Racism: old ideas, new forms of slavery....


_ G O D _

Racist Britain: old cultural ideas,
new forms of slavery and genocide

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The recent anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade has prompted debate about
lessons for today. One lesson is that formal, legal reforms will never bring about
full equality under capitalism. Two hundred years on racism in Britain tragically
continues to thrive; it is continually being reshaped by capitalist imperatives and
bourgeois political concerns. It is a multi-faceted thing, taking economic,
political, social and cultural forms. It is experienced on a daily basis by black and
minority ethnic people in a variety of areas, including employment, public services,
the law and policing, media and politics and in the streets. Mike Rowley presents an
Racism in the labour market
Despite a multitude of initiatives and legal rulings - and the Race Relations Act is
now more than thirty years old - black workers still face significant discrimination
in the jobs market. The government's "Ethnic Minority Employment Task Force" found at
the end of 2006 that the employment rate for black and minority ethnic (BME) workers
is 59.7%, very much less than the figure of 74.7% for the whole population.
All non-white groups except Chinese people have employment rates lower than that for
white people. Black people between 16 and 24 have an employment rate of only 35%, and
are also disadvantaged in full-time education. Officially, just over 7% of black and
minority ethnic workers are reckoned to be unemployed, compared with just over 4% of
white workers. In fact the figures for both groups are almost certainly significantly
higher: the International Labour Organisation (ILO) gives the unemployment rate as
5.2% overall and 11.2% for BME workers. This suggests some racism in the unemployment
system (i.e. unemployed BME workers are encouraged to be "economically inactive" and
not claim benefit).
What is more, black and minority ethnic workers who do find a job are likely to be
paid less than white workers. The Ethnic Minority Employment Task Force found that
average pay for black and minority ethnic workers was ?29 a week less than for white
workers, and for Bangladeshi workers, the worst-off group in this and in many other
ways, it was ?141 a week less, or only five-eighths of the average pay of white
Black and ethnic minority workers, and particularly migrant workers, face limited job
opportunities in a restricted number of sectors. In the 1950s and 60s people from the
Caribbean and the Indian subcontinent were welcomed to Britain to fill a shortage of
unskilled and semi-skilled workers in manufacturing, transportation and the public
services, particularly the NHS.
Today this tendency to sectoral segregation continues, though with the decline of
manufacturing it has shifted somewhat. One in eight Pakistani men in work is a taxi
driver and 52% of male Bangladeshi workers work in the restaurant industry (Labour
Research Department, Black and Ethnic Minority Workers).
Anti-Muslim prejudice is rife among employers, and racism under a flimsy disguise is
often used to deny people jobs (applicants are told they do not "fit in" or "present
an appropriate image to the public"). Women are especially vulnerable. A Fawcett
Society report found that women of Muslim background are stereotyped as being
subservient, unwilling to work with men or concerned above all with having children.
Black Caribbean women are also stereotyped and "pigeonholed into jobs which are not
necessarily the ones they want to do".
At the bottom of the labour market are migrant workers. Many are forced, whatever
their qualifications, to work in unsafe and unpleasant conditions. In the East End of
London the GMB union has discovered sweatshop conditions and workers paid well below
the minimum wage. Some migrant workers are brought into the country by organised
criminals. Their documents are stolen and they are sometimes held against their will
by unscrupulous "gangmasters", who take their meagre wages as "repayment" for giving
the workers jobs.
All of this is possible because the workers can be threatened with reporting to the
police followed by imprisonment and deportation under Britain's draconian immigration
laws. Employers do not have to face the consequences of employing people illegally;
the Home Office sometimes puts pressure on them to sack migrant workers, if they wish
to force a particular national group out of the country (e.g. Iraqi Kurds), but does
not prosecute the employers. Employers are given an excuse to harass and even
arbitrarily sack "foreign-looking" workers because they think the workers may not be
allowed to work in Britain. Racism is thus built into the employment system.
The consequence of all this was seen in 2004 when 21 untrained Chinese workers
drowned in Morecambe Bay while working in grossly unsafe conditions.
Public services
Despite much equality legislation, black and minority ethnic people still face gross
inequalities in the allocation of public services, especially housing. A report from
the Commission for Racial Equality published at the beginning of February 2007 found
that in Wales, none of the twenty-two local authorities had carried out their legal
obligations relating to BME tenants.
Under the Race Relations (Amendment) Act, all councils have a legal responsibility to
carry out race equality impact assessments of their housing policies. According to
figures from the Welsh Assembly, people from ethnic minorities in Wales fare
significantly worse than whites in terms of their quality of housing. There is no
reason to believe the situation to be any different in the rest of Britain.
