Tim Bruening
> Michael Balarama <mbalar@ev1.net> wrote in message
> news:vo0as5scksg820@corp.supernews.com...
> >
> > "Kathy" <tnktkachuk3@cogeco.ca> wrote in message
> > news:t4Ufb.4853$733.292864@read1.cgocable.net...
> > > Courier: They gave me the runaround.
> >
> > he could not scratch out a living
> >
> Who? An engraver or a flea exterminator?
> Sewer worker: Got fed up with being shat on by everybody.
> Postman: Didn't like delivery of de vans and de uniform.
> Producer: Went impotent.
> Snooker player: Suddenly realised the game was a load of *****!
Flower cleaner: Business wilted.
VX: A chemical weapon that affects vampires.