Re: Big Brother Commands You to do a 2-Minute Hate-Goldberg, Hate-Gore Moment

"Souls Black as Coal" <> wrote in message
> On May 30, 11:12 am, "James" <> wrote:
>> I believe Gore is the Sicko here. He is starting to prove it on a daily
>> basis now.

> Hate Gore! Sieg Heil Exxon! Hate Gore! Sieg Heil Exxon! Hate Gore!
> Sieg Heil Exxon! Hate Gore! Sieg Heil Exxon! Hate Gore! Sieg Heil
> Exxon! Hate Gore! Sieg Heil Exxon! Hate Gore! Sieg Heil Exxon! Hate
> Gore! Sieg Heil Exxon! Hate Gore! Sieg Heil Exxon! Hate Gore! Sieg
> Heil Exxon! Hate Gore! Sieg Heil Exxon!
> Goosestep when you shout that!

What deceptive Communist dictator? You want to help the Communists use the
lie about Global Warming being manmade so you can help Communist China steal
the Coal and Oil from the Africans will driving up our living costs too high
for us to make it?

I am an Independent looking of Independence from the Tax and Spend Democrats
and the Borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans. I have even asked them
to Please remove my name from all the scheduled VA Appointments.

It is a good thing that when I have little or nothing, that is when I turn
to God, asking him to help me become more resourceful, and more improvising,
so that I can adapt and overcome the threats to my life and liberty, that I
have no choice but to face. In bad health and living too far away from any
place where I could walk to, to get any kind of job that pays well enough,
that it would help me make it, as I prepare to try to avoid or try to
survive homelessness with many others in the same boat, just in case my Life
ends as I serve my God, and am not able to get back on my feet to reveal
more of his love for mankind, I will write out all the pit falls that placed
me in this position often, to help others to see and avoid the pit falls.

The fear of Jehovah brings knowledge and understanding, and doing his will
brings trust and confidence in him, trust in Jehovah with all your heart,
and lean not unto your own understanding, and in all your ways acknowledge
him, and he shall direct your paths, as we learn patience and wait for his
promises, for by mercy and truth iniquity is purged, and because of the fear
of Jehovah, men who stayed from him depart from evil and return unto him,
and when a man's ways please Jehovah, he makes even his enemies to become at
peace with him. Unacquainted with Jehovah, the disobedient and the deceived
will always exalt themselves above Jehovah's ways, and exalt their own false
ways as measures that they rejoice in and exalt, to justify themselves
therewith, as they falsely claim that they are doing justice, bringing
stress and or hunger and or bondage, and or imprisonment and or death, upon
others, by using deceit and degradation of those that Jehovah accounts
righteous in his own eyes, continuously depart from your evil ways that are
always there to deceive your heart and lead you away from him, and receive
his uniquely begotten son as our promised Salvation, and become acquainted
with his father Jehovah, using all of your heart, and soul, and mind, and
strength, to serve him alone.

Since the new agendas of Global Rule of the Democrats and Republicans and
the Communists, beginning from the unheeded warnings about the New Deal
leading to Statism from Herbert Hoover to FDR, and the unheeded warnings
from Dwight D Eisenhower, who urged the necessity of maintaining an adequate
military strength, but cautioned that vast, long-continued military
expenditures could breed potential dangers to our way of life, and despite
the unheeded indications of the dangers that too many Taxes were already
destroying our way of life, when John F. Kennedy had to have different ways
of serving Hamburger made up, so small amounts of Hamburger would feed the
whole Family, Taxes for the Military and Medical and Law Enforcement and
Science and Educational and Construction and Religious and Charity Complexes
increased steadily to Jimmy Carter, through Ronald Reagan, and George Bush
Sr., and Bill Clinton, to George Bush Jr., and just take a look at who and
how many Foreigners and Foreign Immigrants, and Democrats and Republicans,
and Doctors and Educators and Journalists, bought up stocks in the US
Industrial Military and or Medical Complexes, and or in Law Enforcement and
or Energy Complexes, and or in Media and or Educational and or Science
Complexes, and or in Banking and or Insurance and or Construction Complexes,
and or even in Religious and or Charity and or Political Organizations,
before the rise of the Communists unto and or during the Iraq Iran War, and
the 1st and 2nd Iraq War.

Since the beginning of the USSR and Red China and the other Asian
Communists, the Communists have been infiltrating all the Nations of the
West, and the Communists knew what greed inspired and motivated the Rulers
of the West to want, and since long before the fall of the USSR, the
Communists repeatedly and continuously led the Rulers of the West by their
fears and geed into a trap, all the scientific findings falsely so called,
and all the moral doctrines falsely so called, and all the gossip and or
distorted stories and or myths, and all the other distractions that they
cause, causes confusion and fear and paranoia that the Communists
deliberately generate and instigate, which is used to control and motivate
the Public with, so that they can get the greedy and deceived Rulers of the
West to pass Bills that raise and regulate Taxes and or Insurance monies,
and or Campaign and or Charity and or Sponsorship monies, into their own
pockets, while the strength of the Nations of the West crumble, and their
fellow human beings suffer because of the intentional deception, spun by the
Communists, who use it to harness the greed and motivation of the deceived
Rulers of the West, geed for Political Power and Control, and or for
Financial Gains, which is being used to destroy all the good that we have
ever stood and or fought for.

From the beginning the Communists have been harnessing the hypocrisy of the
Rulers of the West towards our US Constitution, and towards our Bill of
Rights, and towards our Rights that are not protected therein, to help them
target and destroy these things that we hold so dear, and often risked our
lives and our limbs fighting for, because they gave us and guarded our Lives
and Liberties, which gave us our strength under Nature's God who hates all
forms of bondage that is contrary to his Life and Liberty that he bestowed
upon the poorest unto the richest of all mankind equally.

Living too far away from any place where I could walk to, to get any kind of
job that pays well enough, that it would help me make it, as I prepare to
try to avoid or try to survive homelessness with many others in the same
boat, because too many US Taxes and Regulations have driven the cost of
living is too high for me and others to make it, I don't know what I am
going to do without a computer that helps me see most of the time, but I
will just have to deal with it. Those last medical tests that the VA gave
me, that test kit to take the tests, came back in the US mail, because I
could not see well enough to see the fine print that says I need Postage, in
order to send it back to the VA. The delay and their sending the tests back
probably ruined the chemicals on the paper while in the damp mail box,
chemicals designed to test for internal bleeding, and it wasted my effort,
and my time, and my money, for getting to the VA to get the tests in the
first place.

I cannot afford to pay my power bills, or my phone bills, or my internet
bills, or get a car and insurance and a driver, or my rent, or get a home to
live in, because I am not healthy enough to maintain a steady job, and $700
a month Social Security Disability does not go far. I cannot drive because I
am not healthy enough to safely drive. I cannot afford to repeatedly pay for
gas and drivers to get to the VA, for tests that I need, I cannot even
afford Postage most of the time to send back the tests, let alone be able to
afford the extra costs for getting the multitude of useless tests and
treatments that either makes me more disabled, or costs me more while
accomplishing nothing to either cure my bad medical conditions, or help me
overcome my disabilities.

