

john f winston

Subject: Did The Indians Come Here By Air? May 13, 2007.

Here are some people who talk about how the American Indians got here.



Atlantis Power Grid
13th Location Discovered
by Doug Yur-hey, Feb 27, 2007

Last Updated: Friday, March 02, 2007 11:14:10 PM
Doug Yurc-ey
Atlantis was a continent in the Atlantic Ocean and connected to 12
other colonies that formed a perfect GRID around the Earth. We know
this now because of the long-awaited, (by a handful of people) new
discovery in Canada. Precisely where a map of Atlantis from 1974
predicted SOMETHING would be found, something HAS been found by Google
Earth. Here are the coordinates of a Nazca-like (image) INDIAN seen
from high in the air: 50 degrees 0'38.20" N 110 degrees 6'48.32" W.
Use Google Earth yourself to zoom down on the area and take your own
photos! At the end of the article are more downloaded pictures of the
Canadian terrain that appears as an INDIAN. After examining details of
the image, the conclusions are obvious. The copper colored hills, like
an Indian Head penny, were shaped and not natural formations. What is
an Indian doing in Canada?
There are no pyramids, monoliths, stone circles, petroglyphs, mounds
or ancient burials in Canada. But, there SHOULD be evidence of early
Indians in the vast northern country. If Indians walked to the Americas
from Asia over a land-bridge at the Bering Strait, why is there no trace
of prehistoric ruins of any kind in Canada? This mystery is huge and
ignored by archeologists and educators. The Indian-absence means their
entire picture of the past is wrong and backwards!
Thor Heyerdaul did not prove Indians arrived by boat. His better
built, second attempt at proving an obsolete misconception sank with the
Ra II.
The farther back we go in time, the MORE advanced technically (and
mentally) were the Indian civilizations. We know this by 'reading' or
studying the physical stonework, what ruins they left behind. The
Anastasi, Hopi and Cahokia Mound-Builders were more advanced than the
later Indians of the Old West. The Aztec Stone-Builders were more
advanced than the great earth-movers, the Anastasi/Cahokians. The Maya
were superior to the Aztec. The Toltec Age came before the Maya and
they were greater than the Maya. Toltecs' ancestors were the Inca;
they built impossible stonework on top of the Andes Mountains! Incas
farmed on mountaintops many thousands of years ago where no one can
live today. The Pre-Inca constructed stonework 'impossible' by
present-day standards. They had no hieroglyphs because of the
unbelievable reason that the PRE-INCA HAD NO NEED for a written or
spoken language! (ps-chic-society) The same can be said for the
Pre-Egyptians an ocean away. They were the survivors of, yet another,
superior and previous A-e...the Ag- of Atlantis.


Canada should be the ancient home of the Inca with cut, trimmed and
transported monoliths everywhere. Canadian provinces should contain
MORE standing stones than England and northern France. Mountain ruins
of intricately cut (lasered) and moved (anti-gravitated) blocks that
cannot be duplicated by today's state-of-the-art technology...as they
exist in South and Central America...should cover the Canadian
hillsides. Imagine what Canada SHOULD be if history were correct:
Snow-covered, massive, stone monoliths that defy our wildest dreams
among great forests that have grown over the millennia. That is not the
case; there is not even an arrowhead in Canada. Canada tells us
history is wrong.

