Re: 12/16 Puns


Tim Bruening

"Milton J. Smuthworthy, I" wrote:

> So then Larry Krzewinski said:

> >

> >>>>So then Alan reirritated:

> >>>>>>Bib Likkle chant: (repeat...): "Noah. Ana. Siam."

> >>>>>I learned that one as "Ohwah. Tagoo. Siam.

> >>>>I like your version for young people like Mos.

> >>>Mos might like "What kind of tool am I?"

> >>He's an empty shell where an empty fart must dwell?

> >

> >Why can't I pass my gas like any other man?

> >And maybe then I'll kno' what kind of tool I am!


> You sing like Al Gyro.

Gyrate: Price of a spinning top.

Beaming: Happy Chinese vase.

Creaming: Tasty vase.

Seaming: Sewing machine vase.

Steaming: Hot vase.

Storming: Rainy vase.

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