Re: Another pillar of global warming theory falls...

"Hysterical leftwing global warmers must DIE" <> wrote
in message
> NEW YORK (Reuters) -- Hurricanes over the past 5,000 years appear to
> have been controlled more by El Nino and an African monsoon than warm
> sea surface temperatures, such as those caused by global warming,
> researchers said Wednesday.
> The study, published in the journal Nature, adds to the debate on
> whether seas warmed by greenhouse gas emissions lead to more
> hurricanes, such as those that bashed the Gulf of Mexico in 2005.
> Some researchers say warmer seas appear to have contributed to more
> intense hurricanes, while others disagree. The U.N. International
> Panel on Climate Change said this year it was more likely than not
> that humans contribute to a trend of increasingly intense hurricanes.
> (Watch experts give forecast for hurricane season Video)
> Frequent strong hurricanes thrived in the Western Atlantic during
> times of weak El Ninos, or warming of surface waters of the Eastern
> Pacific Ocean, and strong West African monsoons even when local seas
> were cooler than now, the study said.
> "Tropical sea surface temperatures as warm as at present are
> apparently not a requisite condition for increased intense hurricane
> activity," Jeffrey Donnelly, the lead author and researcher at the
> Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, said in the study.
> Intense hurricanes made landfall during the latter half of the Little
> Ice Age, a period of cooling that occurred approximately from the 14th
> to mid-19th centuries, he said.
> Donnelly took core sediment samples from coastal lagoons in Puerto
> Rico to determine the frequency and strength of hurricanes that hit
> the Caribbean island over thousands of years. The storms whipped up
> sand and other coarse grains that were deposited in the lagoons.
> He compared the deposits with historic paleoclimatology records to
> determine that the storms hit during periods when El Ninos were weak
> and when Western African monsoons were strong.
> Intense hurricanes hit when local sea surface temperatures were warm
> or cool. In fact, "the Caribbean experienced a relatively active
> interval of intense hurricanes for more than a millennium when local
> sea surface temperatures were on average cooler than modern," the
> study said.
> Changes in intense hurricane activity should be better predicted with
> more study of the Eastern Pacific and West African climate patterns,
> it said.

The media is deliberatly presenting two wrong pictures of the sides to
choose from.

Meteorologists have known for thousands of years that warmer waters
intensify Hurricanes.

Here is the beginning of their false statements.

"Hurricanes over the past 5,000 years appear to have been controlled more
by El Nino and an African monsoon than warm sea surface temperatures, such
as those caused by global warming, researchers said Wednesday.

The study, published in the journal Nature, adds to the debate on whether
seas warmed by greenhouse gas emissions lead to more hurricanes, such as
those that bashed the Gulf of Mexico in 2005."
This was taken from this link.

The warmer seas are not caused by manmade greenhouse gases, the warmer seas
are caused by an annual increase in underwater Volcanic Activity.

"such as those caused by global warming," they are falsely attributing to a
manmade global warming, but both El Nino and the African monsoon spoken of
are caused by a natural cycle of Ocean Warming.

El Nino is warmer water caused by periodic underwater Volcanic Activity,
that also
causes extra evaporation for the annual African monsoon, by a normal cycle
of the earth's wobble on it's axis, called Chandler's Wobble. This wobble
causes a couple of different types of periodic rise in underwater Volcanic
Activity, that causes just portions of the Oceans to be warmed, and as that
heat rises to the surface that causes El Nino in certain years, but causes
annually a smaller degree of annual Volcanic Activity causing more
evaporation, which causes the annual African monsoon.

Though they do not cover all that there is about earth's wobble, here is a
link showing some of the details.

Chandler's Wobble

A change in Solar Activity such as the one which will not peak until 2011 to
2012, causes a greater Wobble on earth's axis, and the greater Wobble causes
more underwater Volcanic Activity than Normal, and a warmer ocean than
normal, causes more intense Hurricanes than normal, and causes Global
Warming. Global Warming is not manmade.

Follow this story along to see how the US Medias are involved in the
deliberate deception.

<> wrote in message
> What is the difference between Democrats and Republicans, lately?
> Minimum wage is still the same.
> Iraq is costlier than ever, in several ways.
> American still can't shop for cheaper drugs through Medicare Part
> D.
> Everybody is still racist, oppressed and paranoid.
> Republicans and Democrats, I think they strike deals.
> Sissy Freemasons

Lets get a law suit together.

From what I was told, Liberal was big Government, and Conservative was small
Government. But the Programs and Regulations of the Republicans since Dwight
D. Eisenhower, make a bigger Liberal Leftwing Government that is left of
most of the Democrats, and together the US Democrats and US Republicans are
even farther left than President Putin of Russia, or the Empower of
Communist China.

If we raise minimum wage, more small struggling business will collapse, and
the more branches of the Big Corporations will go overseas to get cheap
labor, and where they have to live up to less regulations, leaving many
millions of Americans to suffer more financially.

America cannot make cheaper drugs because of the Safety and Environmental
Regulations Governing the Chemical Plants that make the drugs, so Foreign
drug manufacturers that don't have to follow the US Safety and Environmental
Regulations can make cheaper drugs, cheaper drugs that may be contaminated
with harmful chemicals because Foreign drug manufacturers don't follow the
US Safety and Environmental Regulations.

Bringing to the Presidency his prestige as commanding general of the
victorious forces in Europe during World War II, Dwight D. Eisenhower
pursued the moderate policies of "Modern Republicanism," pointing out as he
left office, "America is today the strongest, most influential, and most
productive nation in the world." He left office in January 1961, for his
farm in Gettysburg, he urged the necessity of maintaining an adequate
military strength, but cautioned that vast, long-continued military
expenditures could breed potential dangers to our way of life.

