Racism: Alive and Well in Maryland


John B.

Flying in the Face of Controversy
In Md. Town, Confederate Flag Is a Symbol of Pride for Some, Terror
for Others

By Mary Otto
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, March 22, 2008; B01

CUMBERLAND, Md. -- This city nestled in the gray hills of Western
Maryland was once a key railroad hub for the Union Army, beset by
Confederate raiders. Today, the rebel flag is again stirring trouble.

A high school principal's recent decision to ban wearing or displaying
the Confederate flag, adopted by some white residents as a symbol of
their history, has inflamed an already tense debate over racial
sensitivity and freedom of speech.

Deana Bryant allowed her 16-year-old son to wear a shirt emblazoned
with the flag to school one day last week in open defiance of the ban.
Speaking from behind the grocery counter where she works, Bryant said
the flag is not about racism.

"It's his heritage," she said, her blue eyes flashing.

The same day, Lakeal Ellis, a nurse, kept her three daughters home
from Fort Hill High School. Shaken by the escalating tension, they
packed their clothes. The African American family came here a little
more than a year ago from the District hoping to find better schools
and a quieter life.

The girls were getting good grades at the high school. But after
enduring racial slurs and harassment, sometimes at the hands of youths
with Confederate flags, the Ellis family decided to give up and return
to the District.

"Everything is over with Cumberland," Ellis said. "It's not okay for
my kids."

At Fort Hill, the racial taunts had been going on throughout the
school year, but the problems boiled over after a boy made racist
remarks to one of Ellis's daughters in the cafeteria line this month,
she said. Her daughter and the boy were suspended after an argument.
In response, some students started displaying the flag on their
clothes and trucks in solidarity with the boy.

The principal banned the display of the flag, but tensions continued
to rise. Police stepped up their presence.

"The flag turned into a weapon," said Allegany County Superintendent
Bill AuMiller, who met last week with parents and students who
supported wearing the flag.

"They have a First Amendment right to wear it," AuMiller said, but
using it to harass and intimidate students "crossed the line." He has
asked students who display the flag "to voluntarily refrain until
things cool down."

At a time when Democratic presidential candidate and Sen. Barack
Obama, an Illinois Democratic candidate for president, has challenged
the nation to transcend racial divides, the dispute at Fort Hill High
School, named for a small fortification occupied by the Union Army,
harks back to the past.

Flag fans often speak of their banner as a reminder of local history,
a symbol of rebellion against authority and political correctness, and
pride in their rural lifestyle. But one man's symbol of pride is
another man's symbol of terror, said Charles Woods, a African American
leader in Cumberland.

"You talk about that flag, the ugly side of people will rear its head
up," he said. "That flag must be removed from school property."

Carl O. Snowden, civil rights director for the state attorney
general's office, has received a complaint from the state and local
NAACP and the Ellis family. He said he is closely monitoring the
situation in Allegany County.

In January, members of several black and white congregations gathered
at Cumberland's First Presbyterian Church for a service to commemorate
the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. The event was warmly received, said
John Dillon, First Presbyterian's pastor. Dillon said he believes that
racial divisions persist in the wider community.

"I think the vast majority of racism grows in ignorance, fear and
poverty," he said. "We've got ignorance, fear and poverty in this

In many ways, this isolated spot is more a part of Appalachia than the
rest of Maryland. President Lyndon B. Johnson acknowledged as much
with a visit to Fort Hill High School in 1964, during a War on Poverty

He spoke of job creation in a place where about one-quarter of
residents were living in poverty. About a third of working men had
solid jobs in area glass, rubber and textile plants. Since the
factories closed in the 1980s, educational and health-care facilities
and sprawling state and federal prison complexes have become major

Efforts to draw tourists to local cultural and historic sites have
been progressing, but change has been slow in coming.

After Ellis's daughters spoke publicly about their problems at a
school board meeting last week, she kept them home from school the
next day, worried about their safety.

