random fanfic, no revelence, no political correctness, but that what makes it so fun!

what happens here is me and my friend sarah are on email messing around and i complain about '>>>>' appearing on my other fanfic when it got sent through hotmail, and having to delete them all, this is the random fanfic that occurs as a result, me and sarah write this through an email so plz excuse the 'meet you a maths bit', we had to keep in the convo or you wouldn't get the fanfic, hehehehe, well it's completed hope you like the following randomness, if not, do long maltipulation or something, love kelly kels (and sarah) p.s if you don't like fart jokes, look away now!


sarah is 'darkness ravyn' on this forum

kelly (me) aka kels is 'psychobunnyyel-yor'

oh and something else if you like 'the linkins' you might like this!

please reveiw, *does puppy-dog eyes*


Kelly ya ***** XD

Hey hey hun! I is now in IT…already bored…I NEED entertainment! EEEEEEK! Lalalala lol


Modifacating fanfic, wait a sec hunny


All these ******* arrow thingies are annoying me

Attack of the arrow thingies *runnnnnn!*

Argh! It got me it got meheeeee….

I’ll save ya Kels! Dum dum dummmmm! Lol

*Attacks arrow thingies and does a Kelly Notte* HI-YA!!!!

Yay Kelly notterisms!

*does a chester*

Hey honey…want see my chazisms…I want me to give you a chazism?

*Kelly notte* HI-YA!

*chester* WHIMPER…OWIE….


*Ravyn* Go Kels…Go Kels…hehehe

*Mike* he deserved it… *grin*

*Ravyn* aw…my Mikey *huggles*

*chester* gang bang!

“Kelly* ‘wack’ dirty boy ‘slap!’

*chester* ouch…okay…och…okay…ow!

*kagome* ouswari!

*Chester* hey, wrong fan fiction!

*kagome* Ouswari!

*chester* ARGFH! How did you did that?!!?!?

*Kelly* thanks kagome!

*kagome* Ouswari

*Kelly* argh! You *****! *gets up vengefully* No one ouswari’s notters and gets away with it!

*kagome* Argh! Mercy mercy!

*Kelly* mercy is for the weak mwhahahahaha!

*chester* whimpers…okay…I’m shittin’ my pants here

*mike* RUNAWAY!


*mike* wrong runaway **** features!


*Ravyn* Kels has lost it…

*Inuyasha* Kagome!

*Mike* What the **** is going on?!

*Ravyn* This is starting to scare me…

*Mike* I’m already scared…

*Kagome* OSUWARI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Inuyasha, Kels, Chester* OW!! WILL YOU STOP THAT?!

*Kagome* ‘Innocent’…I didn’t do nothing…

*Kelly* ‘SLAP!’ *****!

*CHESTER* Kelly calm down

*inuyasha* this bites

*Kagome* ouswari!

*chester, kels, mike, inu and ravyn* ARGH WTF!

*Kagome* I have all power over you mwhahahaha

*joe* hey kiddarinos

*kagome* OUSWARI!

*Joe* pffftttt…

*Kagome* No! NOOOOOO! My eyes they burnnnnnn!

*Joe* fart power!!! The farts of froggiedom!

*Ravyn* Ow…that hurt…EW! JOE!!!!

*Joe* Don’t you complain! I saved your *****! *heroic pose*

*Chester* But who’s going to save yours frog ******?!

*Kagome* OSUWARI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Chester, Kels, Mike, Inu, Ravyn* OWW! *****!

*Joe* Prrfftt!

*Chester, Kels, Mike, Inu, Ravyn to Kagome* STOP MAKING HIM FART!!!!!!!

*Joe* Gas chamber! *giggle*


*Kelly* slaps joe with a salmon

*joe* what did’ya do that for *sulk*

*Kelly* stop farting!

*chester* prffttt…

*Kelly* GRRRR!

*joe* yeah! Go chester! Pfffttt….

*chester* FART PARTY! *GRINS*

*Joe* a frat party fart party

*chester* yayayayayayay!


*Ravyn* Just get us the **** out of here…*gag*

*Mike* Will you stop farting?!