He knew that because of long term violating the US Constitution which
prevented the Federal and State Governments from raising Taxes to keep a
standing Army in a time of peace, would become a danger to the Middle Class
and to the poor. President Hoover became the scapegoat for the depression in
the 1930s and was badly defeated in 1932. But in the 1930's he became a
powerful critic of the New Deal of FDR, warning against tendencies toward

Statism is the step next to Communism, and now is at hand because of the out
of control Tax Raising and Incompetence and Wastefulness and Treason of Tax
and Spend Democrats, and Borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans, on
Federal, State, and Local Government levels.

In violation of the Federal Trade Act, the BBC and British Scientist are
using Margaret Thatcher's deception and lies about Global warming being
manmade to affect commerce, for in 1998 they had British Petroleum buy up
many US Oil Refineries, and over 15,000 Gas Stations on US Soil, and buy Oil
in Alaska, and invent alternative Energy sources that are three times as
expensive to produce Energy than Fossil fuels, so to get their invested
money back out of the alternative Energy products that they invested over a
Billion Dollars in, they are using deception to drive up Gas Prices towards
equaling the price of their alternative Energy Technology, so people will
buy their expensive Alternative Energy Products, so that they can get their
invested money back.

I am going to sue the BBC, and British Petroleum, and the British
Government, and the US News Medias, and US Corporations, and the US
Politicians, and the US Government, for conspiring to use deception
affecting commerce, causing the Cost of Living to rise too high for me and
others to make it on Social Security Disability, or to make it on the too
low of paying jobs available, and for taking the right and responsibility of
National Defense out of the hands of the People of these United States, and
placing National Defense in the hands of an Incompetent and Wasteful and
Treasonous Government in violation of the US Constitution, jeopardizing the
lives of the People of these United States to the threats and or bondage of
Communism, and or of Foreign Powers, and or of Terrorism, and or of Common
Criminals, by their Foreign and Domestic Policies and Incompetence,
provoking and allowing Foreign and Domestic Enemies of our Rights, to attack
and kill, and or maim, and or imprison, and or impoverish innocent People of
these United States.

Leftwing BBC refuses to cover the whole story accurately! Ship hits massive
iceberg and sinks, a lot of casualties!

Even though it was reported that Icebergs from the Polar Caps and Glaciers
have been become a real navigational sea hazard, the Captain of the ship
did not slow down, and many people watched the Titanic begin to list after
hitting the iceberg before sinking!

The far leftwing BBC is taking over the US Medias to promote lies about
Global Warming that Margaret Thatcher had the Leftwing Communist
Environmental Scientists come up with, (Some Proof on link to video
connecting her with the Communist Environmental Scientists, the Leftwing who
are out to destroy capitalism and the West, below, but I have more hard
evidence that it is a Communist plot, ) so the Medias are just showing the
icebergs more and more to try to brainwash people into falsely thinking that
it is a crisis caused by man. British Video revealing that many scientists
of IPCC are frauds, and that since Margaret Thatcher, many British
Scientists and British Journalists have been controlled by the Communist
Leftwing who are out to destroy capitalism and the West.

The only reason some people think that there is a problem seeing so many
icebergs on TV now, is they are ignorant that it is a natural event, and so
is Global Warming, and that the number of icebergs varies greatly from year
to year. Those falsely promoting Global Warming as being manmade will not be
happy about this, since 1912, did you know that the sea merchants then and
now keep track of all the icebergs that they can?

International Ice Patrol

Check out my Petition for information from #10 Downing Street, and from MI5
and MI6, wherein to protect the USA and Israel from a Communist overthrow
from within, I asked for the names and numbers of Old Hardliners Communists,
that came from the fallen USSR and got citizenship in the USA and or Israel,
and or duel citizenship in both, as they used the wealth that they robbed
from Russia to buy up Corporations, so that they could control US and
Israeli Politicians, and destroy our economies, and take us over from
within. But #10 Downing Street, and those from MI5 and MI6, could not
understand such a simple and reasonable request from the British, who says
that they rely upon the US and Israel for defense from the Communists, Why?
Many of the Old Hardliner Communists who ripped off Russia's wealth making
millions of poor suffer, fled to England with some of that wealth also, and
even helped Tony Blair get into the Labor Party, and helped him become Prime
Minister, because the Communists knew Tony Blair would promote the Communist
Agendas to help destroy the USA and Israel.

The British have the most far Leftwing Labor Party in the democratic world,
that wants to make a Political Issue of the US Constitution to finish taking
away the right and responsibility of national defense away from the People
of these United States, and place national defense solely in the hands of a
Government whose incompetence and Foreign Policies provoked and allowed the
US to be attacked on 9-11.

For up until Britain became a US ally in WW2, the Federal and State
Governments were not allowed to collect taxes for a standing armed force in
a time of peace, for the right and responsibility of national defense in
times of peace and in times of War, was placed upon the People of these
United States by the second Amendment, but since WW2 both the left and the
right of Britain has encouraged the far Leftwing Agenda of building a strong
standing US Government Armed Force even in a time of peace, to do away with
the US Constitution, and make a Powerful US Government their Ally.

Who helped feed the US false intelligence on WMD in Iraq, so that they could
possibly get a War started with Iran, so that they might be able to get the
Oil deals back that they lost during the 1979 US Hostage crisis in Iran?