I am tiered of all this crap of deliberate red tape that the bureaucracies
and hypocrisy of the VA and of the US Government invents and does that
others use as obstacles to deliberately hinder any effort of anyone helping
anyone, and I am tied of their deceptive and unkept promises where nothing
that they have ever done has helped cure or improve my medical conditions at
all, nor has it helped me overcome my disabilities so that I can live a
better life, nor has it helped me get a job that I could handle with my
disabilities, so that I can live a better life, and everything that they do
only makes trying to make it with disabilities worse, by costing me more
money, and or by making me more disabled.

Living too far away from any place where I could walk to, to get any kind of
job that would help me make it, one thing that the VA could have done for me
and society that would have been a benefit, was to give me interferon the
fist few dozen times that I made the effort, and took my time, and my money,
to get to the VA, to get interferon, because they found that I had Hepatitis
C 1 and 3, and I wanted the interferon to cure it years ago, to prevent it
from being spread to others in society by me. But because they want to make
money for extra unnecessary treatment while exposing the Public to Hepatitis
C, they will not do that for me or for the many others that are infected,
because instead of curing us, they extend the time and possibility of
someone else getting Hepatitis C 1 and 3 from me or the others to many
years, wherein they schedule many more appointments that do absolutely
nothing for me, or for the others, or for society, appointments that I
cannot even afford to get to, so that they can make extra money off the Tax
Payers, while they wait years for the damage of my liver to increase making
me sicker and more disabled, as they wait for others to get infected from me
or by others treated like me, so that they can make more money off the Tax

Another thing that the VA could have done for me, they could have removed
the multiple instances of misdiagnosis and degradation of my character from
my medical records, and they could have pointed out that my exit medical
exam from the US Army shows a dramatic loss of hearing because of a
continuous ringing in my ears, which is a symptom of Traumatic Brain Injury
(TBI). This would have given me rightfully my service connected disability
and helped my make it with my disabilities, but VA Doctors are not educated
enough to know that a continuous ringing in the ears is a symptom of TBI.
And that rock that blinded me and caused the TBI, can also be connected to
the abnormal brain waves that EEGs find occasionally coming out of the right
side of my head where the rock hit me. And they are not educated enough to
recognize that I have been suffering from a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,
that becomes acute every time that they misdiagnose me, and try to give me
by force and or by intimidation the exact same medications over and over,
that make me more disabled, and even brings on acute episodes of the
Multiple Complex Seizure Disorder that the rock caused by causing TBI. They
cannot even tell if my going numb from the middle of my back down so that I
cannot walk at times is a part of the Multiple Complex Seizure Disorder or
not, let alone cure it.They cannot even tell if my getting migraines and
going blind at times is a part of being hit with that rock that blinded me
for a while, or not, let alone cure it. They cannot tell me if that rock
that squashed my eye so that the jelly was hanging out and caused me to be
blind for a while, is why my eyesight fluctuates in and out, let alone cure
it. They cannot tell me if that rock caused the stroke that the Doctors
discovered just after I got out of the Army. Instead of treating me and or
curing me for the problems that I do have, they invent false problems, like
before they had a test for celiac disease, they said because I repeatedly
complained of chronic stomach problems, that they had no test to detect at
the time, they falsely said I was delusional and sent me to a Psychiatrist
who misdiagnosed me and manufactured and recorded degradation of my
character to support his misdiagnosis, and he gave me medications that only
made me more disabled, and other Doctors had to tell me to stop taking those
medications because that they said that they were killing me. Then after
they developed the test and found that I had a form Celiac Disease that
caused my chronic stomach problems, they did not remove their misdiagnosis
and degradation of my character from my Medical records, which let others
misdiagnose me and mistreat me making me more disabled, until others who
have evil intensions against this Country, as they hold a political opinion
different than mine, and much different than most others in the US, because
of that continuous misdiagnosis and degradation of my character in my
medical recodes, they were able to deliberately politicize my medical
treatment, while they were only deliberately trying to silence my political
view by falsely saying I had a medical history of being delusional, as they
were falsely calling me delusional also, just to silence my Political Views,
and my risking my life to help find Osama Bin Laden,.and the information
that I accidentally stumbled onto while looking for Bin Laden,

And because of their silencing my Political Views and the information that
accidentally I stumbled onto while looking for Bin Laden, because of the
delusions and or deceptions of dangerous greedy US Rulers, and the
delusions and or deceptions of greedy dangerous leaders of the US Industrial
Military Complex, and delusions and or deceptions of dangerous greedy
Doctors and Rulers of the Industrial Medical Complex, Sgt. Joshua Schmit, my
cousin's son, was killed needlessly in the fourth roadside bomb that he
encountered, like and along with many other US Military men and women who
were killed, and many more were disabled, along with many Foreigners being
killed or maimed who were no real threat to America, so that these greedy
Political and Medical Frauds, can make more money off the Tax Payers for
their Political and Medical Fraud.

Talk to current and past KGB agents, and you will find that like ex-CIA and
current CIA employees, mobilizing protests inside their enemies' borders is
the type of thing the KGB and CIA agencies excels at. All these leftwing
Communist Environmental Groups were stirred up by Communists from the fallen
USSR and from Communist Asia, and they even got Bill Clinton, Al Gore,
Michael Bloomberg, Johan Edwards, and others to run the leftwing Communist
Environmental Groups that are actually not Environmental Groups because they
don't deal with real manmade pollutions, they use false Environmental crisis
as Political Tools to destroy our economy so the Communists can overthrow us
from within.

After the KGB promoted the WMD scam to draw us into a War to help Communist
China destroy our economy, no one will fall for the same lie twice, so now
they are using the Global Warming scam to rip off Africa of their Coal and
Oil like China is doing in Sudan.

When did Saddam ever build a conventional weapons factory? Saddam was
absolutely no threat to anyone with Old Corroded Soviet Weaponry. Because I
have Family in harms way, and they would not let me reenlist so that I could
personally be there to protect them, I risked my life getting information on
our enemies so that my Family would know what they were facing in battle for
this County, and I wrote the President and passed information to US
Intelligence Agencies and to my Family in the US Armed Forces, before the
Iraq War telling them that all the stuff in Afghanistan was mostly Old
Soviet and or Old Chinese weaponry, and pointed out it was the same Old
stuff like Iraq and Iran and Syria had. Saddam got it from the Old Soviet
Union, and then Russia after the USSR fell, and this whole lie about WMD,
started by Reagan's plans of sending Saddam dual purpose Biological Agents,
that the Pentagon claimed was the basis of Saddam's Biological Weapons
program later, this was done so that they could destroy the Old Soviet
Stuff, so that they could employ the industrial Military Complex rearming
Iraq and Afghanistan with more dangerous NATO weapons.

