Randy Goes To Court!


Pastor Dave

Today you go on trial, son. Complete with the whole
courtroom drama, a prosecutor and you the witness!

But first, I'll make a couple of comments in response
to your false claim.

>Thanks for your vicarious confession.

You said this after I pointed out something that you did,
which of course, you snipped.

You see Randy, this is one of those things that just flat out
makes you look like an idiot. You have been told this
repeatedly. But yet you still seem to think that if someone
proves that you were deceitful, that you can just say that
and then a magic wand waves and it makes the other
person guilty of your sin. What?!? Now seriously, how
do you propose that I will look at you with anything but
trying to hold back the laughter, when you say something
this stupid?!? You are caught snipping words and/or
twisting someone's words and quoting them out of
context, to make it appear as if they said the opposite
of what they said. I point it out and your response is,
"Thank you for your vicarious confession." ?!?!?! WHAT???
RIDICULOUS!!! It is about as bad as Chuck's, "I guess
I hit a nerve" claim, when he makes up something and
then pretends he's being honest while accusing me of it.

But hey, you're the smart one and I'm not according to you,
so let's try it your way. Since were dealing with words and
in a sense transcripts of things that we have said and done
and that others have said prove our guilt, we are in a
fashion, proceeding in a legal manner, although you tend
to violate all of the rules and even common courtesy.
But at least those of us who are willing to deal with these
things head on, instead of snipping them as you do are.

So let's picture ourselves in a court room and since you said
it was actually me "vicariously confessing", let's put you on
the stand and also have a prosecutor. And remember that
what you have done, would be like going into the court records
and burning the transcripts to avoid looking guilty, because
the judge said that the next day (today) would be a reading
of the transcript. So instead, since you did that, here we
are! But little did you know that the prosecutor has a
backup transcript, just like people in usenet still have
the messages you snipped available to them and have
already seen them and know what you did! :)

And before we begin, I wish to say to you, that if you
respond in your usual manner of snipping and insulting
and claiming that it's really me confessing to doing what
you have done, then you will simply cement in our minds,
that you are a dishonest person. No one speaking the truth
need run from their own words! And I don't recall Jesus,
nor the Apostles, running from their own words as you do!

So it is up to you. Here it is and I have portrayed it as
it would most likely occur, should you try to pull the crap
there, that you do here.


And yes, that means EVERY RESPONSE that I stated!
In fact, just today, you claimed that Feather was
brainwashed by me, even though she's a Futurist,
because she did not want to say, "Yes Randy, you're
right in every little detail."! You picked at her and
picked at her, even though she agreed with you
about the resurrection. And just yesterday and even
a couple of days ago, you accused people of being
me in disguise! Really sad and pathetic you are! :)

And let us note that the only reason that you couldn't
run away, is because in this representation, which we
all know will accurately represent you, you are on the
stand and simply couldn't! So enjoy watching yourself
fry like a piece of bacon! :)

And let us also note that the purpose of this, isn't to
insult you, but to hold a mirror up to you! I am sure
that when you respond, it will be with some snide
remarks, but that won't make you look anything
except exactly what you've shown yourself to be,
and people who have read your posts can vouch for
the fact that while the statements may be paraphrased
a bit, they definitely are indeed yours!

Anyway, here it is...

Prosecutor = Joe Legalman

Witness on the Stand = Randy

Judge: Judge Jonathan Iwontbefooled

Side note to everyone: Randy's tone is obvious. Mean
and definitely puts forth the idea that he's annoyed that
he would actually be questioned by someone. But it
may be more fun for you in reading this, if you imagine
that the prosecutor has a charming, slow southern drawl,
kind of like Matthew McConaughey, in "A Time to Kill"
(excellent movie, by the way!!!). :)

Prosecutor: Hello Randy. My name is "Joe Legalman"
and I would like to go over some facts with you. Are
you ready to do that and help us to understand a few
things today?

Randy: Sure.

Prosecutor: Now Randy, first of all, I wish to ask you
why you burned the transcript in the records room
last night.

Randy: Thank you for your vicarious confession.

Prosecutor: I haven't confessed to anything sir. I asked
YOU why YOU did it. We have video tape of you doing
it. Didn't you think we had cameras in that room?

Randy: Your lying Preterist false Gnostic doctrine denies
the bodily resurrection of the saints! Preterism is a lie!

Prosecutor: Sir, I haven't said one word about what
I believe about the Bible, nor about the resurrection
in this discussion. But even if you were right, what
does that have to do with you burning the transcripts?

Randy: You want war!

Prosecutor: How is it sir, that you accuse ME of wanting
war, when you're the one sitting here attacking me,
simply because I asked you a question about your
burning of the transcripts last night?

Randy: Your lying Preterist doctrine is from Hell!

Prosector: Your honor, it is clear that we're not going to
get anywhere on this issue right now, so may I please
come back to it later and move on to the next issue?

Judge: That's fine. Proceed.