Who gave Hong Kong and our sensitive US Technology that Corporations in Hong
Kong had, to Communist China in 1997?

Who bought up half the Oil refineries in the US in 1998, and over 15,000 gas
stations on US Soil, and Oil in Alaska so that they can cause the price of
gas to rise in the USA causing millions of poor to suffer?

The Leftwing British Labor Party.

Blair himself using his friendship with Bush, is pushing this Leftwing
Agenda! How much more Leftwing can you get?

The War on those guilty of launching a preemptive attack on 9-11, killing
the innocent together with the guilty, is a good cause to fight for, but
when fools for Political and or financial gains used this good cause as an
opportunity to launch a preemptive attack on a Nation that was not involved
in 9-11, killing the innocent together with the guilty, whose preemptive
attack killing the innocent together with the guilty, is just?

Up until the US and Israel and their Allies presented false evidence to
justify themselves for launching a preemptive attack on Iraq killing the
innocent together with the guilty, all the Nations of the world had stood
for the US getting Osama Bin Laden and his likes, but now that the world
sees that too many among the US and Israel and their Allies are just alike
his likes, the Nations of the world have turned their backs upon the US and

Now the whole world knows that the Leaders of the US and Israeli and their
Allies, are just accusers of mankind that should be judged from their own
mouths, for every evil thing that they accuse others that are innocent or
guilty of doing, is the very evil thing that they themselves are doing.

A Police State is Communism.

Hillary Clinton said of President Putin, "He cannot control his people like
the US can, because he don't collect Taxes and build Hospitals and Police
Forces like the US does."

Since the hardliner Communist fled justice as they ripped off Russia and
made millions of poor suffer, and came to the West and bought out the
Politicians of the West, Russia gained Liberty from the Communist Police
States, and many of the Old hardliner Communists joined with US Politicians,
and helped the US build massive Police States supported by the Tax Payers,
which helps destroy the US economy by raising the cost of living and making
millions of poor suffer, while the US Politicians and their new Police
States take away America's Liberty.

Hilary Clinton don't want people to be able to choose their own Doctors, and
wants the Police to escort them to a Government Appointed Doctor whenever
they want, often just because they speak out against a Politicians insane
stance on an issue that takes away our Life, and Liberty.

The Republican Party under President George W Bush has become more far
leftwing than the Democratic Party, since 9-11 setting up a National Police
State taking away more of our Taxes, and taking away more of our Liberty,
instead of deregulating to give us Liberty, and getting rid of many
Government programs, Federal, State, and Local, to reduce our Tax burdens.

Russia now has Liberty, the United States has no Liberty.

So tell me, where did the real Communists go?

Global Warming fraud.

And if you check their data on that British video about Solar Activity
increase corresponding with the temperature increase, the reason the earth
is heating backwards from what is described by their greenhouse effect
theory, is that there is a corresponding increase in Volcanic Activity to
the increase of Solar Activity that these British Scientists miss. These
underwater Volcanoes heat spots of the Oceans, but it can take months to a
few years for the Oceans to release the heat energy, (Not thousands of years
like one of these British Scientists claims, it is the CO2 and SO2 that the
Volcanoes add to the Oceans' water that can take hundreds to thousands of
years for the Oceans to release, the heat is released almost immediately,
and like hot humid weather hugs the ground until a cold front pushes under
it, as the hot air rises, the humid air from the underwater volcanic
activity only small areas close to the ground, and then ascend over colder
air masses, this is why earth is heating from the ground up which is
mentioned in the video.) and the supersaturated air hangs close to the
ground as it releases most of it's heat energy. Only small areas of the
Troposphere are heated too hot for clouds to form by the rising
supersaturated air, and this causes droughts in some areas, but as the
supersaturated air runs into cooler air in the troposphere and cools off, it
rapidly forms clouds and cloudbursts drop floods in other areas. There is a
link to the earth's increased wobble on it's axis and the Volcanic Activity
increase, because the increase in wobble causes a molten layer around the
Earth's core to shift causing the Volcanic activity, and the increased
wobble is caused by the increased Solar Activity, which Solar Activity
grafts they shown on the above link, corresponds to those shown on the
grafts of the second web link below. Run their grafts of Solar Activity with
actual Volcanic Activity and watch how they correspond because Solar
Activity causes Chandler's Wobble which causes Volcanic Activity and Global

Verifying their finding that the Global Warming is ultimately caused by
Solar Activity, Simultaneous Global Warming on Neptune which has been
measurably warming since 1980, which is more evidence that shows Earth's
Global Warming is also not manmade, it is caused by extra Solar Activity,
and extra Geothermic Activity caused by the sun's effect on the planets,
just like it is doing on Neptune and the other planets!

Chandler's Wobble

Solar peak expected in 2011 2012

The Politics of Acid Rains and Global Warming.

Some of this science was confirmed from highly classified Russian and
Chinese military documents that I personally translated. I cannot tell you
how I got access to the classified military documents. But since I know that
the Communist know the truth about Global Warming not being manmade, I have
to honestly ask, why are they or US Politicians helping our Allies promote
the lies?

From the 1940s to the 1970s the anti capitalist leftwing Environmental
Groups among the NATO Nations, were often stirred up and driven by the
Communist Soviets against the establishments, because the Communists falsely
claimed that the drop in Global Temperature after WW2 was being caused by
the Capitalists' Nuclear Power, and the Capitalist's Businesses that
produced manmade gases, and CO2 was just one of the Gases besides the
Radiation from Nuclear Waste, and CFCs and Chlorine in refrigerators, that
the Communists deliberately falsely blamed for changing the Weather, trying
to deceive the anti capitalist leftwing Environmental Groups among the West,
into destroying their Governments and their Technology, so that they could
take over.