The overall lack of council housing is a situation exploited by racists. In places
where the BNP has been active, they have spread propaganda about more money being
spent on mainly black and/or Asian estates than on mainly white ones. Where there is
any truth in this (and there usually isn't) it happens because the estates with the
largest numbers of black and Asian people suffer more deprivation and the quality of
the housing is lower than elsewhere, some of it, indeed, unfit for human habitation.
Councils are merely doing their obvious duty in concentrating their meagre resources
on the poorest areas. However, they are unable to improve the only slightly better
housing on other estates at the same time because the "New Labour" government has
kept the Tory policy diverting much of the revenue of publicly-owned housing away
from the Council, and not allowing major expenditure to improve housing unless it is
The government simply ignores the wishes of tenants and the overwhelming evidence
that this approach does not work. Communities are being condemned to poverty and
fragmentation, not by the impact of immigration or policies about multiculturalism
but by politicians' neurotic attachment to neo-liberal economic dogma.
If you are a Roma or other traveller you will face even worse discrimination in
housing provision. Travellers often face eviction from and bulldozing of their homes
by racist councils, even if they own the land on which caravans are parked and homes
are built. Councils, mostly Tory-controlled, simply refuse planning permission to any
application from a traveller, and sometimes attempt to demolish entire sites housing
dozens of families, such as Dale Farm in Basildon and Payne's Lane in Epping Forest.
In other cases, sites owned by Travellers are compulsorily purchased by councils,
supposedly for the Travellers' benefit; but the council then assumes the right to
evict residents at will, allowing them none of the rights other council tenants have.
Migrants are often in an even worse position. They find themselves shunted around
from local authority to local authority, with councils fuelling racism by complaining
about their areas being "dumping grounds" for migrants. A Community Care report found
that grossly substandard accommodation is provided by private companies under
contract to councils or to the Home Office. Worse, there are many cases of migrants
being made destitute under the government's ever more "tough" policies.
Forced destitution - denial even of the right to work, along with all benefits -
forces migrants into the "black economy", doing low-paid or even unpaid jobs which,
as the Morecambe Bay tragedy showed, can be lethal. Unsurprisingly people in this
situation suffer from hunger and both physical and mental health problems, and are
extremely vulnerable to sexual exploitation.
The consequences of this are exemplified by the fate of Israfil Shiri, from Iran, who
killed himself in Manchester in 2003 after being thrown out of his accommodation and
denied any benefits or any treatment for his painful illness. In Belfast, another
destitute migrant who was sleeping rough in winter had to have both feet amputated
because of frostbite.
The numbers of people in this terrible situation are frighteningly large: at the
beginning of 2005, 2,000 asylum seekers were homeless in Birmingham alone.
The law and policing
From the beginning of mass immigration to Britain, people originating outside the
country have been tarred with the brush of terrorism, disorder and a "threat" to "the
British way of life".
One of the main areas in which the law promotes racism is of course immigration.
Britain's first anti-immigrant law, the Aliens Act of 1905, was enacted by the then
Liberal government in response to anti-semitic agitation from a proto-fascist
organisation called the "British Brotherhood". Jewish refugees from the vicious
genocidal pogroms in Russia which formed part of the Tsarist reaction to the 1905
Revolution were denied entry to Britain.
Subsequent laws progressively restricted the rights of immigrants, and even people
with British passports who happened to be black, to move to Britain. With these
discriminatory laws there developed an immigration police with ever-increasing
powers, who increasingly harass not only migrants, but anyone they suspect might be a
migrant - that is, anyone with dark skin. It has not been uncommon for police to stop
all black people in an area and demand "proof" that they are legally entitled to live
in Britain.
Dawn raids are carried out on the homes of migrant families who have been split up
and rushed to "detention centres" (high-security prisons). John Reid began his period
as Home Secretary by accompanying police on one of these raids and gleefully
announcing its "success" to the press - the plunging of another family into misery.
Asylum seekers and other migrants can be arbitrarily detained, just as arbitrarily
released and detained again, as many times and for as long as the government likes.
Some have been in detention for years, having committed no crime and been suspected
of no crime. Many are forcibly deported to unsafe countries where it is known that,
tragically, some have been murdered and/or "disappeared".
Between 1989 and August 2006 according to the Institute of Race Relations, 222 asylum
seekers died either in Britain or trying to get here; 71 killed themselves in this
country; nineteen were murdered by racists - nine of these in the last five years.
The Stephen Lawrence enquiry revealed the "institutional racism" of the police.
Despite the subsequent setting of many targets and so on, it is well-known that
police operations in general still tend to target people who "look foreign". In