Prosecutor: Just two other quick things your honor,
if it please the court.

Judge: Yes?

Prosecutor: 1) Permission to treat the witness as hostile.

Judge: I think that is self evident <laughter from the people>
so go ahead. And what's the other one?

Prosecutor: 2) With all these attacks Your Honor and
the witness' obvious desire for more and possibly for
a violent outcome, I would suggest that we delay these
proceedings and that the witness be temporarily taken
into custody after his testimony, just long enough for
a full psychiatric examination, to ensure that he is not
a danger to himself, nor others, Your Honor. And then
the doctors there could determine if any other measures
are warranted and bring them before Your Honor.

Judge: I'll consider your request. Now move along.

Prosecutor: Yes Your Honor, thank you sir.

Now Randy, you were not aware of this, but I have a backup
copy of the transcripts, along with the original statements
that you responded to and your response is, of course,
reflected in the transcript that, well, for now let's just say
that it, "mysteriously disappeared in a blaze".

<prosecutor smiles and slight laughter from the courtroom>

Now in this backup transcript Randy, we can see that this
other person "Pastor Dave" said to you that when Jesus
said "this generation", that it meant simply that, just as
it reads. You however, refusing to accept this idea,
whether right or wrong, did so by saying that Jesus used
the word "generation" to mean "the Jewish race" instead.

Now it's not my place to figure all of this doctrinal stuff
out. And I certainly do not believe that this courtroom
is the forum for arguing who's right and who's wrong
and so, my questions to you will not be dealing with
that, but rather, only with his statements and your
responses and whether or not you addressed his comments
in an honest, straightforward fashion or not. Do you sir,
understand what I'm saying to you?

Randy: Pastor Dave is a lying Preterist! And that makes
him a Gnostic too! And he's been spreading his lies all
over the place!

Prosecutor: Again sir, we are not here to deal with the
right or wrong of your personal beliefs, nor his. Again,
we are here to deal with the discussion and how it was
handled, okay?

Randy: Are you really Dave in disguise? Can you prove
to me that you're not Dave in disguise? I need proof
that you're not him! And how can you prove it, beyond
all doubt?! You can't! So therefore, you must be him
and I won't sit here and be questioned by you!

Prosecutor: Randy, do you always feel like anyone who
tries to talk with you and won't just immediately agree
with you, is really Dave in disguise? How long have you
been having these feelings?

Randy: Thanks for your vicarious confession!

Prosecutor: I am not the one who just confessed
to having those feelings, Randy. You are.

Randy: Thanks for your vicarious confession.

Prosecutor: Your Honor, I would like to renew my
request for a psychiatric examination and I would
further like to request that we recess until we have
the results of this evaluation, Judge?

Judge: Randy, one more outburst like that and I just
might recess this court to grant the Prosecutor's
request! Do you understand me, sir?!

Randy: But he's a Preterist! And I wouldn't be surprised
if he and Dave sat down together recently and Dave
brainwashed him!


Randy: Yes Judge, I do.

Judge: <visibly irritated> Good! Now answer his
questions and stop playing games!

Randy: Judge, have you been talking to Dave too?
Has he brainwashed you too?!

Judge: Bailiff, take this witness into lockup and let him
sit there and think about what he wants to do!

Randy: No, that okay Judge. I'll be good, I promise!

Judge: Fine then! But no more of your games!

Prosecutor: Now Randy, we got a bit off track here,
so let me reiterate, so that it will refresh your memory
and hopefully we can stop wasting the court's time.

Randy: Repeating your Preterist lies are what's
wasting the court's time!

<The Judge's gavel bangs down hard on the bench!>

Judge: Randy! You will keep your mouth shut and let
Counselor Legalman finish, or I will have you locked up
for contempt! Is that clear?!

<The Judge looks at Randy, to let him know that
the next word out of his mouth had better be yes!>

Randy: Yes sir.

<The Judge looks at the prosecutor to let him know
how annoyed he is with the witness and to let him
know to proceed.>

Prosecutor: Again Randy, in this backup transcript,
we can see that this other person "Pastor Dave" said
to you that when Jesus said "this generation", that
it meant simply that, just as it reads. You however,
refusing to accept this idea, whether right or wrong
for doing so, did so by saying that Jesus used the
word "generation" to mean "the Jewish race" instead.

Now as I said, it's not my place to figure all of this
doctrinal stuff out...

<Judge looks at the Prosecutor to let him know to
speed it up and get to the point, before the witness
has another chance to cause another problem.>

<Prosecutor gives the Judge a slight nod to confirm
that he gets the point.>

The point is Randy, that you had said Jesus meant this,
because you would not accept this "Pastor Dave's" proposal
that it meant simply what it said ("this generation").

Pastor Dave went on to say that there was a huge problem
with your claim, in that he felt that you were just coming
up with this to avoid what He said and that if we were to
take your claim, that it would mean that it contradicted
another part of your doctrine, which you have made sure
to GREATLY emphasize many times! And that is the part
in which on a new planet Earth, that the Jews are in their
land again and will be, forever.