After what scientists call the Mini Ice age, born in the Global Warming
Period of the Dust Bowl in the 1930s, the failures of crops as a farm boy
because of the following Global Cooling after WW2, and the failure of
Mikhail Gorbachev's programs while being head of the agriculture department
in the early 1960s, he himself rightly blamed on the problems in the
Communists' systems, and became a radical reformer in many of the hardliner
Communists eyes, but many of the hardliner Communists deliberately falsely
blamed the West for the Global Cooling of the Earth, that had been occurring
since the 1940s, and being in a Cold War with the West, they began
deliberately falsely blaming the Global Weather change of the Earth's
Cooling, on the Industrialization and Capitalism of the West. The Old
Hardliner Communists deliberately falsely blamed the Global Cooling on
radiation from the wastes of Nuclear Power Plants, and from the Chlorine in
CFCs of refrigerators, and even from CO2 produced by the West's Industries,
trying to deceive the anti capitalist leftwing Environmental Groups among
the West, into destroying their Governments and their Technology, so that
the Communists could take over.

The anti capitalist leftwing Environmental Groups among the NATO Nations,
and the Old Hardliner Communists did not disappear at the fall of the
Communist Wall. They joined forces with Communist Nations in Asia, in a
united effort that would enable them to began blaming the Global Weather
change of the Earth's WARMING this time, on the Industrialization and
Capitalism of the West, trying to deceive the anti capitalist leftwing
Environmental Groups among the West, into destroying their Governments and
their Technology, so that they could take over.

Because the British are not only far behind the US and Russians in many of
the sciences of space and the earth and the weather, but are far behind the
Chinese also, who even invented their own words to describe various types of
Acid Rains, the ignorant bull headed British pretending to be caught up to
speed with the rest of the world, are often deceived by the Communists'
Scientists, and too many ignorant bull headed US Politicians pretending to
be caught up to speed with the strange British Science Theories, go along
with the deceived British because they are a so called US Ally.

An example, foolishly the British pretend to know where condensation nuclei
for forming clouds comes from. The British first theorized that it came from
exploding super novas that gave off ultraviolet light as condensation nuclei
for forming new clouds, but then say that they know that was wrong now that
they have become more educated, as they falsely say it is ultraviolet
sunlight that acts as new condensation nuclei, leaving out exactly how
sunlight causes a large variety chemical reactions to form Heavier Molecules
from Lighter Molecules in the dry Stratosphere above the Troposphere where
clouds form, and gravity causes the Heavier Molecules to sink to the
Troposphere, and each different type of new Molecule becomes a new
condensation nuclei for forming new clouds in the Troposphere. Every inexact
Science Theory that I have seen the British come up with, some among the
anti capitalist leftwing Environmental Groups among the NATO Nations, and or
some among the Old Hardliner Communists, have always taken the inexact
Science Theory from the British, and twisted it into a lie somehow, trying
to deceive more among the anti capitalist leftwing Environmental Groups
among the West, into destroying their Governments and their Technology, so
that the Communists could take over. And whenever some among the anti
capitalist leftwing Environmental Groups among the NATO Nations, and or
among the Old Hardliner Communists, twist an inexact Science Theory into a
lie, and some fools in the West believe the lies, it is always the poorest
among the world that suffer first, as they become unable to obtain an income
equal to the rise in the Cost of Living caused by the lies of the
Communists, as the poor become more of a burden on the established
Governments that the Communists want to destroy.

An example of their twisting inaccurate Science Theory into a lie, although
at least 95% to 98% of all condensation nuclei comes from newly formed
heavier Molecules that the sun helps to form in the Stratosphere, that sink
from the Stratosphere where they are formed from lighter Elements, because
of gravity when they form, because of the ignorance of the British, too many
wan a be Scientists influenced by the anti capitalist leftwing Environmental
Groups among the West, or by the Communists themselves, ignore this natural
source of condensation nuclei altogether, and the environmentalist groups
try to say that Molecules heavier than water vapor, made by man, can ascend
against gravity to the dry Stratosphere to descend and become condensation
nuclei that causes Acid Rain all over the Earth, which is not true. For only
lower clouds in the Troposphere use particles and chemicals from the ground
and industries as condensation nuclei because the particles and chemicals
from the ground cannot ascend higher than the clouds because of gravity upon
forming from lighter Elements, and this is why you get both natural Acid
Rains from the condensation nuclei formed by nature in the upper
Stratosphere that descend by gravity, and rain Natural Acid rains all over
the earth, but manmade Acid Rains from the lower Troposphere can only rain
downwind from the cities producing the pollutants, because the heavy manmade
molecules cannot ascend against gravity to the upper Troposphere, let alone
to the higher Stratosphere.

Now see how the Communists and the anti capitalist leftwing Environmental
Groups among the NATO Nations, began taking advantage of a Scientific lie
that Margaret Thatcher wanted formed, so that she could promote Nuclear
Power. (Note, the IPCC Scientists are now using the Scientific Lie, to
promote the use of Nuclear Power, meaning let Iran, North Korea, Cuba and
any other Communist Nation go ahead and develop Nuclear Power, but don't let
the undeveloped Nation's of Africa use anything but unreliable Solar and
Wind Power that costs three times as much to produce, so that they can take
their abundant Coal and Oil.)