2001/02, 12% of stops and searches recorded by the police were of black people (who
constitute 1.8% of the population) and 6% of Asian people (2.7% of the population).
Black people were eight times more likely to be stopped and searched than white
people, and four times more likely to be arrested. In the same year, following the
events of September 11th 2001, stops and searches of Asians increased in London by
40% and in the rest of the country by 16%. The events also seem to have been used as
an excuse for increased targeting of people of African and Afro-Caribbean origin - up
30% in London and 6% in the rest of the country.
Black suspects are less likely to be let off with a caution than white people, and
less likely to be offered bail. They are six times more likely to be sent to prison
than white people and more likely to be imprisoned for a first offence, although the
acquittal rate for black defendants is significantly higher than that for white
defendants, simply because so many cases are brought against them based on little or
no evidence.
In 2002, almost a quarter of prisoners come from an ethnic minority background and
15% of all prisoners were black.
Politicians frequently make statements which can only tacitly encourage racism in the
legal system: witness the call the leaderships of all the three main political
parties in 2006 for "foreign criminals" to be punished twice by being deported or
subjected to special movement restrictions - that is, they should be punished twice
just because they were not born in Britain. Even people of dual nationality who are
British citizens have been deported.
Racism is also reflected in the structure of the legal profession. The higher you go,
the less black and minority ethnic people there are. In 2001 9% of barristers were
from an ethnic minority background, 4.8% of magistrates, just over 1% of QCs (senior
barristers) and less than 1% of circuit judges.
According to the Institute of Race Relations 170 black and minority ethnic people
died in custody in suspicious circumstances between 1978 and 2003; there has been no
appreciable diminution in such incidents over all those years.
Politics and the media
In a capitalist society, the ruling class habitually uses racism in order to divide
the working class. Sometimes it really is as straightforward as that sounds. While
the actions of individuals may be more complex in their motivation, the bourgeois
political system can be pretty crude - their intention to whip up and exploit racism
From the racist panic leading to the Aliens Act of 1905, referred to above (which
took place during a period of renascent union militancy) through Enoch Powell's
infamous "rivers of blood" speech and Norman Tebbit's "cricket test" of "loyalty" to
Britain, to today's more circumspect, but just as corrosive, discourse about Asians
not wanting to participate in "mainstream" British society and being drawn into
terrorism - there is a long and vicious line of deliberately divisive nonsense.
At present media emphasis is on anti-Muslim racism. Repeated media scares about
terrorism have combined with constant new "security crackdowns" announced by
politicians to produce something approaching hysteria about the possibility that
"foreign-looking" people are murderous fanatics.
In 2005 Hazel Blears, then a Home Office minister, excused police targeting of Asians
by saying "Some of our counter-terrorism powers will be disproportionately
experienced by the Muslim community. If a threat is from a particular place, then our
action is going to be targeted at that area".
So people are encouraged to believe, on government authority, that the threat of
terrorism comes not from ultra-Islamist (actually right wing) politics but from "the
Muslim community" in general.
In such an atmosphere, it is not surprising that when BNP canvassers in Dagenham told
people that all asylum-seekers got ?5,000 to buy a car and that many asylum seekers
were "Muslim terrorists", a substantial number of people believed these lies.
According to Understanding Prejudice, a major survey published in 2004 by the gay
rights group Stonewall, two-thirds of white people surveyed admitted to some
prejudice, even if only casual or unintentional, against one or several minority
groups. Even three years after September 11th, the most widespread prejudice was
against Roma and other Travellers, followed by prejudice against asylum seekers.
Anti-Muslim racism has increased still further since that time.
According to the Institute of Race Relations, between January 2001 and August 2006
there were forty-seven murders with a known or suspected racial element. In 2000-01
police recorded 25,100 racist crimes and this is probably just the tip of the
iceberg. It is also clear that not nearly enough is being done to stop this tide of
racist violence.
Mal Hussain, the Asian shopkeeper who suffered fourteen years of racist abuse and
violent attacks in Lancaster, said that "I feel betrayed and failed by the
institutions who are supposed to protect those who suffer in the hands of racists".
Mal Hussain was abused and attacked for being "Asian", for being "Muslim", for being
"black", and for having a white partner.
It is apparent that anti-Muslim racism is an important sense just the new "cutting
edge" of a much older and more comprehensive problem. It is used by racists as both a
chisel to open up more general forms of racism, and a convenient cover for them.
Immediately after the 7th July terrorist atrocity in London, there were racist
attacks on three mosques - and a Sikh gurdwara. As Dave Renton observes, "The new
racism is both old and new. It may take different forms, but it also reinvigorates
older ones"