Now the reason that Pastor Dave said that taking Jesus'
statement the way you suggested would contradict your
own doctrine, is because of a single word. And that word
was "UNTIL". In other words, that word denotes a time
line and a set of events. That is to say, that since Randy,
according to you, Jesus was saying that the Jewish race
could not pass way UNTIL the events He listed happened,
it is clear then, that He is saying that once the events do
happen, that the Jewish race then passes away. This is
simple language and cannot be denied! You may not
like it, but there it is none-the-less! And the point that
Pastor Dave was making, was that claiming that it means
"Jewish race", instead of simply "generation", contradicts
your claim about the Jews being here on the new planet
forever, in their land again, given that word "until".

Now I cannot say if Pastor Dave is right in all of his
beliefs. I can say however, that linguistically speaking,
only a fool would try to deny the obvious implication
of taking it the way that you claimed. It would seem
to me that you either have to give up the idea that
Jesus was saying "race" and by saying "this race"
to Jews, which is who was standing there, it would
mean the Jewish race, you have to give up the idea
that they will have their land forever, on some new
planet Earth. Or, give up the idea that the word
means the Jewish race. One or the other.

Now this is the point that was made to you and seems
quite logical to me and I would think, to the court.

<Affirmative nods are seen from the Judge and others.>

But the heart of this matter is not about what the Bible
says about the last days, nor about who's right and
who's wrong about what the specific word means,
nor even if Jesus actually ever lived. Now I'm not
ashamed to say that I'm a Christian and I believe that
He did live and died for my sins and rose again, but
that is not at issue here either. No sir. The only thing
at issue here today, is your response to Pastor Dave
and how you dealt with what he said and whether
you were honest in said response. And that is all
we're here to determine on this day!

You see Randy, according to the transcript here, you
snipped almost all of what he wrote and responded
by insulting him. You called him a liar and you also
refused to address at all, what he said about the very
thing that YOU are the one who made the claim about!

<Prosecutor moves in closer to Randy.>

Now why is that, Randy? Why wouldn't you deal with
what he responded with? It was not out of line to
suggest what he did, as any thinking man can plainly
see for themselves. Claiming that it means "race"
does cause a problem for your doctrine!

<Prosecutor moves in real close to Randy an lowers
his voice to a loud whisper.>

But even if you thought it was out of line, if you are the
God fearing, honest Christian that you claim to be, then
why on God's green Earth would you not just simply
explain where you feel he was in error?!

<Prosecutor's voice raises quite a bit.>

Could it be, that you knew, as do I believe the rest of us,
that there was no escaping what he said and so, instead
of being glad to receive this explanation of why, you
decided instead that you could not appear to be wrong?
That you could not even APPEAR to be wrong?!

<Prosecutor now turns away from Randy and starts
walking toward the people watching the trial and
holds his arms wide open as he speaks, with his
voice raised, but not harsh and a smile on his face,
to show friendliness to those he's looking at.>

Could it be, that your pride and ego got in the way
that day, Randy? Could it be that it gets in the way
every day, Randy?!

<Prosecutor spins and points at Randy and starts
walking toward him at a brisk pace.>

Could it be that your arrogance and ego are really what
drives you, son?! That it's not about the Gospel, but
about Randy?! That your hate for this "Pastor Dave"
is so strong, that you simply no longer care that the
end result is that you look foolish being so obviously
dishonest and vicious in your attacks?!

<Prosecutor reaches the stand and leans right in to Randy
with a stern look on his face and brings his voice down
to barely more than a whisper, just loud enough for
the judge and jury to hear and has a stern look on
his face.>

Could it be, that ever since you started discussing
the last days with Pastor Dave, that that is when
your supposed "friendship" ended in your eyes
and you began to attack him about everything,
no matter what?! We have the transcripts Randy!
We have them right here! And you have been shown
them before and each time, you did the same thing!
You refused to admit to what you yourself said and
kept accusing others of lying about it, snipping their
quotes of your very own words! It was right at that
time, after you didn't like what Pastor Dave said
about the last days, that YOU <pointing> began
your attack and made a sudden league with Vera
and in one message after another, kept attacking!

Judge: Mr. Legalman, you're getting off track here.
Let's stick to the specific issue for this day, shall we?

<Prosecutor takes a breath.>

Prosecutor: Yes, you're right, Your Honor. I apologize
to the court and to the jury and to the fine people who
joined us today in this courtroom.

Judge. That's fine. Let's just dial it back a bit, shall we?

Prosecutor: Yes, Your Honor.

Now here is the bottom line, Randy... You did not answer
to the issue that was posed, which showed the problem for
your doctrine, son. Instead, you chose to attack him and
what's more. when he responded again, obviously with a
bit of anger, you then, again, snipped his comments and
pretended that you did not see them and tried to start the
discussion over, as if he had not already proved your claim
problematic at best!