A truer picture of history is a NORTHWARD migration of Indian from
the Peruvian Andes...to Central American pyramid-builders and, down
the tech-spiral but geographically 'up' the map, to the simpler (less
advanced) Old West Indians.
The movement of Indian Civilizations over time was NORTH, not south
as schoolbooks report. Indians also became LESS advanced over time.
Teepee Indians had pyramid-building ancestors. This is the exact
opposite of the always-progressing, technical curve that we are
traditionally taught.
Examine the 13 locations of the ATLANTIS POWER GRID. The article
will briefly explore the most obscure of these Cradles of
Civilization. Humanity flourished in prehistoric times around these
culture-centers; upon each 'node' of the GRID; the same mysteries
and parallels occurred at all of the 13 locations.
Here is another major mystery of multiple origin-areas for the
human r-ce.
There should be ONE starting point, not MANY; not on tops of the
Andes, on remote Easter Island; in the middle of the Sahara Desert;
Japan; Europe; far away Australia; deepest Africa in Zimbabwe;
India; Russia; Brazilian jungles and now Canada? How did humans get
everywhere on the planet, even to isolated regions? The same building
techniques, great knowledge of math and astronomy, same burials,
beliefs...and the same story of an advanced civilization instantly
appeared and mysteriously disappeared at the GRID positions, should
SHOCK investigators! Instead, traditional researchers ignore the
forest for the trees. Pyramids were not tombs. Ancient (impossible)
stonework functioned as 'utility poles' in a TESLA-based system,
rather than idols to pagan g-ds.
If our ancestors were primitive, the titanic stonework of the past
(pyramids, monoliths, great statues, etc.) would not exist. The Stone
Age was not a primitive, caveman period; it was an age where human
go-s built upon the Earth.
If traditions were correct, then the only evidence of the distant
past would be unearthed in the fossil record. There would be
fossilized thatched roofs, simple implements and the most basic of
things. Instead, we discover the Power System of the G-ds in
impossible stonework in impossible places!
The Cradles of Civilization were built on a global grid. The
significance of this geographical FACT is the 12 Atlantean colonies
were all connected to the main Power-Station in the Atlantic. Global
grids (as they would in today's wired world) exist IN A PATTERN,
connected in a worldwide system. If we observe a repeating, global
pattern or network around the entire planet...we are forced to
conclude a high-tech 'intelligence' was the architect. In the case
of a technical 'Eden,' that prehistoric empire was Atlantis. Atlantis
was not a legend, but the ancestors of the Pre-Egyptians and

The discovery of the 12th LOCATION ON THE GRID happened in the fall
of 2003.
'WASHINGTON, September 18, 2003 - Newly discovered traces of ancient
roads, bridges and plazas in Brazil's tropical forest may help dispel
the once-popular impression of an 'untouched' Amazon before the
Europeans' arrival. In southern Brazil, archeologists have found
the remains of a NETWORK or urban communities that apparently
hosted a population many thousands strong. Reporting their
findings in the journal SCIENCE, published by AAAS, the science
society, the researchers say the people who dwelled there
dramatically changed their local landscape.'

Michael Hecke-berger of the University of Florida and his
colleagues were 'baffled' at the discovery. 'There was this
cherished image that the Amazon was pure nature...archeologists
are compelled to revise their views of ancient Brazil.'
The 1974 MAP of 13 positions, in a pattern, predicted such a
discovery would happen in Brazil and it did. In an area that was
long thought to be too hostile for a human city, there were
organized roads and parks 'in grid-like patterns.'
Ancient Amazons managed large areas and were far more advanced
than previously thought.

The 11th LOCATION ON THE GRID was discovered in 1985 by Kihachiro
Ara-ake under the waters of the South China Sea and called
'Yonaguni.' Beautiful blue/green photos of the quasi-pyramid
structure can be downloaded off the Internet. The monument has
wide terraces, ramps and large steps. Japanese scientists have
documented marks on the stones that indicate they were hewn. A
stairway carved into the gigantic rock on the ocean floor proves
the structure was not natural.

Lemuria was an Asian Empire BEFORE Atlantis that primarily
dominated the Pacific Ocean area. It is reasonable to assume the
Asian Culture reformed as an Atlantean outpost around the
Japanese sub-station. Yonaguni, just southwest of Japan, is
physical evidence IN THE ANTICIPATED AREA of (again) an advanced
race of Stone-Builders. Asians are not Indians, yet they may have
utilized the World Wireless location predicted for Japan.

The 10th LOCATION ON THE GRID is in prehistoric Russia. There are
ancient Russian megaliths! They, too, were stone-cutters and
transporters of many tons of megalithic rock. Again we see a
culture, thousands of miles away from the jungles of Central
America, constructing massive totems. Russian megaliths resemble
the Mayan stele. Like the standing stones of England and Australia,
the harsh lands of the Soviets also contain similar monuments. In
the Caucasian Mountains and all around the Bl-ck Sea, there are
'dolmens.' They are early, bizarre, stone dwellings. Some stand
alone, some are in groups (in patterns). There are similar
structures in North Europe and in India.
They were not primitive. Sophisticated technicians, similar to
Egyptian artisanship, had to have produced these buildings. Were
they prehistoric bo-b shelters?

Part 1.

John Winston. johnfw@mlode.com