That day, the girls said, they saw two men, one with a shaved head, in
front of their house taking pictures.

They called the police and their mother at work.

She told them to gather their belongings, that they were leaving. The
men taking pictures, Ellis said, were "the straw that broke the
camel's back."

She contacted Norma Blacke Bourdeau, president of the local NAACP, and
the Rev. Alfred Deas Jr. of Cumberland's historic Metropolitan AME
Church and told them of her decision.

The girls' great-aunt swiftly packed their clothes, and Deas sent a
church van to whisk them to the basement of the old church, built by
freed slaves in the 19th century.

The move was done with cellphones instead of colorful quilts hung on
clotheslines to mark the way to freedom. Blacke Bourdeau acknowledged
the scene was reminiscent of the underground railroad, the nervous
family, quietly and swiftly leaving town with the help of a network of

"We're still living the history, which is why people are so ready to
say 'No more, no more, no more,' " Blacke Bourdeau said.

Police said they were not able to substantiate whether the men outside
the Ellis home posed a credible threat. The behavior of the men "was
suspicious," Snowden said.

Ellis said she and her children are resettling in the District and
trying to determine how to proceed with their lives.

But the troubles in Allegany, which is more than 90 percent white,
reveal deeper divisions that must be addressed, Snowden said.

"This is a time when leadership is very important," he said.

AuMiller said the school system will hold sensitivity training and
cultural-awareness programs for middle and high schools.

Deas said he and other church leaders are also pressing for a
community-wide dialogue.

"We have no reason to believe it's not going forward," he said.

For some, the feelings only seem to be hardening.

Brandon Weir, 17, a masonry student at the county career and technical
high school, said he was ordered earlier this month by school
officials to remove a Confederate flag from his truck.

"They said I was making the school look bad," Weir said.

That evening, in front of their home, his father, Keith, helped him
put back the Confederate flag, which he flies from the truck along
with large American and prisoner-of-war flags.

Keith Weir said that he has raised his children to respect all people
but that he is not going to be persuaded by public officials to remove
the flag.

"Get her up there, buddy," the elder Weir said. "My flag is gonna fly."
John B. wrote:
> Flying in the Face of Controversy
> In Md. Town, Confederate Flag Is a Symbol of Pride for Some, Terror
> for Others

Here's a respected writer on the Confederate Flag:

The flag is a symbol my great grandfather fought
under and in defense of. I am for flying it anywhere anybody
wants to fly it. I do know perfectly well what pain it causes
my black friends, but I think that pain is not necessary if
they would read the confederate constitution and knew what the
confederacy really stood for. This country has two grievous
sins on its hands. One of them is slavery - whether we'll ever
be cured of it, I don't know. The other one is emancipation -
they told 4 million people, you're free, hit the road, and
they drifted back into a form of peonage that in some ways is
worse than slavery. These things have got to be understood
before they're condemned. They're condemned on the face of it
because they take that flag to represent what those yahoos
represent as - in their protest against civil rights
things. But the people who knew what that flag really stood
for should have stopped those yahoos from using it as a symbol
of what they stood for. But we didn't - and now you had this
problem of the confederate flag being identified as sort of a
roughneck thing, which it is not.