They promoted the lie about WMD because Saddam had some Old Soviet Chemical
Shells and Warheads, and US imitation Soviet Chemical Weapons that he pretty
much used up in the Iran Iraq War, but Saddam had a few useless corroded old
Soviet Chemical Shells and Warheads left around that were too corroded and
unsafe to use, so he used them as Propaganda to make it look like to his
enemies, that he still had WMD, so that they would not attack him.

Saddam did not even have any new Russian stuff, because of ten years of US
backed UN Sanctions, Russia was not allowed to sell him any more weapons,
and that is the reason Clinton continued to tell the lies about WMD, so the
US Industrial Military Complex could use the UN to stop Russian weapons
sales, long enough so that the West could take over.

Because Saddam only had a few useless corroded old Soviet Chemical Shells
and Warheads that he was occasionally intentionally leading UN inspectors to
while blocking inspections elsewhere, trying to make it look like to his
enemies that he still had WMD, while he used the UN sanctions to starve over
a million US Supporters to death, and was using propaganda to make George
Galloway and others proclaim it was just Iraqi children starving to death,
so that Saddam could get the UN Oil for Food deal, and was using the UN Oil
for Food deal to generate money to pay the Militias loyal to him, when the
Iraq War started I wrote the President and other that I believed the
Communists were deliberately feeding us with false intelligence on WMD in
Iraq, to draw us into the War so that they could destroy us from another

Because after Bush Sr,, two terms Clinton lets Bin Laden build up attacks on
American interests, and Clinton fires on no fly zones in Iraq even though
no WMD has been in Iraq since 1993, when Saddam sold what little he had of
his planned Nuclear Program to Libya, and Bush Jr., kept up the lies and
fired on the no fly zones too, so now the Democrats can point at Bush Jr.
and the Republicans for making the lies about WMD, so the Democrats can
retake power for the Communists that infiltrated and or control them. But
who is guilty for making up the lies about WMD and starting it in the first
place? Saddam and the Communists using it to harness the geed of greedy
deceived Rulers of the Tax and Spend Democrats, and the Borrow until
Economic Collapse Republicans, and the greed of greedy deceived Rulers of
the Industrial Military Complex, and the geed of the greedy deceived Doctors
and Rulers of the Industrial Medical Complex. They are the only ones that
make money off this, while robbing the poor and the Middle class, as they
help the Communists destroy the Nation.

" the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military
industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power
exists and will persist.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired
signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not
fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending
money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its
scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in
any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging
from a cross of iron."

-- Dwight David Eisenhower Former 5-Star General and President of the United

It was all a lie so the greedy Rulers of the West, and the greedy Rulers of
the Industrial Military Complex, and the greedy Doctors and Rulers of the
Industrial Medical Complex, could make money destroying the Old Soviet
weaponry and replace it with more dangerous NATO weapons. But they fail to
realize that the Communists promoted the lies, as bait for their greed, to
draw them into an endless conflict to destroy America and Israel

That is real interesting about Al Gore and ABC News a Communist driven
organization who somehow finds Scientists at NASA that suddenly Contradict
decades of Scientific Research by NASA and Harvard. Global Warming is caused
by the effects of increased Solar Activity on Earth's environment, and
man's pollution has absolutely an insignificant impact of Climate change,
in fact according to Most NASA and Harvard studies, man's contribution is so
insignificant that if man never existed to contribute, the Climate change
would occur anyways.

NASA's own reports show the Solar Activity Increase will not peak until
around 2011 to 2012.

The perfect place for big brother to hide is to be the accuser. If you
promote the lie about Global Warming being manmade you work for the Oil
Companies, twisting a natural change into a lie saying it is manmade, for
driving up Oil costs for them.

Number 1) While standing against a leftwing Communist environmental group
bent on making Nuclear power an environmental issue so that the Communists
could do away with the West's Nuclear weapons, they said the West was
causing Global COOLING by their Industries, during what scientists call the
mini Ice Age, so Margaret Thatcher had scientists invent a lie about Global
Warming so that she could promote Nuclear Energy.

After a Global Warming period that melted much more of the Polar Ice caps
than now, after a slight warming period, there was a short Global Cooling
period in the 1940s that the Communists blamed on the Industrialization of
the West. A Photo Journalist took pictures of the Glaciers that formed
during this Global Cooling Period, and not having any Photos of the previous
warming period that melted the Glaciers much more than now, ABC News has
this Photo Journalist showing the Glaciers from the Global Cooling period,
and comparing them with now, but blames the melting on noxious gases.

One does not need to prove Global Warming is manmade or not, to get ABC for
using deception affecting trade in violation of the Federal Trade Commission
Act, because the very fact that they deliberately left out the truth that
the Earth was warmer than now, during the warming period just before what
they call the mini ice age, is proof of using deception that affects trade.

This link shows some of the warming period before the cooling period that
was called by scientists, the mini ice age.

2) Knowing that the warming period just before the cooling period was warmer
than now, reveals that the scientist who claim it took thousands or millions
of years to form Glaciers that are melting away real fast because of man,
are liars, as they falsely say that they got tens or hundreds of thousands
of years of CO2 data from drilling the ice caps, that were not even there
4.200 years ago, there was no ice there then, so how could the ice that they
say that they took at the Poles be that old? Take a look at their age data,
no two scientists that claim that they ran a scientific age test,
independently comes up with the same age for a rock, let alone for ice. And
often their guesses of the age of the exact same thing, differ more than 100
million years.

3) Oil companies like British Petroleum invested billions of dollars in
alternate energy, but producing alternate energy cost three times more than
producing energy from Coal or Oil or Nuclear Power, so to get their money
back out of alternate energy, they are using Margaret Thatcher's lie about
Global warming being manmade so they can drive the Cost of Coal and Oil up
to equal the price of alternate energy, so people will buy their unreliable
alternate energy technology and they can get their money back.

4) because the Oil Companies and China want the Abundant Coal and Oil fields
of Africa, they are using Margaret Thatcher's lie about Global warming being
manmade so they can tell Africans that they have to cook on the floor of
their houses with wood, instead of using their own abundant Coal and Oil to
develop steel and energy industries, so that the Oil Companies can steal
Africa's Abundant Coal and Oil like China is doing in Sudan.

You global warming alarmist are nothing but slave driving Communists, Global
warming is being caused by influences on Earth's environment caused by a
Solar Activity increase period that NASA says will not peak until 2011 to
2012. Man cannot control the Solar Activity, so Global Warming alarmists are
using it to rip off as many people as they can and destroy America's economy
so that neither the poor or the Middle class will be able to make it.