Furthermore, when he responded to you a third time
pointing this out, you said to him, "Thanks for your
vicarious confession.".

Now what is that?! What YOU did is pointed out and
you claim he is confessing to doing it? And then you
somehow think that snipping his words in your response
will somehow erase it from usenet?

<Prosecutor's voice raises.>

And then you somehow find the gall to claim that you
are the one being honest and he is the liar?!

How in the world son, could you possibly believe that
this is honest?! How in the world Randy, can you
believe that you snipping text and ignoring what is
written and then claiming the other person confessed
and then running off, starting new threads that are
nothing more than his words quoted out of context
and manipulated, to make it appear as if he said the
opposite of what he actually said, is honest? And
how is pointing your finger at Glenn regarding his
well known tactics and then using them yourself
on others, not hypocrisy? It is hypocrisy! And how
is it that you can sit there and claim to be following
the Lord, when you are lying to and about people
in this manner, son?!

This is about your responses, son! YOUR RESPONSES!

Randy: Thank you for your vicarious confession.

Prosecutor: I rest my case! Your Honor?

Judge: Bailiff, take the witness into custody for contempt.
A psychiatric examination will be scheduled, to see if this
man is competent to understand the charges against him.
If so, he will go to trail on the contempt charge. If not...
well then... that answers a lot of questions!

Randy: <screaming while being taken out of the courtroom>
You people are all lying Preterists! You have all been
brainwashed by Dave! And you're all really him in disguise!
That's right, all of you!!! Every one of you is either Dave
in disguise, or you're one of his brainwashed zombies!
And don't give me that, "I never met him and don't even
know who he is" crap! Can you prove that?! Can you
prove that you never met him?! That you're not him?!

I will not be treated this way by you lying Preterist!
You're all lying Preterists! All of you, even if you're
Futurists, because you didn't agree with every little
thing I said and none of you, not one of you would
attack the judge and the prosecutor with me! And
that means that you support their evil Preterist
doctrine! You support war! You support them
in whatever they say, because you wouldn't attack
the judge with me!

I'm a Christian! I know how to act like one!
The Bible says attack, attack, attack!

Hey, get that passage out of my face! To reject means
to attack! Don't you idiots know that?! I don't care if
other passages say to avoid them! I have my version
of what "reject" means and that means I'm right, you
lying Preterist, war, heretick supporters!!!

<Door closes behind the bailiff and Randy and Randy's
voice starts trailing off, getting lower and lower as he
is led down the stairs to a holding cell.>

Randy: I know I'm right! You can't fool me! You're
not a bailiff! You're Dave in disguise! You're...........

<Randy's voice trails off into silence.>

<Judge and the prosecutor look at each other
and shake their heads.>

Prosecutor: Well, I guess we'll have to wait until after
the evaluation to try to get to the bottom of why he
burned the transcripts. We never did get an answer
to that. But if I may be so bold as to say, Your Honor,
I think the reason has become obvious to all of us.

<Judge smiles.>

Judge: Bailiff, call the next case.

Bailiff: Yes Your Honor. The State vs Vera and Chuck,
on the charge of conspiring to commit perjury.

Judge and Prosecutor: Oh, no!!! Lord, please, no!!!

<Judge drops his head on the bench and the prosecutor
looks down and starts shaking his head.>


Pastor Dave

When making liars happy in their word games takes
precedence over truth, Christ has been abandoned.

Expand and go out into the ocean of your faith.
God doesn't do His deepest work in the shallowest
part of the water.

The world says that seeing is believing.
The Bible says that believing is seeing.

Doctrine is not Scripture.
On Fri, 10 Aug 2007 17:05:46 -0400,
in article <mfipb3hv9isq3ri59o3be4bl27ibi29a4d@4ax.com>,
Pastor Dave <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

>Today you go on trial, son. Complete with the whole
>courtroom drama, a prosecutor and you the witness!
>But first, I'll make a couple of comments in response
>to your false claim.
>>Thanks for your vicarious confession.