I intend to last long enough to put out of business all ****-suckers
and other beneficiaries of the institutionalized slavery and genocide.


"The army that will defeat terrorism doesn't wear uniforms, or drive
Humvees, or calls in air-strikes. It doesn't have a high command, or
high security, or a high budget. The army that can defeat terrorism
does battle quietly, clearing minefields and vaccinating children. It
undermines military dictatorships and military lobbyists. It subverts
sweatshops and special interests.Where people feel powerless, it
helps them organize for change, and where people are powerful, it
reminds them of their responsibility." ~~~~ Author Unknown ~~~~
All liberals have is meaningless buzz words. They call people racists.
Whatever. They don't have anything meaningful to say.

by Thomas Jackson
There is surely no nation in the world that holds "racism" in greater
horror than does the United States. Compared to other kinds of
offenses, it is thought to be somehow more reprehensible. The press
and public have become so used to tales of murder, rape, robbery, and
arson, that any but the most spectacular crimes are shrugged off as
part of the inevitable texture of American life. "Racism" is never
shrugged off. For example, when a White Georgetown Law School student
reported earlier this year that black students are not as qualified as
White students, it set off a booming, national controversy about
"racism." If the student had merely murdered someone he would have
attracted far less attention and criticism.

Racism is, indeed, the national obsession. Universities are on full
alert for it, newspapers and politicians denounce it, churches preach
against it, America is said to be racked with it, but just what is

Dictionaries are not much help in understanding what is meant by the
word. They usually define it as the belief that one's own ethnic stock
is superior to others, or as the belief that culture and behavior are
rooted in race. When Americans speak of racism they mean a great deal
more than this. Nevertheless, the dictionary definition of racism is a
clue to understanding what Americans do mean. A peculiarly American
meaning derives from the current dogma that all ethnic stocks are
equal. Despite clear evidence to the contrary, all races have been
declared to be equally talented and hard- working, and anyone who
questions the dogma is thought to be not merely wrong but evil.

The dogma has logical consequences that are profoundly important. If
blacks, for example, are equal to Whites in every way, what accounts
for their poverty, criminality, and dissipation? Since any theory of
racial differences has been outlawed, the only possible explanation
for black failure is White racism. And since blacks are markedly poor,
crime-prone, and dissipated, America must be racked with pervasive
racism. Nothing else could be keeping them in such an abject state.

All public discourse on race today is locked into this rigid logic.
Any explanation for black failure that does not depend on White
wickedness threatens to veer off into the forbidden territory of
racial differences. Thus, even if today's Whites can find in their
hearts no desire to oppress blacks, yesterday's Whites must have
oppressed them. If Whites do not consciously oppress blacks, they must
oppress them Unconsciously. If no obviously racist individuals can be
identified, then societal institutions must be racist. Or, since
blacks are failing so terribly in America, there simply must be
millions of White people we do not know about, who are working day and
night to keep blacks in misery. The dogma of racial equality leaves no
room for an explanation of black failure that is not, in some fashion,
an indictment of White people.

The logical consequences of this are clear. Since we are required to
believe that the only explanation for non-White failure is White
racism, every time a non-White is poor, commits a crime, goes on
welfare, or takes drugs, White society stands accused of yet another
act of racism. All failure or misbehavior by non-Whites is standing
proof that White society is riddled with hatred and bigotry. For
precisely so long as non-Whites fail to succeed in life at exactly the
same level as Whites, Whites will be, by definition, thwarting and
oppressing them. This obligatory pattern of thinking leads to strange
conclusions. First of all, racism is a sin that is thought to be
committed almost exclusively by White people. Indeed, a black
congressman from Chicago, Gus Savage, and Coleman Young, the black
mayor of Detroit, have argued that only White people can be racist.
Likewise, in 1987, the affirmative action officer of the State
Insurance Fund of New York issued a company pamphlet in which she
explained that all Whites are racist and that only Whites can be
racist. How else could the plight of blacks be explained without
flirting with the possibility of racial inequality?

Although some blacks and liberal Whites concede that non-Whites can,
perhaps, be racist, they invariably add that non-Whites have been
forced into it as self-defense because of centuries of White
oppression. What appears to be non-White racism is so understandable
and forgivable that it hardly deserves the name. Thus, whether or not
an act is called racism depends on the race of the racist. What would
surely be called racism when done by Whites is thought to be normal
when done by anyone else. The reverse is also true.

Examples of this sort of double standard are so common, it is almost
tedious to list them: When a White man kills a black man and uses the
word "******" while doing so, there is an enormous media uproar and
the nation beats its collective breast; when members of the black
Yahweh cult carry out ritual murders of random Whites, the media are
silent (see AR of March, 1991). College campuses forbid pejorative
statements about non-Whites as "racist," but ignore scurrilous attacks
on Whites.

At election time, if 60 percent of the White voters vote for a White
candidate, and 95 percent of the black voters vote for the black
opponent, it is Whites who are accused of racial bias. There are 107
"historically black" colleges, whose fundamental blackness must be
preserved in the name of diversity, but all historically White
colleges must be forcibly integrated in the name of... the same thing.
To resist would be racist.

"Black pride" is said to be a wonderful and worthy thing, but anything
that could be construed as an expression of White pride is a form of
hatred. It is perfectly natural for third-world immigrants to expect
school instruction and driver's tests in their own languages, whereas
for native Americans to ask them to learn English is racist.

Blatant anti-White prejudice, in the form of affirmative action, is
now the law of the land. Anything remotely like affirmative action, if
practiced in favor of Whites, would be attacked as despicable

All across the country, black, Hispanic, and Asian clubs and caucuses
are thought to be fine expressions of ethnic solidarity, but any club
or association expressly for Whites is by definition racist. The
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
campaigns openly for black advantage but is a respected "civil rights"
organization. The National Association for the Advancement of White
People (NAAWP) campaigns merely for equal treatment of all races, but
is said to be viciously racist.