Since I am not connected with Exxon, should I throw out the true science
because Exxon Mobile is often telling the truth on some of this? Or should I
write those off who speak against the truth as another political science
fraud trying to destroy US Companies and the US economy with their false
science so that their Nations can make money off destroying the economy of
the USA? The more mandatory regulations that even our Allies can get the US
to pass, just to avoid the rising production costs and rising labor costs,
more US Corporations will move more branches to Europe and Japan and Mexico
and Australia and China, leaving more US Citizens without Jobs, so that our
Allies, our so called friends, can help the Communists destroy our economy
and make money off our technology and our material that we consume our
energy to produce and send them, as they ship back foreign made products
from foreign based US Corporation branches, to take more money out of our
economy, and we get even less or no money put back in our economy.

Just on Ethanol from corn, the food cost of feeding a family of four has
risen $400.00 a month, and land has gone from $900.00 and acre to $6,500.00
an acre in some areas, making many more working poor default on home loans,
and making millions more poor suffer, and it will only get worse, and even
destroy most of the Middle Class with these mandatory regulations being
passed because of false science and greed of other Nations.

Lets see if we cannot get rid of some myths about science, if you have
anything that might shed some light on this let us know. Keep this question
in mind, Why is the dry stratosphere so dry?

What a lot of these People are deliberately leaving out, so that they may
twist other Data into a lie, so that they may affect commerce by regulating
it into their pockets, or the pockets of others, with mandatory regulations
that they say are necessary, because of their Science Fiction deception, is
that the recent recorded changes in Solar Activity, also affect the recent
recorded increases of Volcanic Activity, and these changes together affect
Earth's Magnetic Field, and all these changes together affect other Natural
events, and the results of just the first two changes is a Natural Global
Warming period. And because the base cause originated from the Solar changes
affecting Volcanic Activity, other planets are also experiencing Global
Warming at nearly the same rate. However, because Earth has a Magnetic
Field, Earth is being affected differently than some planets that have no
Magnetic Field and different compositions of Chemicals in their Atmospheres
and different degrees of Gravitational Pull.

Earth's unique Atmosphere and Magnetic Field and Gravitational Pull allows
the Earth to use Solar Energy and Natural Gases and Meteorites to produce a
cycle of producing Natural accruing Acids and Bases and Water to sustain
life upon Earth. These Natural cycles have not stopped, but their rate of
production fluctuates with the fluctuations of the Natural Events of Solar
Activity and Volcanic Activity and Earth's Magnetic Field and Gravitational

The people writing Dictionaries, and Chemistry Books, and Websites, about
these subjects, seem to be mostly only aware of man's production of
compounds that help Nature produce surface air pollution in the Troposphere,
and they seem to believe that there are only manmade compounds that show up
in Acid Rains, or that affect the Global Climate. And they seem to be
totally unaware of Nature's production of many of these same natural
compounds among the Troposphere, and they seem to be totally unaware that
only the Troposphere is affected by man's industries. And they are totally
unaware of Nature's production of many of these same natural compounds being
formed naturally in the higher Stratosphere, where the Stratosphere is
totally unaffected by man's industries, and they are unaware that the
natural change in the natural rate of production of these natural compounds
in the Stratosphere, is what effects Global Climate and Temperature changes,
not man's production of surface air pollution in the Troposphere.

Lets lay aside manmade pollutions that cause Acid Rains in the Troposphere
for a moment, and look at Nature's way of producing Natural Acid Rains to
sustain a great variety of different life forms, that thrive in a great
variety of naturally different Ph and chemical composition ecosystems, and
see if we cannot get all mankind to understand and agree upon Nature's life
supporting ways of the Stratosphere, and mankind's destructive ways in the

Where did all those Salts in the Oceans come from? Man describes the
production of Salts in Nature, as Chemical Reactions between Acids and
Bases. Any substance containing heavier than air deadly Chlorine, Cl2,
breaks down in Nature to form stronger and stronger Acids, until it forms
the strongest deadly Acids, that react with the strongest deadly Bases, as
they change the Ph and chemical composition of the Soils, and form a variety
of non-lethal Sea Salts, while they are washed from the land by Natural Acid
Rains, that produce systems of streams and lakes and rivers that run to the
Oceans, depositing the new non-lethal Salts there. This has been going on
since the Atmosphere and Land and Oceans and their Salts began.

Weak Acids and weak Bases as they react and change the Ph and chemical
composition of the Soils, form weak Salts that are decomposed easily in
Nature with the bodily functions of diverse Life Forms, or with mild Heat,
or with a little Solar activity, or with other weak Natural Chemical
Reactions, so few weak Salts end up collecting in the Oceans for long. But
strong Acids and strong Bases as they react and change the Ph and chemical
composition of the Soils, form strong Salts that are hard for Nature to
decompose, like decomposing Sodium Chloride, man does an electrolysis on
molten hot Sodium Chloride, to decompose it to Sodium and Chlorine, so
Nature normally unable to do that, in Nature it forms these strong Salts
that do not decompose easily, and the Oceans mostly collects these Strong

The impact of Acid deposition on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems is not
uniform. While increases in acid deposition may stress some ecosystems and
reduce their stability and productivity, others may be unaffected, and in
others the decrease in acid deposition may stress their ecosystems and
reduce their stability and productivity.

Natural terrestrial formations and Natural aquatic formations, provided
different havens for a variety of different Life Forms that thrive in
different Ph and chemical composition conditions, in a variety of different
ecosystems. An example, the different Ph and chemical composition in
different Fresh Waters, is good for the different aquatic Life Forms in each
different Fresh Water ecosystem, but the different Ph and chemical
composition of Salt Waters are not good for most of them, and vise versa.