In service of God and Country

<Joseph> wrote in message news:Qo-
> What deceptive Communist dictator? You want to help the Communists use the
> lie about Global Warming being manmade so you can help Communist China
> steal the Coal and Oil from the Africans will driving up our living costs
> too high for us to make it?

KKKonservative Crackpot......

The only good KKKonservative is a dead KKKonservative.
"Vendicar Decarian" <> wrote in message
> <Joseph> wrote in message news:Qo-
>> What deceptive Communist dictator? You want to help the Communists use
>> the lie about Global Warming being manmade so you can help Communist
>> China steal the Coal and Oil from the Africans will driving up our living
>> costs too high for us to make it?

> KKKonservative Crackpot......
> The only good KKKonservative is a dead KKKonservative.

What is the buying power of Gold, is it stable? It is all tied together to
their plot, take a look, once you see it, you will find more evidence of it
everywhere you go in the world.

With my father's bloodline having a different direct connection to the
descendants of Israel, and my mother's madden name being Bauer, I know both
my father's ancestry, and the ancestry connection of the Bauers, and the
Rothschilds to Ashkenazi Jews too.

For a Bank or group of investors to fund both sides in a War is profitable,
but it is treason if they claim citizenship in either of the combating
countries. And since before the days of the treasonous Julius Rosenberg and
his Communist Jewish group playing on both sides of the Cold War for profit,
this is what was done in the Arms race between the US and the USSR, and the
Soviet contacts in the USSR, who took the wealth of the USSR and fled
justice there, they bought asylum in Israel, and Britain and the USA, and
many of them have dual citizenship, so that if they are caught, they have a
place to flee to, because that is what they are doing now.


Money masters part 1

Additional links to the money Masters.

The buying power of gold, is it stable? Some background will be necessary
to wade through so that you will be able to understand, the Gold Standard
and buying power of Gold, for some reason has been manipulated since 1960,
so that Gold has nearly twice the buying power now, and could be a bad
investment right now if it looses that buying power, which the way the
Central Banks are dumping tons of Gold on the market, that may be their

When I found out that Criminal Communists whom stole the wealth of the
fallen States of the USSR, and fled justice in those Countries, and bought
asylum in Israel, and Britain, and the USA, and were investing in our
Industrial Military Complexes and in our Medical Systems and in our
Educational Systems and in our Medias, I wrote President Putin of Russia, to
find out if he wanted extradition orders for these fugitives from justice.
But can you guess what I found out? These people are not only having their
associates investing some of that stolen wealth in Russia's Industrial
Military Complexes and Medical Systems and Educational Systems and Medias
too, they are deliberately trying to instigate a new Arms race so that they
and their Western associates can make money off both sides, and they are
also having their Asian associates investing some of that stolen wealth in
China's Industrial Military Complexes and Medical Systems and Educational
Systems and Medias too, so that they can make money off all sides, and they
are having their associates investing some of that stolen wealth in
supporters of all sides in the Middle East, and Africa, and they are
deliberately instigating all the different sides against each other, so they
will kill each other off while making these people more money, that is why
our solders are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan and Africa.

We are confident that Jehovah is able to lead the greedy wicked whom have
laid traps for the innocent and robbed the poor, by their own greed and
delusions into their own traps, as Jehovah delivers the innocent and the
poor from the power of their greedy wicked hands.

Why is it so hard to believe that these Rulers and their money lender
supporters, and their public supporters, are false Prophets who have
deceived the whole world, saying falsely that they are helping the poor,
while ripping them off, and even killing many of them with starvation and
weapons of war, because for profit they wish to get people to attack the
true believers whom would reveal their deception and destroy their Global
takeover plot to make the poor just disposable salves, as they fabricate
false prophesy and false testimony from their own souls, falsehood that does
not come from God, and or from true facts of nature, so that they may
deceive others, and justify themselves for trapping and enslaving and or
starving and or killing and robbing the innocent on Global Scale?

The same people that have their associates loaning monies unbacked by
precious metals to build up US Industrial Military Complexes, and US Medical
Corporations, and US Oil Corporations, and US Utilities, and US Medias, at
Tax payer expense, are loaning monies to build up all the opposing sides of
Industrial Military Complexes and Medical Corporations and Oil
Corporations and Utilities and Medias, in the Middle East, and in the Far
East, and in Western Europe, and in Africa, and they are intentionally
building up all of the Industrial Military Complexes and Medical
Corporations and Oil Corporations and Utilities and Medias even in the USA,
so that they can cut them off any segment of the population that they want,
just in case anyone objects to their takeover and Rule, and they are
intentionally arming and stirring up each opposing side against each other,
that they don't want to survive, so that they may collect Tax monies to pay
the loans and interests from all the nations that they get to kill one the
other, so that these greedy people may be able to take control of their
lands and their possessions on individual City, or individual State, or even
on National levels.

Because the population was only one half what it is today in 1960, by supply
and demand that would only double the demand for the same amount of refined
gold upon earth in the market, which means the price of refined gold should
have gone from $35.27 an ounce to $70.54 an ounce, but even with more
refined gold on the market than in the 1960s, which should have lowered the
market demand price from what would be it's near double value today, gold is
now $670.00 an ounce, why?

Historical gold prices

The Money Makers printing and loaning of monies unbacked by precious metals
are intentionally driving up inflation to cut your wages drastically even
though it looks like you are getting paid more, you have less buying power,
so that many will not be able earn wages equal to the cost of living. If you
take a look, in the 1960s it took nearly twice the amount of gold at $35.27
an ounce, 74 ounces to buy the dollar value $2600.00 of a brand new car
then, as it takes to buy a brand new car at $26,000.00 at $670.00 an ounce,
only 39 ounces today. Minimum wage in the 1960s was about $1.00 an hour, 35
five hours of minimum wage got you an ounce of gold that only had about half
the buying power, but now minimum wage is only about $5.20 an hour now,
which takes 128 hours at minimum wage to get an ounce of gold, so the only
difference is, for the about one half more of the buying power of gold, you
have to work more than three and a half times longer for the same amount of
gold today, which means this is less buying power that you could earn per
hour than in the 1960s, while everything that you buy today costs ten times
or more as much as it did in the 1960s, so that you are getting ripped off
big time working at the minimum wage value of unbacked paper, because you
are only getting a portion of your fair minimum gold wage and buying power
for the same work per hour today, and the current so called minimum wage
raise is designed to give them even less buying power for the same work per
hour, while getting more paper per hour that will have less buying power
because more money will need to be printed and loaned because of the wage
raise, as the cost of living sky rockets because of rising Taxes and
Interests on loans.

