Re: 9 yr old boy jailed for dog with limp wrist


Jim Alder

Guest wrote in news:bac26528-9f2f-4580-900e-db532803ac86

> Actually, the father was jailed not the boy. The boy is the owner of
> the dog. The dog had a limp wrist, meaning the bones allowed the paw
> to swivel through a greater angle than normal. Now you have to know
> that this is in modern goose-step Gestapo Germany. When the dog raised
> its front right paw, the authorities ruled it was the Nazi salute,
> which in Germany is verboten!
> Probably being a typical red-blooded male, the father is sick and
> tired of political correctness, and is always yacking against the
> authorities. He got 5 months in jail.
> And the dog? It was forcibly taken away, forever, from the family, and
> is being given behavioral and psychological modification training. Vie
> fill teeech zie dog goood not to raze zie arm so high! Jah? Jah vohl!


Here's a little tip for the future. If you're going to lie your ass off
about a news story, you really shouldn't post a link. And in the meantime it
wouldn't kill you to learn to read, either. There is no nine year old boy in
this story. The DOG is nine years old. His owner is a neo-Nazi known for
giving the illegal hi sign himself and wearing pro-Hitler t-shirts.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm
to pass... it's about learning to dance
in the rain."