>You said this after I pointed out something that you did,
>which of course, you snipped.
>You see Randy, this is one of those things that just flat out
>makes you look like an idiot. You have been told this
>repeatedly. But yet you still seem to think that if someone
>proves that you were deceitful, that you can just say that
>and then a magic wand waves and it makes the other
>person guilty of your sin. What?!? Now seriously, how
>do you propose that I will look at you with anything but
>trying to hold back the laughter, when you say something
>this stupid?!? You are caught snipping words and/or
>twisting someone's words and quoting them out of
>context, to make it appear as if they said the opposite
>of what they said. I point it out and your response is,
>"Thank you for your vicarious confession." ?!?!?! WHAT???
>RIDICULOUS!!! It is about as bad as Chuck's, "I guess
>I hit a nerve" claim, when he makes up something and
>then pretends he's being honest while accusing me of it.
>But hey, you're the smart one and I'm not according to you,
>so let's try it your way. Since were dealing with words and
>in a sense transcripts of things that we have said and done
>and that others have said prove our guilt, we are in a
>fashion, proceeding in a legal manner, although you tend
>to violate all of the rules and even common courtesy.
>But at least those of us who are willing to deal with these
>things head on, instead of snipping them as you do are.
>So let's picture ourselves in a court room and since you said
>it was actually me "vicariously confessing", let's put you on
>the stand and also have a prosecutor. And remember that
>what you have done, would be like going into the court records
>and burning the transcripts to avoid looking guilty, because
>the judge said that the next day (today) would be a reading
>of the transcript. So instead, since you did that, here we
>are! But little did you know that the prosecutor has a
>backup transcript, just like people in usenet still have
>the messages you snipped available to them and have
>already seen them and know what you did! :)
>And before we begin, I wish to say to you, that if you
>respond in your usual manner of snipping and insulting
>and claiming that it's really me confessing to doing what
>you have done, then you will simply cement in our minds,
>that you are a dishonest person. No one speaking the truth
>need run from their own words! And I don't recall Jesus,
>nor the Apostles, running from their own words as you do!
>So it is up to you. Here it is and I have portrayed it as
>it would most likely occur, should you try to pull the crap
>there, that you do here.
>And yes, that means EVERY RESPONSE that I stated!
>In fact, just today, you claimed that Feather was
>brainwashed by me, even though she's a Futurist,
>because she did not want to say, "Yes Randy, you're
>right in every little detail."! You picked at her and
>picked at her, even though she agreed with you
>about the resurrection. And just yesterday and even
>a couple of days ago, you accused people of being
>me in disguise! Really sad and pathetic you are! :)
>And let us note that the only reason that you couldn't
>run away, is because in this representation, which we
>all know will accurately represent you, you are on the
>stand and simply couldn't! So enjoy watching yourself
>fry like a piece of bacon! :)
>And let us also note that the purpose of this, isn't to
>insult you, but to hold a mirror up to you! I am sure
>that when you respond, it will be with some snide
>remarks, but that won't make you look anything
>except exactly what you've shown yourself to be,
>and people who have read your posts can vouch for
>the fact that while the statements may be paraphrased
>a bit, they definitely are indeed yours!
>Anyway, here it is...
>Prosecutor = Joe Legalman
>Witness on the Stand = Randy
>Judge: Judge Jonathan Iwontbefooled
>Side note to everyone: Randy's tone is obvious. Mean
>and definitely puts forth the idea that he's annoyed that
>he would actually be questioned by someone. But it
>may be more fun for you in reading this, if you imagine
>that the prosecutor has a charming, slow southern drawl,
>kind of like Matthew McConaughey, in "A Time to Kill"
>(excellent movie, by the way!!!). :)
>Prosecutor: Hello Randy. My name is "Joe Legalman"
>and I would like to go over some facts with you. Are
>you ready to do that and help us to understand a few
>things today?
>Randy: Sure.
>Prosecutor: Now Randy, first of all, I wish to ask you
>why you burned the transcript in the records room
>last night.
>Randy: Thank you for your vicarious confession.
>Prosecutor: I haven't confessed to anything sir. I asked
>YOU why YOU did it. We have video tape of you doing
>it. Didn't you think we had cameras in that room?
>Randy: Your lying Preterist false Gnostic doctrine denies
>the bodily resurrection of the saints! Preterism is a lie!
>Prosecutor: Sir, I haven't said one word about what
>I believe about the Bible, nor about the resurrection
>in this discussion. But even if you were right, what
>does that have to do with you burning the transcripts?
>Randy: You want war!
>Prosecutor: How is it sir, that you accuse ME of wanting
>war, when you're the one sitting here attacking me,
>simply because I asked you a question about your
>burning of the transcripts last night?
>Randy: Your lying Preterist doctrine is from Hell!
>Prosector: Your honor, it is clear that we're not going to
>get anywhere on this issue right now, so may I please
>come back to it later and move on to the next issue?
>Judge: That's fine. Proceed.
>Prosecutor: Just two other quick things your honor,
>if it please the court.
>Judge: Yes?
>Prosecutor: 1) Permission to treat the witness as hostile.
>Judge: I think that is self evident <laughter from the people>
>so go ahead. And what's the other one?
>Prosecutor: 2) With all these attacks Your Honor and
>the witness' obvious desire for more and possibly for
>a violent outcome, I would suggest that we delay these
>proceedings and that the witness be temporarily taken
>into custody after his testimony, just long enough for
>a full psychiatric examination, to ensure that he is not
>a danger to himself, nor others, Your Honor. And then
>the doctors there could determine if any other measures
>are warranted and bring them before Your Honor.
>Judge: I'll consider your request. Now move along.
>Prosecutor: Yes Your Honor, thank you sir.
>Now Randy, you were not aware of this, but I have a backup
>copy of the transcripts, along with the original statements
>that you responded to and your response is, of course,
>reflected in the transcript that, well, for now let's just say
>that it, "mysteriously disappeared in a blaze".
><prosecutor smiles and slight laughter from the courtroom>
>Now in this backup transcript Randy, we can see that this
>other person "Pastor Dave" said to you that when Jesus
>said "this generation", that it meant simply that, just as
>it reads. You however, refusing to accept this idea,
