Re: Boy who fled with teacher may be eligible to return to U.S.



On Nov 11, 6:24 pm, "johnny@." <johnny@.> wrote:
> Associated Press
> 11/11/2007
> OMAHA, Neb. (AP) -- The 13-year-old boy who fled to Mexico with a
> Nebraska schoolteacher could be eligible to return to the United States
> under a new visa the government started granting the week before he
> disappeared.
> The new visa would let the boy, who was an illegal immigrant in
> Lexington, Neb., live legally in the United States for four years and
> eventually apply for permanent residency. It would also extend temporary
> residency to his parents and his unmarried siblings under 18, if they
> applied for it.
> "It's a win-win," U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services spokeswoman
> Marilu Cabrera said of the so-called "U" visa. "It helps us and law
> enforcement be able to solve a crime, and it certainly helps the
> individual who is a victim of a crime."
> Certain crime victims who are illegal immigrants qualify for the visa.
> Sexual abuse, rape and sexual exploitation are among the crimes covered.
> A conviction would not be necessary, Cabrera said.
> "It doesn't matter what the outcome of the case is as long as they
> cooperate," she said.
> A law enforcement agency, prosecutor or judge in the Peterson case would
> have to vouch for the boy and say he helped in investigating or
> prosecuting Peterson in order for the boy to qualify.
> There seems to be no way to get rid of these God Damned Mexicans!

"A good illegal alien is a dead illegal alien." Why any benefits for
criminal trash?
