Re: AIDS and the Church: Crucifixion Set for Denmark Dec 1



You must admit though that protected promiscuity is not any sort of
easy fix to this problem. Personal responsibility (i.e. abstinence is
at least part of the solution) Simply allowing some nuns in africa to
pass out condoms isn't going to solve much of anything. People know
about contraception. Just because the church doesn't condone it
doesn't mean that's what causes these problems. They are caused by a
lack of (and the delegation of) personal responibility. wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> AIDS and the Church: Crucifixion Set for Denmark Dec 1
> Via NY Transfer News Collective All the News that Doesn't Fit
> sent by Jens_Galschiot (activ-l) - Nov 27, 2006
> Pregnant Teenager Crucified in front of Cathedral
> This press release is available in PDF format with photos.
> English version:
> Spanish version:
> Danish version:
> Press release, 27 November 2006
> Pregnant Teenager Crucified in front of Cathedral
> On 1st December, international AIDS day a 5 metre high crucifix
> in copper with a pregnant teenager will be set up in front of the
> Cathedral of Copenhagen. The crucifixion is a global sculptural
> outcry from the controversial Danish sculptor Jens Galschiot against
> Bible fundamentalists allegation that God allows nothing else than
> chastity and unprotected sex.
> At the inauguration on Friday at 12 there will be speeches by Jens
> Galschiot and Dean Anders Gadegaard.
> The sculpture is titled In the Name of God. There will be cast
> various copies to be displayed Kenya, Rome and the US. The project
> is an artistic comment to the extreme Bible fundamentalists with
> President Bush and the Pope in the lead who preach sexual abstinence
> until marriage as the only method to avoid HIV contamination and
> unwanted pregnancy.
> They will bomb back sexual education and ban information on
> contraception that they see as an invitation to voluptuousness. In
> the same token the Roman Catholic church asserts that contraption
> is impermissible according to the biblical doctrines, so they
> advocate the absurd allegation that only unprotected sex is admissible.
> The consequences may be disastrous for the proliferation of AIDS
> an STDs and so the result will be increased suffering, Jens Galschiot
> says and continues:
> The sculpture is not a comment on the issue of abortion or stem
> cells, but should be seen as an artistic advocacy for the right to
> contraception and unprejudiced sexual education.
> The Cathedral supports the debate The first sculpture will be
> put up in front of the Cathedral of Copenhagen on 1st December, the
> international AIDS day. Dean Anders Gadegaard, the municipality of
> Copenhagen and Our Ladys Church have authorized the sculpture to
> be set up on the square in front of the Cathedral. Anders Gadegaard
> explains: It is important for the church to join this art manifestation
> to emphasize that the Bible should not be used to preach against
> contraception, but on the contrary churches everywhere should join
> the efforts to combat the proliferation of HIV and display compassion
> and solidarity with those infected and their families.
> Light a candle In connection to the display of the crucifix at
> the Cathedral passers-by will have the opportunity to express their
> support of a more charitable interpretation of the Bible by lighting
> a candle. So the crucifix will be surrounded by lit candles.
> Symbolism of the sculpture The pregnant teenager symbolizes
> innocence. The child that has been lead astray due to ignorance,
> impulsiveness or maybe is the victim of rape is mercilessly exposed
> to the ultimate punishment. The association to Jesus as the innocent
> sacrificial lamb is apparent.
> The sculpture is not a global accusation against Christianity. On
> the contrary, I admire those Christians who take the Gospels claim
> of charity seriously and act accordingly. I think that progressive
> Christians should dissociate themselves from the abuse of their God
> for the sake of a reactionary contraception policy, Jens Galschiot
> declares and continues: To sustain the debate we have uploaded
> comprehensive documentation on our website: There youll
> also find a debate forum.
> More information: Information, photos of the sculpture and
> documentation:
> Artist: Jens Galschiot, Banevaenget 22, DK-5270 Odense N, Denmark
> Tel. +45 6618 4058, e-mail:
> The Cathedral: Dean Anders Gadegaard, Fiolstraede 8, DK-1171
> Copenhagen K, tel. +45 3314 7432
> The Danish Family Planning Association (Sex & Samfund): Bjarne B.
> Christensen, Rosenoerns Alli 12, 1., DK-1634 Copenhagen V, tel. +45
> 3393 1010, www.
> A bit of background info: Bush and the Pope -- a powerful alliance
> The American development aid for family planning and fight against
> AIDS is only granted for programs advocating sexual abstinence until
> marriage, while information about safe sex and condoms has been
> banned. The fatal consequences are already apparent in many countries:
> increasing number of HIV contaminations and unwanted pregnancies,
> particularly in Africa.
> The Roman Catholic Church is deeply rooted in many developing
> countries. Hence it has a considerable impact on their sexual policy.
> But also in the West its becoming a powerful factor. After 2004,
> with the admission of several East European countries, Catholicism
> has at a single blow become the biggest religion of the Community.
> The Vatican is exerting a massive lobbying effort in the EU and the
> UN. Due to their special status of being a state and a religious
> community they join the negotiation of the inner political circles.
> The Bush government and the Vatican make up a powerful alliance in
> their common crusade against contraception and sexual education
> with a considerable sway on the sexual policy as well in the West
> as in the developing countries. Their strategies represent a frontal
> attack on the advances of feminism, on womens right to decide about
> their body and on the right to education about sex and health,
> including contraception.
> Jens Galschiot, Denmark, born 1954, sculptor. He stakes his
> art to defend the ethical values of our society, regardless of
> political, religious or economic interests. His sculptures suddenly
> appear in public areas and start the performance. Best known are
> My Inner Beast (European cities in 1993) and the Pillar of Shame
> (Hong Kong, Mexico and Brazil).
> The projects are financed through the sale of Galschiots bronze
> sculptures to art collectors all over the world. He has a huge
> industrial area in Odense, Denmark with a bronze foundry, gallery
> and workshop. Photos of all Jens Galschiots sculptures:
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