Tim Bruening
nemo wrote:
> Tim Bruening <tsbrueni@pop.dcn.davis.ca.us> wrote in message
> news:40307FFB.74CE34CB@pop.dcn.davis.ca.us...
> > Bahamas: Laughing sheep mothers.
> >
> > Cuba: A line of sheep.
> >
> > Cuban: To ban lines.
> Bahamas 2: Sadists who injure sheep.
> BaHrain: Where it precipitates breathless sheep.
Bahamas: Sheep terrorists.
> Tim Bruening <tsbrueni@pop.dcn.davis.ca.us> wrote in message
> news:40307FFB.74CE34CB@pop.dcn.davis.ca.us...
> > Bahamas: Laughing sheep mothers.
> >
> > Cuba: A line of sheep.
> >
> > Cuban: To ban lines.
> Bahamas 2: Sadists who injure sheep.
> BaHrain: Where it precipitates breathless sheep.
Bahamas: Sheep terrorists.