Grapes do better in one Ph and chemical composition of Soil, and Potatoes do
better in a different Ph and chemical composition of Soil, and vine plants
like watermelons, do better in yet another Ph and chemical composition of
Soil. So prior to manmade fertilizers that changed the Ph and composition of
Soil to make it suitable for their desired crop, man searched for the
desired Soil with the suitable Ph and chemical composition for his desired
crop, or he searched for other crops that would change the Ph and chemical
composition of the Soil, to the desired Ph and chemical composition of the
Soil, best for his desired crop, and he would alternate planting the crops a
year or more, after a year or more, to build up the Soil for his desired
crop, which is called crop rotation.

Because all decaying waste and plants and animals produce deadly Ammonia Gas
daily, to keep the deadly level of Ammonia down, in the Stratosphere nature
produces heavier than H2O Nitrogen Gasses and Nitric Acid, and Nitrous Acid,
and Sulfuric Acid, that daily sink to the Troposphere and react with deadly
Ammonium Gas to form a weak non-lethal Ammonium Salt, or combine with deadly
Ammonium Gas to produce different non-lethal life giving Natural Nitrate
Fertilizers for the plants, or they combine with different Bases to form
different Salts.

So while one farmer may scream that we need more Acid Rain for his desired
crops, another farmer may scream that we need less Acid Rain for his desired
crops. But Natural terrestrial formations and Natural aquatic formations,
provides the different havens for a variety of different Life Forms that
thrive in different Ph and chemical composition conditions, as it pleases.
But all the different farmers will agree that their harvested crops are
preserved longer in refrigerators run off CFCs, which contain heavier than
air deadly Chlorine, Cl2, that breaks down in Nature to form stronger and
stronger Acids, until it forms the strongest deadly Acids, that react with
the strongest deadly Bases, as they change the Ph and composition of the
Soils, and form a variety of non-lethal Sea Salts, while they are washed
from the land by Natural Acid Rains, that produce systems of streams and
lakes and rivers that run to the Oceans, depositing the new non-lethal Salts
there. Oops, the heavier than air deadly Chlorine, Cl2, never made it to the
dry stratosphere to destroy the ozone layer, because gravity keeps the
stratosphere dry, and just a single Chlorine Atom which cannot exist long in
Nature alone, is heavier than vaporized water, and cannot ascend against
gravity higher than vaporized water in the Troposphere.

In Nature any Element or Compound that Man or Nature forms as a Molecule
below the clouds in the Troposphere, that is heavier than the vaporized H2O
Molecule, cannot ascend against gravity higher than the highest clouds
ascend in the Troposphere. In Nature any Element or Compound that forms a
Molecule heavier than the vaporized H2O Molecule, and exists higher than the
highest clouds in the Troposphere, is formed by Nature in the Stratosphere
from Elements that originally formed in Molecules that are lighter than the
H2O Molecule, and they ascend to the Stratosphere, and the cosmic rays cause
them to begin to form heavier Molecules of heavier Compounds in the
Stratosphere, like forming newly formed H2O, and O3 and H2O2 and NO and NO2
and NO3 and SO and SO2 that form Acid Molecules, all of these Molecules of
new H2O, and O3 on, are all heavier than H2O which is too heavy to ascend to
or stay in the dry Stratosphere, so that after forming in the Stratosphere,
they automatically sink to or below the highest clouds in the Troposphere
because of gravity.

Even the H2O and CO2 and Nitrogen Oxide Molecules as compounds formed by
jets burning fuels in the lower dry Stratosphere, automatically upon
forming, begin to sink to or below the highest clouds of the Troposphere
because of gravity, because gravity is why the Stratosphere remains dry!

NO is the lightest Nitrogen Oxide, and it is heavier than H2O, so when it is
formed by a jet in the lower stratosphere above the clouds, it immediately
sinks because of gravity. So any jet trying to capture any Nitrogen Oxides
in the lower Stratosphere is only capturing Naturally produced Nitrogen
Oxides that are sinking from the upper Stratosphere where they are formed
from lighter Nitrogen and Oxygen Molecules before they began to sink. The
simultaneous natural rate of production of O3 by the sun's rays, and natural
rate of depleting the O3, is a natural rate that forms Nitrogen Oxides,
Nitric Acid, Nitrous Acid, and because a single Atom of Sulfur is as light
as an O2 Molecule, it ascends to the upper Stratosphere with O2, where they
naturally form Sulfur Oxides and Sulfuric Acid out of O3 and O2 too. CO2 is
heavier than H2O, so unless it was formed in the lower Stratosphere by
burning jet fuel, CO2 is not normally found at all in the lower let alone
the upper Stratosphere, because of gravity, so all Carbonic Acids found in
Acid Rains, comes from the Troposphere, not the Stratosphere.

Take a look at the composition studies of the clouds that form near the
Poles during their winters. Not one study through the many years has ever
mentioned any Carbonic Acid forming in the frozen crystals of these clouds.
Why? CO2 cannot ascend that high because of gravity. All the compounds that
make up those clouds were formed there in the Stratosphere from lighter
Elements as they consume O3 and O2 in the reactions. At the Poles in the
winter, the only reason these heavier compounds do not immediately begin to
sink after forming, the earth's Pole tilts away from the sun during the
winter, and the sunlight hits the bottom of these clouds, and the pressure
from the sunlight holds them up against gravity, until the earth tilts back
and the spring sunlight begins to get back on top of the Pole's clouds, and
the in the spring even the O3 that is heavier than H2O begins to sink too,
but fools point to this and falsely say that it is because of Chlorine which
a single Atom alone is too heavy to ascend that high against gravity, and
being so reactive, Chlorine upon release is normally combined by nature in
even heavier compounds, so that gravity sends it in the direction of
becoming a part of a Salt in the Oceans.