At a few college campuses, students opposed to affirmative action have
set up student unions for Whites, analogous to those for blacks,
Hispanics, etc, and have been roundly condemned as racists. Recently,
when the White students at Lowell High School in San Francisco found
themselves to be a minority, they asked for a racially exclusive club
like the ones that non-Whites have. They were turned down in horror.
Indeed, in America today, any club not specifically formed to be a
White enclave but whose members simply happen all to be White is
branded as racist.

Today, one of the favorite slogans that define the asymmetric quality
of American racism is "celebration of diversity." It has begun to dawn
on a few people that "diversity" is always achieved at the expense of
Whites (and sometimes men), and never the other way around. No one
proposes that Howard University be made more diverse by admitting
Whites, Hispanics, or Asians. No one ever suggests that National
Hispanic University in San Jose (CA) would benefit from the diversity
of having non-Hispanics on campus. No one suggests that the Black
Congressional Caucus or the executive ranks of the NAACP or the
Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund suffer from a lack
of diversity. Somehow, it is perfectly legitimate for them to
celebrate homogeneity. And yet any all-White group - a company, a
town, a school, a club, a neighborhood - is thought to suffer from a
crippling lack of diversity that must be remedied as quickly as
possible. Only when Whites have been reduced to a minority has
"diversity" been achieved.

Let us put it bluntly: To "celebrate" or "embrace" diversity, as we
are so often asked to do, is no different from deploring an excess of
Whites. In fact, the entire nation is thought to suffer from an excess
of Whites. Our current immigration policies are structured so that
approximately 90 percent of our annual 800,000 legal immigrants are
non-White. The several million illegal immigrants that enter the
country every year are virtually all non-White. It would be racist not
to be grateful for this laudable contribution to "diversity." It is,
of course, only White nations that are called upon to practice this
kind of "diversity." It is almost criminal to imagine a nation of any
other race countenancing blatant dispossession of this kind.

What if the United States were pouring its poorest, least educated
citizens across the border into Mexico? Could anyone be fooled into
thinking that Mexico was being "culturally enriched?" What if the
state of Chihuahua were losing its majority population to poor Whites
who demanded that schools be taught in English, who insisted on
celebrating the Fourth of July, who demanded the right to vote even if
they weren't citizens, who clamored for "affirmative action" in jobs
and schooling?

Would Mexico - or any other non-White nation - tolerate this kind of
cultural and demographic depredation? Of course not. Yet White
Americans are supposed to look upon the flood of Hispanics and Asians
entering their country as a priceless cultural gift. They are supposed
to "celebrate" their own loss of influence, their own dwindling
numbers, their own dispossession, for to do otherwise would be
hopelessly racist.

There is another curious asymmetry about American racism. When non-
Whites advance their own racial purposes, no one ever accuses them of
"hating" another group. Blacks can join "civil rights" groups and
Hispanics can be activists without fear of being branded as bigots and
hate mongers. They can agitate openly for racial preferences that can
come only at the expense of whites. They can demand preferential
treatment of all kinds without anyone ever suggesting that they are

Whites, on the other hand, need only express their opposition to
affirmative action to be called haters. They need only subject racial
policies that are clearly prejudicial to themselves to be called
racists. Should they actually go so far as to say that they prefer the
company of their own kind, that they wish to be left alone to enjoy
the fruits of their European heritage, they are irredeemably wicked
and hateful.

Here, then is the final, baffling inconsistency about American race
relations. All non-whites are allowed to prefer the company of their
own kind, to think of themselves as groups with interests distinct
from those of the whole, and to work openly for group advantage. None
of this is thought to be racist. At the same time, whites must also
champion the racial interests of non-whites. They must sacrifice their
own future on the altar of "diversity" and cooperate in their own
dispossession. They are to encourage, even to subsidize, the
displacement of a European people and culture by alien peoples and
cultures. To put it in the simplest possible terms, White people are
cheerfully to slaughter their own society, to commit racial and
cultural suicide. To refuse to do so would be racism.

Of course, the entire non-white enterprise in the United States is
perfectly natural and healthy. Nothing could be more natural than to
love one's people and to hope that it should flourish. Filipinos and
El Salvadorans are doubtless astonished to discover that simply by
setting foot in the United States they are entitled to affirmative
action preferences over native-born whites, but can they be blamed for
accepting them? Is it surprising that they should want their
languages, their cultures, their brothers and sisters to take
possession and put their mark indelibly on the land? If the once-great
people of a once-great nation is bent upon self-destruction and is
prepared to hand over land and power to whomever shows up and asks for
it, why should Mexicans and Cambodians complain?