> By Mary Otto
> Washington Post Staff Writer
> Saturday, March 22, 2008; B01
> CUMBERLAND, Md. -- This city nestled in the gray hills of Western
> Maryland was once a key railroad hub for the Union Army, beset by
> Confederate raiders. Today, the rebel flag is again stirring trouble.
> A high school principal's recent decision to ban wearing or displaying
> the Confederate flag, adopted by some white residents as a symbol of
> their history, has inflamed an already tense debate over racial
> sensitivity and freedom of speech.
> Deana Bryant allowed her 16-year-old son to wear a shirt emblazoned
> with the flag to school one day last week in open defiance of the ban.
> Speaking from behind the grocery counter where she works, Bryant said
> the flag is not about racism.
> "It's his heritage," she said, her blue eyes flashing.
> The same day, Lakeal Ellis, a nurse, kept her three daughters home
> from Fort Hill High School. Shaken by the escalating tension, they
> packed their clothes. The African American family came here a little
> more than a year ago from the District hoping to find better schools
> and a quieter life.
> The girls were getting good grades at the high school. But after
> enduring racial slurs and harassment, sometimes at the hands of youths
> with Confederate flags, the Ellis family decided to give up and return
> to the District.
> "Everything is over with Cumberland," Ellis said. "It's not okay for
> my kids."
> At Fort Hill, the racial taunts had been going on throughout the
> school year, but the problems boiled over after a boy made racist
> remarks to one of Ellis's daughters in the cafeteria line this month,
> she said. Her daughter and the boy were suspended after an argument.
> In response, some students started displaying the flag on their
> clothes and trucks in solidarity with the boy.
> The principal banned the display of the flag, but tensions continued
> to rise. Police stepped up their presence.
> "The flag turned into a weapon," said Allegany County Superintendent
> Bill AuMiller, who met last week with parents and students who
> supported wearing the flag.
> "They have a First Amendment right to wear it," AuMiller said, but
> using it to harass and intimidate students "crossed the line." He has
> asked students who display the flag "to voluntarily refrain until
> things cool down."
> At a time when Democratic presidential candidate and Sen. Barack
> Obama, an Illinois Democratic candidate for president, has challenged
> the nation to transcend racial divides, the dispute at Fort Hill High
> School, named for a small fortification occupied by the Union Army,
> harks back to the past.
> Flag fans often speak of their banner as a reminder of local history,
> a symbol of rebellion against authority and political correctness, and
> pride in their rural lifestyle. But one man's symbol of pride is
> another man's symbol of terror, said Charles Woods, a African American
> leader in Cumberland.
> "You talk about that flag, the ugly side of people will rear its head
> up," he said. "That flag must be removed from school property."
> Carl O. Snowden, civil rights director for the state attorney
> general's office, has received a complaint from the state and local
> NAACP and the Ellis family. He said he is closely monitoring the
> situation in Allegany County.
> In January, members of several black and white congregations gathered
> at Cumberland's First Presbyterian Church for a service to commemorate
> the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. The event was warmly received, said
> John Dillon, First Presbyterian's pastor. Dillon said he believes that
> racial divisions persist in the wider community.
> "I think the vast majority of racism grows in ignorance, fear and
> poverty," he said. "We've got ignorance, fear and poverty in this
> community."
> In many ways, this isolated spot is more a part of Appalachia than the
> rest of Maryland. President Lyndon B. Johnson acknowledged as much
> with a visit to Fort Hill High School in 1964, during a War on Poverty
> tour.
> He spoke of job creation in a place where about one-quarter of
> residents were living in poverty. About a third of working men had
> solid jobs in area glass, rubber and textile plants. Since the
> factories closed in the 1980s, educational and health-care facilities
> and sprawling state and federal prison complexes have become major
> employers.
> Efforts to draw tourists to local cultural and historic sites have
> been progressing, but change has been slow in coming.
> After Ellis's daughters spoke publicly about their problems at a
> school board meeting last week, she kept them home from school the
> next day, worried about their safety.
> That day, the girls said, they saw two men, one with a shaved head, in
> front of their house taking pictures.
> They called the police and their mother at work.
> She told them to gather their belongings, that they were leaving. The
> men taking pictures, Ellis said, were "the straw that broke the
> camel's back."
> She contacted Norma Blacke Bourdeau, president of the local NAACP, and
> the Rev. Alfred Deas Jr. of Cumberland's historic Metropolitan AME
> Church and told them of her decision.
> The girls' great-aunt swiftly packed their clothes, and Deas sent a
> church van to whisk them to the basement of the old church, built by
> freed slaves in the 19th century.
> The move was done with cellphones instead of colorful quilts hung on
> clotheslines to mark the way to freedom. Blacke Bourdeau acknowledged
> the scene was reminiscent of the underground railroad, the nervous
> family, quietly and swiftly leaving town with the help of a network of
> volunteers.
> "We're still living the history, which is why people are so ready to
> say 'No more, no more, no more,' " Blacke Bourdeau said.
> Police said they were not able to substantiate whether the men outside
> the Ellis home posed a credible threat. The behavior of the men "was
> suspicious," Snowden said.
> Ellis said she and her children are resettling in the District and
> trying to determine how to proceed with their lives.
> But the troubles in Allegany, which is more than 90 percent white,
> reveal deeper divisions that must be addressed, Snowden said.
> "This is a time when leadership is very important," he said.
> AuMiller said the school system will hold sensitivity training and
> cultural-awareness programs for middle and high schools.
> Deas said he and other church leaders are also pressing for a
> community-wide dialogue.
> "We have no reason to believe it's not going forward," he said.
> For some, the feelings only seem to be hardening.
> Brandon Weir, 17, a masonry student at the county career and technical
> high school, said he was ordered earlier this month by school
> officials to remove a Confederate flag from his truck.
> "They said I was making the school look bad," Weir said.
> That evening, in front of their home, his father, Keith, helped him
> put back the Confederate flag, which he flies from the truck along
> with large American and prisoner-of-war flags.
> Keith Weir said that he has raised his children to respect all people
> but that he is not going to be persuaded by public officials to remove
> the flag.
> "Get her up there, buddy," the elder Weir said. "My flag is gonna fly."
On Mar 22, 9:48 am, Christian Williamson <c.wi...@verizon.net> wrote:
> John B. wrote:
> > Flying in the Face of Controversy
> > In Md. Town, Confederate Flag Is a Symbol of Pride for Some, Terror
> > for Others

