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On Wed, 07 Feb 2007 16:23:49 GMT, \/\/ wrote:

>Without their Human Masters the africoons are doomed to failure.
>When head ****** Mugabe decided to reward his homies and 'hoes by
>confiscating the results of Human endeavors in the former Rhodesia
>seven years ago Zimbabwe's economy and quality of life went into a
>precipitous uninterrupted decline. Zimbabwe's economic descent has
>picked up so much speed recently Mugabe, the nation's head ****** for
>27 years, is even starting to lose support from parts of his own
>In recent weeks, the national power authority has presided over the
>collapse of electrical service. A breakdown in water treatment has set
>off a new outbreak of Cholera in the capital, Harare. All public
>services were cut off in Marondera, a regional capital of 50,000 in
>eastern Zimbabwe, after the money to fix broken equipment disappeared.
>In Chitungwiza, just south of Harare, electricity is sporadically
>supplied a few days a week.
>The head ****** awarded all his servants a 300 percent raise two weeks
>ago. Nevertheless, the increase is only a fraction of the inflation
>rate, so the nation's 110,000 teachers are staging a work slowdown for
>more money. Measured by the black-market value of Zimbabwe's ragtag
>currency, even their new salaries total less than $60 American dollars
>a month.
>Doctors and nurses have been on strike for five weeks, seeking a pay
>increase of nearly 9,000 percent, and health care is essentially
>nonexistent. Harare's police chief warned in a recent memo that if
>rank-and-file officers did not get a substantial raise, they will go
>In the past eight months, "there's been a huge collapse in living
>standards," Iden Wetherell, the editor of the weekly newspaper
>Zimbabwe Independent says, "and also total nigga****ation of the