No, it is the White enterprise in the United States that is unnatural,
unhealthy, and without historical precedent. Whites have let
themselves be convinced that it is racist merely to object to
dispossession, much less to work for their own interests. Never in the
history of the world has a dominant people thrown open the gates to
strangers, and poured out its wealth to aliens. Never before has a
people been fooled into thinking that there was virtue or nobility in
surrendering its heritage, and giving away to others its place in
history. Of all the races in America, only whites have been tricked
into thinking that a preference for one's own kind is racism. Only
whites are ever told that a love for their own people is somehow
"hatred" of others. All healthy people prefer the company of their own
kind, and it has nothing to do with hatred. All men love their
families more than their neighbors, but this does not mean that they
hate their neighbors. Whites who love their racial family need bear no
ill will towards non-whites. They only wish to be left alone to
participate in the unfolding of their racial and cultural destinies.

What whites in America are being asked to do is therefore utterly
unnatural. They are being asked to devote themselves to the interests
of other races and to ignore the interests of their own. This is like
asking a man to forsake his own children and love the children of his
neighbors, since to do otherwise would be "racist."

What then, is "racism?" It is considerably more than any dictionary is
likely to say. It is any opposition by whites to official policies of
racial preference for non-whites. It is any preference by whites for
their own people and culture. It is any resistance by whites to the
idea of becoming a minority people. It is any unwillingness to be
pushed aside. It is, in short, any of the normal aspirations of
people-hood that have defined nations since the beginning of history -
but only so long as the aspirations are those of whites.

http://www.nationalvanguard.org http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.ihr.org/

http://wsi.matriots.com/jews.html http://www.nsm88.com/
Gee, somebody listened to us on Nov.. 7th.

How'd you do?

