores like any other terrorist, because, in essence, isn't that what they are?
Woah this sounds like a civil war...with citizens, not soldiers
this makes me so ****in mad, to hear about all those people beaten up for no reason...****in idiots, what's the matter with those people? and this was not a racial comment, I meant white and Lebonese...

what shockes me the most is the fact that there's not been one word about this in any media around here...not a word! now that's ****ed up
By_My-$elf said:
so how did ity all start
sometime's I wonder if we'll be our own extinction

we will be the reason for our own extinction, the world is a nasty place, there is so much hatred for diffrent colours of skin. what makes me sick is when ppl who call people with black skin and then they go on holiday and get a tan!!!!

i myself am not racist and i bring my kids up to belive we are all equal no matter what colour skin we have, i just wish everyone was like me.
My gosh, you know what? I haven't heard or seen a word of this on tv or in newspapers either. Well I don't turn my tv on much, but seriously, no I haven't heard about any of this. Reading what you and what eevryone is saying on this thread, it's just terrible and shocking. First France, and now Australia? What is up with the riots?!?! It sounds incredibly scary, and both parties should be ashamed of themselves. What kind of humans would do that... gosh. :\ The attacks on innocent victims... it's just awful and it could be anyone. I hope everyone is being careful out there really. Stay safe :\ Australia looks and sounds like a wonderful country, I've always wanted to visit it. Meh. I hope your government find a solution to sort this problem out before it gets way out of hand and spreads any further. Racism shouldn't be tolerated anyway, what these people are doing, it's just a disgusting act, I'm so appauled. I really hope it all works out there. XxX
i say, send the people who dont want to live by the australian way, back to where ever they came from.
Australia is a very multicultural country, and people should respect one another, just like we respect them