Re: ah and Aratzio have been busy ...... Re: [proposal] alt.pedo.links



On Mon, 13 Oct 2008 09:35:37 -0600, in alt.flame, Snarky
<> bloviated:

>Git_RDunn wrote these lies, denials, arrogant assertions, erroneous
>presuppositions, and/or obfuscations:
>> In article <>,
>> says...
>>> In article <48f1f7f6$0$67974$>,
>>> says...
>>>> Git_RDunn wrote:
>>>>> In article <48f15c0a$0$67991$>,
>>>>> says...

>> Are you ****tards still typing????? I'm too busy today to read all of your
>> bullshit, fag boys. A general yawn and same old boring bullshit from you two
>> ****ing morons. My "real" lawn ****** has more brains than the two of you put
>> together. <laughs> You ****ing rocket scientists don't even know when you've
>> been had and by whom! LOL LOL LOL LOL Christ, forgive them for being so
>> stupid! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!

>I just nominated Aratzio for Kook of the Month. Do something useful for
>once and go second it.

You looking desperate is not going to help. Being the butt of the joke
however, well, that's just gonna be hilarious.

So do climb on board the G-Dumb short bus and have yourself a ball.

(I fixed your follow-ups, a broader audience is needed for your
message )