"Topaz" <mars1933@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> All liberals have is meaningless buzz words. They call people racists.
> Whatever. They don't have anything meaningful to say.
> by Thomas Jackson
> There is surely no nation in the world that holds "racism" in greater
> horror than does the United States. Compared to other kinds of
> offenses, it is thought to be somehow more reprehensible. The press
> and public have become so used to tales of murder, rape, robbery, and
> arson, that any but the most spectacular crimes are shrugged off as
> part of the inevitable texture of American life. "Racism" is never
> shrugged off. For example, when a White Georgetown Law School student
> reported earlier this year that black students are not as qualified as
> White students, it set off a booming, national controversy about
> "racism." If the student had merely murdered someone he would have
> attracted far less attention and criticism.
> Racism is, indeed, the national obsession. Universities are on full
> alert for it, newspapers and politicians denounce it, churches preach
> against it, America is said to be racked with it, but just what is
> racism?
> Dictionaries are not much help in understanding what is meant by the
> word. They usually define it as the belief that one's own ethnic stock
> is superior to others, or as the belief that culture and behavior are
> rooted in race. When Americans speak of racism they mean a great deal
> more than this. Nevertheless, the dictionary definition of racism is a
> clue to understanding what Americans do mean. A peculiarly American
> meaning derives from the current dogma that all ethnic stocks are
> equal. Despite clear evidence to the contrary, all races have been
> declared to be equally talented and hard- working, and anyone who
> questions the dogma is thought to be not merely wrong but evil.
> The dogma has logical consequences that are profoundly important. If
> blacks, for example, are equal to Whites in every way, what accounts
> for their poverty, criminality, and dissipation? Since any theory of
> racial differences has been outlawed, the only possible explanation
> for black failure is White racism. And since blacks are markedly poor,
> crime-prone, and dissipated, America must be racked with pervasive
> racism. Nothing else could be keeping them in such an abject state.
> All public discourse on race today is locked into this rigid logic.
> Any explanation for black failure that does not depend on White
> wickedness threatens to veer off into the forbidden territory of
> racial differences. Thus, even if today's Whites can find in their
> hearts no desire to oppress blacks, yesterday's Whites must have
> oppressed them. If Whites do not consciously oppress blacks, they must
> oppress them Unconsciously. If no obviously racist individuals can be
> identified, then societal institutions must be racist. Or, since
> blacks are failing so terribly in America, there simply must be
> millions of White people we do not know about, who are working day and
> night to keep blacks in misery. The dogma of racial equality leaves no
> room for an explanation of black failure that is not, in some fashion,
> an indictment of White people.
> The logical consequences of this are clear. Since we are required to
> believe that the only explanation for non-White failure is White
> racism, every time a non-White is poor, commits a crime, goes on
> welfare, or takes drugs, White society stands accused of yet another
> act of racism. All failure or misbehavior by non-Whites is standing
> proof that White society is riddled with hatred and bigotry. For
> precisely so long as non-Whites fail to succeed in life at exactly the
> same level as Whites, Whites will be, by definition, thwarting and
> oppressing them. This obligatory pattern of thinking leads to strange
> conclusions. First of all, racism is a sin that is thought to be
> committed almost exclusively by White people. Indeed, a black
> congressman from Chicago, Gus Savage, and Coleman Young, the black
> mayor of Detroit, have argued that only White people can be racist.
> Likewise, in 1987, the affirmative action officer of the State
> Insurance Fund of New York issued a company pamphlet in which she
> explained that all Whites are racist and that only Whites can be
> racist. How else could the plight of blacks be explained without
> flirting with the possibility of racial inequality?
> Although some blacks and liberal Whites concede that non-Whites can,
> perhaps, be racist, they invariably add that non-Whites have been
> forced into it as self-defense because of centuries of White
> oppression. What appears to be non-White racism is so understandable
> and forgivable that it hardly deserves the name. Thus, whether or not
> an act is called racism depends on the race of the racist. What would
> surely be called racism when done by Whites is thought to be normal
> when done by anyone else. The reverse is also true.
> Examples of this sort of double standard are so common, it is almost
> tedious to list them: When a White man kills a black man and uses the
> word "******" while doing so, there is an enormous media uproar and
> the nation beats its collective breast; when members of the black
> Yahweh cult carry out ritual murders of random Whites, the media are
> silent (see AR of March, 1991). College campuses forbid pejorative
> statements about non-Whites as "racist," but ignore scurrilous attacks
> on Whites.
> At election time, if 60 percent of the White voters vote for a White
> candidate, and 95 percent of the black voters vote for the black
> opponent, it is Whites who are accused of racial bias. There are 107
> "historically black" colleges, whose fundamental blackness must be
> preserved in the name of diversity, but all historically White
> colleges must be forcibly integrated in the name of... the same thing.
> To resist would be racist.
> "Black pride" is said to be a wonderful and worthy thing, but anything
> that could be construed as an expression of White pride is a form of
> hatred. It is perfectly natural for third-world immigrants to expect
> school instruction and driver's tests in their own languages, whereas
> for native Americans to ask them to learn English is racist.
> Blatant anti-White prejudice, in the form of affirmative action, is
> now the law of the land. Anything remotely like affirmative action, if
> practiced in favor of Whites, would be attacked as despicable
> favoritism.
> All across the country, black, Hispanic, and Asian clubs and caucuses
> are thought to be fine expressions of ethnic solidarity, but any club
> or association expressly for Whites is by definition racist. The
> National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
> campaigns openly for black advantage but is a respected "civil rights"
> organization. The National Association for the Advancement of White
> People (NAAWP) campaigns merely for equal treatment of all races, but
> is said to be viciously racist.
> At a few college campuses, students opposed to affirmative action have
> set up student unions for Whites, analogous to those for blacks,
> Hispanics, etc, and have been roundly condemned as racists. Recently,
> when the White students at Lowell High School in San Francisco found
> themselves to be a minority, they asked for a racially exclusive club
> like the ones that non-Whites have. They were turned down in horror.
> Indeed, in America today, any club not specifically formed to be a
> White enclave but whose members simply happen all to be White is
> branded as racist.
> Today, one of the favorite slogans that define the asymmetric quality
> of American racism is "celebration of diversity." It has begun to dawn
> on a few people that "diversity" is always achieved at the expense of
> Whites (and sometimes men), and never the other way around. No one
> proposes that Howard University be made more diverse by admitting
> Whites, Hispanics, or Asians. No one ever suggests that National
> Hispanic University in San Jose (CA) would benefit from the diversity
> of having non-Hispanics on campus. No one suggests that the Black
