Racism among asians


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2004
As an Asian-american, I've noticed that there is a great instilled idea of ethnocentricism and racism that runs though the South Asian community in the United States. Unlike what most people would think, the racism is directed more strongly against the African American individuals.

Common views on other races:

Muslim/Arab Americans: Religious fanatics
East Asian Americans: Culturally unstable individuals with desperate need to be americanized.
Black Americans: Poor and often associated with criminal activities.
White americans: Loose values, and lacking refined morality and social skills.
Latino Americans: Not intelligent

It's a sad fact that these ideas have been transferred over to the first born Indian american generation as well. Most individuals in the desi community will often not make friends with Latino or Black Americans and will at most costs look down on individuals who marry non-"Desis".

I believe that at it's essense a lot of this has to do with the views instilled in Indians by the British Culture that propogated a lesser human value on individuals of African Descent or Latin American Descent. Furthermore, I think American media causes South Asians to associate loose morals with White Americans.

Unlike racism among Americans of European Descent which involves formation of hate groups that can be easily targeted and be restricted or disbanded by goverment officials, racism in the South Asian community is a deeply instilled cultural norm that doesn't have any legal repercussions.

How is it possible to change these values? By what means can the South Asian community learn to accept their neighbors and come to respect them as having "culture".
Common views on other races:

Muslim/Arab Americans: Religious fanatics
East Asian Americans: Culturally unstable individuals with desperate need to be americanized.
Black Americans: Poor and often associated with criminal activities.
White americans: Loose values, and lacking refined morality and social skills.
Latino Americans: Not intelligent

I agree...
I also agree...The way to change the prospective is to change there ways. If they did'nt act out the stereo type, people would think differant of them.
Msixty said:
and Asians are small dicked midgets that cant drive for ****.

LOL, I never saw an Oriental person who could drive...anyone seen any that drive race cars??

I read one time that the birth control of choice in Japan is the condom and that the average condom in Japan is smaller then the American condom...is it prejudice when its true??
There is truth behind what some term racism. It is a fact that blacks commit proportionately more crime and that the average IQ of black America is somewhere between 85 and 90.
Much truth is said in jest.

We live in a society where absolute truth concerning minorities is frowned upon. Such as Blacks being superior athletes. We all know its true. However it is not to be spoken of.
Jhony5 said:
Much truth is said in jest.

We live in a society where absolute truth concerning minorities is frowned upon. Such as Blacks being superior athletes. We all know its true. However it is not to be spoken of.

yeah, but your people would be fit too if they spent a couple hundred years doing bitch work ;)

really, we weeded out the weak ones with manual labor, now all we got are big buff gangstaz that don't know how to shoot the ****ing gun they just stole.

( I like black people, they are an important component to a healthy multi-cultural America. It's the ******s that piss me off.)
Peace said:
Muslim/Arab Americans: Religious fanatics
East Asian Americans: Culturally unstable individuals with desperate need to be americanized.
Black Americans: Poor and often associated with criminal activities.
White americans: Loose values, and lacking refined morality and social skills.
Latino Americans: Not intelligent

Social cliche: There is always some truth in stereotypes.

But about the Eastern Asian Americans. You consider them "culturally unstable" because they have a "desparate need to be Americanized." Sorry, but if you are in America, you ****ing better have a desparate need to be Americanized. Don't you dare come here and subject your culture on me.
The fact is everyone, except white males, are encouraged to celebrate their superiority. That is where socialism has brought us.
IQ tests are not accurate. They're about as reliable regarding actual intelligence as SAT scores. That being said, poorer people tend to be less informed in general, so any race that has a higher poverty rate in a country will commit more crime and not excel as much academically on average. If you want a more accurate comparison of races, it's better to look at those of similar social and economic standing. At that point, differences aren't very significant.
IQ tests are highly accurate when measuring large numbers of a certain demographic. When large samples of two demographics are compared the inaccuracies of individual tests do not matter. The fact is there are problems in the black community that are responsible for the IQ gap. The root causes of the IQ gap need to be studied and addresses. The band-aid of affirmative action programs is leaking.
Paroxysms of Denial
Arthur Jensen
Nowadays the factual basis of The Bell Curve is scarcely debated by the experts, who regard it as mainstream knowledge.

The most well-established facts: Individual differences in general cognitive ability are reliably measured by IQ tests. IQ is strongly related, probably more than any other single measurable trait, to many important educational, occupational, economic and social variables. (Not mentioned in the book is that IQ is also correlated with a number of variables of the brain, including its size, electrical potentials, and rate of glucose metabolism during cognitive activity.) Individual differences in adult IQ are largely genetic, with heritability of about 70 percent. So far, attempts to raise IQ by educational or psychological means have failed to show appreciable lasting effects on cognitive ability and scholastic achievement. The IQ distribution in two population groups socially recognized as "black" and "white" is represented by two largely overlapping bell curves with their means separated by about 15 points, a difference not due to test bias. IQ has the same meaning and practical predictive validity for both groups. Tests do not create differences; they merely reflect them.