>whether right or wrong, did so by saying that Jesus used
>the word "generation" to mean "the Jewish race" instead.
>Now it's not my place to figure all of this doctrinal stuff
>out. And I certainly do not believe that this courtroom
>is the forum for arguing who's right and who's wrong
>and so, my questions to you will not be dealing with
>that, but rather, only with his statements and your
>responses and whether or not you addressed his comments
>in an honest, straightforward fashion or not. Do you sir,
>understand what I'm saying to you?
>Randy: Pastor Dave is a lying Preterist! And that makes
>him a Gnostic too! And he's been spreading his lies all
>over the place!
>Prosecutor: Again sir, we are not here to deal with the
>right or wrong of your personal beliefs, nor his. Again,
>we are here to deal with the discussion and how it was
>handled, okay?
>Randy: Are you really Dave in disguise? Can you prove
>to me that you're not Dave in disguise? I need proof
>that you're not him! And how can you prove it, beyond
>all doubt?! You can't! So therefore, you must be him
>and I won't sit here and be questioned by you!
>Prosecutor: Randy, do you always feel like anyone who
>tries to talk with you and won't just immediately agree
>with you, is really Dave in disguise? How long have you
>been having these feelings?
>Randy: Thanks for your vicarious confession!
>Prosecutor: I am not the one who just confessed
>to having those feelings, Randy. You are.
>Randy: Thanks for your vicarious confession.
>Prosecutor: Your Honor, I would like to renew my
>request for a psychiatric examination and I would
>further like to request that we recess until we have
>the results of this evaluation, Judge?
>Judge: Randy, one more outburst like that and I just
>might recess this court to grant the Prosecutor's
>request! Do you understand me, sir?!
>Randy: But he's a Preterist! And I wouldn't be surprised
>if he and Dave sat down together recently and Dave
>brainwashed him!
>Randy: Yes Judge, I do.
>Judge: <visibly irritated> Good! Now answer his
>questions and stop playing games!
>Randy: Judge, have you been talking to Dave too?
>Has he brainwashed you too?!
>Judge: Bailiff, take this witness into lockup and let him
>sit there and think about what he wants to do!
>Randy: No, that okay Judge. I'll be good, I promise!
>Judge: Fine then! But no more of your games!
>Prosecutor: Now Randy, we got a bit off track here,
>so let me reiterate, so that it will refresh your memory
>and hopefully we can stop wasting the court's time.
>Randy: Repeating your Preterist lies are what's
>wasting the court's time!
><The Judge's gavel bangs down hard on the bench!>
>Judge: Randy! You will keep your mouth shut and let
>Counselor Legalman finish, or I will have you locked up
>for contempt! Is that clear?!
><The Judge looks at Randy, to let him know that
> the next word out of his mouth had better be yes!>
>Randy: Yes sir.
><The Judge looks at the prosecutor to let him know
> how annoyed he is with the witness and to let him
> know to proceed.>
>Prosecutor: Again Randy, in this backup transcript,
>we can see that this other person "Pastor Dave" said
>to you that when Jesus said "this generation", that
>it meant simply that, just as it reads. You however,
>refusing to accept this idea, whether right or wrong
>for doing so, did so by saying that Jesus used the
>word "generation" to mean "the Jewish race" instead.
>Now as I said, it's not my place to figure all of this
>doctrinal stuff out...
><Judge looks at the Prosecutor to let him know to
> speed it up and get to the point, before the witness
> has another chance to cause another problem.>
><Prosecutor gives the Judge a slight nod to confirm
> that he gets the point.>
>The point is Randy, that you had said Jesus meant this,
>because you would not accept this "Pastor Dave's" proposal
>that it meant simply what it said ("this generation").
>Pastor Dave went on to say that there was a huge problem
>with your claim, in that he felt that you were just coming
>up with this to avoid what He said and that if we were to
>take your claim, that it would mean that it contradicted
>another part of your doctrine, which you have made sure
>to GREATLY emphasize many times! And that is the part
>in which on a new planet Earth, that the Jews are in their
>land again and will be, forever.
>Now the reason that Pastor Dave said that taking Jesus'
>statement the way you suggested would contradict your
>own doctrine, is because of a single word. And that word
>was "UNTIL". In other words, that word denotes a time
>line and a set of events. That is to say, that since Randy,
>according to you, Jesus was saying that the Jewish race
>could not pass way UNTIL the events He listed happened,
>it is clear then, that He is saying that once the events do
>happen, that the Jewish race then passes away. This is
>simple language and cannot be denied! You may not
>like it, but there it is none-the-less! And the point that
>Pastor Dave was making, was that claiming that it means
>"Jewish race", instead of simply "generation", contradicts
>your claim about the Jews being here on the new planet
>forever, in their land again, given that word "until".
>Now I cannot say if Pastor Dave is right in all of his
>beliefs. I can say however, that linguistically speaking,
>only a fool would try to deny the obvious implication
>of taking it the way that you claimed. It would seem
>to me that you either have to give up the idea that
>Jesus was saying "race" and by saying "this race"
>to Jews, which is who was standing there, it would
>mean the Jewish race, you have to give up the idea
>that they will have their land forever, on some new
>planet Earth. Or, give up the idea that the word
>means the Jewish race. One or the other.
>Now this is the point that was made to you and seems
>quite logical to me and I would think, to the court.
><Affirmative nods are seen from the Judge and others.>
>But the heart of this matter is not about what the Bible
>says about the last days, nor about who's right and
>who's wrong about what the specific word means,
>nor even if Jesus actually ever lived. Now I'm not
>ashamed to say that I'm a Christian and I believe that
>He did live and died for my sins and rose again, but
>that is not at issue here either. No sir. The only thing
>at issue here today, is your response to Pastor Dave
>and how you dealt with what he said and whether
>you were honest in said response. And that is all
>we're here to determine on this day!
>You see Randy, according to the transcript here, you
>snipped almost all of what he wrote and responded
>by insulting him. You called him a liar and you also
>refused to address at all, what he said about the very
>thing that YOU are the one who made the claim about!
><Prosecutor moves in closer to Randy.>
>Now why is that, Randy? Why wouldn't you deal with
>what he responded with? It was not out of line to
>suggest what he did, as any thinking man can plainly
>see for themselves. Claiming that it means "race"