The current minimum wage raise based upon unbacked paper value, set up by
the US Government to take affect within a few years, said to be helping the
poor, is a deliberate deception to rip off the American laborers, and will
make them more like slaves than ever by the time and when it takes affect,
the laborer at minimum wage will be working for about half of the fair
minimum gold wage buying power of the 1960s, when the US had nearly 95% of
the worlds gold reserves, today's minimum wage raise based on paper would be
like working for less than .55 cents an hour in the 1960s, so while the
actual buying power of your current checks today goes down, the current cost
of living goes up, so how is that minimum wage raise based on paper helping
the poor? It is not, it is making it so violent crimes and robberies in our
streets go up, because robbing people is the only way that the poor can
survive on slave wages, as the poor are deliberately turned one against the
other, to rob and kill one another.

The way that they want you to think to save yourselves from the scandal, is
they may want everyone to go to the security of the standard of gold, even
without the so called US Governments getting involved, because being from
the People, by the People, for the People, we are the US Government, so they
may want us to buy all the gold, silver, palladium, copper, and aluminum,
and other metals that we can, before their scare and speculation of Gold
going to be up to $700.00 an ounce. But here is what it looks like the
European Banks are planning on doing, they are dumping tons of Gold on the
market at $670.00 an ounce that has about twice the buying power as it did
in 1960. If the buying power of Gold drops to where it was in 1960, you will
loose half the value that you invested in Gold, because it would only take
$335.00 of the same unbacked paper to buy it back, and or you would only be
able to purchase $335.00 worth of goods or labor on the market for an ounce.

But even before then, and after if that happens, we should let no more
metals go out of the Nation for any reason, and pay the US Laborers at least
the fair gold based minimum wage, which is currently one sixty seventh of an
ounce of gold per hour, (currently June 3rd 2007, one sixty seventh of an
ounce of gold is about $10.00 an hour, which would equal the fair minimum
gold wage of the 1960s, and if Gold looses half it's buying power that it
has now, fair Gold wage would be two sixty seventh of an ounce of Gold per
hour.) We should buy and sell all of our US products and hire all our labor
based upon the fair value of Gold, and if Gold looses half it's buying
power, labor wages should be doubled or cut the value of all goods and
products and property by half, and take out no more loans of unbacked paper,
and pay for all foreign products and labor in the unbacked paper of the
money lenders, because we borrowed unbacked paper from them, they get
unbacked paper back, and these Global Banks, even the privately owned US
Federal Reserve issuing monies unbacked by precious metals, are going to
collapse as the economies begin collapsing on a Global Scale. So each nation
should do the same for itself, and if the Global Money masters rebel with
threats of starvation, intimidation, violence, be prepared to respond in

America was built and was once strong because of private water wells, and
rains barrels, that were all operated without electrical power, private
wells where water was being pumped for cattle and crops and or for a town by
wind mills, and or pumped from private wells by hand, or by buckets on
ropes, and if an enemy poisoned any private well, or if any private well
went dry, their neighbor's private well was always available so the
community could survive nature's often brought about droughts, and or
retaliate against their enemies who often poisoned wells. And when some of
the wells started to become polluted because of over population in areas,
practical private filters and filter systems for private wells could have
been devised to keep the strength and security against enemies and nature,
that private wells gave us and kept our country strong and alive.

But the greedy treasonous US Rulers and these greedy treasonous money
lenders deliberately began to get rid of our independence and strength and
self sufficiency given to us by our private wells, by forcing many to shut
down their private wells and become hooked up to massive water systems that
even when there is no serious drought, often have water shortages and rising
water prices that we did not have to endure or pay before. This was began
after they began to switch to electricity to pump water, the greedy and
treasonous Politicians would not approve any taxes for a water system that
was not designed so that they could shut it off to force the people into
subjection to them if they wanted too. And often they would not build any
Utilities unless they got the monies from the greedy and treasonous money
lenders, who would only loan monies for systems designed so that the
Utilities of each City could be shut off or destroyed, if any City were to
decide to go back to the gold standard of the US Constitution to be fair to
everyone, they could then cut off their Water, and or their Electricity, and
or their natural Gas, and or their auto fuels, and or their roads, to force
them back to work at slave labor wages based on paper values. And these
mammoth Utility systems that these greedy treasonous US Politicians and
greedy treasonous money lenders have loaned monies for, and charge us
interest for, have made the US weak and vulnerably to both domestic and
foreign enemy takeover, because to take out a City, all they have to do is
to target and destroy or Poison one Water system, or target and destroy only
one Power System, and the City will not be able to function, and will not be
able to become resourceful and defend itself from their enemies. And our
biggest enemies are the greedy treasonous US Rulers and these greedy
treasonous money lenders that are setting up our so called homeland
security, which is nothing but a preplanned trap for the People of these
United States, preplanned by these greedy treasonous US Rulers and greedy
treasonous money lenders who have united with foreign enemies to trap the
free people of these United States as mass slave labor.

To do away with any possible opposition, or any protesting slaves, the
treasonous Rulers and greedy money lenders just set up homeland security,
and the legal systems, and the medical systems, so that any American whom
has committed no crime, upon a false accusation of being delusional and
dangerous to anyone, even to themselves, they can be isolated, and detained,
and be locked up in medical faculties, and be denied any access to online
computer to cut them off from the world, so that they can be silenced and
forced treated with dangerous mind control drugs that will either eventually
cause them to commit suicide, or cause them to commit murder suicide, or
cause them to become disabled with what they falsely call Iatrogenic
Illnesses, and or perish with what they falsely call Iatrogenic Deaths. They
are not Iatrogenic because the are caused by the Doctors intentionally just
like in the Sanitariums of Nazi Germany, they were designed for exactly the
same thing.

The Doctors falsely claim that they are alarmed at the over all average
decrease in the length of the life span Americans are experiencing, but by
their actions and medications that they push on unknowing people, it seems
that they are intentionally shortening the life span of selected members of
the population, by so called medications to help them. Though most of their
medications are hard for most to tolerate over a short period, most if used
for extended periods cause the long term health of the victims to
deteriorate so much, the deteriorating heath caused by the drugs causes the
premature deaths. Most of their medications are like street drugs, the short
term so called good, is not worth the long term bad health effects that
often results in the premature death effects.

The greedy Financial Rulers that rule over us running the greedy Rulers of
the UN and their Scientists and the greedy Rulers of the US and Brittan and
the Vatican and the Evangelicals and the Church of England and the Church of
Martin Luther, and Israel and Western and Eastern Europe, and the Middle
East, and Africa, and North and Central and South America, and Communist
Asia, and the Mass Medias are liars, continuously adapting and making up
lies so they can make Political Power and or Financial gains for themselves,
as they keep undeveloped countries that they falsely claim that they are
helping, from developing, so that they can steal from them, like Africa's
abundant Coal and Oil that they steal by promoting lies about Global Warming
being manmade so that some may make gains, at the expense of starving
millions of Africans and South Americans to death, or financing and arming
both sides of a conflict, and turning them one against another trying to get
them to kill one another off, like they did to Iran and Iraq saying to each
side that they were arming and helping them while getting the to kill each
other off, and like they said to each side in Iraq, saying that they were
arming and helping them turning them one against another, as they caused
more than a million Iraqis to die, that they starved to death, and falsely
claimed that they were helping each side of them with an Oil for Food deal,
as they planned and later launched an illegal War killing and or maiming
millions more, because of their lies about WMD, so that they could turn more
Iraqis one against the other to kill one another off, while saying that they
were arming and saying that they are helping each side, as they turn them
one against the other to kill each other, so that they can steal their Oil
from Iraq.

