Re: 10 reasons (Ron Paul) or, Judie is a communist


Luke Nichols

"-" <> wrote in message
> To:;
> Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007
> Subject: [zapatista email group]
> And Ron Paul on women, minorities, sexual orientation, etc.
> thanks for this judie, i will forward.
> And Ron Paul on women, minorities, sexual orientation, etc.
> Here's another that applies, sent by a friend.
> Judie

Important note to all readers of this post. Miss Judie here is a Communist,
pure and simple. Her views are Fabian Socialist, and illegal. She should
be shipped on the first plane out of the country, before her viral thoughts
infects all of America.


> 10 Reasons Not to Vote for Ron Paul

Foremost, she can't even count. She says 10 reasons not to vote for Ron
Paul, while she went well over 10 reasons. Judie, A G.E.D. is not over
rated. Go get you one.

> Written by Summer Ludwig at 5:36 pm on 12/9/2007
> As anyone with a blog, YouTube account, MySpace page, or web site knows
> Ron
> Paul supporters are everywhere! The internet is filled with them. Although
> we
> are a progressive blog and both William and I support Democratic
> candidates,
> vocally, we are constantly barraged with pleas and "stories" to win us
> over.
> The frightening thing that I have witnessed is that many liberal voters
> are
> giving some credence to Ron Paul's campaign and message. He somehow comes
> across as different or better than the run of the mill conservatives
> filling
> the Republican ticket.
> a..
> I do not support Ron Paul in ANY and I find his Congressional record and
> policies to be, at times, even scarier than his counterparts. The only
> thing
> that I have found to agree with him on is the fact that he does not
> support
> the war in Iraq. After extensive research I have compiled a list of 10
> reasons
> NOT to vote for Ron Paul!
> 1.. Ron Paul does not value equal rights for minorities. Ron Paul has
> sponsored legislation that would repeal affirmative action,

Affirmative Action is a terrible device to keep more qualified people from
holding jobs and mandating that employers hire less qualified minorities.
This is anti-white predjudice, pure and simple. To people like you, it's a
crime to be white now a days.

keep the IRS from
> investigating private schools who may have used race as a factor in
> denying
> entrance,

The IRS is an illegal entitity. It is unconstitutional to have an IRS.

thus losing their tax exempt status, would limit the scope of Brown
> versus Board of Education, and would deny citizenship for those born in
> the US
> if their parents are not citizens. Here are links to these bills:
> H.R.3863,
> H.R.5909, H.J.RES.46, and H.J.RES.42.
> 2.. Ron Paul would deny women control of their bodies and reproductive
> rights.

Once you allow a man's sperm to create a human being within in you, your
forfeit your right over your own body. There is another human involved now
and for any woman to kill that human, is murder pure and simple. You want
to retain control of your body? Don't get pregnant. Go live on an Island
somewhere. Your abortion nazi holocaust has killed multi millions.

Ron Paul makes it very clear that one of his aims is to repeal Roe v.
> Wade. He has also co sponsored 4 separate bills to "To provide that human
> life
> shall be deemed to exist from conception." This, of course, goes against
> current medical and scientific information as well as our existing laws
> and
> precedents. Please see these links: H.R.2597 and H.R.392
> 3.. Ron Paul would be disastrous for the working class. He supports
> abolishing the Federal minimum wage, has twice introduced legislation to
> repeal OSHA,

Another worthless bureauracracy.

or the Occupational Safety and Health Act and would deal
> devastating blows to Social Security including repealing the act that
> makes it
> mandatory for employees of nonprofits, to make "coverage completely
> optional
> for both present and future workers", and would "freeze benefit levels".
> He
> has also twice sponsored legislation seeking to repeal the Davis-Bacon Act
> and
> the Copeland Act which among other things provide that contractors for the
> federal government must provide the prevailing wage and prohibits
> corporate
> "kick backs." Here are the related legislative links: H.R.2030, H.R.4604,
> H.R.736, and H.R.2720
> 4.. Ron Paul's tax plan is unfair to lower earners and would greatly
> benefit
> those with the highest incomes.

Our forefathers revolted over a 2 cent tax on tea. They would hang
themselves to see how we are taxed in this country today.

He has repeatedly submitted amendments to the
> tax code that would get rid of the estate and gift taxes, tax all earners
> at
> 10%, disallow income tax credits to individuals who are not corporations,
> repeal the elderly tax credit, child care credit, earned income credit,
> and
> other common credits for working class citizens. Please see this link for
> more
> information: H.R.05484 Summary
> 5.. Ron Paul's policies would cause irreparable damage to our already
> strained environment.

We should drill our own oil. We are making the Arabs very rich, by our oil
dependence on them. You want to win the war on terror? Quit importing that
Arab oil and go with our own oil. That way, Saudi Arabia cannot
clandestinely fund radical factions of Islam.

Among other travesties he supports off shore drilling,
> building more oil refineries, mining on federal lands, no taxes on the
> production of fuel, and would stop conservation efforts that could be a
> "Federal obstacle" to building and maintaining refineries. He has also
> sought
> to amend the Clean Air Act, repeal the Soil and Water Conservation Act of
> 1977, and to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to "restrict
> the
> jurisdiction of the United States over the discharge of dredged or fill
> material to discharges into waters". To see for yourself the possible
> extent
> of the damage to the environment that would happen under a Paul
> administration
> please follow these links: H.R.2504, H.R.7079, H.R.7245, H.R.2415,
> H.R.393,
> H.R.4639, H.R.5293, and H.R.6936
> 6.. A Ron Paul administration would continue to proliferate the negative
> image of the US among other nations. Ron Paul supports withdrawing the US
> from
> the UN,

The UN has no right over the US, even though the UN was a US creation. We
are a sovereign nation. Any UN policy and decision has no legal right to be
implemented in the United States or by the United States. Contrary to
popular belief.

when that has not happened he has fought to at least have the US
> withdrawn from the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
> Organization. He has introduced legislation to keep the US from giving any
> funds to the UN. He also submitted that the US funds should not be used in
> any
> UN peacekeeping mission or any UN program at all. He has sponsored a bill
> calling for us to "terminate all participation by the United States in the
> United Nations, and to remove all privileges, exemptions, and immunities
> of
> the United Nations."
> 7.. Ron Paul twice supported stopping the destruction of intercontinental
> ballistic missile silos in the United States.