>does cause a problem for your doctrine!
><Prosecutor moves in real close to Randy an lowers
> his voice to a loud whisper.>
>But even if you thought it was out of line, if you are the
>God fearing, honest Christian that you claim to be, then
>why on God's green Earth would you not just simply
>explain where you feel he was in error?!
><Prosecutor's voice raises quite a bit.>
>Could it be, that you knew, as do I believe the rest of us,
>that there was no escaping what he said and so, instead
>of being glad to receive this explanation of why, you
>decided instead that you could not appear to be wrong?
>That you could not even APPEAR to be wrong?!
><Prosecutor now turns away from Randy and starts
> walking toward the people watching the trial and
> holds his arms wide open as he speaks, with his
> voice raised, but not harsh and a smile on his face,
> to show friendliness to those he's looking at.>
>Could it be, that your pride and ego got in the way
>that day, Randy? Could it be that it gets in the way
>every day, Randy?!
><Prosecutor spins and points at Randy and starts
> walking toward him at a brisk pace.>
>Could it be that your arrogance and ego are really what
>drives you, son?! That it's not about the Gospel, but
>about Randy?! That your hate for this "Pastor Dave"
>is so strong, that you simply no longer care that the
>end result is that you look foolish being so obviously
>dishonest and vicious in your attacks?!
><Prosecutor reaches the stand and leans right in to Randy
> with a stern look on his face and brings his voice down
> to barely more than a whisper, just loud enough for
> the judge and jury to hear and has a stern look on
> his face.>
>Could it be, that ever since you started discussing
>the last days with Pastor Dave, that that is when
>your supposed "friendship" ended in your eyes
>and you began to attack him about everything,
>no matter what?! We have the transcripts Randy!
>We have them right here! And you have been shown
>them before and each time, you did the same thing!
>You refused to admit to what you yourself said and
>kept accusing others of lying about it, snipping their
>quotes of your very own words! It was right at that
>time, after you didn't like what Pastor Dave said
>about the last days, that YOU <pointing> began
>your attack and made a sudden league with Vera
>and in one message after another, kept attacking!
>Judge: Mr. Legalman, you're getting off track here.
>Let's stick to the specific issue for this day, shall we?
><Prosecutor takes a breath.>
>Prosecutor: Yes, you're right, Your Honor. I apologize
>to the court and to the jury and to the fine people who
>joined us today in this courtroom.
>Judge. That's fine. Let's just dial it back a bit, shall we?
>Prosecutor: Yes, Your Honor.
>Now here is the bottom line, Randy... You did not answer
>to the issue that was posed, which showed the problem for
>your doctrine, son. Instead, you chose to attack him and
>what's more. when he responded again, obviously with a
>bit of anger, you then, again, snipped his comments and
>pretended that you did not see them and tried to start the
>discussion over, as if he had not already proved your claim
>problematic at best!
>Furthermore, when he responded to you a third time
>pointing this out, you said to him, "Thanks for your
>vicarious confession.".
>Now what is that?! What YOU did is pointed out and
>you claim he is confessing to doing it? And then you
>somehow think that snipping his words in your response
>will somehow erase it from usenet?
><Prosecutor's voice raises.>
>And then you somehow find the gall to claim that you
>are the one being honest and he is the liar?!
>How in the world son, could you possibly believe that
>this is honest?! How in the world Randy, can you
>believe that you snipping text and ignoring what is
>written and then claiming the other person confessed
>and then running off, starting new threads that are
>nothing more than his words quoted out of context
>and manipulated, to make it appear as if he said the
>opposite of what he actually said, is honest? And
>how is pointing your finger at Glenn regarding his
>well known tactics and then using them yourself
>on others, not hypocrisy? It is hypocrisy! And how
>is it that you can sit there and claim to be following
>the Lord, when you are lying to and about people
>in this manner, son?!
>This is about your responses, son! YOUR RESPONSES!
>Randy: Thank you for your vicarious confession.
>Prosecutor: I rest my case! Your Honor?
>Judge: Bailiff, take the witness into custody for contempt.
>A psychiatric examination will be scheduled, to see if this
>man is competent to understand the charges against him.
>If so, he will go to trail on the contempt charge. If not...
>well then... that answers a lot of questions!
>Randy: <screaming while being taken out of the courtroom>
>You people are all lying Preterists! You have all been
>brainwashed by Dave! And you're all really him in disguise!
>That's right, all of you!!! Every one of you is either Dave
>in disguise, or you're one of his brainwashed zombies!
>And don't give me that, "I never met him and don't even
>know who he is" crap! Can you prove that?! Can you
>prove that you never met him?! That you're not him?!
>I will not be treated this way by you lying Preterist!
>You're all lying Preterists! All of you, even if you're
>Futurists, because you didn't agree with every little
>thing I said and none of you, not one of you would
>attack the judge and the prosecutor with me! And
>that means that you support their evil Preterist
>doctrine! You support war! You support them
>in whatever they say, because you wouldn't attack
>the judge with me!
>I'm a Christian! I know how to act like one!
>The Bible says attack, attack, attack!
>Hey, get that passage out of my face! To reject means
>to attack! Don't you idiots know that?! I don't care if
>other passages say to avoid them! I have my version
>of what "reject" means and that means I'm right, you
>lying Preterist, war, heretick supporters!!!
><Door closes behind the bailiff and Randy and Randy's
> voice starts trailing off, getting lower and lower as he
> is led down the stairs to a holding cell.>
>Randy: I know I'm right! You can't fool me! You're
>not a bailiff! You're Dave in disguise! You're...........
><Randy's voice trails off into silence.>
><Judge and the prosecutor look at each other
> and shake their heads.>
>Prosecutor: Well, I guess we'll have to wait until after
>the evaluation to try to get to the bottom of why he
>burned the transcripts. We never did get an answer
>to that. But if I may be so bold as to say, Your Honor,
>I think the reason has become obvious to all of us.
><Judge smiles.>
>Judge: Bailiff, call the next case.
>Bailiff: Yes Your Honor. The State vs Vera and Chuck,
>on the charge of conspiring to commit perjury.
>Judge and Prosecutor: Oh, no!!! Lord, please, no!!!
><Judge drops his head on the bench and the prosecutor
> looks down and starts shaking his head.>