> Here's a respected writer on the Confederate Flag:
> The flag is a symbol my great grandfather fought
> under and in defense of. I am for flying it anywhere anybody
> wants to fly it. I do know perfectly well what pain it causes
> my black friends, but I think that pain is not necessary if
> they would read the confederate constitution and knew what the
> confederacy really stood for. This country has two grievous
> sins on its hands. One of them is slavery - whether we'll ever
> be cured of it, I don't know. The other one is emancipation -
> they told 4 million people, you're free, hit the road, and
> they drifted back into a form of peonage that in some ways is
> worse than slavery. These things have got to be understood
> before they're condemned. They're condemned on the face of it
> because they take that flag to represent what those yahoos
> represent as - in their protest against civil rights
> things. But the people who knew what that flag really stood
> for should have stopped those yahoos from using it as a symbol
> of what they stood for. But we didn't - and now you had this
> problem of the confederate flag being identified as sort of a
> roughneck thing, which it is not.
> http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/politics/jan-june00/flag_5-29.html

Your "respected writer" is an idiot. He doesn't know enough about
human nature to fill a thimble: "I do know perfectly well what pain it
causes my black friends, but I think that pain is not necessary if
they would read the confederate constitution and knew what the
confederacy really stood for."

Did you read that? Do you really think, along with out "respected
author" that black people would be fine with flying the confederate
flag if only they would read the articles of the confederacy? My God,
Christian, think for a second.

"The other one is emancipation - they told 4 million people, you're
free, hit the road, and they drifted back into a form of peonage that
in some ways is worse than slavery."

Now, shift the context of the above statement to apply to the Iraqi
people. Does it still hold? Are they better off now or under Saddam?