The reason so many of them are now able to get away with the lies about
Global Warming being manmade, and get so many people to believe their lies,
is both these Scientists and these Religious people all being unacquainted
with their Creator and or his uniquely begotten son, have been deliberately
manufacturing scientific and religious lies in science and religion falsely
so called, to contradict one another for so long, none of them know what
really happened in the past, or know what reality is any more, or know what
is really about to happen.

They cannot believe and take heed to any truth on any issue, because of
their geed for Political Power and for Financial Gains, as they fabricated
lies about WMD in Iraq, and leis about Global Warming being manmade, and
lies about their sciences and religions falsely so called, being but the
works of their own hands, that they falsely claim are miraculous, and shall
save them and others from diseases and disasters and cause their false ways
to prosper, as they promise all Liberty, while they themselves are in
bondage to corruption, as they lead all who take heed unto them, into
bondage and death.

Like in the days of Noah, the Most High God of heaven and Earth has warned
the whole Earth of a Global Climate change that the Devil as the
unbelievers' God shall bring upon the Earth, to deceive and kill all who
believe not the love and the truth revealed by the Most High God, so that
they might be saved from the perils yet to come pass.

But instead of preparing multiple waters sources to save crops, cattle, and
people, they divert the recourses for their own financial gains, while
building massive water reservoirs, where each reservoir, waters a massive
population that will be endangered if and when a local flood washes poisons
into their local reservoir, causing many crops, cattle, and people, to be
come sick and or die, and or if and when a local drought comes their local
reservoir will run short of water, causing many crops, cattle, and people,
to thirsts to death, so that they may come and take their lands and
possessions for themselves.

The Hebrew word "Daath," mistranslated "knowledge," in Hosea, comes from the
Hebrew word "Yada," which is mistranslated as "knew from Yada," but is
rightfully used as "acquainted" in, "Adam acquainted his wife again, and she
bare a son," and "Daath," mistranslated "knowledge," is rightfully used as
"acquaintance," in Hosea.

Hosea 4:6

"My people are destroyed for lack of acquaintance, because you have rejected
my acquaintance, I will also reject you, so that you shall become no priest
to me, seeing you have forgotten the personal directions from your God, I
will also forget your children."

They do not understand that following their own political and scientific and
religious doctrines whereby they measure right from wrong, and reprove and
approve and or condemn one another, are lies that corrupts and blinds their
hearts from being acquainted with Jehovah, and when they become unacquainted
with Jehovah, then they and their wives and children begin to heed more and
more deceitful lies and begin to commit adultery, it is not the adultery
that separates them from Jehovah, it is their being unacquainted with him by
heeding their doctrines that causes the adultery and eventually
homosexuality and endless debates and endless multitudes of deceitful
doctrines that results in fraud and thefts and starvations and murders of
the innocent whom they falsely claim that they are exercising justice upon.
Jehovah does not speak condemnation to destroy them, but in love with all
mankind he reveals the truth to try to turn both the wicked and the
righteous continuously back to him so that they will not perish if they
hearken unto him, and only those too stubborn to turn at his loving reproof,
drive on until they bring upon themselves their own self-destruction.

Ezekiel 3:16-21

"And it came to pass at the end of seven days, that the word of Jehovah came
unto me, saying, Son of man, I have made you a watchman unto the house of
Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.
When I say unto the wicked, you shall surely die; and you give him not the
warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life;
the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require
at your hand. Yet if you warn the wicked, and he turn not from his
wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you
have delivered your soul. Again, When a righteous man does turn from his
righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumblingblock before him,
he shall die: because you have not given him the warning, he shall die in
his sin, and his righteousness which he had done shall not be remembered;
but his blood will I require at your hand. Nevertheless if you warn the
righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he does not sin, he shall
surely live, because he is warned; also you have delivered your soul."

Like as written, "there shall be famine and droughts in diverse places," and
again it is written, "there shall be tempests and earthquakes in diverse
places," but the deceivers will falsely claim that the Most High God is
sending these perils upon mankind as punishment for their sins, so that they
may justify themselves for not giving financial or physical aid to them that
the Devil as their deceiving God is destroying, so that they may take their
possessions after their destruction, for they are alike the thief who comes
not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy, while they acquainted with
the Most high God, are come so that those that believe the truth from him
may live and live life more abundantly.

For those who have become unacquainted with him and his truth, are they who
have fallen away from the truth, and being disobedient to the truth, the
Devil as their God of the World, sends them strong delusion, so that they
will believe the lie, so that they all may be damned who believed not the
truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. For with the Devil as their
head, they are like one man of iniquity that follows him and his multitude
of lies designed to cause confusion, as his greedy followers dare to even do
his evil works in the names of the Most High God.

They scream, "believe God's only begotten son," not even knowing the truth
that the word "only" is mistranslated, because as it is written, "behold
what manner of love that the father has bestowed upon us that we should be
called the sons of God," and again according as it is written, "He came unto
his own, and his own received him not, but as many as received him, to them
gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his
name, which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of
the will of man, but of God." Being born again from above God has more than
one begotten son. But Jesus as his Seed, which the word "Seed" is translated
from the Greek word "sperma" from which we get the English word "sperm."
Jesus is our Creator's sperm uniquely begotten in a virgin who was from the
loins of David, so that she being from the loins of Judah, would bring forth
as the promised Salvation from the loins of Judah. And all that personally
believe our omnipresent Creator being acquainted with him, and receive his
non omnipresent uniquely begotten son as his promised Salvation from the
loins Judah, as the inheritance of the promised heir by birthright of the
house of Israel from the loins of Joseph, and as the commonwealth of all
Israel, he gives them the authority to become sons of God.

For he says in Psalms, "You are Gods, sons of the Most High." And his
uniquely begotten son says in John, "for he if he called them Gods unto whom
the word of God came, the scriptures cannot be broken." But the unbelievers
strip the name Gods off the sons of God, and some even falsely call them
false prophets whom the word of God never came to, Gods, just because they
quote scriptures in order to deceive. But mostly they strip the name Gods
off the true believers so that they may falsely accuse them of claiming to
be God, as they oppose and exalt themselves upon all that they persecute and
kill, whom are the true believers called Gods, that the deceivers persecute
and kill in the name of the Most High God.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-13 was deliberately mistranslated so that they may lie,
and oppose and exalt themselves upon all that is called God, or worships.
Here I give a more accurate translation of the ancient Greek and Aramaic.

"Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Adown Jesus Christ, and
by our gathering together unto him, that you be not soon shaken in mind, or
be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as
that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for
that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that
man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself
upon all that is called God, or worships, likening him unto the temple of
Godship alike God sits, revealing himself related exists God. Remember you
not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now you
know what withholds that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery
of iniquity does already work, only he who now lets will let, until he be
taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Adown
shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the
brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of
Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all
deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish, because they received
not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause
their God shall send them strong delusion, so that they should believe a
lie, so that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had
pleasure in unrighteousness. But we are bound to give thanks always to God
for you, brethren beloved of the Adown, because God has from the beginning
chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of
the truth."

Jeremiah 2:11-14

"Has a nation changed their Gods, which are yet not Gods? But my people have
changed their glory for that which does not profit. Be astonished, O you
heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be you very desolate, says
Jehovah, for my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the
fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns,
that can hold no water, is Israel a servant? Is he a homeborn slave? Why is
he spoiled?"

These Jewish and Christian end time nuts that claim that they have to starve
and or kill people, and take the so called Holy Land for Israel because they
have to rebuild the Temple of Solomon before the Messiah can come or return,
they are the antichrists that deceived the whole world, and will destroy
anyone's credit, and not let anyone they disapprove of, buy and or sell, as
they make manmade famines to starve people to death, and they make War
commanding fire to fall from heaven in the sight of all men, at will, and
the mark of the beast, 666, means that they do these works by their our
soul's imagination, as with their lips they profess God, but they are not
acquainted with him and do none of his works, and they kill the living
temple of God caught between them in all of their deliberately confusing
conflicts built upon lies.

For the Creator laid his uniquely begotten son as the foundation stone of
the new Temple, as the new covenant, and they cannot tell the difference
between the Creator and his son, and they cannot tell that the most high
does not dwell in Temples made by hands, for them acquainted with the
omnipresent Creator believe his voice, and they receive his non-omnipresent
son as the promised Salvation, and they become living stones of the true
holy Temple wherein the most high dwells.

But those deceivers build temples with their hands and worship the works of
their hands, as they persecute and kill the living temple of God.

1 Corinthians 3:16 -17 "Know you not that you are the temple of God, and
that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If any man defile the temple of God,
him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple you are."

How shall they know what time it is for anything done under the sun if they
are not acquainted with the Spirit of God our Creator? For his son's return
is not known by the son nor the angels of God, but is known by the father

Who can interpret dreams and visions by the Spirit within due time and
season? Is it Plagiarism of another man's works, since it is just a few
quoted verses, or is it God-breathed by Spirit within due time and season?
Yep, you will be the judge, and if my words are God-breathed by Spirit
within due time and season, within the due time and season of that last day,
my word will be the judge of you, whether you be good or evil, and if I have
spoken presumptuously, in that last day your words may be the judge of me!

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the
heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to
pluck up that which is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time
to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time
to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from
embracing; a time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to
cast away; a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a
time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time
of peace."

"A time to scatter, and a time to gather."

When I was in King's County, Seattle Washington, I was yet homeless, so I
bought a van from the Taproot Theater, and I made my bed there, and I slept
until morning when I awoke with no place left to rest my head upon my bed,
and I found myself in a vision, and behold earth was no more, and heaven was
open, and the Son of David appeared within the cloud, standing with a clean
shaven face, having longer than shoulder length hair, wearing a one piece
white robe, standing head and shoulders above Joseph, holding Joseph about
the waist with his two arms crossed about the midst of Joseph's back,
holding him with Joseph's face and his two arms hidden, as Joseph rest his
bald head upon the breast of the Son of David, standing with his two legs
hidden behind Joseph's two legs and two feet that hung below the cloud, and
Joseph was dressed in a two part garment, a blue shirt that covered his
trunk, and blue pants that covered his hind parts down unto his two white
tennis shoes. And when I saw the vision, I cried out, "Ok, where is God?"
When all of a sudden I realized that it was I that Jesus was holding within
the vision, as I rest my head and hid my face upon his breast, and I found
myself within the vision within invisibleness in all directions, and then I
realized, God can be seen by nobody at any time, and within him within every
time we all dwell, and within every time the Word which became flesh within
due time and season, is always revealed within the bosom of the Father, and
they declare one the other. And then I found myself upon my bed, resting in,
and rejoicing within the Father of our Lord revealed by the Spirit of

And that night yet homeless, I fell asleep within the van that I bought from
the Taproot Theater, and I slept until morning when I awoke with no place
left to rest my head upon my bed, and I found myself in a vision, and there
appeared a great field of well kept grass, and the Spirit laid me upon the
grass of Ephraim, and I looked unto the south, and there was a well built
red barn with white trim, and behold the barn leaned southward ready to
fall, and I cried out, "I am a carpenter, I can raise it up again!" And the
Spirit caught me up and carried me northward and laid me upon the grass the
grass of Ephraim, next to a rock wall that enclosed the grass field, with a
great grove of trees within the midst, and amidst the grove of trees there
was a well built rock farmhouse, and when I saw it, I cried out, "Maybe I
should redeem it for my own!" When the Spirit picked me up and carried me
straight through the wall of the rock farmhouse, and when inside the women
with long hair that were bent over searching their baggage, stopped
searching and stood up next to their baggage, and they all looked up at me
expecting to receive something. Hear O Israel, within my body as cup, the
Father has always been there, and he sent his Son within as my cup, my
silver cup whereby I drink and divine, Says Jehovah of hosts. "Open your
mouths wide and breath in, and I will fill it, and there will be no strange
God within you, I am Jehovah that delivered Israel from the land of Egypt."
And I found myself upon my bed, resting in, and rejoicing within the
Redeemer of Israel, Jehovah of hosts whom Redeemed us all by the blood of
our Lord revealed by the Spirit of Prophecy.

And that night yet homeless, I fell asleep within the van that I bought from
the Taproot Theater, and I slept until morning when I awoke within a vision
as the Spirit laid me upon the sand of the holy hill Zion, and to the south
standing upon the sand, the right bare foot and leg of the Angel that stood
so tall that is all I could see of him, and to the north where his left leg
should be, there grew up out of the sand a great thorn bush that grew so
tall I could not see the top, and when I looked at the trunk, a great scroll
rolled out of the trunk of the thorn bush, and when I leaned to look into
the scroll, the thorn bush and the scroll burst into flames but burned not,
and the flames entered my face and caused it to shine. And I found myself
upon my bed, resting in, and rejoicing within Jehovah whom reveled the thorn
bush of Moses, and the Angel that dwelt within it for Joseph, the heir by
birthright of the house of Israel, for he has revealed the holy hill Zion to
the heir by birthright within his due time and season, to restore the
Kingdom unto Israel, and reconcile all unto Jehovah, by the King of the
house of David, unto whom was given the tribe of Benjamin our Fellowheir,
unto whom the Gentiles were given as Fellowheirs.