*Chester* It’s healthy! Sniff it up ladies and gents!

*Mike* Sick *******…

*Chester* Ah! Smells like a fresh summer morning!

*Mike* Smells like ****…

*Chester* A fresh summer morning…with genuine cowpats!


*kagome* that is an unholy smell!

*Chester* wanna see my unholy things

*Kagome* OSWARI!

*chester* Okay…ow…

*Mike* pffffttt….

*Ravyn* MICHEAL!

*mike* it was an accident! *blushes

*Kelly* prffftt…


*ravyn* Prftttt….

*all guys gasp* RAVYN?!

*joe* I gave you all fart disease MWHAHAHAHA!

*chester* what heart disease…prffttttt…..

*joe*…prfftt…tttt….ttt…..no FART disease

*Chester* ew wet one!

*kagome* prfttttt.t..t.tt.tttt.t.t.t….t

*Chester* *giggle* contagious

*all together* PRFTTTTTTTT!

*Chester* It’s like when someone yawns…one person yawns and soon everyone’s yawning! It’s catching! Ahh! Prrfftt..hehehe

*Joe* Hehehe, we’re destroying the O-Zone…

*Chester* *in reporter type voice* News just in, mysterious gasses just broke a large hole in the O-Zone…Mr Hahn reports…

*Joe* Thank you Bennito! No word yet on where the mysterious gasses have come from or what they are…but experts say there is a distinct odour of ****…back to Chazy ma Chaz!

*Ravyn* They are starting to worry me…

*Mike* They have always worried me…

(coming to maths yet, I’ll meet u compoopa suite, if not seeya there)

*chester* hey inuyahsa haven’t farted yet

*inu* I don’t fart

*chester* what are you like have no ***?

*inu* I DON’T fart!

*chester* *pulls inu’s finger*

*inu* prftttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt…………………….t.t.t.ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt…………….ttt…

*Kelly* poor o-zone layer *sob*

*inu* ……ftttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt…

*chester* wow

*inu* …..fttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt…..etc…………..ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt…………

*chester* *wafting his nose* wooo-weee!

*Mike* Nooooo….my pants are melting….

*ravyn* ouh! *takes closer look*

*inu* fttttttt………….fttttttt…….ttttt…..ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt……tt.t.t.t.tttttttttttttttttttttttt………..

*joe* I have been out farted nooooo!

*inu* ……………………………fttt………etc…..etc….

*chester* *coughs* ok----ay….

*Inuyasha* rrrrfffftttt…….etc…….

*Joe* Stop already!!!!

*Kagome* 0_0

*Chester* Will this ever end?!

*Joe* Find out next time on…the Linkins!

*Chester* Shut it frog ******!

*Inu* ffffttt….*blush* okay…I stop...

*Mike* cough…someone open a window!

*Joe* If the O-Zone layer wasn’t wrecked before, I would say that it is now…


*chester* look at meeeeee…. Pftttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt…………….

*all in unison* Prrftttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt……………………….

*ravyn* guys by my calculations the world is going to explode as it’s over flooded with methane!

*chester* *shrug* neh…I’m 27….i’ve had a good run…

*ravyn* no more the world has had as much as it can take! *shakes chester*

*mike* yeah ches, quit killing everything!

*chester* blow me! I can kill anything I want!

*kagome*NO Chester NO!

*chester* I will!

*Joe* This isn’t the linkins, hmm…I’m in the wrong fan fiction!

*Mike* duck and cover!

*Kelly* runnnnnnnnn!

*Inu* where the **** can we run?!!?!?!?!

*Chester* mwhahahaha bye mortals pfrttttttttttttttttttttttttt….


The world explodes

*mike floats in space arms folded* Nice going chester

*Kelly* where are we going to live?!?!?

*chester* well mars is just around the corner!

*ravyn* this makes no sense

*joe* I want my froggies! *sob*

*chester*prftttttttttttttttttt….*propels himself by fart*

*kagome* why do men exsist?!

*The guys* HEY!!!

*kagome* OUSWARI!

The end…

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