Rare Commons

Hybrid Soldier

New member
This is the operation to crumble the corrupt Linkin Park media trading system. We are currently working on an official headquarters for the operation. Anyone willing to support email me at hgbush@k2si.net or im me on aim at eyeone1i.

all operations will be done on an unlimited bandwidth server, if anyone has another server to lend, please do.


Hybrid Soldier

New member
its corrupted because you guys try to be selfish whiny bithces and keep everything to yourselves when it should be given to the true fans.


New member
Not everything should. You know, there's a reason we KEEP certain things. Some people don't freakin understand that.

We keep certain shows so we can obtain NEW ones. Like the earpiece show was given out, the ripper no longer trusts anyone and was going to give a chester earpiece rip out.

Nice going.



New member
Sorry Hybrid Solider...But I am going to have to go with Hahninator on this one. I mean the traders who do have rare material keep it and don't give it to certain people for a reason. There is lots of people who the traders can't trust.. Don't want to say any names, but people in the past have gotten a rare bootleg and BAM! The next thing you know it is on their site or the link is on a forum. So really you can't blame us for not giving it away to many people or giving it away at all.

Good Luck...



New member
Energy and Taylor and now Bio :p

Well, I was the one who gave it to him, so you might as well add me to that list as well.

First download is up, 05.14.01 - Zepp, Tokyo, Japan over on torrentspy.com



New member
in the way that you use it
Wow, wow, wow wait a F'in minute here, who exactly are you to tell me what to do with MY stuff. I don't need some n00b who doesn't have a clue tell me what to do with my own stuff.

Ok following this antic, I want you to send me all your money right now....why cause I don't "LIKE" the way your spending it.

With all due respect if you think this is going to stop what you call the trading market can I laugh at you now? The trading market is just as big as ebay (without money spending) for *** sakes. It's a fuggin hobby jackasses.

But please with all due respect continue to do what your doing show me how "smart" you people all think you are, none of you have a clue, cause your not hurting me at all oh you release the Earpiece show but whos' the only person on gods green earth that has lossless of it? Oh you released the Tattoo show, who has the FULL not the 2 and a half song partial show as well as the master and video of it. Oh wait who has BOTH 2001 KROQ X-Mas shows in DVD? Who has shows that none of the people in your clique have or probably even know exist, psht n00bs. But its all good have fun making enemys and what not, peace.



New member
Holy ****' date=' Th30racl3 PWNED ^_____^[/quote']don't kiss my ***, kid... despite all this, i still respect Jeff as a person, what he chooses to do as a trader is and never was my concern... my only concern is how i act as a trader


New member
You don't act as a trader, you give stuff away.

I don't object to you giving out all your stuff, it's just the stuff like Tattoo or Osaka 03 or something that you give away.



New member
You don't act as a trader, you give stuff away.
I don't object to you giving out all your stuff, it's just the stuff like Tattoo or Osaka 03 or something that you give away.

And you never ONCE complained about me giving away shows, as long as you were getting them. Right?

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