Why not? We decry other nations for trying to obtain nuclear weapons. Had
not General Groves, the US gov, and Oppenheimer opened "Pandora's Box," less
developed nations would not even had known that there was such a thing as
nuclear energy. If we want to tell the world they cannot have weapons, then
we have to take the lead and beat our swords into ploughshares.

He also would continue with
> Bush's plan of ignoring international laws by maintaining an insistence
> that
> the International Criminal Court does not apply to the US, despite
> President
> Clinton's signature on the original treaty. The International Criminal
> Court
> is used for, among other things, prosecution of war crimes. Please see the
> following links: H.R.3891, H.AMDT.191, H.AMDT.190, H.R.3769, H.R.1665,
> H.CON.RES.23, and H.R.1154
> 8.. Ron Paul discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation and would
> not
> provide equal rights and protections to glbt citizens. This is an issue
> that
> Paul sort of dances around. He has been praised for stating that the
> federal
> government should not regulate who a person marries. This has been
> construed
> by some to mean that he is somewhat open to the idea of same sex marriage,
> he
> is not. Paul was an original co sponsor of the Marriage Protection Act in
> the
> House in 2004. Among other things this discriminatory piece of legislation
> placed a prohibition on the recognition of a same sex marriage

Same sex marriage is not marriage at all. It's a group of reprobates that
wants Congress to legislate to them "Special" Rights, to go continue in
their abominal practices and to teach our children the same, all the white
receiving benefits for their sins. All reprobates should be put on an
Island somewhere, away from mainstream America. That way the virus of their
damndable homosexual practices will not destroy this nation.

across state
> borders. He said in 2004 that if he was in the Texas legislature he would
> not
> allow judges to come up with "new definitions" of marriage. Paul is a very
> religious conservative and though he is careful with his words his record
> shows that he is not a supporter of same sex marriage. In 1980 he
> introduced a
> particularly bigoted bill entitled "A bill to strengthen the American
> family
> and promote the virtues of family life." or H.R.7955 A direct quote from
> the
> legislation "Prohibits the expenditure of Federal funds to any
> organization
> which presents male or female homosexuality as an acceptable alternative
> life
> style or which suggest that it can be an acceptable life style." shows
> that he
> is unequivocally opposed to lifestyles other than heterosexual.
> 9.. Ron Paul has an unnatural obsession with guns.

Guns is what keeps honest government honest. You take away guns, you might
as well submit your children to the State, to become a slave for some smelly
global elitist.
Guns is what made America great. Guns is what will keep America great.

> 10.. Ron Paul would butcher our already sad educational system.

The Department of Eduation is a joke, with children not really learning
anything. When Children use to learn to read from the Bible, this nation
was strong.
Now, most High Schoolers cannot read, write, or even make change in their

The fact is
> that Ron Paul wants to privatize everything and that includes education.
> Where
> we run into problems is that it has been shown (think our current health
> care
> system) that this doesn't work so well in practice. Ron Paul has
> introduced
> legislation that would keep the Federal Government "from planning,
> developing,
> implementing, or administering any national teacher test or method of
> certification and from withholding funds from States or local educational
> agencies that fail to adopt a specific method of teacher certification."
> In a
> separate piece of legislation he seeks to "prohibit the payment of Federal
> Education assistance in States which require the licensing or
> certification of
> private schools or private school teachers." So basically the federal
> government can't regulate teaching credentials and if states opt to
> require
> them for private schools they get no aid. That sounds like a marvelous
> idea
> teachers with no certification teaching in private schools that are
> allowed to
> discriminate on the basis of race. He is certainly moving forward with
> these
> proposals!

See, you're pretty dumb. You've went over 10 reasons. Ok, I'll play your
game, you communist.

> 11.. Remember his "bill to strengthen the American family and promote the
> virtues of family life." or H.R.7955? Guess what? He basically advocates
> for
> segregation in schools once again.

Why should smarter people allow dumber people into their schools, to fulfill
some kind of illegal quota?

It "Forbids any court of the United States
> from requiring the attendance at a particular school of any student
> because of
> race, color, creed, or sex." Without thinking about this statement it
> doesn't
> sound bad at all. But remember, when desegregating schools that this is
> done
> by having children go to different schools, often after a court decision
> as in
> Brown Vs. Board of Education. If this were a bill that passed, schools
> would
> no longer be compelled to comply and the schools would go back to
> segregation
> based on their locations. Ron Paul is really starting to look like a
> pretty
> bigoted guy don't you think?
> 12.. Ron Paul is opposed to the separation of church and state.

See my post, "Obama is NOT an Islam" You will learn that there was never
such a creature as seperation of Church and State. If anything, the
Founding Fathers instituted seperation of Church FROM State.

You know, you're showing yourself to be a communist. They should ship you
immediately to Cuba.

<Idiocy Snipped>

Luke Nichols
The smartest man in America


Hannitized is "Brain Wave Sanitized."