We already know you're good at inventing drama. That's how
you come up with your preterist interpretations of the Bible.
In news:mfipb3hv9isq3ri59o3be4bl27ibi29a4d@4ax.com,
Pastor Dave <noway@nowhere.com> typed:
> Today you go on trial, son. Complete with the whole
> courtroom drama, a prosecutor and you the witness!
> But first, I'll make a couple of comments in response
> to your false claim.

Thanks for your vicarious confession.

> --
> Pastor Dave

Preterism is a false doctrine, Pastor Dave, and you can surely not
change that by posting mocking articles about the Christians. You are
surely not really Christlike with that.

If anyone teaches a different doctrine, and doesn't consent to sound
words, the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is
according to godliness, he is conceited, knowing nothing, but obsessed
with arguments, disputes, and word battles, from which come envy,
strife, reviling, evil suspicions, constant friction of people of
corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, who suppose that godliness is
a means of gain. Withdraw yourself from such. (1 Timothy 6:3-5 WEB)

::: vera :::

::::::: http://www.acc-growing-deeper.de :::::::
::::::: http://www.acc-growing-deeper.de/Israel.htm :::::::
::::::: http://www.e-sword.net :::::::
::::::: http://alpha.org/default.asp :::::::
"Pastor Knave" < SATAN @nowhere.com> wrote in message
> Today you go on trial, son. Complete with the whole
> courtroom drama, a prosecutor and you the witness!

Satan's in fantasy land again.




Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as
a little child, he shall not enter therein. (Mark 10:15)


Preparing the way of the Lord.
You should write Christian drama series. I bet it'll rival the "left
behind" series in no time... :)