Baldin Lee Pramer wrote:
> On Mar 22, 9:48 am, Christian Williamson <c.wi...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> John B. wrote:
>>> Flying in the Face of Controversy
>>> In Md. Town, Confederate Flag Is a Symbol of Pride for Some, Terror
>>> for Others

>> Here's a respected writer on the Confederate Flag:
>> The flag is a symbol my great grandfather fought
>> under and in defense of. I am for flying it anywhere anybody
>> wants to fly it. I do know perfectly well what pain it causes
>> my black friends, but I think that pain is not necessary if
>> they would read the confederate constitution and knew what the
>> confederacy really stood for. This country has two grievous
>> sins on its hands. One of them is slavery - whether we'll ever
>> be cured of it, I don't know. The other one is emancipation -
>> they told 4 million people, you're free, hit the road, and
>> they drifted back into a form of peonage that in some ways is
>> worse than slavery. These things have got to be understood
>> before they're condemned. They're condemned on the face of it
>> because they take that flag to represent what those yahoos
>> represent as - in their protest against civil rights
>> things. But the people who knew what that flag really stood
>> for should have stopped those yahoos from using it as a symbol
>> of what they stood for. But we didn't - and now you had this
>> problem of the confederate flag being identified as sort of a
>> roughneck thing, which it is not.
>> http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/politics/jan-june00/flag_5-29.html

> Your "respected writer" is an idiot.

Of course, he's an idiot. You oppose him, therefore, he's an idiot.

> He doesn't know enough about
> human nature to fill a thimble: "I do know perfectly well what pain it
> causes my black friends, but I think that pain is not necessary if
> they would read the confederate constitution and knew what the
> confederacy really stood for."
> Did you read that? Do you really think, along with out "respected
> author" that black people would be fine with flying the confederate
> flag if only they would read the articles of the confederacy? My God,
> Christian, think for a second.
> "The other one is emancipation - they told 4 million people, you're
> free, hit the road, and they drifted back into a form of peonage that
> in some ways is worse than slavery."
> Now, shift the context of the above statement to apply to the Iraqi
> people. Does it still hold? Are they better off now or under Saddam?
On Mar 22, 10:05 am, Christian Williamson <c.wi...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Baldin Lee Pramer wrote:
> > On Mar 22, 9:48 am, Christian Williamson <c.wi...@verizon.net> wrote:
> >> John B. wrote:
> >>> Flying in the Face of Controversy
> >>> In Md. Town, Confederate Flag Is a Symbol of Pride for Some, Terror
> >>> for Others
> >> Here's a respected writer on the Confederate Flag:

> >> The flag is a symbol my great grandfather fought
> >> under and in defense of. I am for flying it anywhere anybody
> >> wants to fly it. I do know perfectly well what pain it causes
> >> my black friends, but I think that pain is not necessary if
> >> they would read the confederate constitution and knew what the
> >> confederacy really stood for. This country has two grievous
> >> sins on its hands. One of them is slavery - whether we'll ever
> >> be cured of it, I don't know. The other one is emancipation -
> >> they told 4 million people, you're free, hit the road, and
> >> they drifted back into a form of peonage that in some ways is
> >> worse than slavery. These things have got to be understood
> >> before they're condemned. They're condemned on the face of it
> >> because they take that flag to represent what those yahoos
> >> represent as - in their protest against civil rights
> >> things. But the people who knew what that flag really stood
> >> for should have stopped those yahoos from using it as a symbol
> >> of what they stood for. But we didn't - and now you had this
> >> problem of the confederate flag being identified as sort of a
> >> roughneck thing, which it is not.
> >> http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/politics/jan-june00/flag_5-29.html

> > Your "respected writer" is an idiot.

> Of course, he's an idiot. You oppose him, therefore, he's an idiot.

No, he is an idiot because he can't reason.