Because the manmade gasses that produce Acid Rains also, are captured by the
wind and humidity in the Troposphere, they are released as Acid Rains in
areas downwind from the major industrial cites that produce them. That is
because every manmade gas is heavier than vaporized H2O, and cannot ascend
against gravity above the clouds in the Troposphere. In fact, because of
gravity no O3 produced in the Troposphere can ascend to the Stratosphere, to
join the Ozone layer that is continuously replenished by the Sun, because O3
is heavier than vaporized H2O, and O3 produced at ground level would also
break down to O2 or join in another compound before reaching the height of
the lowest clouds in the Troposphere.

Because heat normally is what releases the lighter Elements from the heavier
compounds near the surface of the earth, warmer and lighter H2, He, N2, O2,
and S, begin to rise towards the Stratosphere, as the newly formed heavier
and cooling compounds in the Stratosphere are sinking, this causes wind
shears and turbulence where this exchange takes place, so our jets try to
fly at 30,000 to 50,000 feet to avoid this turbulence in the upper

The recent change in Solar Activity, beginning in the 1950s, has caused the
natural production of compounds in the Stratosphere to change, consuming O3
faster than normal to produce the heavier compounds, making the winter
clouds at the Poles thicker, these clouds are bouncing more sunlight than
normal off their bottoms, warming the Poles more than normal.

The recent change in Solar Activity, beginning in the 1950s, has caused the
natural annual wobble of Earth upon it's axis, to wobble more, wobbling more
cased the molten layer about Earth's core to cause more Volcanic Activity,
and the increase in underwater Volcanic Activity has caused more warm spots
in the Oceans than normal, and the warmer waters in spots, increases the
evaporation of water, the warm supersaturated hugs the surface releasing
some of it's heat until it climbs up over a cold front, warming the
Troposphere in spots warmer than normal with supersaturated air, causing
less clouds to form in spots like in Australia, leaving droughts there, but
as the supersaturated air moves and cools off in cooler air, clouds rapidly
form making cloudbursts in spots, leaving floods like recently in the
central USA, and this super saturated warmer air from the increase of
Volcanic activity, has been causing Hurricanes and Tornados to be more
frequent and more fierce than normal.

But thieves and greedy Nations that want to make money off people while they
cause millions of poor to suffer as they cause the cost of living to sore,
falsely say these things are caused by man, so that they may regulate money
into their pockets or the pockets of others.

Note, through the whole thing CO2 does not even figure into climate change
because it is like this. If we increased water vapor in the air until clouds
completely covered the earth, the clouds would block out the sunlight and
shade the earth making it cooler. A similar thing happens with CO2, this is
why it upset me that when I pointed out to scientists on the Internet that
their sites had two charts that showed that when CO2 was the highest in the
Atmosphere, at least 1/3 earth was covered with glaciers, and CO2 according
to their charts was at it's lowest concentration in our Atmosphere in the
past 520 million years, they removed the charts and wrote new ones that said
exactly the opposite. So I suggested to stop the rising temperature caused
by the Solar Activity change, and the Volcanic Activity change, we should
take all the Carbon from natural Tar, Coal, and Oil, and convert it back to
CO2 in the Atmosphere where it was before the plants and animals took the
CO2 and converted it to natural Tar, Coal, and Oil.

They falsely present Natural Global Warming as manmade for Political and
financial gain at the expense of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
of others.

As Meteorites from microscopic in size to enormous sizes are pulled into the
Sun and the Planets and Asteroids, increasing their Masses and their
Gravitational Pulls, to preserve Life by preventing the increasing Masses
and Gravitational Pulls from causing the Planets to fall out of orbit into
the Sun, Nature uses the Principle of Energy equals Mass times the Constant
squared. As the Sun's gravity causes pressure on it's molten core, and
setsoff a chain of reactions converting Matter to Energy, both Energy and
Matter are launched from the Sun that parts of them eventually impact all
the objects orbiting the Sun, and the total force of impacts of Energy and
Matter on each orbiting object orbiting the Sun, are greater than the
combined Gravitational Pulls towards the Sun, causing the Solar System to
expand instead of collapsing into the Sun. When the Sun decreases it's
output of Energy and Matter, so that the total force of impacts of Energy
and Matter on each object orbiting the Sun, is less than the combined
Gravitational Pulls towards the Sun, the Solar System begins to Collapse,
until the Sun's resources are replenished by incoming Meteorites, so that it
may restore it's normal Energy and Matter output and keep the orbiting
objects at bay.

When the Sun changes it's normal Energy and Matter output, the increase or
the decrease of the total force of impacts of Energy and Matter on each
object orbiting the Sun, causes their normal wobble of the axis upon which
they spin, to increase or to decrease. This increase or to decrease in the
wobble of the axis upon which they spin, causes the molten materials in the
planets' cores to shift, increasing or decreasing Geothermic Activity upon
the Planets. The molten cores of the Planets exist because of each Planet's
Gravitational Pull putting pressure on it's own core. The cores of the Stars
and the Planets are hot enough to melt all the materials so hot, that they
can become liquid and fluid enough, for gravity and their spin upon the axis
to begin separating out layers of different densities of molten materials.
And sometimes different densities of molten Isotopes begins separating
fissionable Isotopes into a layer which creates a critical mass to begin to
form, getting the cores even hotter, and sometimes these fissionable
Isotopes form into a layer fast enough to cause a nuclear explosion large
enough to cause a super nova, or just cause a planet to explode. This often
happens in nature when the natural wobble of the spin of the terrestrial or
celestial body upon it's axis, causes the molten materials in their core to
shift to a place where it can cause the reaction to occur.

