Re: Art Deco is scum of the worst kind....Film at 11.......


John \C\

"Art Deco" <> wrote in message
> Tom Potter <> wrote:
> >"Art Deco" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> Tom Potter <> wrote:
> >>
> >>>I suggest that if anyone wants make a scientific study
> >>>of the difference between bigots
> >>>and true seekers of wisdom and TRUTH,
> >>>
> >>>that they visit my web sites listed below,
> >>>and read a few posts of my mostly anonymous attackers,
> >>>the ten characters listed below,
> >>>
> >>>and decide for themselves who the real bigots are,
> >>>and who is turning the science newsgroups
> >>>into a "River of ****".
> >>>
> >>>Art Deco alias Puddleduck
> >>
> >> ding
> >>
> >>>Meat Plow
> >>>Kadaitcha Man
> >>>Cujo DeSockpuppet
> >>>The God of Odd Statements
> >>>Daedalus
> >>>The_Man,
> >>>Eric Gisse
> >>>T Wake
> >>>
> >>>To bad there is not a "BIGOT OF THE MONTH" award,
> >>>as these bigoted clowns would take all the prizes.
> >>
> >> Go ahead and nominate me, Crackpotter.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Supreme Leader of the Brainwashed Followers of Art Deco
> >> Darth Deco, Sith Lord of alt.astronomy

> >
> >--
> >The definition of "bigot" is:
> >"A prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his
> >own."
> >
> >As can be seen from their posts, a small group of bigots headed by
> >"Art Deco", "Kadaitcha Man", "Cujo DeSockpuppet", "Puddleduck", and "Meat
> >Plow",
> >try to control the agendas in key newsgroups by targeting posters in

> >newsgroups
> >attacking them personally and voting them "kook" awards such as:
> >Kook of the Month
> >Looney Maroon Award
> >Joseph Bartlo Pathetic Anal Pineapple Award
> >Palmjob Paddle
> >Tony Sidaway Drama Queen Award
> >Victor von Frankenstein Weird Science Award
> >
> >These bigots spam the newsgrousp with thousands of inane, often vulgar,
> >posts
> >smearing their targets, and trying to entice three or four dupes and

> >losers,
> >to join with them and vote their victim the award.
> >
> >Whether their victim gets 1 vote or 20 votes,
> >(And the bigots rarely manage to get more than 2 or 3 dupes to join them
> >and vote for one of their victims.) they rejoice in their victory,
> >and spam the victim's newsgroup calling attention to their victory.
> >
> >The net result is that these bigots
> >instigate numerous flame wars in the newsgroups,
> >add noise, waste human and net resources,
> >and divert attention away from contrary opinions on subjects
> >that the bigots embrace.
> >
> >As can be seen, this tiny gang of anonymous bigots
> >capitalizes on the fact that most folks avoid conflict,
> >in order to try to suppress opinions they want to suppress.
> >
> >The question is, what can be done to keep a few anonymous bigots
> >from controlling the agendas in the newsgroups,
> >and from destroying civility and free speech on the Internet?
> >
> >As rats, roaches, criminals, sociopaths, bigots, and other vermin
> >fear exposure and tend to fade away when exposed to light,
> >here's what could be done to prevent the bigots
> >from turning your newsgroup into a sewer.
> >
> >1. Obtain and post their real names, addresses and employers on the
> >Internet.
> >2. Obtain and post their pictures and other personal data on the

> >3. Report them to their ISP and to Google
> >4. Sue them in local Small Claims courts
> >5. Report them to law enforcement when they commit crimes such as forging
> >users names, etc.

> Are you trying to become a real-life stalking kook, Crackpotter?

Still Foaming Deco?

Please Ko0kDance just a tad more!