On Mar 22, 10:05 am, Christian Williamson <c.wi...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Baldin Lee Pramer wrote:
> > On Mar 22, 9:48 am, Christian Williamson <c.wi...@verizon.net> wrote:
> >> John B. wrote:
> >>> Flying in the Face of Controversy
> >>> In Md. Town, Confederate Flag Is a Symbol of Pride for Some, Terror
> >>> for Others
> >> Here's a respected writer on the Confederate Flag:

> >> The flag is a symbol my great grandfather fought
> >> under and in defense of. I am for flying it anywhere anybody
> >> wants to fly it. I do know perfectly well what pain it causes
> >> my black friends, but I think that pain is not necessary if
> >> they would read the confederate constitution and knew what the
> >> confederacy really stood for. This country has two grievous
> >> sins on its hands. One of them is slavery - whether we'll ever
> >> be cured of it, I don't know. The other one is emancipation -
> >> they told 4 million people, you're free, hit the road, and
> >> they drifted back into a form of peonage that in some ways is
> >> worse than slavery. These things have got to be understood
> >> before they're condemned. They're condemned on the face of it
> >> because they take that flag to represent what those yahoos
> >> represent as - in their protest against civil rights
> >> things. But the people who knew what that flag really stood
> >> for should have stopped those yahoos from using it as a symbol
> >> of what they stood for. But we didn't - and now you had this
> >> problem of the confederate flag being identified as sort of a
> >> roughneck thing, which it is not.
> >> http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/politics/jan-june00/flag_5-29.html

> > Your "respected writer" is an idiot.

> Of course, he's an idiot. You oppose him, therefore, he's an idiot.

Jews would be fine with the swastika if only they would read the
Weimar Constitution. Right? RIGHT???

On Mar 22, 11:48 am, Christian Williamson <c.wi...@verizon.net> wrote:
> John B. wrote:
> > Flying in the Face of Controversy
> > In Md. Town, Confederate Flag Is a Symbol of Pride for Some, Terror
> > for Others

> Here's a respected writer on the Confederate Flag:
> The flag is a symbol my great grandfather fought
> under and in defense of. I am for flying it anywhere anybody
> wants to fly it. I do know perfectly well what pain it causes
> my black friends, but I think that pain is not necessary if
> they would read the confederate constitution and knew what the
> confederacy really stood for. This country has two grievous
> sins on its hands. One of them is slavery - whether we'll ever
> be cured of it, I don't know. The other one is emancipation -
> they told 4 million people, you're free, hit the road, and
> they drifted back into a form of peonage that in some ways is
> worse than slavery. These things have got to be understood
> before they're condemned. They're condemned on the face of it
> because they take that flag to represent what those yahoos
> represent as - in their protest against civil rights
> things. But the people who knew what that flag really stood
> for should have stopped those yahoos from using it as a symbol
> of what they stood for. But we didn't - and now you had this
> problem of the confederate flag being identified as sort of a
> roughneck thing, which it is not.
> http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/politics/jan-june00/flag_5-29.html

Respected? By whom? He did get his last two sentences right: black
people see the flag not as a symbol of the confederacy but as a symbol
of the bigotry, hatred and violence that's been visited upon them for
more than a century by redneck, racist, white trash. And we're
supposed to understand and respect those people who display that flag
anyway, because they say it reflects their "heritage?" And we're
supposed to believe them when they say they're not racists? Gimme a
freakin' break.

> > By Mary Otto
> > Washington Post Staff Writer
> > Saturday, March 22, 2008; B01

> > CUMBERLAND, Md. -- This city nestled in the gray hills of Western
> > Maryland was once a key railroad hub for the Union Army, beset by
> > Confederate raiders. Today, the rebel flag is again stirring trouble.

> > A high school principal's recent decision to ban wearing or displaying
> > the Confederate flag, adopted by some white residents as a symbol of
> > their history, has inflamed an already tense debate over racial
> > sensitivity and freedom of speech.

> > Deana Bryant allowed her 16-year-old son to wear a shirt emblazoned
> > with the flag to school one day last week in open defiance of the ban.
> > Speaking from behind the grocery counter where she works, Bryant said
> > the flag is not about racism.

> > "It's his heritage," she said, her blue eyes flashing.