As Earth orbits the Sun in about 365 days, the normal tilt and wobble upon
it's axis as it spins to produce days and nights, causes the four seasons of
spring, summer, fall, and winter, to simultaneously occur at opposite
seasons in the Northern Hemisphere to those same seasons simultaneously
occurring at opposite seasons in the Southern Hemisphere.

When either Pole normally shifts in their due time and season away from the
Sun, with less cosmic rays both the normal production and normal depletion
of O3 Ozone Gas slows down greatly. But the normal depletion of O3 caused by
Earth's Magnetic Field conducting ionized Hydrogen Nucleus and ionized
Protons captured from the Sun's output, conducted to spiral around Earth's
Magnetic Field lines towards and into the attracting Pole, these ionized
Hydrogen Nucleolus and ionized Protons use O3 produced from excited 2O
Atoms, and excited 2 Nitrogen Atoms, and Sulfur Atoms, to form New H2O
Molecules in the Dry Stratosphere, which is Dry because evaporated Water
Molecules are to Heavy to rise that High against Gravity. And this new Water
in the Stratosphere freezes as it forms in the Cold of Winter over the Pole,
and as some of it forms and freezes it captures either excited 2N or S Atoms
and ionized Hydrogen Nucleus and or ionized Protons to form different Acids
that are too heavy to ascend into the Dry Stratosphere against gravity, and
though during the winter months these all freeze forming Stratospheric
Clouds near the Poles, this process of using O3 and 2O and 2N and S to
produce new Water and Acids goes on unseen all over the sunny half of the
Globe, and this new Water and new Acids cool off on the dark side of the
Globe, and every Night sink because of Gravity, but this natural process
forms the Winter Stratospheric Clouds over the Poles, but depletes the
Clouds and the reaming O3 as soon as the spring Sunlight retunes to each
Pole. The natural daily production of these Acids are necessary to control
deadly Ammonia that forms daily from decaying waste, plants, and animals.
The new Acids keep the Ph of the water level so the fish and plants can
Live, as they convert the deadly Ammonia to useful Ammonium Salts and
natural Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizers for the plants, and they keep the
acidity of the soil just right for plants to grow, as they combine with
deadly bases to form new non-lethal salts for the seas and sea creatures to
live in.

In service of God and Country

<Joseph> wrote in message
> "Hysterical leftwing global warmers must DIE" <> wrote
> in message
>> NEW YORK (Reuters) -- Hurricanes over the past 5,000 years appear to
>> have been controlled more by El Nino and an African monsoon than warm
>> sea surface temperatures, such as those caused by global warming,
>> researchers said Wednesday.
>> The study, published in the journal Nature, adds to the debate on
>> whether seas warmed by greenhouse gas emissions lead to more
>> hurricanes, such as those that bashed the Gulf of Mexico in 2005.
>> Some researchers say warmer seas appear to have contributed to more
>> intense hurricanes, while others disagree. The U.N. International
>> Panel on Climate Change said this year it was more likely than not
>> that humans contribute to a trend of increasingly intense hurricanes.
>> (Watch experts give forecast for hurricane season Video)
>> Frequent strong hurricanes thrived in the Western Atlantic during
>> times of weak El Ninos, or warming of surface waters of the Eastern
>> Pacific Ocean, and strong West African monsoons even when local seas
>> were cooler than now, the study said.
>> "Tropical sea surface temperatures as warm as at present are
>> apparently not a requisite condition for increased intense hurricane
>> activity," Jeffrey Donnelly, the lead author and researcher at the
>> Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, said in the study.
>> Intense hurricanes made landfall during the latter half of the Little
>> Ice Age, a period of cooling that occurred approximately from the 14th
>> to mid-19th centuries, he said.
>> Donnelly took core sediment samples from coastal lagoons in Puerto
>> Rico to determine the frequency and strength of hurricanes that hit
>> the Caribbean island over thousands of years. The storms whipped up
>> sand and other coarse grains that were deposited in the lagoons.
>> He compared the deposits with historic paleoclimatology records to
>> determine that the storms hit during periods when El Ninos were weak
>> and when Western African monsoons were strong.
>> Intense hurricanes hit when local sea surface temperatures were warm
>> or cool. In fact, "the Caribbean experienced a relatively active
>> interval of intense hurricanes for more than a millennium when local
>> sea surface temperatures were on average cooler than modern," the
>> study said.
>> Changes in intense hurricane activity should be better predicted with
>> more study of the Eastern Pacific and West African climate patterns,
>> it said.

> The media is deliberatly presenting two wrong pictures of the sides to
> choose from.
> Meteorologists have known for thousands of years that warmer waters
> intensify Hurricanes.
> Here is the beginning of their false statements.
> "Hurricanes over the past 5,000 years appear to have been controlled more
> by El Nino and an African monsoon than warm sea surface temperatures, such
> as those caused by global warming, researchers said Wednesday.
> The study, published in the journal Nature, adds to the debate on whether
> seas warmed by greenhouse gas emissions lead to more hurricanes, such as
> those that bashed the Gulf of Mexico in 2005."
> This was taken from this link.
> The warmer seas are not caused by manmade greenhouse gases, the warmer
> seas
> are caused by an annual increase in underwater Volcanic Activity.