Although social problems involving race are conspicuously in the news these days, too few journalists are willing or able to discuss rationally certain possible causes. The authors' crime, apparently, is that they do exactly this, arguing with impressive evidence that the implications of IQ variance in American society can't be excluded from a realistic diagnosis of its social problems.

The media's spectacular denial probably arises from the juxtaposition of the book's demonstrations; first, that what is termed "social pathology" -- delinquency, crime, drug abuse, illegitimacy, child neglect, permanent welfare dependency -- is disproportionately concentrated (for whites and blacks alike) in the segment of the population with IQs below 75; and second, that at least one-fourth of the black population (compared to one-twentieth of the white population) falls below that critical IQ point in the bell curve. Because the smaller percentage of white persons with IQs below 75 are fairly well scattered throughout the population, many are guided, helped, and protected by their abler families, friends, and neighbors, whose IQs average closer to 100. Relatively few are liable to be concentrated in the poor neighborhoods and housing projects that harbor the "critical mass" of very low IQs which generates more than its fair share of social pathology. The "critical mass" effect exists mostly in the inner city, which has been largely abandoned by whites. Of course thinking citizens are troubled. Thinking about possible constructive remedies strains one's wisdom.

But can any good for anyone result from sweeping the problem under the rug? Shouldn't it be exposed to earnest, fair-minded public discussion? Our only fear, I think, should be that such discussion might not happen. Consideration of the book's actual content is being displaced by the rhetoric of denial: name calling ("neo-nazi," "pseudo-scientific," "racism"), sidetracks ("but does IQ really measure intelligence?"), non-sequiturs ("specific genes for IQ have not been identified, so we can claim nothing about its heritability"), red herrings ("Hitler misused genetics"), falsehoods ("all the tests are biased"), hyperbole ("throwing gasoline on a fire"), and insults ("creepy," "indecent," "ugly").
hugo said:
There is truth behind what some term racism. It is a fact that blacks commit proportionately more crime and that the average IQ of black America is somewhere between 85 and 90.

The numbers do not lie at all. Numbers are the one thing that seperate reason from emotion.
TooDrunkTo**** said:
IQ tests are not accurate. They're about as reliable regarding actual intelligence as SAT scores. That being said, poorer people tend to be less informed in general, so any race that has a higher poverty rate in a country will commit more crime and not excel as much academically on average. If you want a more accurate comparison of races, it's better to look at those of similar social and economic standing. At that point, differences aren't very significant.


Rich black folk buy grilles for their teeth.

Rich white folk buy grilles for their backyards.

Rich yellow folk buy cats and put them on the grille.

Rich red folk don't buy grilles, they buy firewater.
TooDrunkTo**** said:
IQ tests are not accurate. They're about as reliable regarding actual intelligence as SAT scores. That being said, poorer people tend to be less informed in general, so any race that has a higher poverty rate in a country will commit more crime and not excel as much academically on average. If you want a more accurate comparison of races, it's better to look at those of similar social and economic standing. At that point, differences aren't very significant.

You ignore the fact that blacks from families making a 100K a year have lower SAT scores on average than whites from families making 30K. Try some other politically correct argument, no matter how false it may be. The differences are quite significant even when economic factors are ignored.
Some facts that darken TDTF's fantasy world.

But there is a major flaw in the thesis that income differences explain the racial gap. Consider these three observable facts from The College Board's 2005 data on the SAT:

• Whites from families with incomes of less than $10,000 had a mean SAT score of 993. This is 129 points higher than the national mean for all blacks.

• Whites from families with incomes below $10,000 had a mean SAT test score that was 61 points higher than blacks whose families had incomes of between $80,000 and $100,000.

• Blacks from families with incomes of more than $100,000 had a mean SAT score that was 85 points below the mean score for whites from all income levels, 139 points below the mean score of whites from families at the same income level, and 10 points below the average score of white students from families whose income was less than $10,000.
Hugo, reading your post makes me SO glad I no longer live in Texas.

The rampant racism against the black man is amazing. There are people who still believe that the black mans DNA differs from the white man because they are more closely related to the Ape. I have actually met men who are in the KKK...all in Texas.

Lets not forget the wonderful good ole boys who grabbed an elderly black man (handicapped too boot) and dragged him to death behind their truck and all for the ****in fun of it...ALL in Texas.

How many black men have been found dead after being seen with a white woman in public...yes, this still happens in Texas.

Your statistics are skewed because anyone who is paying attentions realizes that the very tests you speak about are unfairly prejudiced.
My stats come from Journal of Blacks in Higher Education. Facts are not racist. You can't fix a problem until you address it.
Lethalfind said:
Your statistics are skewed because anyone who is paying attentions realizes that the very tests you speak about are unfairly prejudiced.

You mean like how we give loopholes in education to black people just because their black but still make white kids work as hard as ever? That kind of prejudice? Hell, if we gotta help them that much they MUST be retarded.