> > The same day, Lakeal Ellis, a nurse, kept her three daughters home
> > from Fort Hill High School. Shaken by the escalating tension, they
> > packed their clothes. The African American family came here a little
> > more than a year ago from the District hoping to find better schools
> > and a quieter life.

> > The girls were getting good grades at the high school. But after
> > enduring racial slurs and harassment, sometimes at the hands of youths
> > with Confederate flags, the Ellis family decided to give up and return
> > to the District.

> > "Everything is over with Cumberland," Ellis said. "It's not okay for
> > my kids."

> > At Fort Hill, the racial taunts had been going on throughout the
> > school year, but the problems boiled over after a boy made racist
> > remarks to one of Ellis's daughters in the cafeteria line this month,
> > she said. Her daughter and the boy were suspended after an argument.
> > In response, some students started displaying the flag on their
> > clothes and trucks in solidarity with the boy.

> > The principal banned the display of the flag, but tensions continued
> > to rise. Police stepped up their presence.

> > "The flag turned into a weapon," said Allegany County Superintendent
> > Bill AuMiller, who met last week with parents and students who
> > supported wearing the flag.

> > "They have a First Amendment right to wear it," AuMiller said, but
> > using it to harass and intimidate students "crossed the line." He has
> > asked students who display the flag "to voluntarily refrain until
> > things cool down."

> > At a time when Democratic presidential candidate and Sen. Barack
> > Obama, an Illinois Democratic candidate for president, has challenged
> > the nation to transcend racial divides, the dispute at Fort Hill High
> > School, named for a small fortification occupied by the Union Army,
> > harks back to the past.

> > Flag fans often speak of their banner as a reminder of local history,
> > a symbol of rebellion against authority and political correctness, and
> > pride in their rural lifestyle. But one man's symbol of pride is
> > another man's symbol of terror, said Charles Woods, a African American
> > leader in Cumberland.

> > "You talk about that flag, the ugly side of people will rear its head
> > up," he said. "That flag must be removed from school property."

> > Carl O. Snowden, civil rights director for the state attorney
> > general's office, has received a complaint from the state and local
> > NAACP and the Ellis family. He said he is closely monitoring the
> > situation in Allegany County.

> > In January, members of several black and white congregations gathered
> > at Cumberland's First Presbyterian Church for a service to commemorate
> > the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. The event was warmly received, said
> > John Dillon, First Presbyterian's pastor. Dillon said he believes that
> > racial divisions persist in the wider community.

> > "I think the vast majority of racism grows in ignorance, fear and
> > poverty," he said. "We've got ignorance, fear and poverty in this
> > community."

> > In many ways, this isolated spot is more a part of Appalachia than the
> > rest of Maryland. President Lyndon B. Johnson acknowledged as much
> > with a visit to Fort Hill High School in 1964, during a War on Poverty
> > tour.

> > He spoke of job creation in a place where about one-quarter of
> > residents were living in poverty. About a third of working men had
> > solid jobs in area glass, rubber and textile plants. Since the
> > factories closed in the 1980s, educational and health-care facilities
> > and sprawling state and federal prison complexes have become major
> > employers.

> > Efforts to draw tourists to local cultural and historic sites have
> > been progressing, but change has been slow in coming.

> > After Ellis's daughters spoke publicly about their problems at a
> > school board meeting last week, she kept them home from school the
> > next day, worried about their safety.

> > That day, the girls said, they saw two men, one with a shaved head, in
> > front of their house taking pictures.

> > They called the police and their mother at work.

> > She told them to gather their belongings, that they were leaving. The
> > men taking pictures, Ellis said, were "the straw that broke the
> > camel's back."

> > She contacted Norma Blacke Bourdeau, president of the local NAACP, and
> > the Rev. Alfred Deas Jr. of Cumberland's historic Metropolitan AME
> > Church and told them of her decision.

> > The girls' great-aunt swiftly packed their clothes, and Deas sent a
> > church van to whisk them to the basement of the old church, built by
> > freed slaves in the 19th century.