> Congressional Caucus or the executive ranks of the NAACP or the
> Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund suffer from a lack
> of diversity. Somehow, it is perfectly legitimate for them to
> celebrate homogeneity. And yet any all-White group - a company, a
> town, a school, a club, a neighborhood - is thought to suffer from a
> crippling lack of diversity that must be remedied as quickly as
> possible. Only when Whites have been reduced to a minority has
> "diversity" been achieved.
> Let us put it bluntly: To "celebrate" or "embrace" diversity, as we
> are so often asked to do, is no different from deploring an excess of
> Whites. In fact, the entire nation is thought to suffer from an excess
> of Whites. Our current immigration policies are structured so that
> approximately 90 percent of our annual 800,000 legal immigrants are
> non-White. The several million illegal immigrants that enter the
> country every year are virtually all non-White. It would be racist not
> to be grateful for this laudable contribution to "diversity." It is,
> of course, only White nations that are called upon to practice this
> kind of "diversity." It is almost criminal to imagine a nation of any
> other race countenancing blatant dispossession of this kind.
> What if the United States were pouring its poorest, least educated
> citizens across the border into Mexico? Could anyone be fooled into
> thinking that Mexico was being "culturally enriched?" What if the
> state of Chihuahua were losing its majority population to poor Whites
> who demanded that schools be taught in English, who insisted on
> celebrating the Fourth of July, who demanded the right to vote even if
> they weren't citizens, who clamored for "affirmative action" in jobs
> and schooling?
> Would Mexico - or any other non-White nation - tolerate this kind of
> cultural and demographic depredation? Of course not. Yet White
> Americans are supposed to look upon the flood of Hispanics and Asians
> entering their country as a priceless cultural gift. They are supposed
> to "celebrate" their own loss of influence, their own dwindling
> numbers, their own dispossession, for to do otherwise would be
> hopelessly racist.
> There is another curious asymmetry about American racism. When non-
> Whites advance their own racial purposes, no one ever accuses them of
> "hating" another group. Blacks can join "civil rights" groups and
> Hispanics can be activists without fear of being branded as bigots and
> hate mongers. They can agitate openly for racial preferences that can
> come only at the expense of whites. They can demand preferential
> treatment of all kinds without anyone ever suggesting that they are
> "anti-white."
> Whites, on the other hand, need only express their opposition to
> affirmative action to be called haters. They need only subject racial
> policies that are clearly prejudicial to themselves to be called
> racists. Should they actually go so far as to say that they prefer the
> company of their own kind, that they wish to be left alone to enjoy
> the fruits of their European heritage, they are irredeemably wicked
> and hateful.
> Here, then is the final, baffling inconsistency about American race
> relations. All non-whites are allowed to prefer the company of their
> own kind, to think of themselves as groups with interests distinct
> from those of the whole, and to work openly for group advantage. None
> of this is thought to be racist. At the same time, whites must also
> champion the racial interests of non-whites. They must sacrifice their
> own future on the altar of "diversity" and cooperate in their own
> dispossession. They are to encourage, even to subsidize, the
> displacement of a European people and culture by alien peoples and
> cultures. To put it in the simplest possible terms, White people are
> cheerfully to slaughter their own society, to commit racial and
> cultural suicide. To refuse to do so would be racism.
> Of course, the entire non-white enterprise in the United States is
> perfectly natural and healthy. Nothing could be more natural than to
> love one's people and to hope that it should flourish. Filipinos and
> El Salvadorans are doubtless astonished to discover that simply by
> setting foot in the United States they are entitled to affirmative
> action preferences over native-born whites, but can they be blamed for
> accepting them? Is it surprising that they should want their
> languages, their cultures, their brothers and sisters to take
> possession and put their mark indelibly on the land? If the once-great
> people of a once-great nation is bent upon self-destruction and is
> prepared to hand over land and power to whomever shows up and asks for
> it, why should Mexicans and Cambodians complain?
> No, it is the White enterprise in the United States that is unnatural,
> unhealthy, and without historical precedent. Whites have let
> themselves be convinced that it is racist merely to object to
> dispossession, much less to work for their own interests. Never in the
> history of the world has a dominant people thrown open the gates to
> strangers, and poured out its wealth to aliens. Never before has a
> people been fooled into thinking that there was virtue or nobility in
> surrendering its heritage, and giving away to others its place in
> history. Of all the races in America, only whites have been tricked
> into thinking that a preference for one's own kind is racism. Only
> whites are ever told that a love for their own people is somehow
> "hatred" of others. All healthy people prefer the company of their own
> kind, and it has nothing to do with hatred. All men love their
> families more than their neighbors, but this does not mean that they
> hate their neighbors. Whites who love their racial family need bear no
> ill will towards non-whites. They only wish to be left alone to
> participate in the unfolding of their racial and cultural destinies.
> What whites in America are being asked to do is therefore utterly
> unnatural. They are being asked to devote themselves to the interests
> of other races and to ignore the interests of their own. This is like
> asking a man to forsake his own children and love the children of his
> neighbors, since to do otherwise would be "racist."
> What then, is "racism?" It is considerably more than any dictionary is
> likely to say. It is any opposition by whites to official policies of
> racial preference for non-whites. It is any preference by whites for
> their own people and culture. It is any resistance by whites to the
> idea of becoming a minority people. It is any unwillingness to be
> pushed aside. It is, in short, any of the normal aspirations of
> people-hood that have defined nations since the beginning of history -
> but only so long as the aspirations are those of whites.
> http://www.nationalvanguard.org http://www.natvan.com
> http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.ihr.org/
> http://wsi.matriots.com/jews.html http://www.nsm88.com/
On Sun, 8 Apr 2007 18:42:29 -0400, "robw" <noddy093@comcast.net>

>Gee, somebody listened to us on Nov.. 7th.
>How'd you do?

"BOTH Republicans AND Democrats are hypocrites and cowards, because
both have sold out America and the American gross domestic product
(GDP) to Israel. The United States does not exist anymore as a
sovereign entity and all our energy, all our societal efforts are
dedicated to supporting Israel first, Israel second, and Israel third.
America is a Jew-ocracy that is run for the Jews, by the Jews, and of
the Jews, because America is a Jewish owned corporation, not a
"democracy." Votes don't matter much here in the USA because
Washington runs on money, not on votes, and Democratic presidential
candidate Senator Hillary Clinton is just as sold out to the Israeli
lobby, AIPAC (the America Israel Public Affairs Committee), as
Republican presidential candidate Senator Bill Frist. Former
president Bill Clinton was sold out, Jimmy Carter was sold out and
later admitted it after he left office, Ronald Reagan was sold out,
all American presidents were sold out going back to JFK