I entered the house to hear the word of Jehovah, and I sat next to the east
wall, and when I heard of David hiding within the woods as the minister
stood up yelling, "who can tell when Joseph will rise up?" As the window of
heaven open, and the house became filled with the darkness of the night, and
there appeared a great field within amidst the darkness of the night, and
amidst the field appeared a huddle of five men all dressed the same, all
wearing black sackcloth under their skin, all bent down working upon the
same thing, and suddenly there blew down out of the north a great whirling
wind, with whirling two edged tongues that swill down upon them, as Joseph
began to rise up over them eating hand to mouth cleaning and shaving his
face, as the four men rose up and began to scatter southward like drunken
men, as the great whirling wind chased them with no place to hide within all
the earth, as they weep and howled for the misery that came upon them, and
one of them came running up to me weeping and howling as their name, Belial,
appeared within his fore head, and Joseph in the vision began to turn his
back upon the and first turned westward and stood upon his two feet, and
then he turned northward and walked up north and stood in fear and tremble
looking up northward as a two edged tail of the great whirling wind swirl
about the crown of his bald head, and began filling him on the inside from
the crown of his bald head down unto his feet, until he was the fullest
filled. Like Joseph saw himself within the visions, so did I, and Jehovah
and the Lord Jesus are about to bring this one to pass. The men of Belial
are religious people that are not acquainted with Jehovah or his Son Jesus.

Love and prayers

In service of God and Country

<Joseph> wrote in message news:Ye-
> What is the buying power of Gold, is it stable?

Against what currency?

Gold prices are currently about $670 U.S. But they were that price in 1970.
When the U.S. dollar was worth many times what it is today. So over that
time period anyone investing in gold would have lost thier shirts.

Over the 7 years however, gold prices have remained reasonably stable
against world currancies, and as the U.S. dollar has lost half it's value,
and AmeriKKKa has lost half it's wealth, gold has doubled in price against
the U.S. dollar.

You can find a nice chart showing how rapidly AmeriKKKa has lost half it's
wealth, here.
"Vendicar Decarian" <> wrote in message
> <Joseph> wrote in message news:Ye-
>> What is the buying power of Gold, is it stable?

> Against what currency?
> Gold prices are currently about $670 U.S. But they were that price in
> 1970. When the U.S. dollar was worth many times what it is today. So over
> that time period anyone investing in gold would have lost thier shirts.
> Over the 7 years however, gold prices have remained reasonably stable
> against world currancies, and as the U.S. dollar has lost half it's value,
> and AmeriKKKa has lost half it's wealth, gold has doubled in price against
> the U.S. dollar.
> You can find a nice chart showing how rapidly AmeriKKKa has lost half it's
> wealth, here.

On this 30 year history chart, this is what I think Gold prices are about to
do, in Jan 1980 Gold peaked to near where it is now, and by Jan 1981, it had
dropped more than half it's buying power. All these Gold commercials are for
dumping the Gold on suckers before the Gold price drops from $670 to about
$335 an ounce. That is why I say buying Gold right now may be risky.

In service of God and Country

<Joseph> wrote
> On this 30 year history chart, this is what I think Gold prices are about
> to do, in Jan 1980 Gold peaked to near where it is now, and by Jan 1981,
> it had dropped more than half it's buying power. All these Gold
> commercials are for dumping the Gold on suckers before the Gold price
> drops from $670 to about $335 an ounce. That is why I say buying Gold
> right now may be risky.

There is a nice inflation calculator at

It shows that the U.S. dollar has decreased in value by a factor of 2.5 over
the last 27 years. So gold a gold investment at $700 in 1980 held until
today, would have lost
60% of it's value. But this is a lot better than in gold in 2000 which
would have had lost 80% of it's value.

The relative increase in the value of gold over the last 7 years is due to
the decline in value of the AmeriKKKan dollar to about 40% of it's 2000
value. This also represents a loss of value of the entier AmeriKKKan state
by 40% over the Bush Administration.
"Vendicar Decarian" <> wrote in message
> <Joseph> wrote
>> On this 30 year history chart, this is what I think Gold prices are about
>> to do, in Jan 1980 Gold peaked to near where it is now, and by Jan 1981,
>> it had dropped more than half it's buying power. All these Gold
>> commercials are for dumping the Gold on suckers before the Gold price
>> drops from $670 to about $335 an ounce. That is why I say buying Gold
>> right now may be risky.

> There is a nice inflation calculator at
> It shows that the U.S. dollar has decreased in value by a factor of 2.5
> over the last 27 years. So gold a gold investment at $700 in 1980 held
> until today, would have lost
> 60% of it's value. But this is a lot better than in gold in 2000 which
> would have had lost 80% of it's value.
> The relative increase in the value of gold over the last 7 years is due to
> the decline in value of the AmeriKKKan dollar to about 40% of it's 2000
> value. This also represents a loss of value of the entier AmeriKKKan
> state by 40% over the Bush Administration.

That is the whole point I am making, with the Fed printing more money, the
inflation raises the cost of living, but with the dollar deflating in value,
if you were working at minimum wage before, now you are not, because you
only have half the buying power, so right now a person making $10.00 an hour
actually has the buying power equal to what minimum wage was.

Then no one can figure out why these working people are taking and doing
burglaries or robberies just trying to survive. But look where the are going
to raise minimum wage from $5.20 to what $7.20, how is that going to help
the poor when $10.00 an hour right now has deflated to less buying power
than minimum wage was 27 years ago or in 1960 and inflation is still going

In service of God and Country

<Joseph> wrote
> That is the whole point I am making, with the Fed printing more money, the
> inflation raises the cost of living, but with the dollar deflating in
> value, if you were working at minimum wage before, now you are not,
> because you only have half the buying power, so right now a person making
> $10.00 an hour actually has the buying power equal to what minimum wage
> was.

The loss of value in the U.S. dollar has little to do with the printing of
more money over the long term and nothing over the last 7 years.

The value of the U.S. dollar and the U.S. state has declined as a result
of the U.S. becoming more and more of an economic basket case.

AmeriKKKa exports nothing of consequence and is increasingly seen as
having nothing but continued decline in it's economic future.

Investing in AmeriKKKa is flushing your money down the toilet.

<Joseph> wrote
> Then no one can figure out why these working people are taking and doing
> burglaries or robberies just trying to survive. But look where the are
> going to raise minimum wage from $5.20 to what $7.20, how is that going to
> help the poor when $10.00 an hour right now has deflated to less buying
> power than minimum wage was 27 years ago or in 1960 and inflation is still
> going up?

The AmeriKKKan people enslaved themselves to corporate interests and now
corporate governance. Now you are just beginning to realize that you are
being milked by those corporations who have all mostly scrambled off to
foreign lands under the rules of conduct that you allowed them to create for

You have only yourselves to blame.