> > The move was done with cellphones instead of colorful quilts hung on
> > clotheslines to mark the way to freedom. Blacke Bourdeau acknowledged
> > the scene was reminiscent of the underground railroad, the nervous
> > family, quietly and swiftly leaving town with the help of a network of
> > volunteers.

> > "We're still living the history, which is why people are so ready to
> > say 'No more, no more, no more,' " Blacke Bourdeau said.

> > Police said they were not able to substantiate whether the men outside
> > the Ellis home posed a credible threat. The behavior of the men "was
> > suspicious," Snowden said.

> > Ellis said she and her children are resettling in the District and
> > trying to determine how to proceed with their lives.

> > But the troubles in Allegany, which is more than 90 percent white,
> > reveal deeper divisions that must be addressed, Snowden said.

> > "This is a time when leadership is very important," he said.

> > AuMiller said the school system will hold sensitivity training and
> > cultural-awareness programs for middle and high schools.

> > Deas said he and other church leaders are also pressing for a
> > community-wide dialogue.

> > "We have no reason to believe it's not going forward," he said.

> > For some, the feelings only seem to be hardening.

> > Brandon Weir, 17, a masonry student at the county career and technical
> > high school, said he was ordered earlier this month by school
> > officials to remove a Confederate flag from his truck.

> > "They said I was making the school look bad," Weir said.

> > That evening, in front of their home, his father, Keith, helped him
> > put back the Confederate flag, which he flies from the truck along
> > with large American and prisoner-of-war flags.

> > Keith Weir said that he has raised his children to respect all people
> > but that he is not going to be persuaded by public officials to remove
> > the flag.

> > "Get her up there, buddy," the elder Weir said. "My flag is gonna fly."
>Racism: Alive and Well in Maryland

....and in black churches!

Isnt it nice of darkies to take time out of their busy schedule of
stealing, robbing, killing, doing jail, having illegitimate babies,
using our government $$$ to spend it on crack, being uneducated,
eating greasy foods, blaming whitey for everything, being a drain on
our society and wearing baggy pants to tell us what flags we can
On Mar 22, 5:06 pm, stickyw <stickyweat...@aol.com> wrote:
> >Racism: Alive and Well in Maryland

> ...and in black churches!
> Isnt it nice of darkies to take time out of their busy schedule of
> stealing, robbing, killing, doing jail, having illegitimate babies,
> using our government $$$ to spend it on crack, being uneducated,
> eating greasy foods, blaming whitey for everything, being a drain on
> our society and wearing baggy pants to tell us what flags we can
> display?

privately display anything you like in your own home/business.
Symbols of hatred, regardless of the group it terrorizes, should not
be displayed or permitted in government business. Or, are you too
narrow minded to see that?
> Symbols of hatred, regardless of the group it terrorizes, should not
> be displayed or permitted in government business.

Affirmative action is permitted in government businesses, so is
Kwanzaa - but you nappy hos dont have a problem with that racism.
On Mar 23, 12:25 pm, stickyw <stickyweat...@aol.com> wrote:
> > Symbols of hatred, regardless of the group it terrorizes, should not
> > be displayed or permitted in government business.

> Affirmative action is permitted in government businesses, so is
> Kwanzaa - but you nappy hos dont have a problem with that racism.

Ahh another enlightened soul (that's sarcasm, since you obviously
have no sense of respect, or, no sense period, for that matter), idiot.
On Mar 22, 6:06 pm, stickyw <stickyweat...@aol.com> wrote:
> >Racism: Alive and Well in Maryland

> ...and in black churches!
> Isnt it nice of darkies to take time out of their busy schedule of
> stealing, robbing, killing, doing jail, having illegitimate babies,
> using our government $$$ to spend it on crack, being uneducated,
> eating greasy foods, blaming whitey for everything, being a drain on
> our society and wearing baggy pants to tell us what flags we can
> display?

Wow, you are one sick *******.